The glory of the king

Chapter 374 Big Chapter

Chapter 374 Big Chapter (20)

"But one thing is certain, they are no longer in Liangyuan City."

After hearing Tao Tiantian's explanation, Pisley fell silent.

The Glory Continent is too big, if there is no clue, how can one find someone who is not famous in the Glory Continent?

Although the future is long, Pisley does not hope that when he finds Liu Qinghe, the other party is already a wife, or both of them have gray hair...

Thinking of this, Peasley showed a slightly painful expression on his face.

At this time, a warm and soft little hand was placed on the boy's hand, followed by Ning Xuan's gentle words:

"It doesn't matter. If you have officials you know, you can ask them to issue missing person notices all over the country. Wouldn't this greatly improve the efficiency of finding people?"

When Peasley heard this, his eyes lit up: "Yeah, why didn't I think of it! Xuan'er, you have more ways!"

Seeing his son so happy, Tao Tiantian couldn't help but said: " and Xiaohe have been separated for ten years, what do you still want her for?"

Peasley was silent, and he couldn't help but recall the scene when he parted from Liu Qinghe on that giant ship. The boy said with emotion:

"I made a promise with that girl ten years ago that I must find her in the future and give her happiness."

At this time, Li Ting, who had been silent all this time, said:

"Ten years ago, you were all just five-year-old children. Why take it seriously? Besides, you have a girl as good as Xuan'er now. Don't you plan to be as dedicated as your father, but to learn Do those nobles have three wives and four concubines?"

"Um, this..." The boy was a little speechless after being told by his father.

What Li Ting said is indeed reasonable, now that Ning Xuan is his own woman, it stands to reason that he should not provoke other women.

But the agreement ten years ago, he didn't say it as a five-year-old child, and he never took him as a joke.

If Ning Xuan's accident hadn't happened, he wouldn't have such entanglement at this moment.

But the matter has come to this point, even though he knows that he is sorry for Liu Qinghe, he still wants to find the other party and beg the other party's forgiveness. If possible, he hopes to continue the relationship with the other party that did not last.

He raised his head, looked at Li Ting and said, "Father, I'm sorry. Although I don't want to, I may really not be able to be single-minded in this life..."

At this time, Tao Tiantian patted Li Ting's hand vigorously, gave him a blank look and said:

"You only have one wife, that's because you're not capable. Our son is so good, there must be many girls chasing him? If those good girls don't accept her, wouldn't that be a waste of money?"

Li Ting was silent. He never questioned his wife too much.But after Tao Tiantian said this, he suddenly changed the subject, looked at Pisley and said:

"But... son, for your health, for the safety of your family, and for the sake of not letting your mother bring seven, eight, or ten grandchildren in the future, don't accept too many little girls, you know. ?"

Peasley nodded dumbfoundingly: "Understood, I won't mess around. I'm also a responsible person."

Although there were some twists and turns in the pleasant dinner atmosphere, in general, Peasley was very satisfied.

It's been a decade since the whole family gathered for dinner.

In this home of just over 100 square meters, Pisili experienced the warmth and tranquility that he had not experienced for many years.

That night, he slept soundly. After months of travel and exhaustion, he seemed to have gotten a full rest this night.

However, in his sleep, there would still be a white figure and a blue figure drifting past occasionally.

In the middle of the night, Peasley woke up from his dream.He looked at Ning Xuan who was sleeping beside him and breathing evenly, and smiled slightly.

However, at this moment, he suddenly heard some movement by the window, thinking that there was some villain, he quickly looked towards the window.

But to the boy's surprise, the one lying on the window was not some villain, but a snail emitting colorful light.

This snail was drawn by a lottery at the beginning, and after it was drawn, it was useless except for its good looks.

So later he gave it to Ning Xuan as a pet, but Lu Xitian took a fancy to it and said it might be a particularly powerful creature.

However, a few months have passed, and the snail is really useless except for eating and sleeping.

