The glory of the king

Chapter 393 Big Chapter

Chapter 393 Big Chapter (40)

(Not modified yet, please do not read, sorry.)
Chapter 6,
Small scale chopper

Buddha realm?

Xin Jue looked at Bai Songli in surprise, and suddenly understood.

There has always been a saying in the mainland: "The Buddha Land has many miracles since ancient times."

for countless years,

In the not so vast land in the far west of Longlan Continent, countless miracles have happened.Many people who have come out from there have also created many miracles.

Opposite to the easternmost sword domain in the mainland, the Buddhist domain located in the westernmost part of the mainland is an extremely different area, but it is different from the isolated places such as dragon domain, ghost domain and thunder domain, and it is also a completely open area to the mainland. area.

Foyu, as the name suggests, is a place to believe in Buddha.The leader of the Buddha Domain is the host of the [Fotang], which is located in the center of the Buddha Domain.All members of the temple are monks.But not all the people in the Buddhist realm are bald, but in the hearts of the folks in the Buddhist realm, becoming a monk is a very honorable thing.

One of the biggest features of the Buddha Land is that no money trade of any kind can be carried out here, because in the eyes of the people in the Buddha Hall, money is the root of all evil.

Putting an end to the flow of money prevents the occurrence of crimes to a certain extent.

Therefore, the host of the Buddhist hall allocated a certain amount of land to each Buddhist domain, and the people could support themselves by farming or planting.In addition, they can also exchange some very special things from the Buddhist Hall by receiving and completing some tasks issued by the Buddhist Hall.

In this way, it can be explained why the penniless young man in front of him is actually carrying such a rare and rare thing as the fourth-level array.

Just as Xin Jue wanted to continue asking about the sale, he suddenly felt something strange behind him, his face suddenly became serious, and he lowered his voice and said to Bai Songli, "You are in trouble."

Seeing that Xin Jue's expression suddenly became solemn, Bai Songli was confused and at the same time unconsciously cautious, "What trouble can I have?"

Xin Jue glanced at the rear right from the corner of his eye, although he didn't notice anything unusual.But he knew that someone was watching this side.

Xin Jue lowered his voice and said:

"Have you ever heard of the saying 'A man is innocent, but a woman is guilty'?"

Bai Songli nodded without hesitation, but his expression of "Of course I know" froze before he could fully show it, and shook his head in embarrassment.

Several black lines stretched from the back of Xin Jue's head.

"To put it simply, this treasure of yours has been targeted by someone. Either sell him quickly, or pack it up and leave here quickly, and don't set up a stall here again."

When Xin Jue said this, Bai Songli immediately understood what he meant.He glanced slightly behind Xin Jue, although he didn't see anything unusual, but he could feel a little bit of strangeness in the air.

But Bai Songli sneered at this:
"Whoever he is, would he dare to grab it in broad daylight? Although I am a vegetarian, my fists have killed grasshoppers before!"

"Crack, snap, snap, snap..."

As soon as Bai Songli finished speaking, there was a burst of applause behind Xin Jue.

"Not bad, the quality of this year's freshmen is quite high. It's pretty good to be able to notice us in such a short period of time. Moreover, it's admirable to dare to show a treasure like the fourth-level lineup. ! Quite commendable!"

Xin Jue looked back, and saw three young men who looked a little mature walking towards them with smiles.The one who spoke was the relatively shortest person in the middle, with a head of very unworldly yellow hair, named Hao Fan.

The one on Haofan's left is a man who looks very fat but is very powerful.The person on the other side is very thin, with a black mask-like thing on his face, and a pair of eyes exposed outside are extremely sharp.

Seeing the arrival of these three people with obvious malicious intentions, Xin Jue's eyes froze slightly.

However, before he opened his mouth, Haofan spoke to him first:
"Since you will stay here, you must be a person who understands formations. There should be something related to formations on your body, right? Show it to Ben Shao. If you don't like Benshao, you can leave first."

Xin Jue looked at the yellow-haired youth and sneered:

"Although Tai Cangyuan allows unreasonable things to happen within a certain range. But robbery has always been a crime in the mainland. Are you planning to do this in full view of the public?"

"All eyes?" Hearing Xin Jue's words, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Hao Fan's mouth:

"It seems that you still don't understand formation well..."

