The glory of the king

Chapter 378 Big Chapter

Chapter 378 Big Chapter (25)

Seeing the boy's leaving figure, Hu Feng murmured the other person's name in a low voice. For some reason, he felt that the name was inexplicably familiar, but this familiarity was not particularly strong.

It was as if he hadn't heard of this name for many years, but it left a deep impression in his heart.

Now that he suddenly mentioned it, it gave him a feeling that he was extremely familiar, but he would not be able to remember who the other party was for a while.

But human beings are amazing animals that can expand their thinking infinitely.

Combined with the other party's age, Hu Feng guessed that the other party might be one of his former classmates. Although most of them went their separate ways after graduating from Zhanshi Junior Academy, most of the people at that time lived in Liangyuan City or Luoye in town.

Combined with the opponent's powerful strength, appearance and that somewhat weird name... Hey!Could it be that guy! !He is back? !

He went around the city one after another. In fact, not many people knew him in the city. His reputation was among ordinary people, but not among the group of Glory Warriors.

However, he found a lot of his classmates from that year in the city, but most of them didn't know him, and he didn't even have a deep impression of Liu Qinghe.

Occasionally one or two of them knew about it, in their impression, she was a lonely little girl, since he left, she hardly interacted with anyone except Bai Sichong and Kang Jian who were in the same dormitory.

Peasley sighed secretly in his heart, his leaving caused a lot of harm to that silly girl...

Speaking of Kang Jian, Pisley frowned.

Back then, Bai Sichong told him that Kang Jian was dead.And die unjustly!

But Peasley has always believed in his heart that this guy will not die so easily, after all, no one has said that he has seen the other's body until now.

As long as you don't see the dead body, you can't be 100% sure that the other party is dead. Maybe one day in the future, you will suddenly meet somewhere, maybe...

The person who slandered and framed Kang Jian was Wu Long, right?I heard that there are some relatives with Ximen's family behind the scenes, so I can mention this matter at the banquet tonight.

His requirements are not high, as long as the other party agrees to ignore this matter, and leave the rest to him.

Presumably for Ximen Buhuo, this kind of trivial matter should not dissatisfy him.

After wandering around the city until noon, Peasley returned home and saw a table of sumptuous dishes.

Peasley looked at the transparent beads of sweat on Tao Tiantian's forehead, and asked with a smile, "Why do you think I've made you busy when I come back? Should I not come back?"

Tao Tiantian gave the young man an angry look, but Li Ting beside him smiled and said:

"Son, in fact, sometimes, being busy is happier than doing nothing all day. Before you came back, your mother and I lived a peaceful but monotonous life every day, but since you came back, the smile on your mother's face has never been less than your attention. Reached?"

Pisley looked at Tao Tiantian, Tao Tiantian blushed slightly, and gave Li Ting a white look: "Aren't you happy that your son is back? Hasn't your smile never stopped?"

Li Ting laughed out loud, looking very happy.Pisley and Ning Xuan also laughed.However, at this time, Tao Tiantian's face darkened, and he said leisurely suddenly:
"Hey... If Qiqi is at home now, the family will really be reunited..."

Everyone's smiles stopped.

Peasley took a step forward, held his mother's shoulders, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, my sister is really fine. I will go to find her in a month. If you are too worried, I will go to her in half a month..."

"Don't..." Tao Tiantian stopped his son's words, "Since you said she is fine, I believe she is doing well outside. Over the years, I have asked many relatives and friends I know to help find that girl, but I have not received any help. news of...

Your father and I are incompetent, we can't stay too far away from home, and we didn't even go halfway to the province of Huluo before returning home.

The territory is too vast, and it is really difficult to find a Glory Warrior who deliberately ran away from home...

Anyway, I have waited for a year, and this month is not too bad. I believe you can bring her back. "

Peasley nodded with a smile, but his heart was empty.

He doesn't know whether his sister is alive or dead, the world is vast, how should he find it?We can only take one step at a time.


In the evening in my hometown, the morning glow is like fire.

Through the window of the carriage, Ning Xuan and Peasley enjoyed the gorgeous scenery together.

And this carriage was sent by Chen Xuewu to invite Pisley to the city lord's mansion for a banquet.

