The glory of the king

Chapter 379 Big Chapter

Chapter 379 Big Chapter (26)

Ximen Qianqian's face was slightly pale, and the terrible memory buried in the bottom of her heart was awakened, and there was a trace of fear in her eyes looking at the black-haired boy.

And Peasley was also surprised by Ximen Buhuo's straightforward words.

It stands to reason that this kind of thing has passed for ten years, and everyone should keep silent.

Ximen Buhuo looked at his granddaughter, then at the black-haired boy, and said with a smile:

"Actually, the purpose of this banquet is twofold. One is to clean up the dust for you, Mr. Spie, and the other is to resolve the conflict between you and my granddaughter.

We were all only five years old back then, so we were all children.Where do children know so much right and wrong, and they have done many things wrong, even if it is killing people, they cannot be determined by their own will.Mr. Spie, do you think what I said makes sense? "

Peasley looked at the other party and didn't speak for a long time.

In fact, since Ximen Qianqian was let out ten years ago, Pisley had already let go of the idea of ​​killing Ximen Qianqian.

But not killing the other party doesn't mean he doesn't hate the other party. That kind of disgust may be difficult to get rid of in this life.

After all, it is difficult for a person who almost killed you to let you live in harmony and be honest with each other, right?
"Why don't you talk? Does Spie still care about what happened back then?" Ximen Buhuo had a slightly surprised expression on his face.

Only then did Peasley slowly speak: "The past is over. There is no need for the city lord to repeat the past. The grievances between Miss Qianqian and I have already been put down ten years ago."

Ximen didn't hesitate to hear the words, and then showed a satisfied smile:

"Now that I've put it down, I'm relieved. But what I just said about the marriage is not false. If Mr. Spie thinks my granddaughter is not bad, you might as well get along with her..."

Seeing the meaningful smile on Ximen Buhuo's face, Pisley shook his head and refused:
"My status is humble, and I don't dare to climb up to a lady like Miss Qianqian."

Ximen Buhuo was not surprised by Peasley's answer.He nodded with a smile and said, "It's okay, it's okay, the future will last forever."

Peasley: "..."

Then, the four of them chatted while eating delicious food.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Peasley suddenly said, "By the way, Lord City Master, do you know Wu Long, the head of the Black Wind Mercenary Group in Liangyuan City?"

Ximen Buhuo showed a thoughtful look, then smiled and said, "Oh, that's my cousin's uncle's son's nephew, what's the matter?"

Peasley: "..."

Although the relationship sounds a bit complicated, it seems that Wu Long and Ximen Buhuo are indeed related.

Peasley pondered for a moment, then suddenly said seriously: "If I say that I want to kill this person, what will the Lord City Master do?"

The eyes of the silver-haired old man froze, and he asked, "What's the matter? Did this kid offend you?"

Peasley chuckled: "It didn't offend me, but it offended my friend."

"Is that so..." A cunning light flashed in Ximen Buhuo's eyes, but he smiled and said:
"But Wu Long is my nephew after all. If he really dies, his family members may not come to me. At that time, it will be a little difficult for the city lord..."

Peasley frowned, hearing something from the other party's words.He looked at each other and said expressionlessly:

"That Wu Long, the younger generation will never let it go! So if you have any conditions, just ask them directly."

Ximen Buhuo raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "I just like your straightforward character. Then the city lord will not go around in circles with you. If you want the city lord to ignore this matter, then you promise the city lord one thing."

"What's the matter?" Peasley asked with a hint of uneasiness.

"Join my City Lord's Mansion and work for me, Ximen Buhuo!"

When Ximen Buhuo said this, the other three people present were all stunned, and Pisley, who was the target of this sentence, did not expect Ximen Buhuo to say that.

Seeing the astonished expression on the young man's face, a smile suddenly appeared on Ximen Buhuo's serious face:
"Of course, as long as you are willing to join me, this city lord will naturally not treat you badly. Wealth and honor are naturally not a problem. In terms of cultivation, this city lord will also give you the greatest support.

Of course, if you also have thoughts about my granddaughter, I can match you as much as possible.