Xin Jue was taken aback for a moment, and then noticed that the people around were buying their own things, and they didn't notice the situation here at all.At this time, Bai Songli's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Is it "Sealing Eye Formation"?"

"Hey! I knew that the guy who can sell the fourth-level array here must not be a baby." Hao Fan's voice seemed a little excited, "What level is it? Second-level or third-level?"

Bai Songli looked at him coldly and did not answer his question.

When he heard the words "Sealing Eye Formation", Xin Jue immediately understood why these people dared to say such presumptuous words here.

"Sealing Eye Formation", a second-level formation.Because of its mysterious and special formation, it has reached the level close to the third-level formation.The effect is that it can block the space within a certain range, so that people outside the blocked area cannot perceive what is happening inside the blocked area.

As a first-level formation master, although Xin Jue had heard of this formation, after all, his practice in formation was limited, so he could not identify it in time.

Haofan walked to the glass cabinet, looked at the fourth-level array lying quietly in it, and felt the stable and powerful aura fluctuations on it, his eyes showed unconcealable excitement and greed.

He glanced at Xin Jue who was still standing at the side, and shouted, "Still leaving, why don't you wait to see the play?"

Although Xin Jue, as the son of a businessman, understands that these ordinary things in the market should be kept at a respectful distance.What's more, not only are there many people on the opposite side, but they are all old students who have been in the lower court for many years, and their strength is unknown.

However, Xin Jue's nature is not the kind of coward who runs away when he sees an injustice.What's more, the one who is about to be bullied is a freshman in the same class as himself.

The so-called old students and new students have always been at odds with each other.

Xin Jue naturally had to stand on Bai Songli's side.

Xin Jue glanced at the three youths and asked:
"Is this what you should do as seniors?"

Hao Fan glanced at Xin Jue, sneered and said:
"I only recognize formations, not human relationships. If human relationships are useful, what is the difference between high and low people in the world?"

This sentence sounds obviously very unreasonable, but just as Xin Jue was about to continue to say something, the fat man beside Hao Fan glared at him angrily, and shouted:
"You bastard, why are you talking so much nonsense, get the hell out of here!" He stretched out his big hand and grabbed Xin Jue.

However, before he touched Xin Jue, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the palm of his hand, and hastily withdrew his hand, and found that a huge wound had been cut on his palm by a sharp weapon at some point, and the scarlet and bright flesh was turned out.

"Eighth Grade Lower Master..."

Xin Jue looked at the fat man whose complexion was distorted by the severe pain, and shook his head in disappointment.

Compared with the general, it is indeed much worse.

Because of the uncontrollable power in his left arm, he defied the sky and broke through the ninth-rank junior master before the age of 16 and was promoted to the first-rank general. After just a moment of fighting, he found out the opponent's depth.

However, Xin Jue still deliberately took a few steps back while clutching his chest, knelt down on one knee, panting heavily.He looked as if he had been seriously injured.

He didn't want to be too aggressive, otherwise the fun of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger would be greatly reduced.

"As expected of a senior, he's really amazing." Xin Jue looked at the fat young man, coughed twice on purpose, and said with feigned admiration.

The fat man stared in bewilderment at the distressed appearance of the bandaged freshman, and then at his own bloody palm, and immediately felt much better.

However, Hao Fan on the side seemed to see something, and his face gradually became serious.He winked at another thin young man with a black mask on his face.

The masked youth nodded slightly, and disappeared in the next moment.


Seeing the youth in the mask disappear, Xin Jue felt a sharp chill coming from behind.Instinctively, he turned around, drew out a dagger hidden in his sleeve, and narrowly blocked the opponent's sneak attack.

However, the powerful force still knocked him to the ground.

"First Rank Admiral!!!???"

Chapter 6,
Small scale chopper

Buddha realm?

Xin Jue looked at Bai Songli in surprise, and suddenly understood.

There has always been a saying in the mainland: "The Buddha Land has many miracles since ancient times."

for countless years,

In the not so vast land in the far west of Longlan Continent, countless miracles have happened.Many people who have come out from there have also created many miracles.

Opposite to the easternmost sword domain in the mainland, the Buddhist domain located in the westernmost part of the mainland is an extremely different area, but it is different from the isolated places such as dragon domain, ghost domain and thunder domain, and it is also a completely open area to the mainland. area.