Liangyuan City is a small city with a population of only a dozen or 20.Compared with Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty, which has a population of more than one million, it is very different.

However, Liangyuan City is located on the southern border of Huangquan Country, and its trade with the southern countries is actually very frequent, so this small city is also very prosperous.

The City Lord's Mansion of Liangyuan City is located in the center of the city near the north.

Peasley's carriage, led by two servants on horseback, soon arrived at the gate of the city lord's mansion.

A group of silver-armored soldiers lined up in front of the city lord's mansion. The soldiers held long guns and looked forward, looking indifferent and strict like machines. However, in Peasley's view, these soldiers were more like decorations. It's just the facade of the City Lord's Mansion.

But to Peasley's surprise, there was a short-haired beauty with a beautiful face and refined temperament waiting at the door.

The woman is about 30 years old, tall, dignified and mature, and wearing a pair of high heels is a bit taller than Peasley.

"Hi Mr. Lee

, Xie Ruoyan, my maidservant, is here to welcome you by order of the Lord Ximen. "

Pisley took Ning Xuan's hand and got off the carriage, and smiled at Xie Ruoyan, "Sister, don't be so polite."

Xie Ruoyan covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Mr. Li's mouth is so sweet. Presumably this girl Ning Xuan was also deceived by your sweet words?"

"Probably." Pisley glanced at Ning Xuan, who lowered her head shyly.

Then the short-haired beauty led the two of them into the Santo's Mansion.

There are three large courtyards at the front and rear of the City Lord's Mansion, and each courtyard has a different view.

Peasley followed Xie Ruoyan to the middle courtyard, and saw a small clear lake and a pavilion in the middle of the lake from a distance.

There is a stone table in the pavilion in the middle of the lake. At the moment, the stone table is full of delicacies, and standing beside the stone table is an old man and a young man, admiring the fish swimming in the lake.

Among them, the old man standing on the right has silver-white hair and is tall, while the one on his left is a slender girl in a white dress, with her hair hanging down above her hips.

The girl held the old man's arm, looked up at the old man's profile from time to time, and said something with a smile.

Pisley and Ning Xuan followed Xie Ruoyan to the Huxin Pavilion through the lake bridge.

"Master, Mr. Li is here." Xie Ruoyan said respectfully to the back.

The girl beside the old man immediately turned her head when she heard the words.Curious eyes passed Xie Ruoyan, and fell directly on Pisley's face.

Peasley looked at each other calmly.

At this time, the tall silver-haired old man turned his head, a smile appeared on his strict Chinese character face: "Student Si Pi, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Lord City Lord."

Peasley looked at Ximen Buhuo's face that had hardly changed from ten years ago, and smiled slightly.

For Glory Warriors, time wears away their looks much less than ordinary people.

"Since you were taken away by the master ten years ago, you have disappeared from the entire Battle Master Junior Academy. It has made those students feel a lot easier."

While talking, Ximen Buhuo gestured to Peasley to invite him to sit down.

Xie Ruoyan left at some point, and this simple Huxinting banquet started like this.

"Has the city lord been doing well in the past ten years?" Pisley raised his glass and toasted Ximen Buhuo.

Ximen Buhuo laughed and said: "The country is peaceful and the people are safe, the weather is good, and you are in a good mood. These years have been going well. Mr. Xiao must have had a lot of luck in these years. Compared with ten years ago, you are much better."

Peasley shook his head indifferently: "I have been studying at Jixia Academy for the past ten years. Although I have gained a lot, I haven't had the great fortune you said."

Seeing that Peasley was unwilling to talk about his adventure, Ximen was not confused and did not continue on this topic.

Instead, she turned her head to look at Ning Xuan and said, "This girl is beautiful and has a refined demeanor. She should be from a nobleman or someone from the palace, right?"

Ning Xuan was taken aback for a moment, with a surprised expression on her face.This majestic old man's eyes were a bit vicious.But she didn't speak, but glanced at Peasley.

Peaseli understood what he meant, and said, "My family, Ning Xuan, is from the Imperial Palace of the Shang Kingdom."

