The glory of the king

Chapter 361 Big Chapter

Chapter 361 Big Chapter ([-])

Yun Chacha looked at the three of them, shook her head with a smile and said:
"It doesn't matter, even if I don't have my share, with what the three of you have gained, you can still win the championship. I don't really contribute a lot!"

"Little brother Chacha, don't be so ignorant! Everyone says that you are comrades in arms who have lived and died together. How can we let you suffer!"

As Bai Shuangshuang said, a slender arm strangled the black-robed boy's neck.The boy's girl-like appearance makes
The girl in the pink skirt instinctively doesn't reject her very much, like a big sister joking with her younger brother.

"How about this, let's divide the reward into four parts, both of them get [-]%, I get [-]%, Brother Li gets [-]%, and Chacha gets [-]%, what do you think?

After all, Brother Li also paid a big price this time, and the three of us can all get a piece of diamond equipment, so how about Chacha taking the lead? "Lu Xitian made a suggestion, and then looked at everyone.

Peasley nodded: "I have no objection."

This trip to the ruins made him put two fragments of the heavenly book into a cooling state, and almost lost his life. The price he paid was not insignificant.So he took [-]% and felt at ease.

As for Bai Shuangshuang, after listening to Lu Xitian's suggestion, she pouted, looked at her boyfriend with some resentment and said:

"Why do I get [-]% and you get [-]%? The sum of the two of us is less than what they alone..."

Before Bai Shuangshuang finished speaking, Lu Xitian stared back at the words, and said coldly:
"My lord is talking, can the children stop interrupting? We already have a piece of diamond equipment each, and Brother Li and Brother Yun don't take too much! Besides, Brother Li... still has that thing. Do you understand? clear!"

As soon as Bai Shuangshuang heard "that thing", her heart skipped a beat, and the aggrieved expression she was about to put on turned into a well-behaved little girl next door, she shut her mouth and stopped talking.

The black-robed boy Yun Chacha opened his mouth and said:

"Everyone is friends now, so don't be so alien. I didn't play a big role in the ruins, and I am very happy to be able to come out of the ruins alive.

As for the reward, I am very satisfied with only two achievements, the extra [-]% should be distributed to Brother Lu and Miss Bai! "

Hearing this, Bai Shuangshuang's face was filled with joy, but Lu Xitian shook his head resolutely and said:

"Brother Yun, don't talk too much. Don't take what my family Shuangshuang said just now. We are friends who live and die together, so we can't let you suffer. Since Brother Li has no objection, then we agree that you will take [-]%.

It is up to you to decide whether to ask for money or to exchange for something else. "

After finishing speaking, Yun Chacha was not allowed to say anything more, so she turned around and walked towards Di Renjie.

Yun Chacha wanted to say something else, Pisley patted Yun Chacha on the shoulder and said:

"Okay, just accept it with peace of mind. You have suffered a lot in the past two years, and you look as thin as a pork chop. Spend more money to support your body."

Upon hearing this, Yun Chacha nodded.Now that his benefactor said so, he naturally wouldn't think about it.

After the discussion, the four of them came to Di Renjie.

"Has everything been discussed?"

Di Renjie put down the blue blue and white porcelain teacup that he picked up again at some point, and asked calmly.

Seeing the four people nodding, Di Renjie continued, "If you want money, I can give it to you now. If you want other things, I will let someone take you to the palace to choose.

But I said in advance that you may pick top-quality equipment, top-quality pills, etc., but it is more likely to pick junk equipment and junk pills.So, you have to be mentally prepared. "

When Di Renjie said this, the excited crowd looked at each other in dismay.

After all, no amount of junk equipment can compare to a piece of good equipment.However, what Di Renjie meant was that, according to the equivalent exchange, they are very likely to get a bunch of junk equipment and junk pills, and the probability of getting good things is very small.

Seeing that everyone was confused, Pisley, who already missed Ning Xuan, didn't want to waste any more time, and said:

"Let's go and see if we can find good things first. If we can't find them, just exchange them for money and go to the auction house to buy good things."

Everyone nodded, and then, under Di Renjie's arrangement, followed a father-in-law and walked towards the palace.