When he and Lu Tiantian entered the ruins together, Peasley planned to give the colorful snail to Lu Tiantian to cultivate if Lu Tiantian's character was not bad.

Later, he went to Lu's house specially for this matter, but he didn't expect that when he handed over the snail to the other party, the snail jumped out of the other party's arms and landed on Ning Xuan's shoulder again. The butt is facing the road and the sky.

At that time, both Lu Xitian and Pisley expressed their helplessness, so they had to give up the gift.

At this moment, the colorful snail climbed onto the window sill at some point, raised its head to look at the sky, and its two tentacles swayed slightly, as if it was bathing in the brilliance of the bright moon.

This was not the first time I saw this scene, so Peasley didn't pay much attention to it.However, just as he was about to sleep, suddenly, the snail turned his head and glanced at him.

Do snails have eyes?
The answer is yes.

There are two small black dots on the upper end of the snail's tentacles, which are its eyes.

Although it has eyes, the snail can't see the flowers and grass outside at all, because its eyes are not very advanced, so it can't see the images of the outside world, but can only feel the changes of light and shade outside.

But this colorful snail gave Peasley a different feeling. The eyes at the top of the tentacles are usually half-opened, but at this moment, with the help of the moonlight, Peasley can see that its eyes are fully open. , bright and bright.

Peasley didn't understand what the other person meant when he looked at him. Peasley, who was still planning to sleep, got out of bed, came to the snail, hugged it, and asked leisurely:
"Where are you from?"

The snail looked at Peasley with its two tentacled eyes, but there was no other reaction.

Ordinary snails have sticky liquid on their bodies, but this colorful snail's body is soft and smooth without any mucus.

" don't have a name yet, so I can't always call you Colorful Snail, but Daqi, what do you think?"

The snail's two tentacles still looked at Peasley's face without any reaction.

"If you don't speak, it's a default. Daqi, I'll call you Daqi from now on."

The snail looked away from Peasley's face and looked out the window again.

Peasley also looked at the moon in the sky. Tonight's moon is more than half a circle, and there are always some shortcomings and incompleteness.


The news of Peasley's return home was quickly passed on to their respective superiors by those guarding around Peasley's house.

Early the next morning, someone came to visit.

Peasley was having breakfast when he heard a woman's voice outside the door calling, "Is Mr. Lispy at home?"

Peasley opened the door, and what he saw was a beautiful face and a proud figure.

The woman was about seventeen or eighteen years old, her right eye was covered by bangs, revealing a happy blue pupil.A goose yellow dress
The girl's proud figure is perfectly outlined.

Seeing this woman with a somewhat familiar face, Peasley couldn't remember where he had seen her before.

"Excuse me, are you..."

The woman smiled slightly and said, "I haven't seen you in ten years, I think you've become more handsome!"

"Uh... I haven't seen you in ten years... Which classmate of mine ten years ago are you?" Peasley
He still couldn't remember who the other party was, but what the other party said made him feel more and more familiar with the other party.

"You idiot! Look."

As she spoke, the woman raised her right eye, which was covered by her bangs, revealing a red pupil.

Although this red pupil is not ugly, it is somewhat incompatible with the blue pupil of the other eye. No wonder she blocked it with her bangs.

But seeing these two-color eyes, the memory deep in Peasley's mind was evoked.

Back then in the Glory Fighter Competition, that one used a talisman and an oiled paper umbrella to spread a [Five Elements Beam Spirit Formation] on the field without a trace, almost defeating him, Pisley.

After losing, he knelt down and kowtowed to him, hoping that he could give the victory to the opponent.

But I didn't agree, and the other party sent someone to assassinate my parents afterwards...

All kinds of memories flooded into his heart, making Pisley's emotions a bit more complicated when he looked at the woman in front of him.

"You are Situ Jing?!"

Situ Jing smiled and nodded: "That's right, I didn't expect that I would still have some memory in your heart."

"However, you may not always leave good memories in my heart."

Situ Jing was taken aback for a moment, her face darkened, and her voice became softer: "You still remember that incident... Back then, I really treated the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain... Now I will talk to you again." Saying sorry, will it help?"

