The glory of the king

Chapter 394 Big Chapter

Chapter 394 Big Chapter (41)

(Not modified yet, please do not read, sorry.)
Chapter 7,
Ten thousand bulls are galloping!


In a moment of collision, Xin Jue understood the other party's cultivation level, and he couldn't help but feel a little surprised that after many years in the lower court, his strength was nothing more than this level.However, what he didn't know was that the shock in the other party's heart was like overwhelming.

This thin young man with a mask on his face is called Zheng Cheng. Judging from the fight with Xin Jue just now, he is obviously an assassin-type cultivator who is good at speed and strength.

At this moment, Zheng Cheng's heart was broken. He couldn't believe that this freshman, who seemed to be only about 16 years old, actually possessed strength comparable to his own.

You know, the other party has only been admitted to the lower court for less than a day.Has the current human being evolved to such a shameless point?

Zheng Cheng glanced at Hao Fan, and found that his face was also a little dull because of surprise.

"Crack, snap, snap, snap..."

But the dullness was only for a moment, when Haofan came back to his senses, there was another burst of applause, whether it was guilt or pretending.Hao Fan looked at Xin Jue jokingly, and praised:

"It's not easy, it's really not easy. I didn't expect my Tai Cangyuan to accept so many peerless geniuses in just two years. I just heard that a female student with a high-level talent avatar was accepted.

Tsk tsk tsk, I really didn't miss it, and now I have met a cultivation genius. If I guessed correctly, you should be the second freshman in the past two years who has broken through to become a general before entering the lower court.Maybe, another Xiang Chen is about to appear..."

Xiang Chen?

Xin Jue heard from his senior, Wei Fang, that the legendary figure who is now on the [Talent List] of the House of Commons and has been at the top of the list for two years is called Xiang Chen.

The smile on Haofan's face looked quite gentle, making Xin Jue almost think that the other party was overwhelmed by his domineering aura and was ready to settle things peacefully.However, the next moment, that hypocritical smile turned into real cruelty. Hao Fan looked at Xin Jue coldly, with a particularly ferocious expression on his face:

"But do you think that Hao Fan, who ranks [-]th on my list of outstanding talents, will grow up a genius who may become my enemy in the future?"

As soon as the words were finished, the yellow-haired youth raised his left hand and raised his index finger slightly. A dozen beams of colorful smoke suddenly rose around Xin Jue's feet.

"This is……"

The moment he saw the smoke rising, Xin Jue felt faintly uneasy, and immediately blocked his sense of smell, and wanted to get out of here when the smoke just spread to his legs.

However, he had just moved Huaxi from the canopy on his chest to his legs, only to find that Huaxi had disappeared for no reason.His legs were paralyzed and he couldn't move.

"What kind of formation is this?" Xin Jue was surprised when he noticed the abnormality in his legs, but at the same time regretted that he was half-hearted when learning the formation. Looking at it now, he was not only sorry for his teacher, but also for himself now.

When the book is in use, I hate less!Without knowing what formation it was, it was difficult for Xin Jue, a half-baked formation master, to come up with a countermeasure.

"A third-level formation..."Scattering Breath Formation"."

Just when Xin Jue was at a loss, Bai Songli who had been watching coldly behind the glass cabinet suddenly spoke.

He looked at Xin Jue, without any surprise in his eyes at Xin Jue's display of strength, nor did he feel any apology for being involved in this matter because of him, but seemed indifferent.

Like Haofan, as a formation master, he naturally has extremely deep eyesight.When Haofan saw the true strength of this young man with a bandaged left hand, he naturally knew it at a glance.It's just that although he is a cowherd, he is also an extremely strong young man. It is inevitable that he is a little unconvinced when he sees a guy of his own age who is so much stronger than himself in the process of cultivation.

But once things like formations were involved, Bai Songli felt a sense of superiority in his heart.So after not speaking for a long time, he finally opened his mouth.

