The glory of the king

Chapter 404 Big Chapter

Chapter 404 Big Chapter (51)

It was this scene that made Peasley realize that during the years when he was not around, I am afraid that they are also thinking about others when they see things, and they are thinking about him silently in this way.

Thinking of this, the boy's heart became uncomfortable again.

How to save his sister, he is still helpless.We can only take one step at a time.His plan was to go back to the Kingdom of Shang, go to his teacher, and ask if there was anything he could do.

But before that, Pisley needs to go to Baishui City, the capital of Huangquan Kingdom.

He was going to meet the king, and then asked the king to issue a tracing edict to the whole country, hoping to find Liu Qinghe's whereabouts.

After that, he went to Tang country and used the same method.As for the Shang Kingdom, I have to ask my teacher. It is inconvenient for him to come forward, otherwise King Zhou and Emperor Xin will know that he has returned to the Shang Kingdom, and it will be even more difficult to escape.

After that, he went east to Wei State, and went south to Shu State, Wu State and other countries... Thinking of this, Peasley suddenly realized that this time he went out, it seemed that he was going to travel the whole continent.

Look at the current speed of the carriage... It will probably take another ten or even decades to travel all over the continent...

"It's too slow." Pisley said suddenly, causing Ning Xuan to be slightly taken aback.

"Driver, please stop." Peasley opened the curtain and shouted to the outside of the carriage.

The carriage stopped immediately in the middle of the road.

Peasley got out of the car, looked at the gloomy sky, and realized that he had walked for a long time without seeing the shadow of the next city.

"This speed is really too slow. It seems that we still have to rely on equipment to move at a high speed. Relying on the [Yunteng Technique] consumes too much, and we have to bring Ning Xuan with us. It's really not easy."

Thinking this way, Peasley took out a three-meter-by-two-meter blanket from the system.

But this blanket is really miraculous, when Peasley lays it flat in front of him, the blanket spreads out automatically and stays on Peasley's waist.

Peasley stretched out his hand to cover the blanket and pressed it down, and the blanket would also sag downwards in a soft texture, but there was no overall downward trend.

This piece of equipment is naturally the diamond-level equipment that Fang Xuanling asked for last time from the Treasure Pavilion of the Tang Dynasty - [Speedy Flying Carpet].

It's just because he was only at the peak of gold back then, so he couldn't use this diamond-level equipment for a long time.

Now that he is already at the platinum level, he basically has the strength to control this piece of equipment.

It would be too dull to use a horse-drawn carriage as a means of land transportation.

Peasley jumped onto the flying carpet, and then Mula in his body transported Mula downward from the place where his buttocks were in contact with the flying carpet.

The flying carpet was immediately activated by Mula, and the whole body radiated light, and strong winds rose around the four sides, blowing Ning Xuan's skirt close to her thighs.

"I'll try to fly first."

As Peasley spoke, he turned into a shooting star and soared into the sky under the astonished eyes of the coachman.

At the moment, Peasley, who was sitting on the flying carpet, was feeling the speed of the flying carpet, and was surprised to find that the consumption of the flying carpet was much less than he expected.

And flying at such a high speed, a transparent shield formed around the flying carpet to keep out the strong wind, and what Peasley felt was a cool and comfortable environment.There is absolutely no adverse reaction caused by too high and too fast.

"This thing is better than I imagined. The speed is at least 100 meters per second. If you increase the force of the wooden pull, it can reach 200 meters per second at the fastest.

Although the speed of the teacher [Sage Ruler] is still quite a bit behind, it is already quite good.

With the thickness of my current mula, I can fly continuously at a speed of [-] meters per second for about six hours.

Even so, the six-hour journey is probably comparable to the journey of a few days in a horse-drawn carriage. "

Thinking of this, Peasley's previous unhappiness caused by leaving his parents before dissipated a bit, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

The next moment, he suddenly thought of something, and the smile on his face froze suddenly.

Peasley scratched his head angrily, but he didn't take it too seriously considering that he didn't hold on for too long.

After falling back to the ground, Ning Xuan greeted him with a smile: "How is it? It seems that you are very happy to see the young master playing."

