The glory of the king

Chapter 371 Big Chapter

Chapter 371 Big Chapter (16)

However, there is one thing that makes Peasley a little puzzled, that is, the heroes in Pesticide are at least diamond-level powerhouses in the Glory Continent...

How could a diamond powerhouse be interested in a gold forging book?
"Are there any other clues?" Peasley continued to ask.

After thinking about it carefully, Rong Rong shook her head and said: "There seems to be only one useful clue..."

Peasley nodded to express his understanding, then stood up, turned his hand, and a money bag appeared.

Peasley put the money bag on the table, pushed it in front of the girl and said:
"Mr. Rong Shan's matter, I will definitely investigate when I have time.

Now that Mr. Rong Shan is gone, I won't make weapons.This bag of money is my wish, and I hope the girl can accept it.I hope that the financial situation of the girl's family can be improved a little bit. "

Looking at the money bag on the table, Rong Rong was very surprised. She quickly got up and pushed the money bag back in front of the boy, saying:
"No, no, how can I accept money from you, my lord! Although I don't know what kind of relationship my lord has with my father, but the little girl is already very honored that my lord can come to the little girl's house today, and I dare not accept money from my lord!
As for my father's don't have to worry about it, you can't come back to life after death, so you don't have to do something dangerous for my father... Our ordinary people's life is cheap, it's not worthy of your attention..."

Peasley looked at the girl's lowered head, and said seriously: "Ordinary people's life is life, and it's worth our cherishing. Please don't make such self-deprecating remarks."

Rong Rong raised her head and looked at the juvenile's eyes shining with joy.

"My lord's words, the little girl will keep in mind!"

Peasley nodded with a smile, then took his leave and left.

Holding the money bag, Rong Rong walked Pisley to the door and watched him get into the carriage.

Suddenly, her heart moved, she looked at the black-haired boy driving the carriage and asked:
"That's right! The little girl's name is Rong Rong, Rong Rong from Fu Rong, how dare I ask your lord's name?"

Peasley glanced at her, with a slight smile on his lips: "My name is Lispi."

After saying this, Peasley drove the carriage towards the alley in the east, leaving Rong Rong standing alone at the door of the blacksmith shop and muttering to himself:

"Lispi...? Why does this name sound familiar..."

Suddenly, she thought of something, her whole body froze suddenly, and then a thick blush rose on her face, and she stomped her feet angrily when she saw the direction the carriage was leaving.

"How could it be that guy!! Oh, so angry! It's a's too shameful!!!"

Rong Rong felt ashamed for a while, but after a while, she gradually calmed down, looking at the place where the carriage disappeared, a faint smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Unexpectedly, after ten years of absence, that kid has changed so much, he is so handsome..."

Then she lowered her head and opened the money bag in her hand with two fingers. When she saw the unicorn pattern engraved on the surface of the coins in the money bag, her eyes and mouth gradually opened wide, with an unbelievable expression on her face.

For Glory Fighters, earning money is easy.Coupled with state subsidies, basically every Glory Warrior is a rich man.

However, for an ordinary person like Rong Rong, running a business like a blacksmith shop may not necessarily earn twenty unicorn coins a month, except for the wages of the workers.

However, at this moment, she has one hundred unicorn coins in her hand, which is almost equivalent to her five-month net income...

"This guy... Is he so rich now? He took out so much at random... I talked to him so much just now, and he doesn't look like he's revealing her father's secret... But I can't tell, maybe it is The other party felt guilty, so he used the money to make up for it...Anyway, it's only natural for me to accept it!"

Thinking this way, Rong Rong put away the purse and turned around to go into the blacksmith's shop.However, just as she turned around, her figure stopped suddenly. She turned her head and couldn't help but glance at the place where the carriage disappeared. She didn't know what she was thinking...

At the moment, Peasley, who was driving the carriage, was thinking about Rong Shan.

It never occurred to him that Uncle Rong Shan, whom he respected a lot after not seeing him for ten years, would be separated from him.

Peasley didn't feel too much sadness in his heart, but he felt a little bit emotional about the fragility and uniqueness of life.

There are many things in the world, if you lose it once, you will always have the opportunity and possibility to get it again, but once you lose your life, you will never get it again.

The law of life and death cannot be easily changed even by the strongest king.