The third-level formation, which is already quite complicated, needs a certain amount of time to arrange before it is activated.Unless a high-level array master arranges a low-level array, he can achieve life and death like a wilderness with a flick of his fingers.But the young man with yellow hair is also the strength of a third-level formation master, and it is already a bit difficult for him to arrange a third-level formation.That's why Zheng Cheng, who was wearing a mask, was asked to hold Xin Jue back and divert his attention.

"The "Scattering Formation" can make everyone within the range unable to condense their energy, and it will play a certain paralyzing effect wherever it goes, thus effectively inhibiting the display of the enemy's strength." Bai Songli's voice was not loud, but he did It all reached Xin Jue's ears.

But at this moment, Haofan moved.

The right hand formed a claw, concentrated the majestic vitality, and pointed directly at Xin Jue's chest.

The Tai Cang Yuan strictly forbids fighting outside the martial arts arena, let alone intentionally causing death.So Haofan's purpose was not to kill Xin Jue, but to destroy the canopy on Xin Jue's chest.

There is a saying in the ancient poem "Hua Gai Ji":

What do you want to transport the canopy? I haven't dared to turn over and have met.

A broken hat covers the face and passes through the busy city, and a leaky boat carries wine to the middle stream.

Thousand pointing fingers, head bowed as a willing ox.

Hide in the small building to form a unified system, regardless of winter, summer and spring and autumn.

Since ancient times, Huagai has been the main source of the cultivation atmosphere of this continent.

Except for a very small number of people who are weak in their own strength but have invincible personality and charm, they can control the strong with the weak, and most of them can only "frown coldly at thousands of fingers" or "bow their heads and be willing to be like oxen" in the process of cultivation.

Once the canopy is damaged, although it will not kill people, the way of practice will be greatly affected.

Not only Haofan, many people who entered the lower court with the title of genius, but ended up stagnant in the lower court, all have a very strong mentality of hatred.

That's why he didn't even care about the fourth-level formation beside him and wanted to destroy Xin Jue's canopy.

If this claw really hit Xin Jue, then he would definitely become a useless person in this life.

But Xin Jue would never sit still.Seeing Haofan's venomous eyes getting closer, and the thick smoke under his body rising higher and higher, Xin Jue transferred all the flower breath in the canopy to his arms, and at the moment when his arms were full of strength, he suddenly moved towards the Pressing the ground in front of him, he successfully lent a force before the breath of his arm was dissipated.With a beautiful turn, he escaped from the center of the "Scattering Formation" like lightning, and at the same time avoided Haofan's ferocious blow.


The speed that Xin Jue showed when he didn't hide his strength was quite astonishing.Even Zheng Cheng, a masked young man who was good at speed, was secretly surprised.But none of them noticed that the bandage on Xin Jue's left hand had been untied by two-thirds.

The originally calm and clear eyes now appeared manic and cloudy.

Xin Jue looked at the three youths surrounding him, trying to suppress the urge to completely undo the bandage on his left hand.He knew that Feng Lao must be paying attention to this side at the moment, and the reason why he didn't make a move was because he hoped that he could solve the problems he encountered.

A strong man with an eighth-rank general, an assassin with a first-rank general, and a third-level formation master with a first-rank general.Such a lineup has front row and output.Even if it is not luxurious, it is absolutely powerful.

Xin Jue knew that facing such an opponent, unless all the remaining bandages were untied, it would be impossible to defeat him.


Hao Fan, a young man with yellow hair, gave an order coldly.

The young and strong man took the lead.The huge fist was like a hammer, hitting Xin Jue's face fiercely.

Xin Jue just wanted to use his soaring body speed to dodge to the left, but before he could move, a sharp breath came from the left.Zheng Cheng, who was wearing a mask, appeared on the left brandishing a dagger at some point.

In desperation, it was impossible for Xin Jue to stop the trend of shifting to the left, so he gritted his teeth and decided to have a head-on confrontation with the masked youth.

