The glory of the king

Chapter 249 Raising your head 3 feet, there is a god

Chapter 249: Raise your head three feet, there is a god

However, Peasley was still very happy to get another King's Artifact.

"The teacher's kindness is unforgettable to the students. Now that the students have left, they can no longer serve the teacher. I hope the teacher will forgive me."

The master waved his hand, and a trace of loneliness that no one noticed flashed in his eyes:

"It's okay. I've lived alone for countless years. To me, this time is nothing more than a flick of a finger. Besides, this is just a temporary farewell, not a permanent farewell. There is no need to make it so painful."

Hearing this, Peasley nodded with a wry smile.In the end, he bowed to the master again, and then led Ning Xuan, resolutely walked towards the palace gate.

Seeing the figure of the young man leaving, the master couldn't help sighing:
"There are quite a few dangers along the way. Although I have confidence in my students, I still hope that you can get through it safely."

After speaking, there was another long and long sigh, and the sigh was quite meaningful——

In Chaoge City, countless people come and go every day.

But today, at the southern city gate of Chaoge, there is a long queue of merchants slowly driving out of the city gate.

Almost every month, one or two such caravans go to the south of the merchant country to do business.

Therefore, at this time, the number of soldiers guarding the gate of the city is often doubled.

However, although the number of soldiers has doubled, it is just a pretense. As long as the caravan pays the money that should be given, these city gate guards will basically not interfere with these caravans and let them pass directly.

Peasley just wanted to take this opportunity to get mixed up in the convoy and leave.

At this moment, in a carriage at the back of the caravan, Peasley and Ning Xuan were sitting in the carriage, quietly waiting for the carriage to slowly drive out of the city gate.

On the front of their carriage was a small chess piece with the word "Liu" engraved on it.It was they and the caravan surnamed Liu who rented a carriage at a high price and mixed in with their convoy.

Through the curtain of the car window, Peasley saw that the towering South City Gate was close at hand.

At this moment, his heart is no longer in this Chaoge City, but he is drifting across the ocean, to the place he wants to go...

Just when Peasley had the idea of ​​leaving urgently, a burst of hurried hoofbeats sounded behind him, and then a thick voice exploded over the convoy:
"Your Majesty's urgent order! Your Majesty's urgent order! Detain all the convoys this morning! All those who have not left the city gate retreat, and all those who have left the city gate are recovered! Anyone who violates the law will be killed!!"

When Peasley in the carriage heard this, he frowned and glanced at Ning Xuan inadvertently.

This glance frightened the bewildered Ning Xuan. She knelt in the carriage and said in panic:
"My lord, it wasn't Xuan'er who told me the secret! Xuan'er is already with you now, how could you betray your son and yourself?"

Feeling the stopped carriage and the sound of hooves in his ears, Peasley reached out and rubbed Ning Xuan's head:
"I didn't suspect you, get up quickly. Di Xin is not a fool, he must have found out that I was leaving Chaoge through some other means.

And it should have been discovered this morning, otherwise they wouldn't have sent people to chase them until now.Let's get up and figure out a way. "

Seeing that Peasley believed her, Ning Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, sat back next to Peasley, and said:
"Now the convoy is banned from traveling, but they will have to go back to the previous convoy in a while, and they will definitely be in a hurry.

The city gate is not far away, how about we take advantage of the chaos and rush out? "

Peasley opened a gap in the curtain, looking at the smoke and dust from the trampling of countless horses' hooves, and the city gate that was close at hand.

He nodded, gritted his teeth, took Ning Xuan's little hand and was about to rush out of the carriage.

However, at this moment, the ground suddenly trembled violently.

Peasley opened the curtains and saw countless people looking up at the sky.

Peasley also looked at the sky, and saw seven large characters of different colors floating in the sky above the palace: "There are gods three feet up."


These seven three-dimensional characters revolve around the palace, a city within a city, and they are like seven bombs that will fall at any time, blowing the thirteen checkpoints outside the palace to pieces.

Peasley looked at this poem, and the image of an old beggar suddenly appeared in his mind.

It was the guy named Mu Yi who owed him a lot of money.

Didn't Mu Yi once write this poem in front of the Jixia Academy, which made Pisley discover that he is not simple?

But at this moment, why did this poem suddenly turn into seven huge three-dimensional characters, floating above the palace?

Although it is not clear whether this has something to do with Mu Yi, but such a big change happened, but Pisley likes it.

The common people didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, but the soldiers who surrounded the merchant convoy panicked!

And a general in golden armor who was leading these soldiers was looking at the seven big characters with gloomy eyes.

"General Dou Rong! The palace is under attack, shall we go back to support?"

General Jin Jia shook his head:

"It doesn't matter! The thirteen checkpoints in the palace are not for vegetarians, and there is a master sitting in the innermost part of the palace, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Our task here is equally important, if we let Mr. Li Xiao escape, we will also bear the blame! "

After saying this, General Jin Jia turned his head, and beckoned to the rest of the soldiers to start a careful inspection of each caravan.

However, at this moment, the earth trembled violently again!
General Jin Jia turned his head suddenly, and saw the first of the seven characters "Ju" suddenly hit the palace, and an invisible barrier completely protected the palace.

The word "ju" was broken, but the transparent barrier also produced violent waves, as if it would break at any moment!
However, such a strong vibration can be transmitted from such a long distance.

Then how terrible the vibration will be at the center of the vibration?

There was a trace of worry in the eyes of General Jinjia.Who is so bold, dare to attack the palace?
Judging by the skill of the other party, I am afraid that at least a strong person at the peak level of Xingyao can do it, right?
The first character "Ju" failed, and then the second character "Head" turned into an astonishingly powerful cannonball and hit the palace barrier heavily.

This time, the shock felt here became stronger, and even the light on the palace barrier dimmed a lot.

Maybe the next word can smash this barrier!
At this moment, General Jin Jia was finally disturbed by deep worries, and there was a little more hesitation in his heart.

He was the bodyguard guarding the palace, and he only came out to handle errands after receiving an urgent order from Di Xin.Otherwise, he should be the one who usually guards the palace.

Just when Dou Rong was worried, the third character "three" slammed into the shield of the palace again.

(End of this chapter)

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