The glory of the king

Chapter 275 Li Siqi, Shaqima's Qi

Chapter 275 Li Siqi, Shaqima's Qi

"Also, your thinking is too feudal! Who said that girls marry someone else's family?
When most girls get married, they will find a way to get money from their husband's family to send money to their mother's family, okay?

Just talk about my mother, how much money is secretly taken from my father every year to subsidize her natal family!My dad turned a blind eye to it.

Besides, even if you don't want your younger sister to marry in the future, with your strength now compared to ten years ago, you can definitely help your younger sister find a son-in-law!
I believe that your parents will also be very happy to have their daughter by their side.

At that time, with you as a big boss and your younger sister as a little boss, it will be an honor to join your Li family, isn't it? "

Hearing Bai Sichong's exaggerated words, Pisley wanted to say something else, but suddenly, he came to his senses and asked in shock: "You bastard, does it mean that my sister... Just a little guy without a handle?"

Bai Sichong chuckled: "You're so green, your reaction is so slow that it can compare with your speed!"

"It's really my sister?" Peasley showed a surprised expression, and he didn't care about Bai Sichong insulting him any more.

Bai Sichong was stunned: "Didn't your tone just now mean that you don't want a younger sister?"

Peasley chuckled lightly and said, "That's what you say, but whether it's a younger brother or a younger sister, I, the older brother, like them all! As long as they're not bisexual, that's fine."

Bai Sichong: "..."

Ning Xuan: "..."

Peasley: "That's right! What's her name? What does she look like? Is she half as good-looking as me?"

Bai Sichong gave the other party a contemptuous look, and said, "Her name is Li Siqi, Qi from Shaqima."

"Li Siqi, Shaqima's Qi... Li Sipi, the skin of the melon..." Pisley repeated the name in a murmur. For some reason, he felt that the name of his sister sounded particularly comfortable.

He clearly remembered that his grandfather, whom he had never met, said that boys were called Li Sipi and girls were called Li Ruoning.

My parents went against the wishes of their elders and named such a name that sounds very similar to my own name.

There must be his reasons.

Li Ting and Tao Tiantian probably integrated their longing for their son into their daughter's name.

In this way, every time I recall this name, it is as if I am calling my own son...

Peasley's eyes were slightly red, and he really wished that he had a pair of wings and could fly back to his parents with a "whoosh"...

Just when Pease was thinking about these things, Bai Sichong continued Peaseley's question and said:

"As for your question about what your sister looks like... Do you think your mother is so beautiful, your father is so handsome, and you are so ugly, would your sister be worse?"

In Peasley's heart, a grass-mud horse ran past.This fat man, why is his mouth so poisonous?

But on the surface, he still breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I can rest assured."

Bai Sichong: "???"

Seeing the confused expression on Fatty's face, Peasley smiled and said, "I don't recognize her who is ugly."

Bai Sichong was momentarily at a loss for words, and for a long while didn't know what to say.And the elder brother thinks his younger sister is ugly?

Isn't it usually the younger sister who thinks her brother is not handsome enough?
Peasley: "That's right! Why did you come to Chaoge? Could it be that you want to go to the brothel in the abandoned city to taste the top brand?"

Bai Sichong's eyes lit up: "Don't tell me I haven't remembered yet! Why, do women from Chaoge have better taste and skills than women from Huang Quanguo?"

Peasley shook his head: "I really don't know that."

Bai Sichong looked at him with contempt: "Old Tie, don't pretend to be innocent, okay? We are all men. I don't know your virtues yet? Miss Ning Xuan, do you think so?"

Ning Xuan smiled softly: "My son has never been to a brothel."

Bai Sichong showed an expression of disbelief: "I don't believe it. How can you be sure that this guy has never been to a brothel? Maybe he went in quietly before you knew it, and then came out in 5 minutes?"

Peasley: "..."

Ning Xuan opened her mouth, but stopped talking.Then he stole a glance at Peasley, but stopped talking.

Seeing the wretched smile on Bai Sichong's face, Pisley sighed softly and said, "Actually...before I met Ning Xuan, I was still a virgin..."

Bai Sichong was taken aback for a moment, and then an unbelievable expression appeared in his eyes...

Because the implication of the boy's words is that after meeting Ning Xuan, he is no longer a virgin.

Bai Sichong looked at Ning Xuan, and found that the girl was blushing and lowering her head, further proving the truth of this matter.

"Brother... I can understand you. A hero is sad for a beauty. But, I think this matter is more serious than you going to a brothel!

After all, the brothel is just a place to buy and sell flesh.But you and Miss Ning Xuan... this is not a business relationship...

If Xiaohe knew... I'm afraid she would be a little sad. " Bai Sichong said very sincerely.

Peasley's eyes dimmed a bit, and everyone knew that he was really sorry for Liu Qinghe in this matter.

But the matter has come to this point, he will not give up easily, he will find Liu Qinghe, and ask her if she is willing to forgive himself.

If you can't forgive, he won't force it, but let go and bless him.

But if Xiaohe is willing to forgive him, he will double the compensation, and he will use the rest of his life to repay the vacancy of these ten years!
"! Don't be discouraged! Although you are really sorry for her by doing this, but for a girl as good as Xiaohe, if she is humiliated by other pigs, I really don't want to be humiliated by you. I can rest assured!"

Peasley knew it well, knowing that it was useless to think about it here, so he didn't think about it any further.

But I heard Bai Sichong continue to say leisurely: "Alas... Actually, Kang Jian and I liked Xiaohe quite a lot when we were young, but we didn't expect you to sleep with Xiaohe within a few days after we came here. Miss Ning Xuan, Do you think this guy is awesome?"

Ning Xuan blinked her curious eyes and asked with a smile, "How old were you at that time?"

"Only five years old." Bai Sichong said with a bit of righteous indignation, pouted.

Ning Xuan covered her mouth and said with a smile: "You guys already know how to love at the age of five?"

Bai Sichong chuckled: "Children today understand everything when they are very young! Even if they don't say it out loud, most of them understand it in their hearts.

After all, our parents think we don’t understand, and sometimes they do things in front of us without any hindrance. After a long time, no matter how ignorant they are, they will more or less understand what it means. "

Ning Xuan showed a dazed expression.

"By the way! Kang Jian! You mentioned Kang Jian just now, how is Kang Jian doing now?" Peasley obviously would not forget his third roommate.

(End of this chapter)

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