The erratic dagger was pulled out from the cuff, without the influence of "Scattering Formation", Xin Jue was not afraid of Zheng Cheng of the same level at all.

He only heard three sounds of ding ding ding, the dagger attack was blocked, and then the dagger's sneak attack was blocked, and another blow was taken.

However, what Xin Jue didn't expect was that during the third collision, his dagger seemed to have slashed on the hard granite, and the strong shock force made him retreat, and his steps suddenly became a bit messy.

Level [-] formation blessing, "Hardening"!
The dagger in Zheng Cheng's hand suddenly became extremely hard, and when Xin Jue showed such a flaw, with a trace of black thread, it fiercely attacked Xin Jue's chest canopy.

At this time, it was too late for Xin Jue to hide.Just when his eyes were manic, he gritted his teeth, and was about to undo all the bandages on his left hand, when he suddenly heard a buffalo mooing behind him.

Then, ten, hundreds, thousands of buffalo roars!
Then, ten thousand bulls gallop! !
Chapter 7,
Ten thousand bulls are galloping!


In a moment of collision, Xin Jue understood the other party's cultivation level, and he couldn't help but feel a little surprised that after many years in the lower court, his strength was nothing more than this level.However, what he didn't know was that the shock in the other party's heart was like overwhelming.

This thin young man with a mask on his face is called Zheng Cheng. Judging from the fight with Xin Jue just now, he is obviously an assassin-type cultivator who is good at speed and strength.

At this moment, Zheng Cheng's heart was broken. He couldn't believe that this freshman, who seemed to be only about 16 years old, actually possessed strength comparable to his own.

You know, the other party has only been admitted to the lower court for less than a day.Has the current human being evolved to such a shameless point?

Zheng Cheng glanced at Hao Fan, and found that his face was also a little dull because of surprise.

"Crack, snap, snap, snap..."

But the dullness was only for a moment, when Haofan came back to his senses, there was another burst of applause, whether it was guilt or pretending.Hao Fan looked at Xin Jue jokingly, and praised:

"It's not easy, it's really not easy. I didn't expect my Tai Cangyuan to accept so many peerless geniuses in just two years. I just heard that a female student with a high-level talent avatar was accepted.

Tsk tsk tsk, I really didn't miss it, and now I have met a cultivation genius. If I guessed correctly, you should be the second freshman in the past two years who has broken through to become a general before entering the lower court.Maybe, another Xiang Chen is about to appear..."

Xiang Chen?

Xin Jue heard from his senior, Wei Fang, that the legendary figure who is now on the [Talent List] of the House of Commons and has been at the top of the list for two years is called Xiang Chen.

The smile on Haofan's face looked quite gentle, making Xin Jue almost think that the other party was overwhelmed by his domineering aura and was ready to settle things peacefully.However, the next moment, that hypocritical smile turned into real cruelty. Hao Fan looked at Xin Jue coldly, with a particularly ferocious expression on his face:

"But do you think that Hao Fan, who ranks [-]th on my list of outstanding talents, will grow up a genius who may become my enemy in the future?"

As soon as the words were finished, the yellow-haired youth raised his left hand and raised his index finger slightly. A dozen beams of colorful smoke suddenly rose around Xin Jue's feet.

"This is……"

The moment he saw the smoke rising, Xin Jue felt faintly uneasy, and immediately blocked his sense of smell, and wanted to get out of here when the smoke just spread to his legs.

However, he had just moved Huaxi from the canopy on his chest to his legs, only to find that Huaxi had disappeared for no reason.His legs were paralyzed and he couldn't move.

"What kind of formation is this?" Xin Jue was surprised when he noticed the abnormality in his legs, but at the same time regretted that he was half-hearted when learning the formation. Looking at it now, he was not only sorry for his teacher, but also for himself now.