But in this world, there may be skills or methods similar to resurrection.

Thinking of this, Peasley couldn't help looking at the palm of his right hand. On the surface of his palm, there was a bright red pattern composed of thirty petals.The patterned surface is shimmered by streamers.

Peasley opened up his state. In the past three months, Peasley has also completed many tasks one after another, and his strength has improved a lot in all aspects.


Rating: 50
Experience: 35/500
Mullah Grade: Platinum Level [-]

Fragment of the Book of Heaven (2/12):
[Red Moon]: You can have the power of the strongest king within 1 minute. (After the effect ends, it will immediately enter a weak state. Mula's power cannot be used within 10 days, and all skills related to Mula cannot be used. Cooling time: 10 days. Current status: Available.)
[Spirit Mountain]: Sacrifice any piece of equipment to unconditionally kill one and the level of the equipment
Comparable to any creature.Skill range: within 100 meters. (The target strength must be below Xingyao. Cooling time: 10 days. Current status: available.)
Attack: 605 (+40)

Defense: 660 (+110)

Critical Hit Rate:
20% (+5%)

Evasion rate: 20% (+10%)
HP: 1680/1680
Energy: 850/850
Prestige: 723/1000 (Dihua Zhixiu: Get 10 Kirin Coins and 1 experience point at midnight every day.)


[Tianmu]: Active skill, you can check the status of opponents whose level is not higher than your own level 20, and can see through any object for 10 seconds. (energy consumption: 10, level: 12)

[Qi Poison Blade]: Active skill, emits a strong poisonous gas blade from the hand, which can make the attacked lose 5% of the remaining HP every second within 1 minutes. (Energy Consumption: 15, Level: 9)

[Zen Step]: Active skill, increase your own movement speed within 30 seconds, and can create 8 afterimages that can be controlled for 10 seconds. (energy consumption: 25, level: 15)

[Sea Heart Technique]: After 3 seconds of guidance, it can restore 20% of the maximum blood volume of oneself including teammates within 50 meters. (Energy Consumption: 100, Active Skill, Level: 7)

[Tiger Might Fist]: Active skill, increase to 20 times fist strength within 3 seconds. (Initial level: black iron low level, current level: 10)

[Diamond Shield]: Active skill, increase defense power to 20 times within 3 seconds. (Initial level: Black Iron Intermediate, current level: 9)

[Yunteng Technique]: The body turns into a swimming snake and turns into a cloud into the sea.Active skill, it can fly at the fastest speed of 100 meters per second for 100 seconds within a height of 100 meters. (Energy Consumption: 50, Level: 10)

[Phantom Sound Technique]: Active skill,

Can be used on enemies within 20 meters to stun them for 3 seconds. (Level: 4)

[Xiaoqiang's Struggle]: Passive skill, when the life value is lower than half, it is triggered in an instant, immune to all damage within 4 seconds. (Grade 1)

[Black Thunder Gun]: Active skill, ignoring defense, extremely fast, hitting the target will directly cause real damage equal to 5.00% of the target's maximum health.

Attack range: within 50 meters (initial level: gold low level, current level: level 3.)
[Fire Immunity]: Passive skill, literally.

[Pure Land]: Active skill, summoning a seductive dancer, causing a psychedelic and charming effect on the enemy.At the same time, the dancer can be controlled, and can instantly switch positions with the skill initiator.Skill range: 10 meters. (Energy Consumption: 20, Level: 1.)
[Dragon Battle in the Wild]: Active skill, it can form a 'Dragon Domain' within 20 meters, all friendly troops will gain attack defense and movement speed bonuses within the range of the Dragon Zone, and the user can summon a dragon to fight. (Initial level, diamond low level, current level: 1)

System Backpack:

觳觫 (húsù) pill × 5 (can make the user fall into a state of extreme fear and mental disorder.)
Spirit Pill × 4 (It can greatly reduce the difficulty of platinum promotion.)
Poker Pill × 8 (It can greatly improve the progress of cultivation.)
【Special item】:
Golden rune paper (pink fox, golden pinnacle);
Liu Qingfeng's soul (utility: unknown).

Moon Bakugan × 1 (It can cause fatal damage to anyone below platinum.)
Purple scroll (thank you for your purchase)
[Entering the Urn]: Platinum is low-level, it can transform into a formation with a diameter of [-] meters, and trap the target in the [Into the Urn].If the trapped people can't break through the formation in time, they will soon be melted into blood.

