The glory of the king

Chapter 372 Big Chapter

Chapter 372 Big Chapter (17)

(Not modified yet, please do not read. Sorry.)
"That's why this pibby bird has made certain things instinctive.

When performing instinctive behavior, even if the trainer level is high enough, it is possible to violate the trainer's order. "

After listening to the illustration book's explanation, Yan Zhao's doubts were completely eliminated.

There are actually two reasons mentioned in the illustrated book.The first is his own level.

First-time pets with low-level abilities can generally only fully control elves from level 1 to 20. For elves above level 20, there will obviously be some feelings of powerlessness.

However, this feeling can be compensated by the relationship between the trainer and the elf.

But in the face of absolute strength, sometimes things that are maintained by emotions may not be so strong.

Therefore, improving one's own strength is the kingly way to improve the control over the elves.

His Bibi Bird is now level 29, obviously beyond the complete control of the first-time pet trainer.Otherwise, Bibi Bird would not ignore the trainer's orders.

Another reason for the illustrated book is instinctive behavior.

Yan Zhao can understand that in the past year, Bibi Bird took "attacking the lazy Lixue" as an instinctive behavior, and only launched attacks on Lixue.

It was his fault.

"Axue, I'm sorry for you." Yan Zhao sincerely apologized to Li Xue, but what he got was Li Xue's sweet smile.

"No one is sorry for anyone, it's heaven..." Li Xue closed her mouth before finishing her sentence.He raised his head and looked at the ceiling, his blurred eyes seemed to be able to see through the thick wall and see that thief.

Good fortune, fate, sometimes it is really a certain person, or a plaything of a certain god.

Throughout the afternoon, Yan Zhao asked Li Xue to put all her belongings on the bed.Of course, home here is of course money and Pokemon.

Since it is a new life, Yan Zhao naturally needs to plan well so that he can see his future path clearly.


Spirit coins: 68.

Yan Zhao's Pokemon: Bibi Bird, level 29.

Li Xue's Pokemon: Duck, level 25.

It seems that apart from money, apart from the two elves, apart from this family, the two of them have nothing else.

But this is also good, pack lightly, and welcome a new future.

His parents once each had an elf

, but after they learned that their master had passed away, they suddenly disappeared at home.

Yan Zhao knew that his parents' elves must be heartbroken because of this incident, just like him.It is even possible to follow them to another world...

The resurrection this time made Yan Zhao deeply aware of the importance of strength.But strength is not something that can be achieved overnight.So he has to make specific plans in the future.

Before that, there is one more thing that must be done.

Under Li Xue's surprised eyes, Yan Zhao picked up the master-servant elf ball.

When Lixue saw this elf ball, panic flashed in Lixue's eyes again.However, what Yan Zhao said next made the negative emotions in her eyes disappear.

"I want to terminate the contract." Yan Zhao's voice was sonorous and forceful, but it sounded so gentle in Li Xue's ears.

But to Yan Zhao's surprise, Li Xue actually shook her head.

"Why?" Yan Zhao was puzzled, but suddenly, he thought of some possibility and asked in surprise, "Could it be that I did something to offend you?"

What Yan Zhao meant was naturally the matter between men and women.

When Li Xue heard the words, her fair face flushed suddenly: "In that respect, the master is still very reserved..."

Hearing what Lixue said, Yan Zhao also secretly heaved a sigh of relief. If he really did something to offend Lixue, he would not feel rejoicing, but would only feel deeper guilt.

Girls, you can't play with them at will.If you love, please love deeply.

"Why is that?" Yan Zhao was puzzled, "Are you really willing to be my servant forever?"

Lixue didn't nod or shake her head, she smiled slightly with a hint of bitterness: "Some things are already used to it, so there's no need to change it. In fact, it's really good as it is now."

Yan Zhao was silent, looking at the master-servant elf ball in his hand, the helplessness in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Why, Master doesn't like it?" Li Xue looked at him with a half-smile.

"Definitely, to be accompanied by a beautiful woman is something I wish for." Yan Zhao answered with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Xue covered her mouth and smiled lightly, her eyes curved into beautiful crescents.

Yan Zhao thought to himself, if he could see the crescent moon every day, he might live ten more years.


Mochi City is one of the largest metropolises in the Shadong region of the Big Fish Country, with a total population of one million.

Among them, Moqi No. [-] Middle School is the best high school in Moqi City. Generally, students who can be admitted to this school will have a fairly good job assignment after graduation.

At this moment, Yan Zhao and Li Xue were standing in front of the magnificent gate of this school.

