The glory of the king

Chapter 375 Big Chapter

Chapter 375 Big Chapter (21)

"That's fine. My home is in the southern district of Luoye City, not very far away. I will pick you up in person when the time comes."

After Situ Jing finished speaking, she took her leave and left.

Seeing the figure leaving in the carriage, Peasley shook his head. Just as he was about to enter the room to continue eating breakfast, another figure suddenly appeared behind him, accompanied by a man's elegant voice.

"Is that Mr. Lispy?"

Peasley turned his head, looked at a tall and handsome man in front of him, and asked, "Who are you?"

The man was wearing a snow-white dress with a pair of white gloves on his hands.Looking at the boy, he smiled gently and said:

"Chen Xuewu, the deputy steward of the City Lord's Mansion, came to visit Mr. Li by the order of the City Lord Ximen. This is a gift from the City Lord Ximen."

"City Master Ximen...isn't Ximen confused?" Pisley looked at the brocade box handed over by the other party suspiciously and asked.

Chen Xuewu smiled slightly: "Exactly."

"Ten years ago, the Lord Ximen had a falling out with Yi Xing and Dong Shi, right? And I used to be on Yi Xing's side. I don't know why the Lord Ximen was able to ignore the previous suspicions and send people to protect him secretly and give gifts. ?”

Chen Xuewu still kept a calm smile on his face: "You should understand, because you are a student of the master. And your current strength is strong enough for the city lord to take seriously!"

Peasley nodded, and without being polite to the other party, he directly took the brocade box in the other party's hand and said, "Please thank the city lord for me."

Chen Xuewu nodded: "Of course it will. But..."

"But what?"

Peasley was about to turn around, but stopped when he heard what the other party said.

"Ah, it's nothing. It's just that the city lord invited you to a banquet at the city lord's mansion tonight. I don't know if you..."

Peasley frowned slightly. Before he had a good rest at home for two days, various complicated things and people came to disturb him, which made him feel a little unhappy.

He waved his hand and said, "Let's forget about the banquet or something. I don't want to participate in crowded occasions recently."

"No, you misunderstood." Chen Xuewu said with a smile, "This banquet is held for you alone, and no one else will be invited. Besides, our Lord City Lord, we have something to tell you."

Peasley raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that since he became stronger, other people's attitude towards him has changed.

Ten years ago, he had to bow his knees to those strong diamonds and lower his head in order to survive in front of those big shots.But now, ten years later, I, who has become a platinum fighter, can finally stand up straight and talk to those former bosses.

Because now, he can be regarded as one of the big bosses.At least that's how it looks to most people.

But Peasley knew in his heart that his current strength was only the strength of an individual, while Ximen Buhuo's strength was the strength of a force.The current him couldn't really compete with the other party, so for this invitation, Peasley chose to accept it.

Chen Xuewu showed a happy expression: "If I can get your affirmative answer, it will be easier to do business when I go back next time."

After saying this, the man put his right hand on his left chest, bowed to the boy, and then disappeared in place with a tremor.

"The speed is a bit fast... It should have the strength of the gold level, a bit strong."

Peasley murmured to himself, then went back to the back room, saw the girl standing at the door, stretched out his hand to pinch the other's soft face and said, "Have you finished eating?"

"Eat well." Ning Xuan nodded obediently.

Peasley nodded, walked into the house, and said, "I'll take you to the city lord's mansion tonight for a banquet, would you like to go?"

"Can I say I don't want to?" Ning Xuan blinked playfully.

The young man smiled softly: "Of course you can. Are you my mother's darling now? How dare I force you to do something?"

Tao Tiantian, who was sewing clothes for the boy, gave his son a white look: "Why, Xuan'er is my sweetheart, isn't it your sweetheart?"

Peasley sighed helplessly, and did not continue on this topic, but said: "By the way, mother, I will go out later. Let Xuan'er stay with you at home."

"If you want to go out, go out. Tell me what you are doing? You have been away from home for ten years and I haven't said anything. Can I still tie you up and not let you go?" Tao Tiantian said angrily, with a small face The expression is not very happy.

