Chapter 305
The blade of this long sword in the sword box is gold and silver.There is a slender golden line in the middle of the sword body, and the silver main body on both sides, and the main body is also carved with extremely beautiful patterns.

As for the hilt, a unicorn head is inlaid on both sides, which looks quite domineering.

And where the hilt meets the body of the sword, the word "Lin" and the word "Tang" are engraved on the front and back respectively.

Peasley picked up the sword, it was a little heavy in the hand, but it wasn't too heavy, it should look good for his father.

"This sword is named Tang Lin, and it was personally forged by He Kai, the casting master of the Tang Dynasty. Not only is it extremely sharp, it can cut iron like mud, but it also has special functions...

The guest officer saw whether the two unicorn heads were there, so he only needed to turn them slightly clockwise to activate the special skill of [Tang Lin], [Spirit Sword Formation].

[Spirit Sword Formation] can be attacked or defended, the red-eyed unicorn on the left is the main attacker, and the blue-eyed one on the right is the main defender.Specifically how to control the [Spiritual Sword Formation], you can also use your mind to control it at any time, it is very simple to use.

Of course, if it is used by a Glory Warrior, then the step of turning the unicorn's head can be omitted directly, and the sword formation of this sword can be triggered with the mind at any time. "

After listening to the other party's introduction, Pisley immediately became interested. He picked up the sword, stood up, walked to the open space of the room, and turned the red-eyed unicorn head on the left side of [Tang Lin]'s hilt clockwise.

The golden line in the middle of the sword body suddenly flashed with golden light, and in the flash, there were eight golden illusory long swords surrounding Peasri, pointing radially outward.

With a thought in Pease's mind, the eight golden swords flew across the sky like nimble little goldfish, and then shot towards Ning Xuan.

With a calm smile on Ning Xuan's face, she was unmoved by the oncoming golden sword.

Because she has absolute trust in Pisley.

The eight golden swords brushed against Ning Xuan's temples, bringing a gust of gentle wind, and after flying around Ning Xuan for a few times, they returned to Pisley's side.

Pisley's heart moved, and the eight golden swords turned into eight streaks of light, and flew into the golden thread in the middle of [Tang Lin]'s sword body again.The head of the red-eyed unicorn also automatically turns back to its original position.

Then, Peasley twisted the head of the blue-eyed unicorn on the right, and saw that the silver body of the sword began to shine generously. Immediately afterwards, five giant silver broadswords were like five silver shields, with the tip of the sword pointing down, Will Pisley to surrounded in the middle.

"Xuan'er." Pisley just called out, and Ning Xuan immediately understood what he meant, took out a long sword from the storage bag, and threw it at Pisley.

Facing the attacking long sword, Peasley didn't move at all, and even his consciousness didn't command 【Tang Lin】.

But when Ning Xuan's long sword was about to attack him, the defensive sword formation suddenly started to move by itself, and one of the silver broadswords' huge blade blocked the direction of Ning Xuan's sword like lightning.

There was a "ding" sound, and Ning Xuan's sword flew backwards.

Seeing that [Tang Lin] actually had the function of automatically protecting the master, Pisley was even more satisfied with this sword.

He turned the head of the blue-eyed unicorn back, and the silver sword and shield disappeared immediately.

He sat back on the table again, carefully put [Tang Lin] into the sword box, and at the same time picked up Ning Xuan's long sword that had fallen to the ground, which made Ning Xuan feel flattered.

"I'm very satisfied with this sword, let's make a price." Pisley looked at the middle-aged waiter and said with a smile.

The middle-aged waiter said calmly: "Originally our boss set the price at [-] Qinglong coins, but seeing that the two guest officers are still young, they are willing to patronize our shop, so the boss said to give you some discounts, so I will give you a discount." Five hundred Azure Dragon Coins."

"Five hundred Azure Dragon Coins?"

Peasley was a little surprised, isn't that [-] unicorn coins?Although it is a platinum-level sword, it is not so expensive. He pondered for a moment, looked at the other side and continued, "The price is a bit expensive!"

The middle-aged waiter smiled and said: "Guest officer, you are joking, this is platinum intermediate advanced equipment! You know, if you get it to the auction house, it will definitely cost more than this price."

Peasley shook his head: "In that case, why didn't you send it to the auction house?"

"Uh... Well, isn't it because we need to keep a few good things at the bottom of the box, otherwise it will appear that our store is not rich enough."

Peasley shook his head: "You have to be clear, in order for this [Tang Lin] to be used by ordinary people, it has sacrificed a lot of its connection ability with Glory Warrior.

In other words, this sword can only be regarded as a low-level platinum at best.Although it is also very high, it is definitely not worth five hundred Qinglong coins.

Even if you get it from the auction house, it should be difficult to exceed the price of five hundred Qinglong coins. "

The middle-aged waiter was calm on the surface, but there was a lot of surprise in his heart.

The young boy in front of him did not expect to have such a deep understanding of advanced equipment.Even the other party seems to know the market in the auction house very well.

He was silent for a moment, then asked, "How much did the guest officer come up with?"

Peasley stretched out three fingers: "Three hundred Qinglong coins, no more."

"Three hundred Azure Dragon Coins?!"

A look of sullenness flashed across the face of the middle-aged waiter, but it was quickly suppressed, but the tone of his speech was a little more indifferent,
"Guest officer, you can't cut the price like this, right? If you cut me 450% all at once, then what kind of business is our store going to do? Well, I'll give you a step, [-] Qinglong coins, what do you think?"

Peasley hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "I'll let you go too, three hundred and five!"

The middle-aged waiter shook his head: "I'll let you go one more step, four hundred!"

"Three hundred and six. No more."

"Three hundred and ninety-nine, no less."

"Three hundred and seven, that's the only way to survive."

"Three hundred and eighty, it's already a jumping price!"

"370 five, it's really the limit."

"Three hundred and seven, this is my limit!"

"Deal!" Peasley smiled slightly.

The middle-aged waiter was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt something strange.

When he realized it, he suddenly felt a little stupid.

However, what he said was like water poured out. As a subordinate of an honest businessman... he naturally couldn't affect the reputation of the boss.

Anyway, his own conservative price is three hundred Qinglong coins, as long as it is higher than this price, he will make money.For a transaction, there is only a wrong purchase, not a wrong sale.Usually the only one who suffers is the buyer.

"Okay, okay, I'll give the guest officer some face, and I'll sell you 370 Qinglong coins for this sword." The middle-aged waiter said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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