The glory of the king

Chapter 403 Big Chapter

Chapter 403 Big Chapter (50)



[Spiritual Jade Basket]: Platinum low-grade, the basket gathers the spiritual energy of heaven and earth every month to form a piece of jade the size of a thumb, which is sold to make a living.

[Mouse Clothes]: Platinum low-level, wearing it can instantly turn into a mouse, and at the same time have the agility and keen sense of smell of a mouse.It is an excellent choice for escaping or hunting down enemies.

[Xuanfeng step bag]: Platinum advanced, guide for a period of time, can seal anyone below the diamond level in it, and slowly absorb the mura on the opponent's body, transform it into the holder's mura, and promote the holder's cultivation progress.

[Green Snow Bamboo Knife]: Platinum advanced level, when it hits an enemy, a cyan snowflake will fall on the hit place, causing a range of poison damage and powerfully slowing down the opponent.

[Speedy Flying Carpet]: The diamond is low-level, three meters long and two meters wide, and the person sitting on it can move at high speed.

Infinity Store: (Draw a prize for every 100 Kirin coins. The drawn items are random items.)
觳觫 (húsù) pill × 5 (can make the user fall into a state of extreme fear and mental disorder.)
Spirit Pill × 4 (It can greatly reduce the difficulty of platinum promotion.)
Poker Pill × 8 (It can greatly improve the progress of cultivation.)
【Special item】:
Golden rune paper (pink fox, golden pinnacle);
Liu Qingfeng's soul (utility: unknown).

Moon Bakugan × 1 (It can cause fatal damage to anyone below platinum.)
Purple scroll (thank you for your purchase)
[Entering the Urn]: Platinum is low-level, it can transform into a formation with a diameter of [-] meters, and trap the target in the [Into the Urn].If the trapped people can't break through the formation in time, they will soon be melted into blood.

【Smelly socks】

: It stinks beyond your imagination!Works wonders against fog attacks.

【Tianluo Formation】

Golden intermediate formation.

【Sea Soul Formation】

Gold Advanced Formation.

A red high-grade storage bag

A pair of purple gold rings can be combined into a heart shape

Iron Piece: Mysterious Map.

【Heavenly Spirit Milk】: It can greatly increase your cultivation speed.Remaining: [-]/[-] pot.

[Announcement to Heaven]: Similar to the existence of a flare, as long as it is fired towards the sky, it will explode and send an invisible distress signal within a radius of 100 miles.As long as there are powerful people from the Tang Dynasty within this range, they will definitely rescue the signal at the fastest speed.

[Blowing fan]: Xingyao is low-level, can blow opponents away to a certain range, even the king has a certain effect.

[Tianzhu flower stem]: The flower stem without petals.

【Smile Disappears】: Do not smile within 24 hours, once you smile, the counting time will start again.

Task requirements: 10 days.

Amount of tasks completed: 0 days.

Remaining mission time: 27 days and 10 hours

Mission completion rewards: experience +50, reputation +50, free draw once.

Penalty for not completing the task: experience -100. "

Turning off the system, Peasley sighed softly, and found that his mood seemed to have gotten worse.

But the mission refreshed this time is very annoying, and it seems to be a bit appropriate. Even if you force a smile at home, you want to comfort your parents a little bit.

Now that he left home, he finally didn't even have to force a smile.It's just gloomy and a little uncomfortable.

"Xuan'er, you have to tell me not to laugh at all times, you know? When I have a tendency to laugh, you must stop me immediately."

Ning Xuan blinked her eyes and wanted to ask why, but she noticed that the boy's face was not very good-looking, so she just responded lightly, took the boy's hand and massaged it carefully.

Not long after the carriage left Liangyuan City, it was stopped by a woman.

The carriage stopped, and Peasley got off the carriage and looked at the woman with eyes of different colors standing under a big tree.

"Young Master Situ, why did you come all the way to see me off? You have a low face down there, so you can't afford it."

Peasley wanted to say this with a smile, but he suddenly remembered the task, and just as the corners of his mouth were about to rise, he stopped him.

But even so, Situ Jing could see the smile in the young man's eyes.

