The glory of the king

Chapter 405 Big Chapter

Chapter 405 Big Chapter (52)

(Not modified yet, please do not read, sorry.)
Chapter 32,
Albizia ape


That afternoon when the breeze was blowing, Xin Jue and Xiao Yi chatted a lot, for a long time.But Xiaoyi is not talkative, because she spent the first ten years in a deep sleep.It just said that I have been dreaming and dreaming of many things, so I understand many things.

She didn't know that the things she dreamed about had actually happened.

But she herself really started to deal with things in reality, but it still started from the night when she met Xin Jue.At this moment, she is like a blank sheet of paper. As for whether the blank sheet of paper will be stained in the end, or a beautiful picture will be drawn, it will be entirely up to Xin Jue to decide.

Xin Jue spent most of the time chatting, saying that he had seen a lot of things in the mainland when he was a child doing business with his father.He said that he once held hands with a little girl in a certain village when he was a child, that he encountered a storm in the sea and almost fell asleep in the sea, that he was bitten by a snake and then got angry and killed the snake... He said a lot, a lot However, there are only two things that he did not say, one is that he accidentally killed someone because of Emperor Jiang Xuanyin, and the other is that he slept with a girl.

The little fox listened very carefully, and from time to time asked some strange questions that left Xin Jue speechless.But after careful consideration, Xin Jue came up with reasons that she thought were not bad, and the ignorant girl took these as the truth.

Just like a bowl of rice will be finished after all, the chat was interrupted by a cry for help.

That's right, when you are in danger, shout for help, maybe there is some hidden master nearby, and then you may be saved.

"Listen to the voice, it's a girl." Xin Jue said something rambling to the girl.Luo Xiaoyi nodded blankly, and asked, "Are you going to save her?"

"decide as things go."

What Xin Jue said was somewhat beyond Luo Xiaoyi's expectations.He squatted on the tree trunk, while observing the situation below, he explained, "If you don't know the situation before you shoot rashly, in case we are not saved, you will put yourself in it. It is irreversible to pay for strangers who have never met before." Is it worth the price?"

Xin Jue looked back at the thoughtful Luo Xiaoyi, and said lightly: "Don't have too much sympathy for strangers, because people often don't take you seriously. Do you understand?"

Luo Xiaoyi nodded with a vague understanding.

Xin Jue looked down and found a young girl being chased by dozens of Acacia apes behind her.

Apes have always been considered the closest creatures to humans, so they like to be in contact with humans.And there is a kind of very smart and powerful apes who especially like to contact with women, but this kind of contact is very unfriendly, because their purpose is to satisfy **** visually that they can fuck a group of monkeys with incomplete evolution, and The girl being chased was wearing the uniform of Tai Cang Yuan, and Xin Jue felt that it was necessary to maintain the friendship of the same family.Turning around, he stroked the messy bangs on Luo Xiaoyi's forehead, and said to her:
"Come back to the sword and prepare to strike."

Mengting is very desperate at the moment, and with the passing of Huaxi and the lack of physical fitness, this despair almost spreads all over her chest.This is the first time she came out to carry out a mission. Originally, she followed a few senior brothers and sisters, but because of her playfulness, she separated from them.

Not long after walking alone, she met this group of apes. She thought that the monkeys were more friendly, but when they saw her, they went crazy like a hooligan at night seeing a little girl walking alone at night. chase her.

She didn't know Acacia ape, but she knew that after being caught, she would never want to marry in this life.

Suddenly, my legs were weak and my feet were empty.The girl finally fell to the ground.

The girl closed her eyes in despair, hoping that she was just dreaming at this moment, but her whole body trembled and her heart shuddered, even if it was a dream, it would be an extreme nightmare.

The neighing of the apes behind them became more excited and approached.Mengting can even hear their hoarse and ugly smiles.

Finally, there was a hand touching his belly, how real that feeling was.But she still closed her eyes tightly, telling herself desperately that these were just illusions.

"Hey, get up."

Suddenly a human voice came from behind, and Mengting was startled, wondering if these apes have evolved to the point where they can speak?

Until he was picked up by Xin Jue, she didn't dare to open her eyes.

"Are you scared?" Xin Jue said helplessly when she heard the girl muttering "I can't see me, I can't see me".

The iron sword behind his back flashed red, and Luo Xiaoyi appeared beside him.She stretched out her hand, imitating Xin Jue's usual way of touching herself, and touched the girl's head, and said softly, "It's all right, you've been saved."