Peasley sighed helplessly: "It's quite high, but it's too high, and I can't help laughing. All the previous efforts were in vain."

Ning Xuan covered her mouth and chuckled: "Since this is the case, young master, don't deliberately suppress your smile, otherwise, after a long time, the world in the eyes of young master will become gloomy."

Peasley shook his head: "This is a kind of cultivation. As long as you don't smile for 24 hours ten times in a row, then you have completed the task. Don't worry, with you by my side, my world will always be colorful."

Ning Xuan was slightly taken aback, a warm current surged in her heart, and this warm current extended up her neck, turning into a blush.

Peasley couldn't help being dazed, and couldn't help reaching out and touching the girl's face.

The girl lowered her head shyly, but she didn't have any intention of resisting and dodging.

At this time, the coachman's soft voice suddenly came from behind the young man: "That...Master Battle Master, if you don't hurry up, you may not be able to reach the next destination before dark."

Peasley turned around, glanced at the other party, then took out a white tiger coin and threw it to the other party, and said at the same time: "This is wages, you can go back directly. We can make this flying carpet."

The carriage left, and Pisley and Ning Xuan sat on the [Speedy Flying Carpet]. With a thought in Pisley's mind, the flying carpet immediately flew up obliquely.

However, Pisley and Ning Xuan who were sitting on the flying carpet seemed not to be affected by gravity. Although their speed was fast, their figures showed no sign of receding.

"This flying carpet seems to form a small world, so that those who stay on it will not be disturbed by external forces."

Ning Xuan curiously reached out to touch the invisible shield.However, to her surprise, her hand passed through the invisible shield without hindrance.

The fingertips outside the shield can feel the strong wind blowing, but the palms inside the shield can only feel the breeze like blue smoke.

"It's amazing..." Ning Xuan smiled like a child.

Peasley suppressed a smile on his face, but felt comfortable in his heart because of Ning Xuan's innocence.

Man is such a creature, sometimes he is so happy that he forgets that he is an adult and makes some actions that only children can do.

For example, dancing with hands and feet, such as smiling so that the eyes are narrowed... In fact, as they grow up, most people gradually put away their innocence and pretend to be mature and steady, but that innocence is gradually buried in their hearts.

Only occasionally when I am happy and selfless, will it be involuntarily displayed.

It has to be said that the older people are, the more tired people live, and the less they live like their original selves, but they become what they think is better, but it is actually mediocre.

Whether it's him or Ning Xuan, in fact, it has become more or less like this.

However, his mother, Tao Tiantian, was different from them. She always had a childlike innocence. Such a woman had a real temperament and was really cute.

In this way, the two passed quickly like shooting stars at a low altitude of 30 meters, and the scenery along the way could not be appreciated. Only the mountains and valleys in the distance could stay in their field of vision for a little longer.

Tired from sitting, Peasley simply lay down, and even with his eyes closed, he could clearly sense the direction and changes in the surrounding scenery.

When Ning Xuan saw her man looking so comfortable, she couldn't help curling up beside the young man like a kitten, feeling the warmth radiating from the young man.

But of course the boy can't really fall asleep, the entire flying carpet still needs him to control the direction and balance.If he fell asleep and his thoughts fluttered, the flying carpet might overturn.

Six hours later, Peasley felt that the Mulla in his body had been exhausted.He just sat up and gradually controlled the falling of the flying carpet. However, when the flying carpet fell, Peasley suddenly heard a muffled thunder in the valley not far away, followed by a thick blue thunder coming from the valley. And rise up, go straight to the sky!
Peasley, who landed the flying carpet on the crown of a tall velvet tree, looked in the direction of the valley and was shocked!
"This it a diamond warrior?"

Even though Peasley has now advanced to Platinum, and his system strength is already at the peak of Platinum, he still rarely encounters Diamond or above level powerhouses.

Although curious, Peasley didn't intend to find out.

After all, people of this level are already able to pose a huge threat to him, although now his methods can completely touch the powerhouses of low-level diamonds.

But if it is a diamond intermediate or even advanced opponent, Pisili is not sure that he can get benefits from the opponent.