In fact, a few days ago, because of Pisley's help, Situ Jing, under the discussion of Situ Feng and Yun Yuerong, decided to let go of her selfishness, and for the family to have a backer in the future, the next patriarch, that is, the position of patriarch, Hand it over to Situ Jing.

As for Situ Denglei and Situ Xing, they became the next hall masters of the two branch halls.

Although Situ Jing is not yet in full control of the entire family, it is obvious that Situ Feng and the others will gradually hand over the power to Situ Jing before his death.

Being able to make friends with the largest warlock family in Fallen Leaf City is a good thing for Peasley, which outweighs the disadvantages.

Although this family may need his help in the future, before that need comes, he can always enjoy the help that this family brings to him.

Situ Jing looked at Pisley with a warm smile on her face:
"After all, you are a distinguished guest of our family and my benefactor. Now that you are leaving, and you are not leaving Fallen Leaf City, I, who has received a lot of help from you, will naturally come to see you off."

Pease wanted to smile, but he didn't dare to.He had no choice but to put on a calm face, and at the same time flipped his hand, and took out a red jade talisman the size of half a palm from the system.

"This is..." Situ Jing took out the jade talisman and looked through it curiously in the palm of his hand.

"This is a method I learned in Jixia Academy. It is a sound transmission talisman. If your family encounters any emergency, you only need to cover it with the blood of your palm to activate it.

Wherever I was at that time, you could have a short conversation with me and let me know how you were.If it's an emergency, I'll be right matter how far. "Pizli briefly introduced the function of this jade talisman.

After Situ Jing finished listening, she carefully held the jade talisman in her palm, and thanked Pisley.Especially the last four words said by the other party shocked her inexplicably.

Peasley nodded slightly, suddenly, he thought of something, stretched out his hand, and pressed Situ Jing's tender shoulder.

Situ Jing's heart fluttered slightly, her face was a little rosy, and she didn't dare to move.Not knowing what the boy was going to do next, or what she expected him to do.

However, she only heard Pisley seriously say: "My parents, please protect them more. After all, they are just ordinary people."

Situ Jing came back to her senses, nodded vigorously, and said, "Don't worry, take care of me."

Seeing the clear light emanating from the girl's exposed blue eyes, Pisley's heart moved slightly. After thinking for a while, he took out a small jade bottle from the system backpack.

The jade bottle is filled with milky white liquid.

"Here." Peasley handed the jade bottle to the woman.

Seeing this familiar jade bottle, Situ Jing recognized it at a glance. It was what Pisley showed to his disciples on the round platform that day. — Heavenly milk!

"What... what is this for?" Situ Jing shrank her hands behind her back and took two steps back, not daring to pick up such a valuable thing.

"It's nothing, I just feel that your talent in the family is not outstanding, it's too weak. So in order to be more deterrent, take the time to improve your strength, so that more people will sincerely obey you. In case someone will give you You wear small shoes."

Hearing this, Situ Jing stared at the little jade bottle for a long time, but still shook her head, which surprised Pisley.

"Since I have become the next Patriarch, I will naturally work a hundred times harder than before. This is the pressure and happiness I should bear.

So I can't accept such a precious thing, but I promise you, when I come back next time, I will grow to the point where you will be surprised! "

Seeing the firm expression on the woman's face, Peasley nodded appreciatively: "In this case, I look forward to the next reunion and your growth. Well, it's getting late, let's talk when we come back next time. I'm leaving."

"Well, be careful on the road." Situ Jing reminded gently, like a sister watching her younger brother go to school.

Peasley nodded, and took Ning Xuan's hand to board the carriage again.Immediately the coachman yelled, raised his whip and lashed the horse's buttocks.

Amidst a burst of neighing, the carriage galloped away with a cloud of dust.

Situ Jing looked at the back of the carriage leaving, with a dull expression on his face, and even a bit of reluctance.

However, she knew that that boy was too good, maybe he really wasn't suitable for her...

After the carriage turned into a black spot in her vision until it became blurred, she sighed leisurely, and then opened her legs to leave.

However, at this moment, something suddenly touched her feet and made a "ding" sound.

Situ Jing lowered her head, and was surprised to find that what fell beside her legs was actually a small jade bottle, which was full of white liquid.

