The glory of the king

Chapter 250 Finding a Needle in a Haystack

Chapter 250 Finding a Needle in a Haystack
There was another shock like a magnitude [-] earthquake, and then, under the horrified eyes of countless people, the palace shield unexpectedly shattered!
The uneasiness in General Jinjia's heart has risen to the extreme at this moment, he seems to see the scene of countless strong men in the palace spurting out a mouthful of blood the moment the shield is broken.

Each of these seven characters has the power of a king!Every word is a terrifying attack from the king!
It stands to reason that the master in the palace should stand up and defend at this moment!However, at this time, the master did not see any movement, it seemed to be done on purpose!

General Jin Jia couldn't restrain his worry anymore, he turned his head and yelled at all the soldiers who were investigating: "Pass my order! Call back all the forbidden troops! Return to the palace!"


The overwhelming sound rang out, which showed how many people the palace had dispatched to prevent Pisley from leaving this time.

Some people may think that someone took advantage of the emptiness of the palace guards to attack the palace.

Peasley in the carriage finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the soldiers and horses retreating back to the palace like the sea tide ebbing.

At this moment, a faint stench floated by, Peasley looked through the curtains, just in time to see the old beggar named "Mu Yi" pass their carriage, and smiled meaningfully at him .

Peasley immediately understood that it was indeed Mu Yi who was secretly helping him.

In addition, the master in the palace did not help the palace defend the enemy in order to let him leave safely.The soldiers who forced him to pursue him had to retreat.

It seems that I used to help this old beggar a lot, but in the end I helped him.

Therefore, if a person can do good deeds, he must do as many good deeds as possible. Maybe the grandmother you accidentally helped cross the road is the mother of the chairman of a certain group.

Maybe a gluttonous child you gave a spicy stick is the illegitimate child of a rich man.

Your kind deeds may not be rewarded with good results.But if you do more, there will always be one or two things that will bring you unexpected rewards.

Peasley looked at the other party, but doubts arose in his heart.

To be able to write a few words with a pen can break the shield of the palace, which requires all kinds of terrifying power?

Isn't this old beggar who usually doesn't show his mountains and dews, just like an ordinary person, the strongest king?
Pease wanted to ask, but the old beggar was humming a little tune, and drifted away unsteadily.

Peasley sighed softly, and he could only rejoice in his heart that he didn't have a bad relationship with this guy. Although this guy often annoyed him, the relationship between them was still good.

Peasley didn't think much, put down the car curtain, and began to wait quietly.

He is not in a hurry, he knows that it is certain that he will leave Chaoge this time.

As Peasley expected, the dragon-like caravan blocked the city gate, and the people entering and leaving were getting more and more crowded. It was still early in the morning, and if we waited until noon, the entire south gate would be blocked!
Seeing this situation, the generals guarding the city gate dared not continue to delay, so they had to let the caravan pass quickly to clear the south gate and relieve the current congestion.

Through the curtain, Peasley watched himself with his own eyes, coming out of the giant beast's mouth.

A feeling of being lifted from the shackles immediately filled my heart.


in the palace.

There was only a sound of "bang", and a purple gold sand pot came into close contact with the ground, and it was broken into countless slags.

Di Xin was wearing pajamas, looking angrily at the golden armor general who was kneeling in front of him, and shouted:

"I asked you to chase Li Sipi back to me, who told you to come back!"

General Dou Rong in golden armor knelt on one knee, lowered his head, and remained silent.

Beside him, Hu Ximei also lowered her head with a shameful expression on her face.

Seeing Di Xin angrily scolding General Jinjia, she was so frightened that she knelt on the ground, crying:

"Your Majesty, it's all the concubine's fault. It's the concubine's lax discipline that made Ning Xuan, the little bitch, not only not inform us that Mr. Xiao wanted to leave, but instead ran away with Mr. Xiao."

Seeing his beloved woman kneeling on the ground, the expression on Di Xin's face suddenly softened a little, and he quickly stretched out his hand to help Hu Ximei up:

"Beauty doesn't have to be like this, it's not your fault that Ning Xuan rebelled. After all, we trained her in a cold-blooded way, how can it compare to Li Sipi's tenderness to capture the other's heart!

It's not your fault, it's my mistake.I never thought that Li Sipi would think of leaving Chaoge one day.

I wanted to keep him by my side as a dog to serve me, but now the dog broke off the chain and ran away, no wonder it's because of you, Aifei.

If you want to blame, blame these incompetent subordinates! "

General Jin Jia still lowered his head and remained silent.But in his eyes looking at the ground, there was a bewildered light shining.

He was worried about the emperor's safety, so he came back to escort him desperately.He lived and died for the emperor, but he is not as good as a woman's sweet talk, so it is really chilling.

If things go on like this, the country will not be the country!
However, Di Xin scolded him a few more times and expelled him from the bedroom.

The attack on the palace did not cause any casualties.

Of the seven characters floating in the sky, only three fell down.The other four have been floating in the sky, but they didn't hit them, they were just a deterrent.

By noon, these four words gradually faded until they disappeared.This made the guards on the thirteen checkpoints who had been waiting in full force secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, the caravan that left in the morning had already moved away from Chaoge.

It is obviously impossible to chase Pisley back again.After all, the country of Shang has a vast territory, and it is still as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack to find just two people among the billions of people in the vast territory.

As for Master's failure to help this time, Di Xin couldn't blame him either.

After all, Master has a noble status, and although he didn't make a move explicitly, it's not like he didn't make a move at all. At least the other four words didn't come down, maybe it was because Master was in the palace.

Of course, Di Xin is not stupid, Master's students leave, and Master, as a teacher, must know.

But the master let it go, obviously he didn't intend to let this student work for his Emperor Xin's Shang country.

If it weren't for the strength of the opponent and the close interest relationship with himself, he would have expelled the master from the Shang Kingdom long ago.

After all, the opponent controlled the Jixia Academy, and most of the high-quality talents who graduated from the Jixia Academy were recruited by him to work for him.

This is also the main reason why his country is powerful despite its obscene style.

Li Sipi left, and Di Xin's win-win plan fell through, and he even paid Ning Xuan, a stunner.

Although he was very annoyed, there was nothing he could do, so he had to let this matter go temporarily.

(End of this chapter)

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