Peasley looked at the remorse on the woman's face, and knew that the other party really regretted what happened back then.

In fact, he said he forgave her because he used the other party to protect his parents.

And at that time, I couldn't kill the other party either. Firstly, I was not strong enough, secondly, the power behind the other party was much stronger than him, and thirdly, I was not allowed to kill in the academy.

But in fact, he still had a grudge against the other party's actions at the time.

However, ten years have passed, and the other party has sent people to protect his parents during these ten years, so that his closest relatives will not be in any danger. This kind of kindness, Peasley thinks, is enough to repay the hatred he had back then.

He looked at the woman who lowered her head and looked like she knew she was wrong, and smiled slightly:

"The past is over. Back then you lost your sense of propriety because of your grandfather's affairs. Even if I want to blame you, you have sent people to protect our family for ten years, and this enmity can be regarded as offset."

"Then we... are still friends?" Situ Jing raised her head slightly, not daring to look at the young man.

Peasley smiled and said, "It was then."

For teenagers, one more friend is better than one more enemy.

It's just that this friend who once attacked his parents needs to pay special attention.

"By the way...I remember that you should be the same age as me, why do you look...older than me now?"

Situ Jing glanced at the young man: "Don't think that you can talk nonsense just because you are stronger than me!"

The teenager laughed.

Only then did Situ Jing speak slowly.His expression was a bit twitchy: "Actually... I was already seven years old before I entered the Battle Master Junior Academy."

"What? You didn't start the first grade until you were seven?" Peasley looked shocked.

Situ Jing's pretty face flushed slightly: "That's because... my Situ family knew through special channels that it was possible to hold the Glory Fighter Competition in your session, and the championship reward of the competition can be satisfied by the dean within the scope of one's ability. wish.

So I decided at that time to participate in this year's Glory Fighter Competition.Then, through the formation of the family, I turned into a five-year-old in a short period of time, and successfully entered the Warrior Academy!

I thought that with my strength and experience two years older, I could beat all the students in the first grade.However, it turns out that I was wrong. I didn't expect to lose when I met you.

Besides you, that Cao Xueling is also very strong. I think even if I beat you, I can't beat that wheelchair girl.


Speaking of this, Situ Jing suddenly pursed her lips and continued to say: "I didn't expect you to use the wish reward you got as the champion to save my grandfather... After that, I don't need to stay in the academy anymore, so I just Dropped out of school. In fact, I am your sister who is two years older than you."

Looking at the girl in front of her with one eye covered by bangs, Peasley nodded and finally understood the whole story.

"I thought that the Battle Master Academy was strictly disciplined, and there would be no such thing as going through the back door."

Situ Jing pursed her lips and smiled: "You have to remember that no matter what kind of organization it is, as long as it is composed of people and operated by people, there must be all kinds of inside stories.

Because people are not machines, but creatures controlled by emotions, they cannot be truly upright and selfless. "

Peasley nodded in agreement, and suddenly he noticed that the wind in the morning was a bit cold, so he asked the woman, "Would you like to come in and sit down, it's windy outside."

Situ Jing glanced inside the room and found a beautiful girl standing in front of the door of the back room looking at them. She smiled at the other party, and the other party smiled back.Then the woman looked at Pisley and said:

"I won't go in, but can you come to my house some time in two days? I want to discuss something with you."

"Is there anything that can't be said here?" Peasley asked with a smile.

"Well... this is my grandpa's invitation. Firstly, my grandpa wants to thank you in person, and secondly, he also wants to do a business with you. My grandpa has poor legs and feet, so I can only trouble you to make a trip. But if If you want, I will send a carriage to pick you up, but if you don't, it doesn't matter..."

Seeing the woman staring at him eagerly, Peasley coughed lightly and said:

"Since we are friends, and this is also your grandfather's invitation, I naturally have to honor it. But I want to stay at home with my parents for a while, and you can send a car to pick it up in a week."

(End of this chapter)

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