The glory of the king

Chapter 276 Messenger Status

Chapter 276 Messenger Status

However, what Pisley didn't expect was that when Kang Jian was mentioned, Bai Sichong's expression suddenly changed like a sudden thunder on a sunny day.

The previous wretched appearance immediately restrained a bit, and after a while, under Pisley's ominous premonition, he said with a sullen face: "He's dead."

boom -

The news exploded in Peasley's mind like a thunderbolt.Kang Jian's thin yellow face suddenly came to his mind clearly.

We are all the same age, and we have all lived together under the same roof for several months.

Originally, everyone should be teenagers who are close to their prime, but now they have not started to realize their ideals and ambitions, but they suddenly heard that one of them died at this age, which is very unacceptable for Peasley!
"Kang did he die?" Pisley gritted his teeth and asked in disbelief.

"You know..." Bai Sichong's eyes were a little red, "Kang Jian has always been a bit withdrawn. He has no father or mother since he was a child, and it was his grandma who pulled him up. He has a straight temper, and he is usually unwilling to accept it." With our sponsorship, after graduation, he went to join the mercenary regiment, wanting to be self-reliant.

But you know, the mercenary business may be in danger at any time.

Two years ago, when he was carrying out a hunting mission with his team, the head of their mercenary group suddenly fell into a swamp trap.

In order to save him, Kang Jian himself fell into the swamp.


At this moment, they disturbed a powerful beast nearby because of their excessive noise.


The head of the regiment decisively ordered to retreat, gave up helping Kang Jian, and left Kang Jian alone in the swamp! ! "

Having said that, Bai Si clenched his fists tightly, and the whole table shook violently because of his anger!
"That wolf-hearted regiment leader...Kang Jian rescued him desperately, but he ruthlessly abandoned his savior! The most annoying thing is that this scumbag announced afterwards that Kang Jian committed suicide by himself during the battle." Running away and not cooperating with the team resulted in being attacked by wild beasts and died.

If it wasn't for a friend of mine who was also in that mercenary group and couldn't understand the behavior of that beast leader, so he came to tell me about it, otherwise I really thought that Kang Jian had fled timidly.

Tmlgb!This bloody bastard, he will pay for his kindness, and I want to fucking kill that guy when I think about it. "

Peasley said in a cold voice: "Aren't you the son of a baron? Can't you deal with a small mercenary group leader?"

"If it's really just a small mercenary regiment leader, do you need to say it? I've already brought a group of people to kill that bastard!
But who knows, that guy named Wu Long is actually related to Ximen Buhuo's family.I want to move, but I can't.Because if I don't do it well, I may offend Ximen Buhuo and implicate my own family. "

Peasley nodded to express his understanding, Ximen Buhuo is not someone to be provoked, and if he doesn't act rashly, it shows that Bai Sichong is rational.

However, after hearing Bai Sichong's words, Pisley gradually calmed down, and at the same time he felt a little puzzled: "You have heard about the specific situation, but you did not see the process of Kang Jian's death. That is, Say……"

Bai Sichong waved his hand, understanding what Pease wanted to say.

"Impossible, you have to know that in the deep swamp, even if he can slowly get out as a Glory Warrior, it will take a certain amount of time after all.

But under the circumstances at that time, the reason why Wu Long and his gang were in a hurry to retreat was because a high-level mutated beast had already attacked them. In that case, Kang Jian had no way of escaping. "

Bai Sichong continued with great certainty, "And you have to know, that was already two years ago. Kang Jian was only 13 years old at that time. Although Kang Jian has always worked hard, his talent is similar to mine. It's only silver intermediate level.

But where they went, there were many gold-level beasts hidden.Unless it is a gift from God, he will surely die. "

Peasley was silent for a moment, then said: "Then have you ever looked for Kang Jian's body?"

"I've been there."

"did you find it?"

" We went to the swamp where Kang Jian was killed. Unfortunately, the place is already in a mess. Countless trees around were broken by a terrible force, and even the swamp was evaporated by some terrible force. hard soil.

We searched for a long time, but did not find any sign of Kang Jian's survival.So we speculate that Kang Jian was either swallowed by the swamp and completely buried because the swamp turned into hard soil, or was dragged away and swallowed by wild animals.

Because the place was too dangerous, we didn't dare to stay too long, so we left. "

When Peasley heard this, he still insisted on his opinion: "As long as Kang Jian's body has not been found, until it is confirmed that he is dead, Kang Jian may still be alive."

Bai Sichong was silent for a moment, then reached out and patted Peasley on the shoulder:

"Brother, I understand how you feel. If possible, I also hope that a miracle will happen. But how can there be so many miracles in this world? Even if there are, how could they happen to fall on Kang Jian.

Kang Jian has had a hard life in this life, maybe for him, the pain may end here..."

Peasley didn't say much anymore, but he felt vaguely in his heart that maybe Kang Jian really didn't die.

Maybe it was just an illusion, a deception to himself because he didn't want to believe that Kang Jian was dead.But what he said was not unreasonable. Before seeing Kang Jian's body or bones, Kang Jian might not have died.

Peasley remembered this matter in his heart, and when he returned to Huang Quanguo, this matter would definitely not be so easy to let go!

The one named Wu Long will not be happy for long.

On the day when Peasley returns home, when Wu Long dies!


"By the way, I've said so much. You haven't told me what you're doing here at Chaoge! It seems like you're trying to change the subject!" Peasley looked at the other party with a half-smile.

Bai Sichong's expression froze, and then he looked around, seeing that no one was paying attention to them, so he approached Peasley and prepared to say something.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, his eyes suddenly fixed on Ning Xuan, and he stopped when he reached his mouth.

Seeing this, Peasley said with a smile: "This is your brother and my woman, so there is no need to doubt it?"

When Bai Sichong heard the words, he nodded in conviction, and said, "Actually, the Lord of Huangquan Kingdom sent me to Chaoge this time."

"What, the lord asked you to come?" Pisley was surprised, "It must be a major event related to the country!"

Bai Sichong nodded: "This time, I went to Chaoge as an envoy to meet the Lord of the Shang Kingdom."

(End of this chapter)

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