The glory of the king

Chapter 332 Countless pairs of eyes

Chapter 332 Countless pairs of eyes

As it turned out, Pease's ideal was too simple.

Just when his sharp blade was less than one meter away from the opponent's back, a large group of black hair wrapped towards Peasley like black pythons.And the woman in front of Peasley turned her head 180 degrees, with a hideous and terrifying smile on her face.

Countless black pythons instantly engulfed the boy's figure!

Lu Xitian and Bai Shuangshuang who were still standing at the bow saw the boy being swallowed with their own eyes, their faces were all pale.

With a trembling voice, Bai Shuangshuang wanted to laugh, but she didn't. Instead, she showed a very strange expression: "'re kidding! That guy won't die so easily!"

Lu Xitian was silent and didn't speak, looking at the mass strangled together by countless thick and long black hair, he instinctively felt that the boy would not be so easy to get into trouble.

The teenager's attack relieved most of the pressure for them, allowing them to have time to see how the teenager shot.

This young man appeared very seasoned and calm in combat, obviously a veteran in combat.

However, the boy was still a boy after all, and seemed to lack some combat experience.

But Lu Xitian believes that this boy should be fine!No, it will be fine!
As if to prove his thoughts, a golden light suddenly emerged from the bunch of strangled hair.

Immediately afterwards, the tangled mass of hair gradually began to swell and become larger, with more golden light oozing from it.

Just hearing the sound of "bang", the hair ball suddenly exploded, and the strong shock wave shook the boat on the lake from side to side.

In mid-air, a figure covered in "*" characters appeared.

"It's him! He's not dead!"

When Pisley went to the magic ice ant's cave alone, Bai Shuangshuang thought that this boy had nothing to do with her, at most he was a boy who had taught her a dance and had a nodding acquaintance with her.

However, when the boy gave her and Lu Xitian a bottle of [Tianling Milk] without hesitation, and after getting along with him for a day, she suddenly felt that this boy was pretty good, and he was a person worthy of deep friendship.

However, after the boy was wrapped in countless black python-like hair just now, she suddenly felt blocked, as if she suddenly learned the news of the death of a friend, which made her a little unacceptable.

Seeing that the boy is still alive now, her eyes are not self-consciously red.

At this moment, the clothes of the young man in mid-air are a bit torn.

Just now, the sneak attack failed and fell into the dark trick of the black-haired woman. Although he had expected it in advance, he was still a little caught off guard.

At critical moments, he naturally wants to improve his defense as much as possible, and the [Diamond Shield], which has reached level 9, is naturally his most commonly used and most effective defensive skill.

However, to Peasley's surprise, after he used the [Diamond Shield], the thick black hair that was about to pierce him suddenly retreated as if they had encountered a cat's mouse.

It's just that because of too much hair, they were entangled with each other and formed a dead knot. Under the stimulation of Foyin, it continued to expand and exploded.

The young man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and put a circle of Buddha Yin on his body, which seemed to have a bit of Buddhist flavor.

And the black-haired woman in front of him seemed to be afraid of the Buddha's light, and then moved a little bit!
"Oh? So you're afraid of this thing?" Seeing the slightly trembling black-haired woman, the corners of Peasley's mouth twitched slightly.I didn't expect that the Buddhist skills I accidentally learned before had the passive effect of suppressing demons and eliminating demons.

Suddenly, his figure trembled, and the next moment he appeared directly in front of the black-haired woman, and tore off the necklace from her neck!

The black-haired woman whose necklace was robbed seemed to be a little slower than before because of the influence of the Buddha's light.

Otherwise, how could Peasley have the opportunity to bully the opponent within one meter in front of him?Even if the bully is close at this moment, he has no time to attack the opponent.

Because once attacking the opponent, the killing intent will be exposed, and once the killing intent is captured by the opponent, the opponent will definitely react quickly.

So Peasley set his sights on the necklace around the opponent's neck.

Erasing the opponent is not the ultimate goal, and killing the opponent will not gain anything.So it is more meaningful to snatch the baby from the other party!

The brunette woman suddenly became very frightened and angry when she found out that her necklace had been taken away.However, looking at the Buddha's light on the young man in front of her, she wanted to but dared not.

At this moment, a blood-red beam of light suddenly penetrated the black-haired woman's waist without warning——

Seeing the unbelievable expression on the black-haired woman's face, and looking down at his broken body below the waist plopping into the lake, Peasley was also shocked.

Such a strong attack probably has the power of platinum advanced.Besides him, who else could make such a powerful attack?

The red light beam gradually disappeared, and Peasley looked along the light beam towards the end of the light beam, and saw the blood dolphin beast of Lu Xitian, all of its extremely hard hairs were pointing straight ahead, especially the red light on the hairs did not fade away, obviously The attack just now was made by the blood porcupine beast.

The fatally injured black-haired woman also fell into the lake, and her disgusting black hair of varying thickness also sank into the lake one after another.

The lake that had been turbulent for a long time suddenly returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, the black-robed boatman was still supporting the boat silently, while Lu Xitian took the weak-looking blood porpoise between his eyebrows with some distress.

Bai Shuangshuang tidied up the wound on Lu Xitian's arm that was cut by strands of black hair.

Peasley fell back to the bow, Lu Xitian and Bai Shuangshuang looked at him with concern.

Peasley nodded to the two of them, and lit up the necklace he plundered with the young couple.

The necklace is made up of thumb-sized green gemstones and some pink pearls.

To Peasley's disappointment, the necklace seemed to have no other purpose other than decoration.It should be just a very ordinary piece of jewelry.

Tang officials would not recycle such things.It was useless for Peasley to keep it for himself, so he threw it to Bai Shuangshuang.

However, as soon as the necklace arrived in Bai Shuang's hands, she threw it back.

"I don't wear the things of dead people! You can keep them and sell them for money."

Peasley smiled and put it into the system backpack directly without being polite. If you take it out and sell it, you can still sell it for dozens or hundreds of unicorn coins.

After the black-haired woman, Peasley looked at the calm lake and there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes staring at them.

However, the fall of the black-haired woman made those things hidden in the lake no longer dare to jump out to challenge them.

(End of this chapter)

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