The glory of the king

Chapter 310 The Empress!

Chapter 310 The Empress!

The corner of Peasley's mouth turned slightly: "That's right! Li Yuanfang is afraid of Di Renjie, not only Shang Guo, but people in the whole mainland know about it!"

"Eh!" Li Yuanfang's expression changed immediately when he heard his boss's name.He gave the black-haired boy in front of him a deep look.

After a long time, he looked at Cheng Yaojin again, and said indifferently: "Your Majesty is waiting for you at Ziwei Palace. Don't make Your Majesty wait too long!"

After saying this, Li Yuanfang walked straight into the distance, leaving the three of Pisley with a slightly depressed back.

"Let's go." Cheng Yaojin said, and walked into the palace gate first.

Peasley didn't think too much, and followed into the palace gate.It's just that at the moment when he passed the narrow corridor of the palace gate, Pisley suddenly felt an invisible gaze sweeping past him.

Peasley's footsteps paused slightly, and when he sensed carefully, he couldn't sense anything.

He looked around, but there was nothing on the brick walls of the corridor with weak light, and he saw nothing except moss in some dark corners.

At that moment, Pisley understood, maybe what Cheng Yaojin said was right, the empress was a bit stingy, but the main reason was probably because the palace was already full of all kinds of things that Pisley couldn't imagine. It's not bad at all for the decorative guards at the palace gate.

There are probably not many people in this world who dare to break into the Tang Palace.

If Cheng Yaojin hadn't brought him in, Peasley believed that he would not be able to enter this palace gate in all likelihood.

The secrets of the entire Chang'an City are probably mainly concentrated in the Imperial Palace!
Soon, Pisley followed Cheng Yaojin out of the corridor of the palace gate, and the scenery in front of him suddenly opened up.

What came into view was a huge garden.

What hits the face is the aroma of countless kinds of flowers mixed together. Although it is complex, it smells very pleasant when you taste it carefully.

Flower beds of various shapes are distributed around Peasley.While walking along the paths in the flower beds, Peasley admired the exotic flowers and plants around him, and enjoyed the wonderful feeling of being surrounded by the fragrance of various flowers.

As soon as you enter the palace gate, you will be greeted by such a beautiful scene. No matter who comes to the palace, I am afraid that the mood will immediately improve.

There is also a garden in Di Xin's palace, the scale of which is no less than the one in front of him.

It's just that Di Xin's garden was built behind the palace.It was a place where he and Hu Ximei had fun, and ordinary people were not allowed to enter at all.

This is one of the differences between Shang State and Tang State.

If someone can look down from the sky, they will find that flower beds of various shapes and colorful flowers form a big "Tang" character.

And behind this garden, there are magnificent palaces.And the palace located in the middle like the stars holding the moon is the only building that almost soars into the sky.

It is this building, even if it is outside Chang'an City, its top part can be seen, which shows the terrifying height of this palace.

"The tallest one is Ziwei Palace." Cheng Yaojin introduced, walking up the stairs of the palace.

The stairs in front of Ziwei Palace are high and far away, Pisley counted them carefully, there are a total of 20 steps!And each step height has [-] centimeters.

In other words, the height of this ladder alone is 60 meters high!
If they weren't Glory Warriors, I'm afraid they would be exhausted to death just by going up the stairs.

This is simply equivalent to climbing from the first floor to the twentieth floor in a residential complex!

However, it only took 5 minutes for the three of Peasley to reach the end of the ladder.

Peasley raised his head and looked at the plaque with the words "Ziwei Palace" written on it. He was surprised to find that these three words were like three little dragons, keeping the shape of the characters, but swimming slowly all the time. .

Naturally, these three characters are not block letters, but the legendary "one-stroke characters". Only by writing one character in one stroke without interruption can the wonderful phenomenon of the font swimming in front of Peasley at this moment be achieved.

When it comes to writing, a graceful figure can't help appearing in Pisley's mind.

The young man couldn't help sighing, if he didn't return to Jixia, he might never have the chance to meet again in this life.

"Why is Mr. Xiao sighing?" Cheng Yaojin asked curiously, "Could it be that you are nervous when you see our Empress later?"

Hearing this, Peasley smiled and shook his head: "I just thought of my old friend. As for meeting Her Majesty the Empress, I'm not nervous, but just looking forward to it."

Cheng Yaojin smiled and walked into the palace first.

Pisley also led Ning Xuan into the palace, followed by him.

Entering the palace, Peasley's eyes suddenly lit up.

Not the perceptually fresh brightness, but the real visual brightness.

Contrary to what Peasley had imagined, the huge palace didn't have the feeling of grandeur, it was actually an extremely bright and open crystal world!
I saw 49 transparent cylindrical crystal pillars standing in the palace!These 49 crystal pillars support the entire palace.

And what surprised Peasley was that there was a weapon of different shapes suspended in each tall crystal pillar.

Although he couldn't feel the aura fluctuations of these weapons, but from the faint light emanating from the surface of these weapons, Peasley guessed that among the 49 weapons, none of them were ordinary!

And not only this pillar, but the entire hall is made of silver-white crystal, and even the floor under the feet is transparent.

Peasley glanced at his feet, there seemed to be something in the depths below the crystal floor!
However, the place more than ten meters underground is already pitch black, even with the eyesight of Pisley's golden warrior, he can't see anything, can't sense anything.

Right above the hall is a night pearl the size of a human head, emitting a warm white light.Just this one luminous pearl illuminates the entire hall extremely brightly.

In the main hall at this moment, there are two other people.

One was standing not far from Peasley, looking calmly at the three people who came in.

Peasley looked at the man, and saw that the man was dressed in casual brown clothing, and there was a strand of blue, green and yellow hair in his black hair, which looked as beautiful as a feather at first glance.

It's just that this "feather" appeared on the head of a handsome man, adding a bit of enchantment to this peaceful man.

The other person was a woman who was lazily leaning on the dragon chair at the moment.

I saw that this woman was bare with a pair of white and tender jade feet, and she was wearing a red and white phoenix cheongsam where her legs opened and closed, revealing a seductive whiteness.

Further up, there is a pair of towering twin peaks that can be called G cups. Peasley has to admit that from birth to now, this is definitely the biggest pair of jade rabbits he has ever seen.

(End of this chapter)

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