The glory of the king

Chapter 360 Big Chapter

Chapter 360 Big Chapter (V)

"That...why are you looking at me like that? Could it be because I was overwhelmed by my arrogance?"

Peasley jokingly said that in fact, he knew in his heart that he might have shown his power as a king in front of these people, which made them change their views on him quite a bit.

To Peasley's surprise, Yun Chacha was the first to walk towards him.

I saw this young man with a feminine face, with a trace of nervousness on his face, but a trace of admiration in his eyes, walking towards the black-haired boy, and said:
"I didn't expect that benefactor actually possessed the power of the strongest king, it's really amazing!"

Peasley smiled and shook his head: "It's just a short-term explosive improvement, and the after-effects are still very large. Don't look at me strangely, I'm no different from before."

At this time Lu Xitian also came over, generously extended his hand and patted the young man's shoulder, and said with a calm smile:

"I knew Brother Li was not simple. I didn't expect that he was a student of Master. Although you are not so famous in the middle and lower levels now, it seems that many people in the high-level of various countries have heard of your name.

It seems that many people are paying attention to your movements.Brother Li, you may be under a lot of pressure. "

Peasley touched his nose and said with a smile: "I am a person who likes freedom, and I don't care about other people's attention. But I think that if I can deal with it, I will naturally deal with it. If I can't deal with it, no matter how forced I am, I won't be like them. willing."

Lu Xitian turned his head to look at the light on the formation beside him, and asked thoughtfully: "I wonder if this is someone Brother Li thinks he can deal with?"

Peasley looked at the profile of the young man in blue. His handsome face was stained with dust from staying in the ruins for six days, but this did not affect his handsomeness and majesty.

The young man thought for a while and said, "If we put aside interests, I think we can be friends. But if interests, even family interests, are involved, then I don't think we can be friends."

Lu Xitian was silent, and after a while he suddenly showed a relieved smile, and patted the boy on the shoulder again: "If you don't mind, please call me Brother Lu."

Peasley gave the other party an angry look: "If you don't mind, please call me Brother Pi!"

The two looked at each other. Two seconds later, the young man and the boy suddenly looked at each other and laughed loudly. The hearty laughter echoed in the ruins.

And after this smile, the relationship between the two became much closer than before.

In fact, Lu Xitian just had the intention to win over the other party for the family, but the young man also saw his intentions and politely refused.

If it is not for the family, then they can be friends alone.

In fact, Peasley knew in his heart that since he became friends with the other party, if anything happened to the other party's family in the future, he would pay more attention to his friendship and help the other party.

At this time, Bai Shuangshuang also stepped forward and said a few words to the young man, only after realizing that the young man didn't hold grudges against him for robbing him of his spicy sticks, did he feel relieved.

"Alas... It's just a pity that I couldn't bring Qiqi girl back." Bai Shuangshuang said with a disappointed face.

Although Li Qiqi's words are annoying, Bai Shuangshuang still prefers this cute and arrogant little girl in his heart.

However, facing the strongest king riding the colorful auspicious cloud, even the old man who appeared later did not make a move, so what power do they have to rescue the little girl in the white dress from the other party?

Thinking of this, Bai Shuangshuang couldn't help but glance at [Tianzhu] beside the black-haired boy, with a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

[Tianzhu] Seemed to have sensed it, she turned her head and looked at her.

An invisible coercion came from the opponent's eyes, Bai Shuangshuang was startled, and immediately lowered her head.

"By the way, have you seen the little white cat of Miss Qiqi?" Yun Chacha suddenly asked as if she had remembered something.

Everyone shook their heads, but it was [Tianzhu] who suddenly spoke, and said in a crisp voice:
"I saw it. It finally turned into an inconspicuous ball of light. Before the colorful glow disappeared, it got into the glow. It should have left with its owner."

Peasley looked at [Tianzhu], if this is the case, then if the captured little girl is still alive, she might not be so lonely.