"Let me tell you, you can enter the palace, but you must abide by the rules, don't look at injustice, don't speak indecent words, don't listen to indecent insults, do you understand?"

Walking on the way to the palace, the father-in-law who was walking in front raised his orchid fingers while exhorting carefully.

After walking for about half an hour, the four of Pisley followed the father-in-law in front of them to the palace helplessly.

The father-in-law didn't know if it was intentional, he was obviously not an ordinary person, but he walked slowly on purpose, as if he was a little reluctant for them to enter the palace.Or for some other reason.

Pisley looked at the eunuch walking in front with a little indifference on his face.

Although eunuchs in ancient times had to go to the palace to become eunuchs due to various reasons, Pisley didn't quite understand that as a man, even the most important organs of his body can be discarded, what else can't be discarded, no Dare to abandon it?

Including conscience, including benevolence and righteousness.This is also one of the reasons why many eunuchs have messed up the palace since ancient times, right?
Eunuchs, originally referring to senior officials among eunuchs, now refer to officials who lost their sexual ability after being castrated in ancient times, and were exclusively used by the royal family of the ancient capital to serve male officials.

Also known as eunuchs, eunuchs, eunuchs, eunuchs, middle officials, internal officials, internal officials, internal servants, and internal supervisors, they were also called older eunuchs as companions since the Ming Dynasty.

But no matter what these people's names were, no matter how nice they were, he couldn't have a good impression of them.

Even the eunuchs of the Tang Dynasty were no exception.

But even if they didn't know what the other party's intention was, they walked slowly, after half an hour, they finally arrived at the palace.

It was not the first time for Pisley to visit the palace, but when he saw the beautiful and luxurious garden in the palace again, and the towering Ziwei Palace, he couldn't help feeling a little shocked in his heart.

As for Lu Xitian and others who came here for the first time, the shock in their hearts was only a lot more than that of Peasley.

It looks the same from the outside of the palace, but it is another world when entering the palace, which really feasts their eyes.

When everyone was indulging in the psychedelic beauty of the palace, the sharp-eyed Pisley noticed that the father-in-law had walked very far away from them at some point, and was about to disappear from their sight.

Peasley quickly reminded the other three people, then got up and ran towards the father-in-law first.

After everyone followed up, the father-in-law said slowly:
"Our family will take you to the Treasure Pavilion later. The first floor is for items below gold, the second floor is for gold-level items, and the third floor is for platinum-level items. As for the fourth, fifth and sixth floors, we don't say anything, but you all know.

After picking out what you want, I will take the three of you to the fourth floor to pick out diamond-level equipment. "

While talking, the father-in-law with white face and slender eyebrows pointed at the three people except Yun Chacha.

Peasley raised his head and looked at the six-storey airtight pavilion in front of him, feeling an inexplicable dread and fear in his heart for some reason.

Even the entire pavilion smelled of blood faintly, as if the surface of the vermilion pavilion was painted with paint made of blood.

However, Peasley knew in his heart that such a sinister building should not appear in the palace of the Tang Dynasty. The only explanation is that there are extremely powerful and bloody things in this building.

Peasley guessed that it must be an artifact of the king!
But he wasn't worried about any dangers he might encounter in the Treasure Pavilion.After all, the safest place in the world might be the palace of the Tang Kingdom.

Under the leadership of the father-in-law, the four of Pisley soon came to the main entrance of the Treasure Pavilion.

In front of the door of the Treasure Pavilion, there is an old man who is sweeping the floor.

The old man was dressed in off-white clothes with some wide patches.

Of course, what makes people feel strange is that the old man's face is obviously wrinkled, but his hair tied into a bun is black and shiny.

Is this premature aging, or is there a sign of rejuvenation?

Peasley didn't know much about it, but he didn't ask.Because there is no mura fluctuation on this person, he is like an ordinary should be an ordinary person.

The young man was thinking like this, but he was surprised to see that the father-in-law, who had been quite arrogant towards them before, showed a flattering smile like a dog, and then bowed his waist like a hunchbacked old man and came to the old man sweeping the floor , respectfully said: "The servant has seen the eldest grandson!"