However, he who possesses [Shards of Heavenly Book] is not afraid at all.

So he and Ning Xuan sat on the flying carpet leisurely.Ning Xuan opened her eyes wide and looked at the thunder and lightning in the direction of the valley, and at the same time protected Pisley, while Pisley closed her eyes and adjusted her breath, recovering Mulla in her body.

However, not long after Peasley closed his eyes, he heard a loud and clear voice in the valley:

"Hahahaha! The soldiers of Huangquan Kingdom are just a bunch of fish! Even the general is just a piece of trash! Hahahaha!"

The sound was so loud that it could be clearly heard even hundreds of meters away from Pisley.

"I won't play with you bastards anymore, you crazy uncles, I still have something to do!"

After saying this, Ning Xuan, who had been looking in that direction, suddenly saw a "thunder dragon" rising from the canyon, and then that dragon-like thunder, carrying an extremely arrogant figure, went straight towards them. Direction rushed.

Ning Xuan was shocked, and looked at Pisley in a panic.

But although the young man closed his eyes, he said calmly: "Don't panic, if he dares to mess around, I will set up a grave for him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a strong man carrying a weapon like a sledgehammer with a flashing blue thunder coming not far above their heads.

The blond man was standing on the dragon's head, with a presumptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, and his blond hair was flying backwards with the strong wind!

But when passing above Peasley and the others, the blond man suddenly looked down at the two of Peasley, and his eyes first fell on Ning Xuan's face.

The blond man stopped suddenly!

"Hey! What a handsome girl, take her home and play!" After saying these joking words, the blond man was about to make a move, but at this moment, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the young man beside the girl who was adjusting his breath with his eyes closed.

The blond man frowned slightly, because he felt a faint sense of danger from the black-haired boy.

"Tch, it turns out that the famous flower has a owner!"

After saying this, the blond man shouted loudly, and riding the thunder like a dragon, he rushed towards the distance without looking back!

Ning Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, if she didn't have her man by her side, maybe something would have happened.

It seems that I have to hurry up and improve my strength, otherwise I will only become a burden to my man in the future.

Just when Ning Xuan blamed herself, suddenly, a huge figure rose again from the direction of the valley.

Ning Xuan looked in surprise, but saw that the flying object was actually a large ship 40 meters long.

The big ship seemed to be able to float by relying on a specific energy source. Although it looked a little clumsy, it was flying very fast.

It's just that the noise produced during the march was also very loud. Even Peasley, who was recuperating, was disturbed by the rumbling sound, and had to open his eyes to look at the person who happened to pass above their heads. The big ship looked.

Seeing this big ship flying in the air, Peasley couldn't help but think of the giant ship ten years ago.

This big ship and that giant ship should work similarly.It's just that this quality is completely different from that of the giant wheel.

Looking at the dozen or so burly soldiers standing at the bow, it is obvious that this not yet perfect technology is only used in the army for the time being, and has not yet been used in normal transportation.

Otherwise, if he could take this kind of big boat, Peasley wouldn't have to work so hard on his own way.

The people on this large flying ship obviously also noticed the existence of the two of Peasley, but they didn't stop at all, they just roared past, obviously going to chase the blond man just now.

The rumbling sound in his ears gradually became smaller, and Peasley looked at the big ship that was gradually going away, his eyes were a little dazed, because he unconsciously recalled the words he said to Liu Qinghe on the big ship before leaving Huang Quanguo.

In any case, Liu Qinghe was also the wife-to-be that he thought he had to win.

Now, in order to find a wife, Peasley is full of motivation and at the same time a little at a loss.

Ning Xuan looked at Peasley in a daze, and guessed that the other party might be thinking about the girl in his heart again.

Because when he was free, this guy would tell her about his childhood, and these things were always related to that little girl named Liu Qinghe.

He even told her about the promise made on the giant ship.Ning Xuan sometimes thinks how wonderful it would be if that girl was her...

An hour later, it was almost dusk.

After Peasley got up and stretched his muscles and bones, he mobilized the Mula again and transported it to the flying carpet under his feet.

(End of this chapter)

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