Foyu, as the name suggests, is a place to believe in Buddha.The leader of the Buddha Domain is the host of the [Fotang], which is located in the center of the Buddha Domain.All members of the temple are monks.But not all the people in the Buddhist realm are bald, but in the hearts of the folks in the Buddhist realm, becoming a monk is a very honorable thing.

One of the biggest features of the Buddha Land is that no money trade of any kind can be carried out here, because in the eyes of the people in the Buddha Hall, money is the root of all evil.

Putting an end to the flow of money prevents the occurrence of crimes to a certain extent.

Therefore, the host of the Buddhist hall allocated a certain amount of land to each Buddhist domain, and the people could support themselves by farming or planting.In addition, they can also exchange some very special things from the Buddhist Hall by receiving and completing some tasks issued by the Buddhist Hall.

In this way, it can be explained why the penniless young man in front of him is actually carrying such a rare and rare thing as the fourth-level array.

Just as Xin Jue wanted to continue asking about the sale, he suddenly felt something strange behind him, his face suddenly became serious, and he lowered his voice and said to Bai Songli, "You are in trouble."

Seeing that Xin Jue's expression suddenly became solemn, Bai Songli was confused and at the same time unconsciously cautious, "What trouble can I have?"

Xin Jue glanced at the rear right from the corner of his eye, although he didn't notice anything unusual.But he knew that someone was watching this side.

Xin Jue lowered his voice and said:

"Have you ever heard of the saying 'A man is innocent, but a woman is guilty'?"

Bai Songli nodded without hesitation, but his expression of "Of course I know" froze before he could fully show it, and shook his head in embarrassment.

Several black lines stretched from the back of Xin Jue's head.

"To put it simply, this treasure of yours has been targeted by someone. Either sell him quickly, or pack it up and leave here quickly, and don't set up a stall here again."

When Xin Jue said this, Bai Songli immediately understood what he meant.He glanced slightly behind Xin Jue, although he didn't see anything unusual, but he could feel a little bit of strangeness in the air.

But Bai Songli sneered at this:
"Whoever he is, would he dare to grab it in broad daylight? Although I am a vegetarian, my fists have killed grasshoppers before!"

"Crack, snap, snap, snap..."

As soon as Bai Songli finished speaking, there was a burst of applause behind Xin Jue.

"Not bad, the quality of this year's freshmen is quite high. It's pretty good to be able to notice us in such a short period of time. Moreover, it's admirable to dare to show a treasure like the fourth-level lineup. ! Quite commendable!"

Xin Jue looked back, and saw three young men who looked a little mature walking towards them with smiles.The one who spoke was the relatively shortest person in the middle, with a head of very unworldly yellow hair, named Hao Fan.

The one on Haofan's left is a man who looks very fat but is very powerful.The person on the other side is very thin, with a black mask-like thing on his face, and a pair of eyes exposed outside are extremely sharp.

Seeing the arrival of these three people with obvious malicious intentions, Xin Jue's eyes froze slightly.

However, before he opened his mouth, Haofan spoke to him first:
"Since you will stay here, you must be a person who understands formations. There should be something related to formations on your body, right? Show it to Ben Shao. If you don't like Benshao, you can leave first."

Xin Jue looked at the yellow-haired youth and sneered:

"Although Tai Cangyuan allows unreasonable things to happen within a certain range. But robbery has always been a crime in the mainland. Are you planning to do this in full view of the public?"

"All eyes?" Hearing Xin Jue's words, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Hao Fan's mouth:

"It seems that you still don't understand formation well..."

Xin Jue was taken aback for a moment, and then noticed that the people around were buying their own things, and they didn't notice the situation here at all.At this time, Bai Songli's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Is it "Sealing Eye Formation"?"

"Hey! I knew that the guy who can sell the fourth-level array here must not be a baby." Hao Fan's voice seemed a little excited, "What level is it? Second-level or third-level?"

Bai Songli looked at him coldly and did not answer his question.

When he heard the words "Sealing Eye Formation", Xin Jue immediately understood why these people dared to say such presumptuous words here.

