The glory of the king

Chapter 311 Scoring

Chapter 311 Scoring
Looking up, above the snow-white neck, there is a face that is all over the country.The skin is soft and can be broken by blowing bullets, and the peculiar mark of red flame in the middle of the forehead brings a majestic and domineering aura to this eternal empress.

As for her long brown hair coiled up high, it showed her lofty status!
I have to say, this Empress, this woman who can be admired by both father and son Li Shimin and Li Zhi, is indeed a beautiful woman, the best in the world!
Even Peasley, seeing such a beautiful woman, felt his heart flutter slightly.

It's not that he can't concentrate, but that the other party has an indescribable charm... More precisely, it's a kind of magic power.

At this moment, Her Majesty the Empress was slightly closing her eyes, resting her chin with her right hand, and gently tapping rhythmically on the back of the dragon chair with her little finger with a golden nail cover on her left hand.

The ruler of the most powerful country in the mainland, a generation of empresses who look down on the world, does not seem to be as majestic and rigid as Pisley imagined. Apart from being charming and charming, Pisley also feels a little easy-going.

"Old Cheng, you are finally back. Your Majesty has been waiting for you for a long time." The man with a strand of colorful hair spoke, his voice was resonant and majestic.

Cheng Yaojin nodded, then took a step forward, knelt down on one knee facing the woman on the high dragon chair, bowed his head and cupped his fists:

"Your Majesty, I lived up to His Majesty's entrustment and brought Mr. Xiao back."

The eyelashes of the woman on the dragon chair trembled slightly, she slowly opened her eyes, and a golden light flashed past.

"Ai Qing is flat." Wu Zetian said lazily.

She was just about to say the next sentence, but she was a little surprised to find that Cheng Yaojin was still kneeling on the ground, with her head down and did not get up.

Wu Zetian frowned slightly, and while slowly getting up from the dragon chair, she said leisurely: "Could it be that I'm not wearing clothes? Ai Qing didn't even dare to lift her head."

Having said that, she really looked down at herself seriously.Seeing that there were clothes on her body, she looked at Cheng Yaojin again with puzzled eyes:

"I'm dressed! Why can't Aiqing get up?"

Peasley, who was at the side, heard such open words from a generation of empresses and kings of a country, and the surprise in his heart was indescribable.

This empress is a little different from what he imagined!Why do you give him the feeling of a charming aunt next door?

But Peasley knew that this was an illusion.After all, a person who can sit on the throne by his own ability does not know how much blood has been stained on his hands.What's more, a woman sitting on the throne?

It's just that the other party may have been the lord of the country for many years, and temporarily hid his original edge.

At this moment, the hall was quiet, and there was even a little tension in the atmosphere.Cheng Yaojin didn't speak, and Wu Zetian didn't ask any more questions.

At this moment, Peasley suddenly took a step forward, and saluted Wu Zetian with his hands clasped.

Although the other party is the leader of the most powerful country in the mainland, he is not the leader of his own country after all, so Peasley can't bow down.

Of course, the reason why he dared not kneel down also relied on his own strength and identity.

If he was just an ordinary person who was nothing, then even if the leader of his enemy country was sitting on the dragon chair, he would have to kneel down.

But the only female emperor in Chinese history, there is still a major reason why she can successfully become a leader, because she is enlightened enough!
In history, there was a famous Tang Dynasty poet Luo Binwang who wrote an article "Discussing Wu Zhao" after Wu Zetian ascended the throne, denouncing Wu Zetian.

After Wu Zetian knew about this call-to-action, she asked someone to read it to her.

However, when she heard such ugly words as "dirty and chaotic erotic palace", "fox charms the lord", "murders the loyal", "killing the king and the mother of the dove" were used to blame her Wu Zetian's crimes, Wu Zetian not only did not get angry, but kept her eyes open all the time. Smile.

When Wu Zetian heard the sentence "A piece of soil is still wet, but a six-foot solitude is safe", Wu Zetian praised this sentence very much, and praised the excellent writing of the article.

Finally, when she heard the end of the article, "Let's see who owns the world in today's domain", Wu Zetian hurriedly asked who wrote the article?

After knowing that it was written by King Luo Bin, she said regretfully: "It's the prime minister's fault. This man has such outstanding talents, but he didn't discover them early, so he fell into the enemy's camp. What a pity! "

The above is Wu Zetian's performance and attitude after listening to the article "Discussing Wu Zhao" by King Luo Bin.

Even if it is placed on ordinary people, if someone writes articles and insults, they will usually be furious and yell at them, let alone an emperor being scolded?
However, when Wu Zetian saw such an article listing his crimes and instigating a crusade against him, instead of being angry, he greatly praised the article, and even showed love for the author of the article.

From this point of view, Wu Zetian's success is not only due to her thunderous means, but probably mainly due to her generosity towards talents.

So Peasley didn't kneel at the moment, Wu Zetian didn't change his expression.

Only Pisley said: "Your Majesty, I think you already know why General Yaojin is silent. You will only embarrass him if you ask him knowingly."

What Peasley said made Wu Zetian's lazy eyes a little surprised, but she didn't show it. Instead, she raised her red lips slightly and asked with a smile: "Why did you say that, Mr. Xiao? I don't Do you know why General Yaojin bowed his head?"

Peasley smiled and said: "Yes, maybe you live deep inside the palace, and it is true that one person really has no way to understand the affairs of various parts of the country.

But just now when we entered the palace, we met Mr. Li Yuanfang. We have heard that Mr. Li's big ears are not for decoration, but have the function of "wind ears", and it is easy to catch the sound from a kilometer away.

In addition, before he left, he told us that Her Majesty the Empress was waiting in the palace.The tone of the speech was a bit heavy, and it was obvious that something bad had happened.

And it stands to reason that the return date of General Yaojin is undecided, but you knew in advance that he would come back today.Then you must know where General Bite Jin went and what he did a few days ago.

Last but not least, detective Di Renjie and Lord Di are waiting here, presumably he is not waiting for me, but waiting to discuss some important matters with General Yaojin, right? "

Peasley's words were well-organized and well-founded, coupled with his calm and easy-going, neither humble nor overbearing performance when facing the Empress, they immediately won deep admiration in Wu Zetian's eyes.

She turned her head, looked at Di Renjie, and said, "Di Aiqing, I think Mr. Xiao's reasoning ability is not easy! If you ask Aiqing to give you a score, what score does Aiqing think you can give?"

(End of this chapter)

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