The glory of the king

Chapter 370 Big Chapter

Chapter 370 Big Chapter (15)

Ding ding dong dong was being heard from the blacksmith's shop, and there seemed to be no difference from the blacksmith's shop in memory.

Peasley stopped the carriage and said to Ning Xuan: "This is the home of my Uncle Rongshan. Uncle Rongshan's family was the closest neighbor to my home when I was young. Since I passed by this time, I should go in and make a call. call."

Ning Xuan nodded when she heard the words, and got out of the car with Pisley.

The boy had just arrived at the door of the blacksmith shop, when a slender girl with heavy makeup came out from inside.

She is obviously a young girl, but because of her heavy makeup, she looks a bit old-fashioned and rustic.However, from the outline of the opponent's face, Peasley vaguely recognized that this seemed to be Rong Rong, the daughter of Uncle Rong Shan!

From the age of five to 15, in ten years, some people may have a big change in appearance, but there are also some people who have the same appearance in ten years, without much change at all.

And the girl with heavy makeup in front of her is obviously such a person.Although this girl didn't like him very much when she was young, but ten years have passed, and the dislike from childhood can't be brought back ten years later. Now everyone has grown up and matured a lot in their hearts.

He was just about to say hello, but Rong Rong glanced at him, with a gleam in his eyes, and asked in a charming voice, "Is there something wrong, little brother?"

Peasley was slightly taken aback, the other party obviously didn't recognize him.

I have to say that my appearance has changed a bit in the past ten years.Compared with the immature appearance of ten years ago, now his appearance and temperament have been sublimated after his strength has improved.

I don't say how handsome I am now, but I'm definitely not ugly. Coupled with the invisible temperament exuding from my body, I'm still very attractive.

Since the other party didn't recognize him, Peasley didn't intend to reveal his identity directly, so he looked at the other party and said with a smile:

"Hello, beautiful young lady, I came here to build a weapon, I wonder if it's inconvenient now."

"It's convenient, of course it's convenient! Little brother, please come inside!"

Rong Rong put down the iron basin in her hand, and made a gesture of invitation to Pisley.

However, when she saw Ning Xuan, who was as beautiful as a flower, her eyes suddenly flashed a bit of coldness, but it seemed that she didn't want Pisley to think that she was rude, so she showed a dry smile to Ning Xuan, and said the same Please.

Ning Xuan smiled and nodded to Rong Rong, then followed Pisley into the blacksmith shop.

Opening the curtain, a wave of heat hits the face.What came into view was a fiery red world, and the sound of various sledgehammers hitting iron blocks was deafening.

"What do you want to build, my lord?" Rong Rong leaned towards Pisley with a charming voice.

Smelling the strong scent of perfume on the other person, Pisley frowned slightly, thinking that the girl Rong Rong has changed a lot. Ten years ago she was unruly and self-willed, and ten years later she will treat others much more politely.

But the other party was so close, which made him a little uncomfortable.

However, he didn't think too much, his purpose was to visit Rong Shan's family.However, among the group of thick men blacksmithing, Pisley did not see Uncle Rong Shan and Aunt Rong.

So he asked Rong Rong, "By the way, where is the boss here, Mr. Rong Shan? Why haven't you seen him?"

There was no response to Peasley's words, and he lowered his head to realize that Rong Rong's face became stiff!
A bad feeling rose in his heart, and he quickly asked: "What's the matter, Rong Shanda... what's wrong with the boss?"

Rong Rong sighed softly, and said: "My father has been a blacksmith all his life, and it seems that his skills are still very high, so that a boy like my little brother has heard of his name... It's just a pity, although such a reputation keeps him Quite proud, but it also hurt him..."

Peasley's heart trembled, he grabbed the other person's shoulder nervously, and asked, "Mr. Rong Shan, what happened to him?"

Being grabbed by the shoulder by the young man, Rong Rong showed a little frightened expression, but she didn't struggle, but said pitifully, "My father...was assassinated six years ago!"