Looking at the words "Moqi No. [-] Middle School" carved like a dragon and a phoenix, Yan Zhao couldn't help but smacked his lips:

"Based on my grades back then, if that incident hadn't happened, I would probably be able to go to school here."

Lixue smiled and said nothing, not wanting to expose the hypocrisy of a scumbag.

"Let's go, the elf exchange competition held by Dr. Nagano should be very exciting."

After saying that, Yan Zhao walked into the gate of Mo Qi No. [-] Middle School first.Behind him, Lixue took off her maid outfit and put on a turquoise plaid shirt, like a green lotus in a summer pond, fresh and elegant.

As the best high school in Moqi City, Moqi No. [-] Middle School has its own arrogance.Usually never open to teachers and students outside the school.

Only when there are occasional major events, it will be open to the public for a limited time.

So for Yan Zhao and Li Xue, two students of Moqi No. [-] Middle School, it was a great honor to be able to enter the campus of Moqi No. [-] Middle School.

As soon as he entered the school, three boys in black jackets walked up to him.Yan Zhao could tell at a glance that they were students of Mo Qi No. [-] Middle School.

Because they all had the school badge of Moqi No. [-] Middle School pinned to their chests.

"Yo! This girl looks really good." The tallest among the three students stopped immediately after seeing the beautiful girl behind Yan Zhao.

Hearing the other party's compliments, Yan Zhao felt rather proud. To be honest, being able to get along with such a beautiful girl day and night is really a happy thing.

However, his pride hadn't risen from his heart to his face, the tall boy in front of him suddenly walked up to Li Xue, and made a very handsome gentlemanly salute to Li Xue:

"Beauty, I'd like to treat you to a meal, can I? I don't know how you like the Chery restaurant across the street?"

Hearing the words, I was shocked after another.Apparently he didn't expect this tall student to pick up Lixue of their family so directly and proactively... um... it should be their family...

Moreover, the Chery Restaurant opposite Moqi No. [-] Middle School is a well-known aristocratic hotel in Moqi City, and the cost of a meal is at least [-].

For Yan Zhao, that kind of place will always be a place to keep a respectful distance from.I don't know how many marinating things are done on the wine table there.

But for some women, it's the perfect place to catch a rich man.

And for a little girl of Lixue's age, it was a blessing to be able to have a meal there.

However, most of the beautiful girls who are brought to dinner by this rich second generation are very likely to be taken to a hotel called "Love House" next to the restaurant...

"That's why this pibby bird has made certain things instinctive.

When performing instinctive behavior, even if the trainer level is high enough, it is possible to violate the trainer's order. "

After listening to the illustration book's explanation, Yan Zhao's doubts were completely eliminated.

There are actually two reasons mentioned in the illustrated book.The first is his own level.

First-time pets with low-level abilities can generally only fully control elves from level 1 to 20. For elves above level 20, there will obviously be some feelings of powerlessness.

However, this feeling can be compensated by the relationship between the trainer and the elf.

But in the face of absolute strength, sometimes things that are maintained by emotions may not be so strong.

Therefore, improving one's own strength is the kingly way to improve the control over the elves.

His Bibi Bird is now level 29, obviously beyond the complete control of the first-time pet trainer.Otherwise, Bibi Bird would not ignore the trainer's orders.

Another reason for the illustrated book is instinctive behavior.

Yan Zhao can understand that in the past year, Bibi Bird took "attacking the lazy Lixue" as an instinctive behavior, and only launched attacks on Lixue.

It was his fault.

"Axue, I'm sorry for you." Yan Zhao sincerely apologized to Li Xue, but what he got was Li Xue's sweet smile.

"No one is sorry for anyone, it's heaven..." Li Xue closed her mouth before finishing her sentence.He raised his head and looked at the ceiling, his blurred eyes seemed to be able to see through the thick wall and see that thief.

Good fortune, fate, sometimes it is really a certain person, or a plaything of a certain god.

Throughout the afternoon, Yan Zhao asked Li Xue to put all her belongings on the bed.Of course, home here is of course money and Pokemon.

Since it is a new life, Yan Zhao naturally needs to plan well so that he can see his future path clearly.


Spirit coins: 68.

Yan Zhao's Pokemon: Bibi Bird, level 29.

Li Xue's Pokemon: Duck, level 25.

It seems that apart from money, apart from the two elves, apart from this family, the two of them have nothing else.

But this is also good, pack lightly, and welcome a new future.

His parents once each had an elf

, but after they learned that their master had passed away, they suddenly disappeared at home.

Yan Zhao knew that his parents' elves must be heartbroken because of this incident, just like him.It is even possible to follow them to another world...