When the book is in use, I hate less!Without knowing what formation it was, it was difficult for Xin Jue, a half-baked formation master, to come up with a countermeasure.

"A third-level formation..."Scattering Breath Formation"."

Just when Xin Jue was at a loss, Bai Songli who had been watching coldly behind the glass cabinet suddenly spoke.

He looked at Xin Jue, without any surprise in his eyes at Xin Jue's display of strength, nor did he feel any apology for being involved in this matter because of him, but seemed indifferent.

Like Haofan, as a formation master, he naturally has extremely deep eyesight.When Haofan saw the true strength of this young man with a bandaged left hand, he naturally knew it at a glance.It's just that although he is a cowherd, he is also an extremely strong young man. It is inevitable that he is a little unconvinced when he sees a guy of his own age who is so much stronger than himself in the process of cultivation.

But once things like formations were involved, Bai Songli felt a sense of superiority in his heart.So after not speaking for a long time, he finally opened his mouth.

The third-level formation, which is already quite complicated, needs a certain amount of time to arrange before it is activated.Unless a high-level array master arranges a low-level array, he can achieve life and death like a wilderness with a flick of his fingers.But the young man with yellow hair is also the strength of a third-level formation master, and it is already a bit difficult for him to arrange a third-level formation.That's why Zheng Cheng, who was wearing a mask, was asked to hold Xin Jue back and divert his attention.

"The "Scattering Formation" can make everyone within the range unable to condense their energy, and it will play a certain paralyzing effect wherever it goes, thus effectively inhibiting the display of the enemy's strength." Bai Songli's voice was not loud, but he did It all reached Xin Jue's ears.

But at this moment, Haofan moved.

The right hand formed a claw, concentrated the majestic vitality, and pointed directly at Xin Jue's chest.

The Tai Cang Yuan strictly forbids fighting outside the martial arts arena, let alone intentionally causing death.So Haofan's purpose was not to kill Xin Jue, but to destroy the canopy on Xin Jue's chest.

There is a saying in the ancient poem "Hua Gai Ji":

What do you want to transport the canopy? I haven't dared to turn over and have met.

A broken hat covers the face and passes through the busy city, and a leaky boat carries wine to the middle stream.

Thousand pointing fingers, head bowed as a willing ox.

Hide in the small building to form a unified system, regardless of winter, summer and spring and autumn.

Since ancient times, Huagai has been the main source of the cultivation atmosphere of this continent.

Except for a very small number of people who are weak in their own strength but have invincible personality and charm, they can control the strong with the weak, and most of them can only "frown coldly at thousands of fingers" or "bow their heads and be willing to be like oxen" in the process of cultivation.

Once the canopy is damaged, although it will not kill people, the way of practice will be greatly affected.

Not only Haofan, many people who entered the lower court with the title of genius, but ended up stagnant in the lower court, all have a very strong mentality of hatred.

That's why he didn't even care about the fourth-level formation beside him and wanted to destroy Xin Jue's canopy.

If this claw really hit Xin Jue, then he would definitely become a useless person in this life.

But Xin Jue would never sit still.Seeing Haofan's venomous eyes getting closer, and the thick smoke under his body rising higher and higher, Xin Jue transferred all the flower breath in the canopy to his arms, and at the moment when his arms were full of strength, he suddenly moved towards the Pressing the ground in front of him, he successfully lent a force before the breath of his arm was dissipated.With a beautiful turn, he escaped from the center of the "Scattering Formation" like lightning, and at the same time avoided Haofan's ferocious blow.


The speed that Xin Jue showed when he didn't hide his strength was quite astonishing.Even Zheng Cheng, a masked young man who was good at speed, was secretly surprised.But none of them noticed that the bandage on Xin Jue's left hand had been untied by two-thirds.

The originally calm and clear eyes now appeared manic and cloudy.