【Smelly socks】

: It stinks beyond your imagination!Works wonders against fog attacks.

【Tianluo Formation】

Golden intermediate formation.

【Sea Soul Formation】

Gold Advanced Formation.

A red high-grade storage bag

A pair of purple gold rings can be combined into a heart shape

Iron Piece: Mysterious Map.

【Heavenly Spirit Milk】: It can greatly increase your cultivation speed.Remaining: [-]/[-] pot.

[Tang Lin]: Platinum is low-level, with two kinds of sword arrays, offensive and defensive.Skills can be triggered without using Mullah.

[Announcement to Heaven]: Similar to the existence of a flare, as long as it is fired towards the sky, it will explode and send an invisible distress signal within a radius of 100 miles.As long as there are powerful people from the Tang Dynasty within this range, they will definitely rescue the signal at the fastest speed.

[Blowing fan]: Xingyao is low-level, can blow opponents away to a certain range, even the king has a certain effect.

[Tianzhu flower stem]: The flower stem without petals.

[Confident questioning]: Ask 20 strangers 'Am I beautiful? ', if 10 people answer the task in the affirmative, the task is completed, and less than 10 tasks fail.

Task requirements: 10 people


Amount of tasks completed: 2 positive and 3 negative.

Remaining mission time: 23 days and 9 hours

Task completion reward: experience +100, reputation +100.

Penalty for not completing the task: Prestige -100. "

The first is the system level, Peasley has been raised to level 50, and the attack defense, life value and energy value have been greatly improved.

As long as it's not a protracted battle, his energy is basically enough.

Level 50 is equivalent to the strength of the platinum peak.As long as he is not facing a single opponent with the strength of diamond and above, Peasley will not be afraid.

And during this period of time, using [Heavenly Spirit Milk] and [Broken Cauldron Pill], Peasley jumped from the ninth level of gold to the first level of platinum.

If it hadn't been for sealing the pattern Tianzhu left him, Peasley would even have the confidence to reach platinum level [-] or even level [-].

But Peasley didn't regret sealing the pattern, because in his heart, there were many things that were more important than improving his strength.

Then there is the new skill that Peasley learned - [Dragon Fighting in the Field].

This diamond-level skill was only learned after Peasley's mura strength reached platinum.

Otherwise, with his previous gold-level strength, there is no way to learn this skill beyond two stages.

But even if Peasley has learned this diamond-level skill, he can only use it once or twice with his current Mulla. The cost performance is not very high, and he will not use it until the critical moment.

The last thing is the task. This new task made Peasley a little speechless, very angry, and very shameless.

It's acceptable for you to ask "I'm handsome or not", but he has to be a big man to ask others if he is beautiful...

Although Peasley has done this kind of irritating mission more than once, but this mission made him a little sick.

But for reward, he can only admit it.

Before he knew it, the carriage drove into the east alley.

Looking at this familiar alley, Peasley felt a little nervous for some reason.

He used to run against the rising sun in this alley, lie on the wall of other people's house to peek at the young lady taking a bath, and practice the use of mula in the alley...

In the past 15 years, although he only stayed in this place for five years, these five years were the happiest and most carefree five years for him.

Because this is his home, the beautiful residence of his childhood.

The carriage stopped in front of a small courtyard, and the moment the carriage stopped, Peasley felt no less than ten auras of varying strengths or weaknesses coming towards him.

The corner of Peasley's mouth was slightly raised, and the aura on his body shook, and the aura of the platinum powerhouse spread towards the sky like an invisible dragon.

The boy showed his strength, and the surroundings suddenly exploded.

All of a sudden, the roof, the tile-roofed room, and the wooden building were all shaken, as if they were in a panic, or they were mobilizing their troops.

At this moment, two figures silently landed in front of Peasley.

These two people were wearing black night clothes, one fat and one thin.The face is completely covered by clothing, leaving only a pair of eyes outside.

Seeing the clothes they were wearing, Peasley immediately recalled that Ake seemed to be rescued by him wearing these clothes.

But before he could ask, the two men in black took the lead and said, "May I ask who is your lord? What advice do you have here?"

(End of this chapter)

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