Peasley smiled bitterly and said, "My son is back now! Don't be angry, okay. Do you still like the present I bought for you?"

Hearing the young man's words, Tao Tiantian couldn't help turning his eyes to the blue jade bracelet on his wrist, a look of joy rose in his eyes, but his cheeks puffed up slightly, and he deliberately said, "It's okay."

Pisley and Ning Xuan looked at each other and smiled, both amused by Tao Tiantian's cute appearance.

"The sword I gave Dad is a platinum-level treasure. Even people without Mullah can use the ability that comes with the sword. I have already taught Dad.

In this way, even if you encounter platinum-level enemies alone in the future, you will still be able to fight. "

Listening to his son's words, Tao Tiantian raised his head to look at Pisley, and said with relief:
"Hey, thanks to you, son, your father and I have never been in any danger. Mother knows that there are actually people secretly protecting us near our house.

The doll you gave me back then has never been used since it was used once ten years ago. "

When Peasley heard this, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Mother, how do you know that someone is secretly protecting our family?"

Tao Tiantian gave the young man a white look: "Mother is not a fool, you can detect some traces no matter what in the past ten years? These ten years have been like a day, and those people have really worked hard."

"It's nothing. For them, this is also a kind of work, and they are also receiving wages. They are still happy to do such an easy job."

"By the way, son, are you staying at home this time when you come back?" Tao Tiantian's eyes shone with hope.

Peasley was stunned for a moment, and then said: "My sister is still outside, I have to go and bring her back. But I decided to stay at home for a month to accompany you and Dad."

"One month..." Tao Tiantian's eyes flashed a trace of loneliness, but she was also very worried about the safety of her wayward daughter, so she didn't say anything more.

While chatting and eating breakfast, Peasley went out alone after enjoying a good morning.

The purpose of the boy going out is naturally to find traces of the person in his heart.

However, the route he walks will inevitably pass in front of Rong Shan's house.

The morning sun was very warm, and Rong Rong was cleaning the blades of the knives in the sun with an iron basin.

"Hey, sister Rong Rong, good morning." Pisley passed by the door of the blacksmith shop and greeted the girl with a smile.

When Rong Rong heard the boy's voice, she immediately raised her head and looked at him with complicated eyes.She didn't want to pay attention to the other party at first, but when she thought of the bag of unicorn coins, she couldn't help but respond to the other party:
"Good morning. Where are you going?"

"I'm going for a stroll in the street. Take a look at the scenery of my hometown. Is there anything Miss Rong Rong wants to buy, and I can bring it back for you." Pisley chuckled.

Rong Rong shook her head: "There is nothing to buy, you can go and play by yourself, pay attention to safety."

Peasley was slightly taken aback by the caring words of the other party. Although this woman showed dissatisfaction with him before, she still showed concern for him at this moment, which moved him slightly.

Rong Rong noticed the strange expression on the young man's face, and a look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on his face, and said in a hurry:

"I don't mean anything else, it's just that you promised to help me find the person who killed my father. If something happens to you, I will never have the chance to find justice for my father..."

Peasley sighed, "Sister Rong Rong, it's really not me who leaked the news that Uncle Rong Shan has a gold forging book."

"Let me just trust you." Rong Rong lowered her head and continued cleaning the blade of the moon in her hand.

"Thank you, I will definitely help you find the murderer of Uncle Rong Shan!" After saying this, Peasley left.

Rong Rong looked at Pisley's leaving back and sighed leisurely.

Walking on the street, the boy was thinking about the future.

What he is most worried about now is the safety of his sister.Although he smiled and told his parents that his silly sister was playing in the country of Tang, in fact, he didn't want his parents to know the truth, and he didn't want them to worry about his sister.

Let him bear this worry alone.

It's just how to find his sister from the hands of the strongest king?If you want to find your sister, you have to find Supreme Treasure.

It seems that finding Liu Qinghe is much easier than finding his sister.