Suddenly hearing the woman's voice, Meng Ting's body trembled suddenly, and then opened her eyes cautiously.

"Ah! It's a human!" After seeing Luo Xiaoyi's exquisite face and Xin Jue's ordinary face, Meng Ting was a little nervous but exclaimed in surprise.

Xin Jue shook his head helplessly, he didn't ask the girl if she was alone, because he knew without asking, how dare the girl go in and out of this mountain range alone with the strength of the eighth rank low teacher.

"Where's your companion?" Xin Jue asked casually, cleaning up the corpses of two or three Acacia apes beside him.

There was a lot of fine sweat on Mengting's forehead, and she was still in shock, she just replied briefly: "I got separated."

At this moment, she noticed that Xin Jue was wearing the uniform of Tai Cang Yuan, and quickly called out, "Are you a senior from Tai Cang Yuan?"

Xin Jue looked back at her, and said flatly, "New student."

"How is it possible! A freshman..." Mengting saw a girl in a red dress beside her, and changed her words, "Can two freshmen be able to deal with so many apes? Each of these apes has the strength of no less than a seventh-rank junior master what."

Indeed, there were no fewer than ten Acacia apes chasing after them just now, and even if Xin Jue was a second-rank general, it would not be easy to deal with it.But the apes of Albizia Jubilata are not only powerful and intelligent, but also have a very high perception of danger. After Xin Jue directly killed a few of their companions, they realized that even if they killed this person, they would have to pay a huge price.They couldn't afford such a price, so they chose to retire temporarily.

Temporary retreat does not mean a complete retreat, they may wait for an opportunity to counterattack, or they may go to rescue soldiers.

So Xin Jue ignored the girl's disbelief.Instead, the iron sword was used to cut countless wounds on the body of the Acacia Acacia, spreading the bloody smell here.

Turning around to look at the girl named, he said, "Come with us for now. If you meet your team, you will be sent back to them. If you don't, follow me to complete the task and go back to the school together. How about it?"

Chapter 31,
arrow in the wind


Xin Jue looked at the wide square in front of Tai Cang Yuan, thinking that it was still crowded with people a few days ago, but now there is no one to be seen.

With an iron sword on his back, Xin Jue stood alone in the square, breathing in the pleasant morning air.As for the little fox, it was still sleeping soundly inside the iron sword.

Because it is early in the morning, the air here seems a little humid.Xin Jue was walking on the smooth road, turned his head by chance, and saw a winding but sleeping dragon in a trance. After being shocked, he took a closer look, only to find that it was only because of the lighting problem and the Tai Cang Yuan itself was too big. The illusion of hugeness.

Xin Jue checked the direction and headed north.

The mountain range where Tai Cang Yuan is located had no name at first, but later because the first dean built Tai Cang Yuan here, and people passed it on by word of mouth, it got its own name: Tai Cang Mountain Range.

At this moment, in a cave somewhere in the Taicang Mountains, dozens of bandits are practicing or resting.At this time, a small bandit leader suddenly came in from the cave, and said to the person who was resting on the grand teacher's chair that he snatched from no one knew where, "Boss, several Tai Cangyuan students have entered our territory, what should we do? "

"Is it just a few small shrimps?" The Taishi chair shook slightly, but the person on the chair did not open his eyes, and said calmly.

"Yes, there are those who act alone, and there are also several groups."

"Oh, just take a few people to deal with those who are forming a group." The person on the chair waved his hand casually and turned over. "As for those who dare to act alone, don't mess with them easily."

"Yes, Boss, it's just that this solution... is it to click them?"

The bandit captain scratched his head.

"Crack your head! Idiot, how do you solve it? Don't you dare to kill them?" The man on the chair turned over and cursed, "The reason why those adults in Tai Cangyuan didn't come to wipe us out is to give us a way to survive , the purpose is to let us train their students here. Naturally, we can’t take their lives, just let them suffer a bit.”

"Yes, yes, the subordinates know." The bandit leader nodded repeatedly, and was about to leave, but suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked, "But what if the other party kills our people?"

The thief leader touched his bald head, looked at this subordinate like an idiot, and said flatly: "If you can't beat him, you won't run away. If you can't run away, show them the letter from Mr. Ju!"

Looking at the back of the younger brother leaving in a hurry, and looking at the bright light coming in from the cave, the bandit leader felt that it was getting late, touched his bald head and called the other brothers in the cave to practice.