In addition, your parents and I can also arrange a more comfortable and gorgeous residence for them.

The most important thing is that you don't need to do much to let you enter my city lord's mansion, but you will be sent out for some important events, and you are free the rest of the time.

However, this freedom is limited to Huang Quan.Of course, you will be given three months of annual leave every year, and you can go wherever you want at that time.And if you have a mission to go abroad, you can also take the opportunity to go out for a walk.

The above are my conditions, what do you think of Spie? "

In fact, the conditions proposed by Ximen Buhuo are very tempting. If someone else could make Ximen Buhuo, who is well-known in the entire Huangquan Kingdom, propose such a tempting condition, he might have agreed without saying a word.

After all, Ximen Buhuo, as an important minister of Huangquan Kingdom, has abundant cultivation resources, and if he joins Ximen Buhuo's subordinates, he will definitely get help from his Ximen Buhuo forces, and he can even marry the beautiful granddaughter of the city lord...

However, for Peasley, for this young man with even greater ambitions, how could he be willing to be bound by power and rely on others?
So Peasley refused without hesitation: "The conditions of the city lord are really generous and attractive, which makes me very tempted. However, I know that I have little talent and learning, and I can't satisfy the city lord..."

The smile on Ximen Buhuo's face was slightly restrained: "Be direct."

"Don't do it."

The old man and the young man looked at each other for a long time, and suddenly the old man laughed:
"That's right, Mr. Spie is going to go up to nine heavens to embrace the bright moon. The temple of my city lord's mansion is small, and it really can't accommodate you."

Peasley shook his head: "I don't intend to work for a certain force yet, so please forgive my abruptness, my lord."

Ximen Buhuo waved his hand: "It's okay, your rejection is also within my expectation.

It's just that if you don't agree to my conditions, then if you want to move Wu Long, I can't guarantee that the City Lord's Mansion will stay out of it. "

Peasley was silent for a moment, and said, "In that case, let's put this matter aside."

Ximen Buhuo smiled slightly: "I don't know when Student Spie was promoted to Platinum Warrior. This level of cultivation speed is really unmatched. Compared with you, my granddaughter is simply a waste."

Ximen Qianqian gave Ximen Buzhu a look, and said with a sneer:
"You guys are all like this. You did one thing back then, but you don't do the same thing behind your back. You usually praise me tightly, but now you're scolding your granddaughter in front of outsiders?"

Ximen Buhuo laughed loudly and said: "Grandpa is right, it's been ten years, and you also have extremely rich cultivation resources. His classmate Spie has improved from silver to platinum, what about you? Still a little gold!"

"Hmph! He is also a gold intermediate now, and it's not much different.

Besides, Li Sipi is a student of the master, taught by the master himself, and the cultivation resources are definitely dozens of times better than mine!Lispie, don't you think so? "

Peasley looked at the girl's flickering eyes, was silent for a moment, nodded and said: "The resources given by the king are naturally more abundant than those given by diamonds."

Ximen Buzhu's expression changed, unexpectedly, he was ridiculed by the younger generation.

The banquet didn't last long, after only an hour, Peasley and Ning Xuan got up to say goodbye.

After Ximen Buhuo symbolically persuaded them to stay, he watched the two leave.

Ximen Qianqian was still sitting at the table, tapping the porcelain bowl in front of her with chopsticks, looking at Ximen Buhuo's back, and said leisurely:
"Grandpa, I think Lispie still hates me."

Ximen Buhuo turned his head and glared at the girl: "Hmph! It's not because of the stupid thing you did back then that it's hard for me to win over your grandpa now."

Ximen Qianqian stretched out her lower lip, showing a disdainful expression:
"Isn't he just a Platinum Warrior! How useful can it be? There are so many Glory Warriors in the Glory Continent, is he short of one?"

"So you're an idiot! Do you think I'm looking at the strength of a platinum warrior? What I'm looking at is his connections, and the power of the Master's faction behind him!