His plan is to go to the capital of Huangquan Kingdom to meet His Majesty the Emperor first, and ask him to issue a national tracing document, and then go to various countries to use the same method to ask them to help find Liu Qinghe, so that no matter how big the world is, Pisley has confidence Xiaohe was found.

However, asking the emperor to do something is not as simple as talking about it, so if Peasley can already find it, it will be a great thing.

The boy's goal was very clear, and he went straight to the place where Liu Qinghe's family's small dilapidated house was.

However, to Peasley's surprise, the dilapidated hut that left a deep impression on him had long since disappeared, replaced by a resplendent three-story building that was also a brothel.

Pisley, who originally planned to look for some clues here, was stunned, but at this moment, an ugly old bustard with heavy makeup came towards him with enchanting steps, and asked with a smile. road:

"Little brother, do you want to come in and play for a while? Come on~ the girls here will please you!"

For this kind of soliciting behavior, Peasley was used to it when he was in Shangguo, and he didn't feel the slightest fluctuation in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little.

He looked at the bustard, and just said three words indifferently: "I have no money."

The old bustard's face suddenly changed: "What do you want to see if you don't have money! You little brat, why don't you go home and find your mother for breastfeeding!"

Peasley smiled lightly and ignored the other party.

However, at this moment, there was a rumbling sound in the brothel.Immediately afterwards, a person was seen rolling down the stairs.

"Ouch! My dear mother, what are you guys doing?" The old bustard yelled strangely and rushed into the courtyard.

Peasley looked at the group of people with a half-smile.

I saw the person who rolled down the stairs fell to the ground, clutching his chest and looking uncomfortable, but there didn't seem to be any bruises or swelling on the surface.

Peasley's heart skipped a beat, this is a Glory Fighter.

However, the one who can make a Glory Warrior roll down the stairs must also be a Glory Warrior.

Sure enough, a handsome young man holding a folding fan walked down the stairs slowly, followed by a burly man with a face as heavy as water.

"Stinky boy, don't take a pee to take care of yourself, and you alone dare to compete with Ben Shao for the top card?" The folding fan man said disdainfully with his lips raised.

The man who fell to the ground didn't look very old, about the same age as Peasley, probably around fifteen or sixteen years old, but when he spoke, his voice was loud and mature:
"Ximen Moxuan! Don't think that you can do whatever you want because you are the grandson of the Lord Ximen."

Peasley's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Ximen Moxuan?

A very familiar name.By the way, the grandson of the City Lord's Mansion turned out to be that guy.

Unknowingly, ten years have passed, and I didn't expect this guy to look like a dog, but why does this guy look taller and more mature than Peasley?
Is it because frequent visits to the land of flowers and willows promote the secretion of sex hormones?

But Ximen Moxuan laughed loudly and said, "I'm sorry, the grandson of the city lord can do whatever he wants. What's more, your Hu Feng's strength is not as strong as mine. What qualifications do you have to compete with me for the top card?"

Hu Feng?

Peasley felt that this name was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember it. It was probably his classmate back then.

"Bah. You, Ximen Moxuan, have such strength because of your family's rich resources! And even if you have family resources, aren't you stronger than me?

Why don't you look at your sister, who has the same resources, and look at others, she is already a gold intermediate, how about you?Up to now, I haven't even touched the threshold of gold, haha, what a joke! "

The face of the fan-wielding man suddenly became extremely gloomy, and he looked at Hu Feng with a murderous look:
"Young Master Ben said, don't compare Young Master Ben with that bitch. If you dare to touch this young master, it seems that if you don't break your dog's legs, you don't know what awe is!

Mulong, remove his legs for me! "

"Yes, master." The strong man named Mu Long replied, and then looked at Hu Feng expressionlessly.

Hu Feng was startled, he was just kicked down from upstairs by this guy.

He is now at the silver level, while the opponent is already at the gold level.

The distance is like a mountain, Hu Feng feels that he can resist the opponent for a hundred times, except for the first two times, he will say nothing, and the next 98 times will definitely not say a word!
(End of this chapter)

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