"We are bandits raised by Tai Cang Yuan, we can't be so lazy." The bandit leader said to himself.

Xin Jue on the other side is not as relaxed as they are.

Holding an iron sword in his right hand and a belt in his left hand, Xin Jue was speechless as he watched the two spotted tigers waiting in front of him.

Just now I was doing convenience, suddenly two big worms jumped out from the grass nest, almost biting his lifeline.

A mature spotted tiger is a full 1.5 meters high and four to five meters long, but the two in front of Xin Jue are much smaller, and they seem to have just grown up.It's just that the spotted tiger needs to hunt prey by itself when it is just an adult. When it happens to meet Xin Jue who is doing dirty things and is alone, he immediately regards him as a target for hunting practice.


With a roar, one of the spotted tigers charged its feet and pounced on Xin Jue again.And the other spotted tiger circled Xin Jue, looking for his weakness.

The spotted tiger is a very smart creature, and the cooperation with each other is quite intelligent, but Xin Jue shook his head confidently. After all, under the suppression of absolute strength, no amount of tricks will work.Converting the strength of a spotted tiger of this size into the cultivation system of the mainland, it can be regarded as a sixth-rank lower master at best.

To deal with two low-rank masters, Xin Jue's hand is enough.

Looking at the tiger that was pounced on, Xin Jue leaned forward quickly, and his sharp claws passed over his head. Xin Jue raised his iron sword and stabbed upwards fiercely. While stabbing, he dodged to the side to prevent splash The blood stained the hospital uniform.


With just one blow, the abdomen was severely injured. The spotted tiger roared in pain, became unstable, and fell directly to the ground.Xin Jue stepped forward and prepared to make another knife to finish it directly.Suddenly, there was an angry roar from behind.Xin Jue didn't look back, but leaned forward fiercely, using his palms on the ground to borrow strength, and slid his whole body backwards, avoiding the attack of another spotted tiger very skillfully.

However, this spotted tiger did not attack again, but lay down in front of the fallen spotted tiger, and gently touched the opponent's abdomen and cheek with the tip of its nose. Apart from being violent, it seemed extremely docile. Tigress.

Xin Jue suddenly understood that the two tigers were actually a young couple.Xin Jue was silent for a moment, retracted his sword, and did not take the opportunity to attack again.

He was not a cold-blooded person, nor did he have the habit of killing.If the other party didn't want to eat him, how could he want to kill the other party when he was not very hungry.What's more, he doesn't like beating mandarin ducks with sticks.Turning around, Xin Jue quickly left here.

Although the felled male tiger was seriously injured, it was not fatal and he could recover after a few days of recuperation.Not long after Xin Jue left, the male tiger struggled to stand up with the help of the tigress.Suddenly there was a gust of wind from the woods not far away, and the next moment, the eyes of the two spotted tigers fell in a pool of blood in despair.In the middle of their foreheads, at some point, each had a feathered arrow inserted...

The Taicang Mountains are huge, and Xin Jue expected that it would take three or four days to cross to the minefield if nothing unexpected happened.

Xin Jue sat on a thick branch of a big tree, and Luo Xiaoyi sat next to him.Taking dry food from the iron sword, Xin Jue broke half of it and handed it to her.Luo Xiaoyi smiled sweetly, said thank you, and then put it on her mouth to bite lightly, and found that it was soft and sweet, and the smile at the corners of her eyes became even stronger.

Xin Jue, who paid attention to these details, shook his head, thinking that if he was alone, he would only buy some hard and cheap dry food. How could he be willing to buy these things that taste good but are relatively expensive .

Since she came, his living expenses have obviously increased.

Fortunately, although Luo Xiaoyi has good teeth, she is not picky about food and eats less.Xin Jue nodded secretly, yes, it is still very easy to raise.

After lunch, Xin Jue leaned against the tree to rest, while Luo Xiaoyi rested in his arms, a little fluffy tail swaying leisurely.

"Little Yi," Xin Jue scratched his neck, crushed an unknown bug to death, and bounced it into a pulp, and said, "When you were sealed in the iron sword, were you awake?" ?”

Luo Xiaoyi rubbed against Xin Jue's arms, and said softly: "No. Xiaoyi is asleep. But although she has been asleep, she has no concept of time, but Xiaoyi knows that she has slept for a long time. For a long time... until one day, a beam of light suddenly woke me up."

(End of this chapter)

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