The resurrection this time made Yan Zhao deeply aware of the importance of strength.But strength is not something that can be achieved overnight.So he has to make specific plans in the future.

Before that, there is one more thing that must be done.

Under Li Xue's surprised eyes, Yan Zhao picked up the master-servant elf ball.

When Lixue saw this elf ball, panic flashed in Lixue's eyes again.However, what Yan Zhao said next made the negative emotions in her eyes disappear.

"I want to terminate the contract." Yan Zhao's voice was sonorous and forceful, but it sounded so gentle in Li Xue's ears.

But to Yan Zhao's surprise, Li Xue actually shook her head.

"Why?" Yan Zhao was puzzled, but suddenly, he thought of some possibility and asked in surprise, "Could it be that I did something to offend you?"

What Yan Zhao meant was naturally the matter between men and women.

When Li Xue heard the words, her fair face flushed suddenly: "In that respect, the master is still very reserved..."

Hearing what Lixue said, Yan Zhao also secretly heaved a sigh of relief. If he really did something to offend Lixue, he would not feel rejoicing, but would only feel deeper guilt.

Girls, you can't play with them at will.If you love, please love deeply.

"Why is that?" Yan Zhao was puzzled, "Are you really willing to be my servant forever?"

Lixue didn't nod or shake her head, she smiled slightly with a hint of bitterness: "Some things are already used to it, so there's no need to change it. In fact, it's really good as it is now."

Yan Zhao was silent, looking at the master-servant elf ball in his hand, the helplessness in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Why, Master doesn't like it?" Li Xue looked at him with a half-smile.

"Definitely, to be accompanied by a beautiful woman is something I wish for." Yan Zhao answered with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Xue covered her mouth and smiled lightly, her eyes curved into beautiful crescents.

Yan Zhao thought to himself, if he could see the crescent moon every day, he might live ten more years.


Mochi City is one of the largest metropolises in the Shadong region of the Big Fish Country, with a total population of one million.

Among them, Moqi No. [-] Middle School is the best high school in Moqi City. Generally, students who can be admitted to this school will have a fairly good job assignment after graduation.

At this moment, Yan Zhao and Li Xue were standing in front of the magnificent gate of this school.

Looking at the words "Moqi No. [-] Middle School" carved like a dragon and a phoenix, Yan Zhao couldn't help but smacked his lips:

"Based on my grades back then, if that incident hadn't happened, I would probably be able to go to school here."

Lixue smiled and said nothing, not wanting to expose the hypocrisy of a scumbag.

"Let's go, the elf exchange competition held by Dr. Nagano should be very exciting."

After saying that, Yan Zhao walked into the gate of Mo Qi No. [-] Middle School first.Behind him, Lixue took off her maid outfit and put on a turquoise plaid shirt, like a green lotus in a summer pond, fresh and elegant.

As the best high school in Moqi City, Moqi No. [-] Middle School has its own arrogance.Usually never open to teachers and students outside the school.

Only when there are occasional major events, it will be open to the public for a limited time.

So for Yan Zhao and Li Xue, two students of Moqi No. [-] Middle School, it was a great honor to be able to enter the campus of Moqi No. [-] Middle School.

As soon as he entered the school, three boys in black jackets walked up to him.Yan Zhao could tell at a glance that they were students of Mo Qi No. [-] Middle School.

Because they all had the school badge of Moqi No. [-] Middle School pinned to their chests.

"Yo! This girl looks really good." The tallest among the three students stopped immediately after seeing the beautiful girl behind Yan Zhao.

Hearing the other party's compliments, Yan Zhao felt rather proud. To be honest, being able to get along with such a beautiful girl day and night is really a happy thing.

However, his pride hadn't risen from his heart to his face, the tall boy in front of him suddenly walked up to Li Xue, and made a very handsome gentlemanly salute to Li Xue:

"Beauty, I'd like to treat you to a meal, can I? I don't know how you like the Chery restaurant across the street?"

Hearing the words, I was shocked after another.Apparently he didn't expect this tall student to pick up Lixue of their family so directly and proactively... um... it should be their family...

Moreover, the Chery Restaurant opposite Moqi No. [-] Middle School is a well-known aristocratic hotel in Moqi City, and the cost of a meal is at least [-].

For Yan Zhao, that kind of place will always be a place to keep a respectful distance from.I don't know how many marinating things are done on the wine table there.

But for some women, it's the perfect place to catch a rich man.

And for a little girl of Lixue's age, it was a blessing to be able to have a meal there.

However, most of the beautiful girls who are brought to dinner by this rich second generation are very likely to be taken to a hotel called "Love House" next to the restaurant...

(End of this chapter)

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