Xin Jue looked at the three youths surrounding him, trying to suppress the urge to completely undo the bandage on his left hand.He knew that Feng Lao must be paying attention to this side at the moment, and the reason why he didn't make a move was because he hoped that he could solve the problems he encountered.

A strong man with an eighth-rank general, an assassin with a first-rank general, and a third-level formation master with a first-rank general.Such a lineup has front row and output.Even if it is not luxurious, it is absolutely powerful.

Xin Jue knew that facing such an opponent, unless all the remaining bandages were untied, it would be impossible to defeat him.


Hao Fan, a young man with yellow hair, gave an order coldly.

The young and strong man took the lead.The huge fist was like a hammer, hitting Xin Jue's face fiercely.

Xin Jue just wanted to use his soaring body speed to dodge to the left, but before he could move, a sharp breath came from the left.Zheng Cheng, who was wearing a mask, appeared on the left brandishing a dagger at some point.

In desperation, it was impossible for Xin Jue to stop the trend of shifting to the left, so he gritted his teeth and decided to have a head-on confrontation with the masked youth.

The erratic dagger was pulled out from the cuff, without the influence of "Scattering Formation", Xin Jue was not afraid of Zheng Cheng of the same level at all.

He only heard three sounds of ding ding ding, the dagger attack was blocked, and then the dagger's sneak attack was blocked, and another blow was taken.

However, what Xin Jue didn't expect was that during the third collision, his dagger seemed to have slashed on the hard granite, and the strong shock force made him retreat, and his steps suddenly became a bit messy.

Level [-] formation blessing, "Hardening"!
The dagger in Zheng Cheng's hand suddenly became extremely hard, and when Xin Jue showed such a flaw, with a trace of black thread, it fiercely attacked Xin Jue's chest canopy.

At this time, it was too late for Xin Jue to hide.Just when his eyes were manic, he gritted his teeth, and was about to undo all the bandages on his left hand, when he suddenly heard a buffalo mooing behind him.

Then, ten, hundreds, thousands of buffalo roars!
Then, ten thousand bulls gallop! !
Chapter 7,
Ten thousand bulls are galloping!


In a moment of collision, Xin Jue understood the other party's cultivation level, and he couldn't help but feel a little surprised that after many years in the lower court, his strength was nothing more than this level.However, what he didn't know was that the shock in the other party's heart was like overwhelming.

This thin young man with a mask on his face is called Zheng Cheng. Judging from the fight with Xin Jue just now, he is obviously an assassin-type cultivator who is good at speed and strength.

At this moment, Zheng Cheng's heart was broken. He couldn't believe that this freshman, who seemed to be only about 16 years old, actually possessed strength comparable to his own.

You know, the other party has only been admitted to the lower court for less than a day.Has the current human being evolved to such a shameless point?

Zheng Cheng glanced at Hao Fan, and found that his face was also a little dull because of surprise.

"Crack, snap, snap, snap..."

But the dullness was only for a moment, when Haofan came back to his senses, there was another burst of applause, whether it was guilt or pretending.Hao Fan looked at Xin Jue jokingly, and praised:

"It's not easy, it's really not easy. I didn't expect my Tai Cangyuan to accept so many peerless geniuses in just two years. I just heard that a female student with a high-level talent avatar was accepted.

Tsk tsk tsk, I really didn't miss it, and now I have met a cultivation genius. If I guessed correctly, you should be the second freshman in the past two years who has broken through to become a general before entering the lower court.Maybe, another Xiang Chen is about to appear..."

Xiang Chen?

Xin Jue heard from his senior, Wei Fang, that the legendary figure who is now on the [Talent List] of the House of Commons and has been at the top of the list for two years is called Xiang Chen.

The smile on Haofan's face looked quite gentle, making Xin Jue almost think that the other party was overwhelmed by his domineering aura and was ready to settle things peacefully.However, the next moment, that hypocritical smile turned into real cruelty. Hao Fan looked at Xin Jue coldly, with a particularly ferocious expression on his face:

"But do you think that Hao Fan, who ranks [-]th on my list of outstanding talents, will grow up a genius who may become my enemy in the future?"