"Sealing Eye Formation", a second-level formation.Because of its mysterious and special formation, it has reached the level close to the third-level formation.The effect is that it can block the space within a certain range, so that people outside the blocked area cannot perceive what is happening inside the blocked area.

As a first-level formation master, although Xin Jue had heard of this formation, after all, his practice in formation was limited, so he could not identify it in time.

Haofan walked to the glass cabinet, looked at the fourth-level array lying quietly in it, and felt the stable and powerful aura fluctuations on it, his eyes showed unconcealable excitement and greed.

He glanced at Xin Jue who was still standing at the side, and shouted, "Still leaving, why don't you wait to see the play?"

Although Xin Jue, as the son of a businessman, understands that these ordinary things in the market should be kept at a respectful distance.What's more, not only are there many people on the opposite side, but they are all old students who have been in the lower court for many years, and their strength is unknown.

However, Xin Jue's nature is not the kind of coward who runs away when he sees an injustice.What's more, the one who is about to be bullied is a freshman in the same class as himself.

The so-called old students and new students have always been at odds with each other.

Xin Jue naturally had to stand on Bai Songli's side.

Xin Jue glanced at the three youths and asked:
"Is this what you should do as seniors?"

Hao Fan glanced at Xin Jue, sneered and said:
"I only recognize formations, not human relationships. If human relationships are useful, what is the difference between high and low people in the world?"

This sentence sounds obviously very unreasonable, but just as Xin Jue was about to continue to say something, the fat man beside Hao Fan glared at him angrily, and shouted:
"You bastard, why are you talking so much nonsense, get the hell out of here!" He stretched out his big hand and grabbed Xin Jue.

However, before he touched Xin Jue, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the palm of his hand, and hastily withdrew his hand, and found that a huge wound had been cut on his palm by a sharp weapon at some point, and the scarlet and bright flesh was turned out.

"Eighth Grade Lower Master..."

Xin Jue looked at the fat man whose complexion was distorted by the severe pain, and shook his head in disappointment.

Compared with the general, it is indeed much worse.

Because of the uncontrollable power in his left arm, he defied the sky and broke through the ninth-rank junior master before the age of 16 and was promoted to the first-rank general. After just a moment of fighting, he found out the opponent's depth.

However, Xin Jue still deliberately took a few steps back while clutching his chest, knelt down on one knee, panting heavily.He looked as if he had been seriously injured.

He didn't want to be too aggressive, otherwise the fun of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger would be greatly reduced.

"As expected of a senior, he's really amazing." Xin Jue looked at the fat young man, coughed twice on purpose, and said with feigned admiration.

The fat man stared in bewilderment at the distressed appearance of the bandaged freshman, and then at his own bloody palm, and immediately felt much better.

However, Hao Fan on the side seemed to see something, and his face gradually became serious.He winked at another thin young man with a black mask on his face.

The masked youth nodded slightly, and disappeared in the next moment.


Seeing the youth in the mask disappear, Xin Jue felt a sharp chill coming from behind.Instinctively, he turned around, drew out a dagger hidden in his sleeve, and narrowly blocked the opponent's sneak attack.

However, the powerful force still knocked him to the ground.

"First Rank Admiral!!!???"

Chapter 6,
Small scale chopper

Buddha realm?

Xin Jue looked at Bai Songli in surprise, and suddenly understood.

There has always been a saying in the mainland: "The Buddha Land has many miracles since ancient times."

for countless years,

In the not so vast land in the far west of Longlan Continent, countless miracles have happened.Many people who have come out from there have also created many miracles.

Opposite to the easternmost sword domain in the mainland, the Buddhist domain located in the westernmost part of the mainland is an extremely different area, but it is different from the isolated places such as dragon domain, ghost domain and thunder domain, and it is also a completely open area to the mainland. area.

Foyu, as the name suggests, is a place to believe in Buddha.The leader of the Buddha Domain is the host of the [Fotang], which is located in the center of the Buddha Domain.All members of the temple are monks.But not all the people in the Buddhist realm are bald, but in the hearts of the folks in the Buddhist realm, becoming a monk is a very honorable thing.

One of the biggest features of the Buddha Land is that no money trade of any kind can be carried out here, because in the eyes of the people in the Buddha Hall, money is the root of all evil.

