The glory of the king

Chapter 306 The Ruins

Chapter 306 The Ruins
Peasley took out a money bag from the system and pushed it in front of the middle-aged waiter.

The middle-aged waiter picked up the purse and weighed it, showing a knowing smile.It seems that he knows the specific quantity just by weighing it.This kind of ability or experience is not something that can be mastered in a short time.

Peasley closed the sword box, put it into the system, stood up and prepared to leave.

At this time, the middle-aged waiter suddenly asked again: "By the way, guest officer. I still have a business, I wonder if you are interested in talking about it."

Peasley was slightly taken aback, originally he was going to refuse, after all he was eager to return home and didn't want to waste time in a foreign country.

However, what the middle-aged waiter said next suddenly aroused his interest:
"Her Majesty the Queen will hold the annual relic competition next week. The reward for the champion team is that everyone will be rewarded with a piece of diamond-level equipment!"

"Diamond level equipment?" Peasley's eyes showed surprise.

diamond level...

Now, although he has a king's low-level [heart-grinding lamp] and some gold-platinum-level equipment, but when it comes to diamond-level equipment, he really doesn't have any.

Hearing that there was such a reward now, Peasley was naturally a little moved.

So he sat down again and smiled at the middle-aged waiter: "Tell me the details."

It turned out that there was a forbidden area in the South District of Chang'an City.There is a special formation in the forbidden area, which can transport people to an ancient ruin.

There are a large number of treasures in the ancient ruins, which are the places that many people want.

But because the Great Formation belonged to the Tang State, the leaders of the Tang State acquiesced that this relic belonged to them.

This is understandable for people from other countries. After all, only the Tang Kingdom can enter the ancient ruins at present, and it can be regarded as the private property of Tang Kingdom.

Empress Wu Zetian, on the other hand, would open the forbidden area to the outside world once a year and hold a competition at the same time.

Participants can enter in groups of three at most, and enter the ruins together to collect natural materials and earth treasures.

Generally speaking, teams of three participate in the competition.After all, there are many people with great strength, and they can often help each other in the ancient ruins, which is more advantageous.You can also find more natural treasures.

Of course, not everyone is willing to participate.Because there are various unknown dangers in the ancient ruins, those who are weak or unlucky are very likely to stay in the ancient ruins forever and become the fertilizer in the ancient ruins.

Of course, the greatest danger comes from competitors who are also human beings.

After all, if you are just searching for treasures of heaven and earth, if you are unlucky, you may not find any of them.In such a situation, it is natural for someone to think of someone else.

And once a dispute arises, it is often life-threatening.

Therefore, those who do not have confidence or awareness will not easily enter this ancient ruins.

In addition, the treasures of heaven and earth acquired by each team belong to the country.

When entering, everyone is not allowed to carry any storage items, only a storage bag specially distributed by Tang State is allowed.

After coming out, the storage bag must be handed over to a specific person, and a strict body inspection will be carried out.

It's just that according to the amount of material collected by each person, the state will give different levels of remuneration.

Moreover, the reward is quite generous, and most people would not do such stupid things that are hidden.

Otherwise, no one would look forward to this event every year.

There are a lot of similar activities in Chang'an City every year, which is one of the important reasons why Chang'an City has such a large number of people all year round.

The exploration of ancient ruins this time is a very important one among many activities.

The time limit for exploring the ancient ruins is one week. If you don't arrive at the designated teleportation location within the specified time, you will be stuck in the ruins for a year and cannot leave.

And the next time the teleportation point is opened again, it will be at least one year later.And the opening location is also uncertain.

Even if the opening location can be found, no one will think that staying in a dangerous ancient ruin for a year is a good thing.

After roughly listening to the middle-aged waiter's introduction, and hearing that the event lasted only a week, Peasley's heart became more and more moved.

Of course, what fascinates him the most is that he owns the [Boundless System], and the backpack of the system should not be detected.

In other words, regardless of whether he can win the championship in the end, he can keep all the gains in the ancient ruins as his own.

The natural treasures of the ancient ruins... Tsk tsk tsk, they are still very attractive to Peasley.

After all, his talent in mula is not particularly good, and now he needs more treasures that can promote his cultivation.

However, he still has one question.

"I don't know if anyone with any strength can enter the ruins?" Peasley looked at the middle-aged waiter and asked.

"Of course not. Glory fighters below diamonds are allowed to enter. Of course, this does not include diamond fighters. Those above platinum will not be allowed to enter.

After all, a diamond-level powerhouse is no longer an existence that can be easily controlled. "The middle-aged waiter explained.

"Is that so..." Peasley murmured, a little joy suddenly surged up in his heart.

In other words, with [Red Moon], he will be the strongest existence in the entire ruins?
"So... Is the guest officer interested in cooperating with the weapon shop below? Oh, our boss doesn't want to get a good ranking, but just hopes to get as much reward as possible, and by the way, he can promote our weapon shop in it a bit.

At that time, we will also have extra generous gifts. "The middle-aged waiter said with a smile. At this time, he seems to have more of a businessman's atmosphere and less of the dignified temperament of a Tang Dynasty man.

"What generous gift?" Peasley asked directly.

The middle-aged man was slightly taken aback, and said after a while: "Um... In short, I will definitely satisfy you, guest officer."

The corner of Peasley's mouth slightly raised: "You're not me, how do you know I'll be satisfied?"

The middle-aged man was silent. After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "I will give you two pieces of high-end platinum equipment. You can choose whatever you want out of a dozen pieces."

Hearing the content of this generous gift, Pisley's heart moved slightly.The other party's condition is indeed somewhat attractive.and also
But he thought about it and shook his head.Perhaps for ordinary face warriors, the two pieces of platinum high-level equipment are indeed very attractive, but for Pisley, a student of the master, it is not too tempting.

He looked at each other and smiled slowly:

"I don't deny that I'm really excited about your conditions, but to be honest, I'm not good at cooperating with people I don't know well, so you should find someone else. And I have urgent matters, and I may not stay in Chang'an City until the next day." a week."

(End of this chapter)

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