"What!" Pisley was shocked. He never expected that Uncle Rong Shan, who he had always admired for his superb forging skills, would be assassinated!
"Who assassinated him? Why did you assassinate him?" Peasley still asked.

Rong Rong looked at the shock on the young man's face, she didn't seem to be pretending, she glanced at the craftsmen who were all focused on them, and said to them in a low voice: "What are you looking at, don't work fast !"

After saying this, she turned her head in the midst of everyone's resentful expressions, looked at Pisley, and said softly, "My lord, let's talk inside."

Peasley nodded, at the moment he was eager to know about Rong Shan.

The inner room is also a room for receiving guests, and there is a tea table in the room.

Pisley and Ning Xuan sat down, after Rong Rong poured a cup of tea for each of them, Rong Rong just sat down at the seat opposite to Pisley, and said slowly:

"In fact, my father once owned a gold-level forging book."

Peasley's heart moved, what the other party said should be the same [Hunyuan Lid] that Rong Shan gave him back then.

Although it was only silver low-level equipment at the beginning, Rong Shan was an ordinary person after all, and it was very rare for ordinary people to be able to forge equipment used by Glory Warriors.

Thinking of this, Peasley felt even more regretful and heartbroken over Rong Shan's death.

Rong Rong went on to say: "My father only used this forging book to forge once for a bastard in the alley on the east side. Afterwards, because he heard that it might cause trouble, he sealed it up and never took it out again."

Peasley was startled, this "bastard", is he the one you are talking about?

He coughed lightly, concealed the embarrassment in his heart, and continued the topic: "Young lady, what you mean is that your father was assassinated because of this gold forging book?"

Rong Rong sighed and nodded silently.

"Since it's sealed up, why did it lead to a fatal disaster later?" Peaseli was puzzled, "Could it be that someone leaked the news?"

Speaking of this, Rong Rong suddenly showed an angry expression, clenched her fists tightly, and said through gritted teeth:

"It must be like this! My father only used this gold forging book to forge that thing once from the beginning to the end. Apart from our family, only the bastard's family in the East Alley knew about it! This matter must have something to do with their family. There are relationships!!
And that bastard from that family suddenly disappeared ten years ago, maybe he leaked the news outside, causing someone to get my father's attention... I will definitely settle the debt with him when he comes back! "

Peasley was stunned, this guy is talking about himself?When did you leak the news about [Hunyuan Gai]?
And he remembered that he reminded Uncle Rong Shan not to take out the gold forging book, otherwise it might be dangerous...

It seems that these ten years have passed. Although the character of Rong Rong has indeed changed a lot, her dislike for him, Peasley, is still as strong as ever...

"Girl, before the matter is investigated clearly, you still can't blame others casually. This will make people think you are unreasonable." Pisley said in a warm voice.

Rong Rong frowned slightly, but when she saw the young man's gentle face, her heart suddenly warmed up, and she nodded silently.

Peasley continued to ask: "I don't know who assassinated Mr. Rong Shan? Miss, can you tell me the details, maybe I can avenge Mr. Rong Shan!"

Rong Rong's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she looked at the young man with eager eyes: "Could it be that you are... the Glory Fighter?!"

Peasley nodded calmly.

When Rong Rong heard this, she got up immediately, a little excited and a little flustered, rubbing the corners of her clothes tightly with her hands, looking very nervous.

"That... the little girl didn't know that it was Master Zhanshi who came to our store, and there was a lack of hospitality, please forgive me!"

Peasley waved his hand: "Girl, you don't have to be like this. Glorious warriors are human beings, no more noble than ordinary people. Please sit down and tell me the details of your father's assassination."

What Peasley said sounds nice, but in fact, this is also his true inner thoughts.

Although Glory Warriors are powerful, the real core operators of this world are ordinary people at the bottom. Without them, Glory Warriors would be useless.

After listening to the young man's words, Rong Rong's face flushed. The young man in front of her spoke so well that she couldn't help feeling more good feelings in her heart.

She sat back on the stool, looked at Peasley and said:

"It's like this, one night about six years ago, my mother and I came back from my grandmother's house, and found that the house that was brightly lit before was actually completely dark today.

