The glory of the king

Chapter 333 Goodbye

Chapter 333 Goodbye
Half an hour later, the three of them finally reached the other side of the lake.

It's just that Peasley noticed that along the way, the black-robed boatman seemed to have been peeking at him intentionally or unintentionally.

Maybe he was shocked by the chic figure of the black-haired woman he just fought against.Peace naturally thought so.

But when they got off the boat, the boy was surprised to find that the black-robed boatman followed them off the boat.

Bai Shuangshuang couldn't help but said, "Boater, thank you for helping us cross the river. But... what do you mean by following us?"

The boatman said slowly, "You are the only group of people who have successfully crossed the river during the two years I've been on the boat."

When Peasley heard this, he was startled: "What? You mean, all the people you carried before are dead?"

"They were all eaten by that black-haired female corpse just now." The boatman's voice was as gentle as a woman's, but the content of his words made people feel creepy.

"So what is your purpose for following us?" Lu Xitian looked at the other party calmly, as if he had guessed something.

"I want to leave the ruins with you and return to the country of Tang!" the black-robed man said, suddenly stretched out a hand, and lifted the black-robed hat off.

To the surprise of Peasley and the others, what was revealed after the black robe and hat fell was not a terrifying face, but a face so beautiful that the three of them could suffocate.

"It's so beautiful—" this was the thought in Peasley's mind.

"So handsome—" This was the thought in Bai Shuangshuang's heart.

The black-robed boatman in front of him actually has a beautiful face, fair skin, good-looking, and a long ponytail. He is a heroic-looking young girl who looks about the same age as Peasley .

Seeing the three people looking at her with strange eyes, the black-robed girl coughed lightly and said:

"That... I think you have already guessed it. In fact, like you, I also came from the Tang country's formation, but for some reason, I couldn't catch up with the opening of the formation when I went back. I stayed here for two full years! "

Hearing that this beautiful girl had a somewhat legendary experience, the three of Peasley were quite surprised.

But after the surprise, it is not very surprising.

Thousands of people enter the ruins every year, but one-third or even half of them fail to return every year.

It doesn't mean that all the people who didn't go back died. Some of them must be stuck in the ruins because of various things. They can only stay in the ruins for a year or two and wait for the next ruins to open.

Lu Xitian looked at the other party and asked: "The ruins are opened every year, why didn't the girl go back in time for the magic circle to open last year?
Every year, the magic circle will be opened on the fifth day of the relic event. At that time, the magic circle will be so bright that it can be seen from a long distance.

And there are a total of seven magic circles opened.Generally, as long as you see the light of the magic circle, as long as you move towards the nearest magic circle, you can usually reach it within two days.

And although the activity of the relics is for seven days, the opening of the magic circle will be delayed by one day, just to wait for those who did not arrive at the magic circle in time.

The girl stayed in the magic circle for two years, which really surprised me. "

Hearing this, the black-robed girl smiled wryly and shook her head: "To be honest, my strength is only low-level gold.

When I came in, I formed a team with someone else, but unfortunately, both of my teammates died during the treasure hunt.Leave me the weakest.

Gold's low-level strength may not be weak, but in this place where there may be dangers everywhere, I am not sure that I will reach the magic circle alive.

Aren't many people killed by terrifying creatures in the ruins, or even by competitors who are also humans, on the way to the magic circle!
I can only compromise here and be a boatman.Quietly wait for the powerful people, and ask them to take me away.

It's a pity that the people I met before were all average in strength, and they were all eaten by monsters in the water while crossing the river..."

"But, why didn't those monsters in the water attack you?" Recalling what happened on the boat before, Peasley looked at him suspiciously.

"I... naturally have the means to save my life." The black-robed girl lowered her eyes and said in a low voice.

"Is it being used by the things in the water to help them bring their prey to the center of the lake in order to survive?" Peasley looked at the other party and said with a half-smile.

" is it possible. Don't talk nonsense! Also, I'm not a girl, I'm a man!" The words of the black-robed girl once again shocked the hearts of the three of them.It also successfully changed the topic.

All three were men in black robes who looked at the reddish-faced men in disbelief.

Is it a man?Not female?

I'm afraid you're not funny, old man, are you?

It was as unacceptable as a naked person standing in front of the three of them, insisting that he was wearing a black leather jacket.

"You... are you really a man? Are you mistaken? Is there a man who looks like a beautiful woman? A big guy in women's clothes?" Pisley rubbed his face and looked at him in disbelief.

The man in black had a half-smile: "Believe it or not, I took it out bigger than you?"

Peasley shook his head: "If you don't believe me, show me?"

The man in black: "..."

Lu Xitian: "..."

Bai Shuangshuang: "..."

After talking for a long time, the man in black finally convinced the three of them that he was a man.

Peasley wiped off his sweat: "Stay away from me, I'm afraid you'll bend me."

While speaking, the boy distanced himself from the other party.

Bai Shuangshuang also took a step forward at this time, separating Lu Xitian from the black-robed girl... no, from the black-robed young man.

She blinked and looked at the boy in black robe with ambiguous gender and said, "I always feel that you are a girl who fell for a boy by mistake."

The black-robed man smiled wryly, "It's really not up to me to decide about appearance. I'd rather be ugly and more masculine."

"After talking for a long time, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Bai Shuangshuang, his name is Lu Xitian, and the one over there is called Li Sipi. How about you?"

"My name is Yun Chacha." The black-robed boy smiled slightly.

Bai Shuangshuang shook her head: "Huh~ Even the name is so neutral, it's really scary."

After hearing the name "Yun Cha Cha", the young man who was some distance away was startled.

Ten years have passed, although time flies, but for Peasley, he has known very few people in these ten years, and his life has been very monotonous, so what happened ten years ago and the people he knew are all in his heart. There are many impressions in my mind.

And the girl who was almost eaten by the demon species that he and Liu Qinghe rescued back then... Ah no, it's a boy's paper, isn't it called Yun Chacha?

The Glory Continent is very big, so big that after parting, they may never meet again for the rest of their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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