The old man sweeping the floor seemed not to have heard what his father-in-law said, and continued to sweep the floor on his own.

However, the father-in-law seemed to have expected this to happen. He didn't show the slightest embarrassment or displeasure on his face. Instead, he straightened up again, looked back at Pisley and the others and said, "Follow me."

After finishing speaking, he took the lead to step into the high threshold on the first floor of Treasure Pavilion.

The four of Peasley followed closely behind.

It's just that when Peasley passed by the old man sweeping the floor, he felt as if the old man was looking at him.

However, when he looked at the old man sweeping the floor, he was surprised to find that the old man was facing away from him at the moment, and in his peripheral vision, the other party did not turn his head at all.

Peasley was a little confused. If the person who saw him just now was really the other party, could it be that the other party had two eyes behind him?

"You kid, why are you still standing there! Come in!" the father-in-law urged.

Only then did Peasley withdraw his confused gaze, and stepped into the treasure house in a few steps.

After Peasley entered the Treasure Pavilion, the movements of the sweeping old man's hands slightly paused.A voice rang in his ear: "This kid has very strong perception."

The old man sweeping the floor continued to wave the broom in his hand, and said with a calm smile: "That guy Wei Zheng said that this kid is not simple, but now it seems that he is indeed a little different."

The voice that came from nowhere continued to ring in the old man's ear: "The power of a king can be activated at such an age. It seems that there is something like that in him."

The old man who swept the floor paused slightly: "You mean... that kind of thing?"

"Oh, who knows? Master's students are not simple. In the early years, Zhuge Kongming and Nezha were shocking powerhouses, and now Dugu History, Li Sipi, has performances no less than they did back then.

Give these two children some time to grow up, and their future achievements will definitely not be inferior to those two! "

The old man who swept the floor nodded: "In this case, for the sake of the Tang Dynasty 15 years later, the things that are open to this young man in the Treasure Pavilion today should be better."

"Understood." The voice that sounded from nowhere no longer rang in the old man's ear...

After entering the Treasure Pavilion, what appeared in front of the young man were three strange stone doors.

The three stone gates are juxtaposed together. On the stone gates from left to right, the words "equipment", "elixir" and "skill" are written in large characters in seal script.Obviously, it also represents three different types of treasures.

Seal script characters are very complicated and very different from modern Chinese characters. If it was in the previous life, Peasley would not know it, but since Kazuki Ayane learned calligraphy, as long as the various fonts in Chinese history are not too remote, Peasley can basically understand them. can recognize.

At this time, the voice of the eunuch rang in their ears: "I give you an hour to choose what you want. You can enter and exit these three doors as you please.

Even if you have the ability, you can go up to the second, third, or even fourth and fifth floors.

But the value of what you choose cannot exceed the value of the reward you get.If you don't finish picking after an hour, you must be forced to leave here. If the value is not reached, you will be compensated with money.

Alright, act on your own, I will come to remind you to leave in an hour.If you choose in advance, come to the door, our house is waiting for you at the door. "

After saying this, he ignored Peasley and the others, and walked straight out of the Treasure Pavilion.

The four of them glanced at each other, Lu Xitian said: "This floor is below gold, we are all gold warriors here, so let's go directly to the second floor?"

Peasley and the others nodded.

But in the process of going up the stairs, they met three people coming down the stairs.

The three of them said with disappointment: "Te Niang is really a waste of my time. If I knew it, I would just take the money and leave. Returning the Treasure Pavilion, it is obviously a bunch of rubbish stuff, basically there is no good stuff."

Then the three of them glanced at Lu Xitian and the other four, then suddenly closed their mouths, and went downstairs with a gloating expression on their faces.

Lu Xitian and the others looked a little ugly, and said while going upstairs:
"It's no wonder that the vast majority of people take money directly and don't want to be paid. Firstly, they find few natural materials and earthly treasures in the ruins. Second, instead of spending time looking for a bunch of useless things, it is better to just take them directly." The money is used to participate in auctions or go to special stores to buy.

I guess our result might not be any better than those three people just now, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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