As soon as the words were finished, the yellow-haired youth raised his left hand and raised his index finger slightly. A dozen beams of colorful smoke suddenly rose around Xin Jue's feet.

"This is……"

The moment he saw the smoke rising, Xin Jue felt faintly uneasy, and immediately blocked his sense of smell, and wanted to get out of here when the smoke just spread to his legs.

However, he had just moved Huaxi from the canopy on his chest to his legs, only to find that Huaxi had disappeared for no reason.His legs were paralyzed and he couldn't move.

"What kind of formation is this?" Xin Jue was surprised when he noticed the abnormality in his legs, but at the same time regretted that he was half-hearted when learning the formation. Looking at it now, he was not only sorry for his teacher, but also for himself now.

When the book is in use, I hate less!Without knowing what formation it was, it was difficult for Xin Jue, a half-baked formation master, to come up with a countermeasure.

"A third-level formation..."Scattering Breath Formation"."

Just when Xin Jue was at a loss, Bai Songli who had been watching coldly behind the glass cabinet suddenly spoke.

He looked at Xin Jue, without any surprise in his eyes at Xin Jue's display of strength, nor did he feel any apology for being involved in this matter because of him, but seemed indifferent.

Like Haofan, as a formation master, he naturally has extremely deep eyesight.When Haofan saw the true strength of this young man with a bandaged left hand, he naturally knew it at a glance.It's just that although he is a cowherd, he is also an extremely strong young man. It is inevitable that he is a little unconvinced when he sees a guy of his own age who is so much stronger than himself in the process of cultivation.

But once things like formations were involved, Bai Songli felt a sense of superiority in his heart.So after not speaking for a long time, he finally opened his mouth.

The third-level formation, which is already quite complicated, needs a certain amount of time to arrange before it is activated.Unless a high-level array master arranges a low-level array, he can achieve life and death like a wilderness with a flick of his fingers.But the young man with yellow hair is also the strength of a third-level formation master, and it is already a bit difficult for him to arrange a third-level formation.That's why Zheng Cheng, who was wearing a mask, was asked to hold Xin Jue back and divert his attention.

"The "Scattering Formation" can make everyone within the range unable to condense their energy, and it will play a certain paralyzing effect wherever it goes, thus effectively inhibiting the display of the enemy's strength." Bai Songli's voice was not loud, but he did It all reached Xin Jue's ears.

But at this moment, Haofan moved.

The right hand formed a claw, concentrated the majestic vitality, and pointed directly at Xin Jue's chest.

The Tai Cang Yuan strictly forbids fighting outside the martial arts arena, let alone intentionally causing death.So Haofan's purpose was not to kill Xin Jue, but to destroy the canopy on Xin Jue's chest.

There is a saying in the ancient poem "Hua Gai Ji":

What do you want to transport the canopy? I haven't dared to turn over and have met.

A broken hat covers the face and passes through the busy city, and a leaky boat carries wine to the middle stream.

Thousand pointing fingers, head bowed as a willing ox.

Hide in the small building to form a unified system, regardless of winter, summer and spring and autumn.

Since ancient times, Huagai has been the main source of the cultivation atmosphere of this continent.

Except for a very small number of people who are weak in their own strength but have invincible personality and charm, they can control the strong with the weak, and most of them can only "frown coldly at thousands of fingers" or "bow their heads and be willing to be like oxen" in the process of cultivation.

Once the canopy is damaged, although it will not kill people, the way of practice will be greatly affected.

Not only Haofan, many people who entered the lower court with the title of genius, but ended up stagnant in the lower court, all have a very strong mentality of hatred.

That's why he didn't even care about the fourth-level formation beside him and wanted to destroy Xin Jue's canopy.

If this claw really hit Xin Jue, then he would definitely become a useless person in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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