After tidying up his emotions, Peasley told himself in his heart that he was just an insignificant person, so there was no need to take it too seriously.

However, even though he told himself that, there was always a lingering worry in his heart.

"Oh..." Peasley couldn't help sighing again.

Lu Xitian patted the young man on the shoulder and said: "Auspicious people have their own looks, I believe other girls will be fine."

Peasley nodded silently.

"Okay, get out of this place quickly! I promise you will never come in this ghostly place again!" Bai Shuangshuang urged.

But before entering the formation, Pisley said: "Wait a minute, before you go back, if you have something you like in our six-day harvest, you can give it to me, I have a way to help You take him out."

Peasley's words reminded everyone that after some discussions, everyone picked out the things they particularly needed and handed them to Peasley.

Peasley put all these things into the system backpack.

Of course, for fear of accidents, Peasley also stuffed [Tianzhu] into the system backpack.

The body of [Tianzhu] is a flower after all, otherwise a pure human being would not be able to put it in a storage item, not even a system backpack.

After doing all this, everyone walked into the formation together, and disappeared into the light of the formation.

A moment later, the four of Peasley appeared in the octagonal formation of the house in the southern part of Chang'an City.

It was different from when they came in. Right now when they appeared on the stage, four soldiers from the Tang Dynasty came towards them.

"What's the matter?" Lu Xitian asked.

One of the four soldiers was the soldier captain who was in charge of monitoring in front of the Youlan Gate. At this moment, the soldier leader seemed to recognize Lu Xitian and Li Sipi. He was obviously taken aback when he was going to take them for a full-body search. , looking back at the man sitting on a chair and drinking tea elegantly.

There is a strand of beautiful hair on the man's head, which is made of yellow, blue and green. I don't know if it was dyed the day after tomorrow, or it is just like this.If it is innate, then it really shows that this is not a simple person in the dark.

Some people are like this, born with a vision, then there must be a bizarre life in his life.

Peasley and the others came out quite early, otherwise they would have seen long queues waiting for inspection.

Of course, there are quite a few people who may stay in the ruins forever and become the fertilizer in the ruins.

The man with a strand of colored hair put down the tea and waved slightly at the soldier captain, signaling him to back down.

The soldier captain led the other three soldiers and immediately retreated from the battle platform.

Di Renjie stood up from his seat and walked in front of Pisley and the others.

Lu Xitian knew the person in front of him, so he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed respectfully: "Young Lu Jia Lu Xitian, I have met Master Di!"

Di Renjie looked at the heroic young man in blue in front of him, a hint of approval flashed in his eyes, neither humble nor overbearing, knowledgeable and courteous, he is a good seedling.

But there was only a slight "um" on his mouth, and his haughty attitude was undoubtedly evident.

However, Lu Xitian didn't care, instead there was a little excitement in his eyes because he was so close to the legendary detective.

Di Renjie looked over the young man and landed on the black-haired boy behind him.

The black-haired boy also stared at him indifferently.

"Mr. Li, under the order of His Majesty the Empress, I have granted you a license not to be inspected, and the rest must follow the rules."

As soon as this remark came out, several people, including Peasley, looked surprised.

Lu Xitian, Bai Shuangshuang, and Yun Chacha never expected that this black-haired boy was not only Master's student, but even the leader of the most powerful country in the mainland would pay so much attention to him, and that he would be given such a great privilege, which really made him feel ashamed. people shocked.

Peaslee himself was surprised.He had told the empress before that he did not want to accept her gift.But I didn't expect the Empress to arrange so many things in private.Even the strongest king in the ruins may be arranged by the empress.

But until now, Peasley also felt that it didn't matter.Anyway, he promised to be Tang Guo's friend, so accepting a little privilege and help from a "friend" is not unreasonable.

Pisley, Lu Xitian and Bai Shuangshuang were in the same team, while Yun Chacha was in the same team.