"Oh! So it's someone from the palace, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Ximen Buhuo showed surprise, and cupped his hands at Ning Xuan repeatedly.

However, Ning Xuan just smiled and didn't speak.Because she felt a bit of falsehood from the other party's words.

Seeing that Ning Xuan just smiled and didn't speak, Ximen Buhuo's smile faded slightly, and he continued to ask:
"Then I don't know if the girl is a noble princess or some other female official? To be favored by Mr. Li, she must be someone of high status, right?"

"This..." Ning Xuan showed embarrassment on her face.

But Peasley frowned slightly:
"City Master Ximen, it doesn't matter whether my Ning Xuan is a princess or a maidservant. I don't care. You must have found out who she is. Why bother to ask such a question here?"

"Eh..." Ximen Buhuo showed embarrassment, apparently he didn't expect his thoughts to be seen through so easily by a young man.

Cultivation can benefit the brain. Although this is a young man, he is actually very ghostly.I still underestimate him.

However, Ximen Buhuo still hid the embarrassment in his heart very well, and apologized with a smile:
"You misunderstood, student Spie, I was just amazed at Miss Ning Xuan's beauty. But... I have something to discuss with you at this banquet."

The annoyance on Peasley's face faded slightly, and he said, "If you have anything to say, just speak up, and you don't have to beat around the bush."

"Haha! You bastard, the temper ten years ago

He is also very humble and low-key, he did not expect to become so straightforward now.

Well, the city lord won't play around with you anymore.Let me ask you a question, what do you think of the girl next to me, is she good-looking? "

Peasley followed the direction of Ximen Buhuo's finger and looked again at the girl with long hair reaching her waist. The girl had a confident smile on her face and blinked at Peasley.


In fact, because of the large number of cultivators and the good climate in Glory Continent, most of the girls look more iconic.

Among the cultivators, there are very few ugly ones.Unless it is because of some special skill or attack method or some special reasons, in short, there are really not many ugly ones.

But to say that they are extremely good-looking and very beautiful, there are very few of them.

And the girl sitting across from Pisley has exquisite and beautiful features, fair and delicate skin, and extraordinary temperament, no worse than Ning Xuan who is next to the young man, so Pisley also sincerely praised her for her good looks.

Hearing the boy's answer, "Student Na Sipi thinks, does she have the qualifications to be your wife?"

As soon as these words came out, all four were shocked.

Peasley and Ning Xuan looked at each other, obviously did not expect the other party to say such a thing.

And the girl sitting opposite Pisley also showed a face of embarrassment, and beat Ximen Buhuo's strong arm with her small fist:
"Grandpa! What are you talking about!"

Ximen gave the girl a confused look: "Why, you are not interested in such an outstanding boy?"

"Who... Who is interested in him? Grandpa, you are talking unreliable things! Ignore you!" After saying this, the girl turned her head to the side, looking angrily.

Hearing the girl's address to Ximen Buhuo, Peasley already knew who this girl was.

To say that he had a deep impression on the girls who were in the Battle Teachers College ten years ago, besides Liu Qinghe, Situ Jing, and Cao Xueling, there was another one, the girl who almost killed him, and he couldn't forget it.

That girl's name is Ximen Qianqian!
Ten years have passed, and he has forgotten many happy past events, but his aversion to Ximen Qianqian has not diminished much.

Ten years ago, when he had the power of king for the first time in Mingyue Canyon, Ximen Qianqian would have died in his hands if he hadn't been soft-hearted for a moment.

Now, Ximen Buhuo actually has the plan to tie the knot. With such a stupid idea, didn't he ever think that there is a huge gap between him, Pisley, and Ximen Qianqian?

Ximen Buhuo looked at his granddaughter and laughed loudly:

"You are old and young. I have introduced so many noble children to you and you don't like any of them. Don't tell me that you don't have any affection for Mr. Spie. Look at how excited you are when you heard him come back yesterday."

"Hmph! People are only excited because they are curious, okay, what did you say...favor?" Ximen Qianqian still pouted.

"Why, don't you still care about the fact that he almost killed you back then?"

Ximen Buhuo's sudden words surprised both Ximen Qianqian and Pisley.

(End of this chapter)

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