Although the Glory Continent looks peaceful on the surface, in fact, something big will happen in the near future!Now we must gather as much strength as possible, so that we can be more fully prepared before this big event comes, do you understand? "

Seeing the serious expression on his grandfather's face, Ximen Qianqian slightly restrained the lazy expression on his face, looked at Ximen and asked in confusion, "The 'big event' that grandpa said...does it mean war?"

When the word "war" was mentioned, a trace of worry appeared on Ximen Buhuo's old face: "One's life is a process of constantly pursuing one's dreams and aspirations.

Dreams and willingness, in fact, can sometimes be called ambition.

Just like Lispie, he pursues freedom.Ten years ago, what he pursued might only be freedom in Liangyuan City. Today, ten years later, what he pursues is

The freedom in Huang Quan's country, in another ten years, what he pursued may be the freedom in the entire Glory Continent.

Therefore, people's willingness, or ambition, will become higher and higher.And when a powerful and powerful person enjoys all the fun in the world, his ambition will expand to a very high level, he will want to experience more fun, and therefore set more willingness for himself , to find more happiness.

For example, the joy of aggression, for example, the joy of unifying the Glory Continent...

So you are right, war will break out in the near future.

In fact, the time of this outbreak was later than I expected at first.

I thought that there would be a war within ten years, but I didn't expect that ten years later, it still hasn't broken out, which means your grandpa and I can enjoy a few more years of stable life. "

Simon Qianqian had a terrified look on his face and asked:

"If war breaks out, we are located on the border of the country, will it be affected?"

"It depends on which country started the war first. As long as one country goes to war, other countries will take action.

At that time, the era of peace in Glory Continent will come to an end, and an era of war is coming! "

"That is to say

, if the country to the south of us doesn't start a war, we'll be fine for a while? "Ximen Qianqian was still a little confused and uneasy.

Ximen Buhuo stretched out his hand and touched his granddaughter's head:

"Don't be afraid, even if war breaks out, grandpa will take you and Moxuan to the capital or take refuge in Mingyue Canyon.

As for the country in the south...the country named [Chu] is ruled by a terrible man, and that man is also very ambitious..."


After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Peasley looked at the starless sky with a displeased expression on his face.

And Ning Xuan obediently followed the young man, enjoying the tranquility of walking in the hometown at night with the young man.

But at this moment, Pisley didn't feel much enjoyment in his heart, but was thinking about how to deal with Wu Long.

It's a pity that the banquet tonight failed to convince Ximen Buhuo not to interfere in this matter.The only good news is that the other party did not express that they would definitely interfere in this matter, obviously they still have the idea of ​​wooing him.

Moreover, Pisley also said later that although he was unwilling to join the City Lord's Mansion, he could make friends with the City Lord's Mansion. If the City Lord's Mansion was in trouble in the future, he, Peasley, would definitely lend a helping hand.

At that time, Ximen Buhuo was very happy to hear the news, but the other party was an old fox after all, his emotions and anger could not be shown, he might be smiling, and his mother would criticize him.

So Peasley had to think of a good way, preferably to kill that Wu Long without anyone noticing.

Three days later in the morning, on a certain street in Liangyuan City, a black-haired boy met someone and asked, "Am I beautiful?"

All those who were questioned frowned, showing a disgusted look, but when they saw the coin inlaid with the unicorn pattern in the young man's hand, they all had their eyes peeled and said out of conscience: "Beautiful!"

But after getting the money, after the young man walked away, he would still whisper to the other party: "Made is really perverted."

The young man is not an ordinary person, so he can naturally hear those words, and his heart is also in great pain.However, he had no choice but to blame the system for being too aggressive.


[Confident questioning]: Ask 20 strangers 'Am I beautiful? ', if 10 people answer the task in the affirmative, the task is completed, and less than 10 tasks fail.

Task requirements: 10 people


Amount of tasks completed: 7 positive and 4 negative.

Remaining mission time: 23 days and 9 hours

Task completion reward: experience +100, reputation +100.

Penalty for not completing the task: Prestige -100. "

Peasley looked at his workload and secretly sighed.

At this moment, he was walking towards the Bounty Pavilion while looking for someone to do the task on the way.

Now he has found a way.

(End of this chapter)

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