Putting an end to the flow of money prevents the occurrence of crimes to a certain extent.

Therefore, the host of the Buddhist hall allocated a certain amount of land to each Buddhist domain, and the people could support themselves by farming or planting.In addition, they can also exchange some very special things from the Buddhist Hall by receiving and completing some tasks issued by the Buddhist Hall.

In this way, it can be explained why the penniless young man in front of him is actually carrying such a rare and rare thing as the fourth-level array.

Just as Xin Jue wanted to continue asking about the sale, he suddenly felt something strange behind him, his face suddenly became serious, and he lowered his voice and said to Bai Songli, "You are in trouble."

Seeing that Xin Jue's expression suddenly became solemn, Bai Songli was confused and at the same time unconsciously cautious, "What trouble can I have?"

Xin Jue glanced at the rear right from the corner of his eye, although he didn't notice anything unusual.But he knew that someone was watching this side.

Xin Jue lowered his voice and said:

"Have you ever heard of the saying 'A man is innocent, but a woman is guilty'?"

Bai Songli nodded without hesitation, but his expression of "Of course I know" froze before he could fully show it, and shook his head in embarrassment.

Several black lines stretched from the back of Xin Jue's head.

"To put it simply, this treasure of yours has been targeted by someone. Either sell him quickly, or pack it up and leave here quickly, and don't set up a stall here again."

When Xin Jue said this, Bai Songli immediately understood what he meant.He glanced slightly behind Xin Jue, although he didn't see anything unusual, but he could feel a little bit of strangeness in the air.

But Bai Songli sneered at this:
"Whoever he is, would he dare to grab it in broad daylight? Although I am a vegetarian, my fists have killed grasshoppers before!"

"Crack, snap, snap, snap..."

As soon as Bai Songli finished speaking, there was a burst of applause behind Xin Jue.

"Not bad, the quality of this year's freshmen is quite high. It's pretty good to be able to notice us in such a short period of time. Moreover, it's admirable to dare to show a treasure like the fourth-level lineup. ! Quite commendable!"

Xin Jue looked back, and saw three young men who looked a little mature walking towards them with smiles.The one who spoke was the relatively shortest person in the middle, with a head of very unworldly yellow hair, named Hao Fan.

The one on Haofan's left is a man who looks very fat but is very powerful.The person on the other side is very thin, with a black mask-like thing on his face, and a pair of eyes exposed outside are extremely sharp.

Seeing the arrival of these three people with obvious malicious intentions, Xin Jue's eyes froze slightly.

However, before he opened his mouth, Haofan spoke to him first:
"Since you will stay here, you must be a person who understands formations. There should be something related to formations on your body, right? Show it to Ben Shao. If you don't like Benshao, you can leave first."

Xin Jue looked at the yellow-haired youth and sneered:

"Although Tai Cangyuan allows unreasonable things to happen within a certain range. But robbery has always been a crime in the mainland. Are you planning to do this in full view of the public?"

"All eyes?" Hearing Xin Jue's words, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Hao Fan's mouth:

"It seems that you still don't understand formation well..."

Xin Jue was taken aback for a moment, and then noticed that the people around were buying their own things, and they didn't notice the situation here at all.At this time, Bai Songli's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Is it "Sealing Eye Formation"?"

"Hey! I knew that the guy who can sell the fourth-level array here must not be a baby." Hao Fan's voice seemed a little excited, "What level is it? Second-level or third-level?"

Bai Songli looked at him coldly and did not answer his question.

When he heard the words "Sealing Eye Formation", Xin Jue immediately understood why these people dared to say such presumptuous words here.

"Sealing Eye Formation", a second-level formation.Because of its mysterious and special formation, it has reached the level close to the third-level formation.The effect is that it can block the space within a certain range, so that people outside the blocked area cannot perceive what is happening inside the blocked area.

As a first-level formation master, although Xin Jue had heard of this formation, after all, his practice in formation was limited, so he could not identify it in time.

Haofan walked to the glass cabinet, looked at the fourth-level array lying quietly in it, and felt the stable and powerful aura fluctuations on it, his eyes showed unconcealable excitement and greed.

He glanced at Xin Jue who was still standing at the side, and shouted, "Still leaving, why don't you wait to see the play?"

(End of this chapter)

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