At that time, I had a bad premonition, and my mother rushed in with me!As a result... As a result, we saw chaos at home, and my father... I saw my father lying dead in a pool of blood, his blood had dried up..."

Speaking of this, Rong Rong's eyes were already red. Although this girl has prejudice against Pisley, it can be seen that she still loves her strict father deeply.

Pisley stretched out his hand and patted Rong Rong's shoulder. The girl's sadness seemed to be detonated by this. Following Pisley's hand, the girl threw herself into Pisley's arms and cried bitterly.

Peasley was a little taken aback, and Ning Xuan frowned slightly, and looked at Peasley dissatisfied with her small mouth.

Pisley spread his hands helplessly, then patted Rong Rong's soft back lightly, and said, "Cry, it will make you feel better when you cry."

In fact, Peasley hoped that the other party would hurry up and stop crying.However, he knew that if he persuaded others not to cry, they would cry harder, and if he persuaded others to cry, they would stop crying very quickly.

Facts have proved that this tactic is really effective. After only 1 minute, Rong Rong stopped crying. She was sobbing and looked at the front of the boy in front of him whose clothes were wet with her tears.

Suddenly, she came back to her senses, took a few steps back in horror, looked at the boy's face and kept apologizing:

"Yes... I'm sorry! Master Battle Master, I... I didn't mean it. Are your clothes expensive, or should I pay you one?"

Seeing the girl's frightened expression, Peasley smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, clothes are worthless. A girl's tears are more valuable."

Rong Rong was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, then lowered her head with a blushing face, and said "I'm sorry".

Peasley shook his head and continued: "After listening to what you said just now, Mr. Rong Shan was assassinated indoors, and the room was searched all over, but everything else was missing, except for the gold forging book. ?”

Rong Rong nodded: "My lord, your guess is right. The family's money is not missing, except for the blacksmithing book."

Peasley pondered for a moment, obviously the killer had a clear goal.But Peasley can be sure that he has not told anyone about the origin of Hunyuan Gai.

For an ordinary person like Rong Rong, maybe the news might spread from Pisley. The reason why she thinks so is because she doesn't know the ability of Glory Fighter.

The Glory Continent is huge, and almost every Glory fighter has his own unique ability.Perhaps someone detected the existence of the forging book in Rong Shan's home by some means, so they went in and assassinated Rong Shan and stole the forging book.

Although Peasley doesn't know the specific situation, the general reason should be similar to what Peasley guessed.

Peasley looked at Rong Rong and said, "Before your father died, didn't you leave any information related to the person who assassinated him?"

When Rong Rong heard this, she pondered deeply.But after all, six years have passed. For her who was in extreme pain at that time, she probably didn't care about any clues, and even if she cared about it, she might not be able to remember it at this moment.

However, what surprised Peasley was that the other party suddenly said after pondering for a moment:
"Yes! I remembered! When my father's body was found, on the ground next to his right palm, the word 'Ball Man' was written in blood! Balloon ball, man's man...

Although the relics are somewhat blurred, I can still recognize my father's handwriting no matter how ugly it is.

But I don't understand what these two words mean, but I think since my father wrote it down, there must be a reason!So I silently wrote it down, but six years have passed, if the adults hadn't mentioned it today, I really wouldn't be able to remember it. "

"Ball...boy?" Although Rong Rong's words sounded like a useful clue, how could he find clues in the vast Glory Continent with just two words?
ball man...

What is a ball boy?

A man playing ball?
Thinking of this, Peasley suddenly thought of someone!

In the hero of pesticides, it seems that there is indeed a man playing with a ball——

Ming Shiyin.

But to be precise, this person's weapon is not a ball, but has the shape of a ball.

In fact, Ming Shiyin's weapon is a round lantern-like utensil, and inside the utensil is a flower with a fantasy atmosphere.

But it does look like a ball at first glance, so the person Rong Shan's message refers to may be Ming Shiyin!
(End of this chapter)

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