The woman's eyes were full of surprise, she didn't know when Lispie put this thing quietly at her feet.

She bent down and picked up the jade bottle. The jade bottle was still warm, as if there was still the residual warmth from the boy's palm.

Holding it in the palm of her hand, Situ Jing suddenly felt that the young man might also have some interest in her.I can't help the little deer jumping around in my heart, and my heart is beating endlessly.

However, a gust of cold wind blew up her bangs, revealing the red-pupil eyes below the bangs... She suddenly woke up from the illusory beauty, and when she came back to her senses, her heart was even more lost...

What belongs to you will get it sooner or later.

What doesn't belong to you may be hard to get no matter how much you desire it.



There was a lot of dust, and the speed of the carriage was very fast.

However, because it is driving on a well-built flat ground, there is not much shock.

"My lord, is it really appropriate to just give a bottle to Miss Situ like this?" Ning Xuan asked suddenly on the way.

Peasley said calmly: "It's okay, it's just a small bottle. I still have more than 20 bottles.

Besides, this bottle is only one or two thousand drops. It is said that one drop is comparable to a month's practice, but in fact, it is only at the stage below the gold level, and the effect will not be so obvious after the gold level.

The reason why I gave her a bottle is actually to hope that she can become stronger faster and master the Situ family faster, so that she can give me more and faster help when I need it in the future. "

"It turns out that the young master is already preparing to cultivate his own power in secret." Ning Xuan admired.

The corner of Peasley's mouth moved, but he didn't smile after all:

"After negotiating with Ximen Buhuo this time, I became more and more aware of the importance of power. In this world... no, no matter which world you are in, even people who stand at the top of the world have more or less their own strengths. Power. Otherwise, if you do everything yourself, even the strongest king may not be able to bear it."

Ning Xuan nodded, but then she thought of something again and said: "But this is a family after all, so it may not be able to be united, and it is completely used by the young master."

Pisley nodded: "I've thought about that too. That's why I helped Situ Jing improve her strength as soon as possible. I don't care about those low-level disciples, as long as they listen to Situ Jing, and as long as Situ Jing is willing to help me, then it's not a big problem.

The key is... After Situ Jing becomes the head of the family, when she thinks about problems or makes any decisions, she will definitely consider whether it will be useful to the family, and she will not help me unconditionally..."

When Ning Xuan heard the boy's question, she smiled meaningfully and said:

"Xuan'er can tell that Miss Situ has a good impression of Young Master. If Young Master is willing to turn Miss Situ into his own woman, then the entire Situ family will be in Young Master's pocket, isn't it?"

Peasley knocked Ning Xuan on the head speechlessly, and said, "If it wasn't for that incident, you wouldn't be sitting next to me now, and dare to tell me such a thing."

Ning Xuan clutched her head in pain, and looked at Pisley with an aggrieved expression.Peasley didn't pay attention to her any more, she could only sigh softly, and said faintly:
"My lord is still angry with Xuan'er for that incident..."

Peasley shook his head: "It's been so long, I brought you home to meet your parents, do you still care about that?

It's just that I don't want to be a flirtatious man, and I don't want to see a beautiful woman and want to get her into bed... A good woman is for loving and cherishing, not for playing with. "

Ning Xuan was slightly silent, but for some reason, there was a tinge of joy in her heart.There is no normal woman who doesn't want the man she loves to be the only one in her heart. Even in Ning Xuan's situation, she doesn't want Pisley to have several women in her heart.

Even if he is so good that people feel that it is normal to have a few women around him...

Peasley didn't know what the girl beside him was thinking.At this moment, what he was thinking about was how to find the other two girls.

The younger sister was taken away by Supreme Treasure, and her life and death are uncertain.In case that Zhizunbao's brain had a convulsion, he killed Li Siqi.How should he explain to his parents...

During the ten years when he was absent, this silly girl was the one who accompanied Tao Tiantian and Li Ting instead of him. For Tao Tiantian, his daughter was naturally very important.

During the month he was at home, he would often see Tao Tiantian sitting at the table holding a pair of small floral shoes in a daze, or seeing Li Ting reading a book for a long time. Simple little flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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