The glory of the king

Chapter 246 Farewell

Chapter 246 Farewell
As for... that little guy who doesn't know the gender, I don't know if he will like the jade pendant that my brother bought for him (her)...

Maybe buy a few packs of spicy strips, he (she) will like it more?

... After buying the small gifts for these three people, he will naturally not forget his father.

Li Ting likes to read books, and yearns for Chang'an City even more. When Chang'an buys him a Chang'an special sword and a few classic books, he should be so excited that he will cry.

He was secretly happy in his heart, but as soon as he returned to reality, the huge contrast between the two scenes turned into a strong longing, rushing to his heart, making him extremely uncomfortable.

It took him a long time to sort out his emotions, then looked at the girl in the red skirt who had been silently by his side all the time, and asked, "Is there anything you like?"

Ning Xuan shyly shook her head and said, "Xuan'er wants... I want you to help me choose."

"You didn't take a fancy to the heartbeat yourself?"

Peasley asked with a smile.

Ning Xuan shook her head: "Xuan'er belongs to the young master, and she wears clothes for the young master to see. Only when the young master says she looks good can she really look good."

Hearing this, Pisili suddenly felt warm in his heart.Then, under Ning Xuan's expectant eyes, she said: "Okay, I will choose with you."

Afterwards, Peasley accompanied this girl who made him care more and more, and carefully selected for a long time before buying her a necklace made of platinum with colorful phoenix patterns.

Peasley personally put on the necklace for the girl, and took advantage of the opportunity to kiss her lightly on the forehead... The girl's face was immediately filled with blissful shyness——

After leaving the jewelry store, Pisley asked Ning Xuan to go back to the palace first, while he went to Jixia Academy.

The last time I went to Jixia Academy, I didn't want to go to the 34th floor, but there was another person there, and I hadn't said goodbye to her yet.

After leaving this time, it may be several years or even more than ten years, and we may not be able to meet each other...

After passing a wall, Peasley walked into the sky-high pavilion.

The first floor of the attic.

Before he walked in, Peasley could smell the strong fragrance of books and ink wafting out of it.

After walking in, the fragrance of books and ink has faded a bit.

Looking through the rows of bookshelves, the young man saw a graceful figure, who was practicing calligraphy gracefully.

This person is naturally the beautiful teacher who has an unusual relationship with Pisley - Mu Ayane.

Peasley didn't call her, but looked at the "spiritual incense" by the window sill and the white smoke rising from it.

Peasley was a little surprised, this was the first time in so many years that he saw Mu Lingyin lighting the incense while practicing calligraphy.

Because the usual Mu Lingyin is definitely more focused than anyone else when practicing calligraphy.

It is really not easy to wake her up from the state of practicing calligraphy.

Often someone came up behind her and patted her on the shoulder, but she might not be able to respond.

But what happened today?It seems that you still need to use calming incense to calm down and write?
What is it, or who is it, that makes her, a bookworm, unable to enter a state of ecstasy when she is doing her favorite thing?
Pisley quietly walked behind Mu Lingyin, wanting to see what he wrote on the paper.

But when he saw the pen in Mu Lingyin's hand, it was the one he bought for her before [Piaoxu]

For some reason, a gleam of joy rose in my heart.

However, when he saw what she had written on the paper with [Piaoxu], he was at a loss.I saw the beautiful teacher write six words neatly on the paper:
"Mu Zi Qi Jin towel again."

After writing these six words, the beautiful teacher suddenly smiled with satisfaction, picked up the paper, and admired it carefully.

Peasley pinched his chin, nodded, and said:
"The characters are good characters, but what is the meaning of these six characters?"

Hearing the boy's voice, Mu Lingyin held the words she had just written in her arms like an electric shock, and at the same time looked back at the speaker in horror.

"You! When did you come?"

Peasley rubbed his head: "Just when you were writing, what's the matter, didn't I often appear from behind you before! Why is there such a big reaction today?"

When Mu Lingyin heard the words, she immediately realized her gaffe.

She used her hands to pull a strand of black hair from her temples behind her ears, and then said calmly:
"It's nothing, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night, so I'm a little restless today."

Peasley didn't think much, just nodded silently.

Seeing that the young man didn't speak, Mu Lingyin couldn't help but sneak a glance at the other party, but found that the other party was staring at her, she quickly lowered her eyes again, a faint blush appeared on her fair cheeks.

"Have you eaten lunch?" Mu Lingyin asked softly.

Peasley nodded: "I have eaten. However, this should be the last lunch I had in Chaoge."

"Oh." Mu Lingyin nodded, but the next second, she was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head, looked at the other party in a daze, and asked with a trembling voice, "What did you just say?"

Peasley smiled wryly, "You heard me right, I'm... to say goodbye to you."

"Tell..." Mu Lingyin hesitated to speak, a trace of sadness flashed across her face, but it was replaced by a light smile in the blink of an eye, "Yes, is it... are you leaving so soon?"


Looking back on the past ten years, Peasley vaguely remembered the first time he came to Chaoge, as if not too long had passed.

You can't easily look back at such things as Shaohua, because once you look back, you will find that time goes by so fast and there are so many blanks in life, which makes people feel as if years of time have really been wasted.

From the time I was born to the present, it seems that I have not done a few truly meaningful things, and I am already 15 years old...

But the torment accumulated over the past ten years is still real.

Peasley sighed softly, looked at the piece of paper on which the other party was still hugging, and said softly:
"After I leave, you have to take care of yourself. Especially beware of that guy Zhang Zhao! He has always had bad intentions for you, so don't be deceived by him to go anywhere in the future.

Don't touch the food and drink he gives you.There is no guarantee that there is some medicine in it!

Also, you are a Glory Warrior, and the government gives you a lot of subsidies every month, so don't buy so many expensive pens, inks, papers and inkstones, save some for yourself to buy more food and clothing!
Look at you, you are as thin as a bone spirit.Also, you..."

Peasley was talking vigorously, but when he raised his head, he suddenly saw the beautiful teacher looking at him with a pair of watery eyes, and his words froze when he reached his mouth.

He closed his mouth, exhaled through his nose, and asked with a smile, "Why are you crying?"

Hearing this, Mu Lingyin wiped her eyes vigorously with her sleeves, and said in a faintly weeping voice:
"I didn't cry, it was because you just splashed my saliva in my eyes!"

(End of this chapter)

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