This guy, who has been trapped in the ruins for two years, finally breathed the air of the Glory Continent and saw the world that haunted him every day, his eyes were red. If it wasn't because he was a man, he would have cried a long time ago come out.

Peasley looked at the black-robed boy, always felt that he was a girl who mistakenly cast himself as a man.

However, although the black-haired boy does not need to be inspected, he still kept everything except the very important things such as [Tianling Milk] and [Tianzhu], the glowing rabbit, and the other three people deposited with him. Take it out.

When Di Renjie looked at the mountains of treasures and various equipment and props piled up in front of him, a trace of shock appeared on his calm face.

Nima, are you ransacking the ruins?Or which ancient treasure was dug up by you?Apart from what Pisley hid, what he just took out is already worth astronomical prices!

Di Renjie was silent for a moment, and ordered a special person to appraise all these good things to a fair value on the spot.

About half an hour later, a man who looked like a father-in-law said to Di Renjie in shock:
"Sir Di, the total value of all the items obtained by this team is 650 three green dragon coins! It is the highest value in history, and it is more than twice that of the second place in history."

Hearing the value, Peasley was quite surprised.If you add what he didn't hand over, the value will probably directly exceed ten thousand, right?
And this is Qinglong Coin, not Kirin Coin!

After listening to his subordinate's report, Di Renjie nodded indifferently, looked at Pisley and the three of them and said:

"I don't know what kind of opportunities you have in the ruins, but congratulations, you will be the champions of this event without accident.

In addition to the rewards exchanged for these treasures, the three of you will each choose a piece of diamond-level equipment! "

The three of Peasley were shocked.

Diamond level equipment? !

At this time, did you acquiesce in their being the champions of this event?

This time their gains were mainly from the [Forest Corpse Formation], plus there were many treasures in the rings that killed Da Ge, Yuna Ji and Li Pai.

Although Peasley was a little surprised, he knew that their small team was a strong contender for the championship.Now hearing Di Renjie's decision is more exciting.

Diamond level equipment!Even if it is the worst, combined with the effect of the Heavenly Book fragment [Spirit Mountain], it will be terrifying.

After all, he can become a diamond-level powerhouse in an instant, and he has one more means to retreat or kill the enemy.

"However, before choosing diamond equipment, let's decide on the plan for the more than 9 Qinglong coins. Are you going to exchange the money directly, or are you planning to exchange equipment or items of equivalent value?" Di Renjie asked.

"What are the equivalent equipment or items?" Peasley asked back.

"There are equipment for attacking or defending, there are pills for improving combat ability or improving cultivation, of course, they can also be exchanged for skill cheats, whatever.

If it is more convenient to exchange money, if it is exchanged into items, you will need to spend a certain amount of time to choose. If you are not afraid of trouble, someone will take you into the palace to choose rewards. " Di Renjie replied in detail.

The three of Peasley fell silent when they heard the words, and at this moment the young man said: "Master Di, can you wait for a while, and allow me to discuss it later."

Di Renjie nodded indifferently. At this time, some people appeared on the stage one after another, and Di Renjie was busy with other people's affairs for the time being.

Pisley and Lu Xitian returned to Yun Chacha.Pisley said: "Thanks to Chacha's harvest, all of them were counted together with us, otherwise it wouldn't be as high as more than 600 Qinglong coins!"

"This time I posted it! I can sit and eat at home in the future! Hee hee!"

Bai Shuangshuang said happily, but when she looked up and saw Lu Xitian's indifferent expression, she couldn't help pouted, "I'm just joking! I will work hard to practice and study, and I will definitely not delay you hind legs!"

"However... only the championship team can get a piece of diamond-level equipment, Aunt Chacha...ah no, brothers Chacha can't get it..." Lu Xitian had a slightly embarrassed look on his face because of a slip of the tongue.

However, Yunchacha seemed to have gradually gotten used to this, and did not show anything special.

(End of this chapter)

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