The glory of the king

Chapter 406 Big Chapter

Chapter 406 Big Chapter (54)

(Not modified yet, please do not read, sorry) Chapter 36,

There is always a vicious maid beside every vicious woman

Lei Qingshan brought the two elders of the family, set up tea in the living room and waited for the arrival of the group from Tai Cang Yuan.

Chen Guoliu looked at the middle-aged man with a mature face in front of him, bowed his head and said: "Chen Guoliu of Tai Cang Court has taken the liberty to visit, I hope the patriarch will forgive me."

Most of the people in Huayu are beautiful because of their customs and blood.Lei Qingshan is such a typical example.He was dressed in a green shirt and looked imposing.The hair is neatly combed, black and bright, without any snow color.Although the real age can be vaguely seen from the depth of his eyes and the lines at the corners of his eyes, his skin is still fair and plump.At first glance, I thought he was a heroic young man.

Lei Qingshan raised his hand and bowed deeply.

"It is an honor for our family that the seniors of Tai Cangyuan traveled thousands of miles to come to our family."

At this time, Lei Wusi walked out from behind Chen Guo, Lei Qingshan looked at her, his body froze, as if he understood something, but the worry in his eyes eased a bit.

"Father, I haven't seen you for several months, are you still in good health?" Lei Wusi looked at her father, her voice was a little weak because of lack of confidence.

Lei Qingshan looked at his daughter, a look of pampering flashed in his eyes, but he would not show it in front of everyone.

He knew that Chen Guo's purpose of staying on this trip was to make a place for his little daughter and her mother.

He didn't know what their mother and daughter had suffered, but there were so many family affairs that he really didn't have much energy to take care of their mother and daughter.And there are some things, under the constraints of the world, he can't do what he wants to do.

Now that the dust is gone, it is actually a great thing for him to be able to come back.

After saying something very good, Lei Qingshan invited Chen Guoliu and his group to sit down, and Lei Wusi stood behind Chen Guoliu.

After drinking tea, Lei Qingshan took the lead and said respectfully to Chen Guoliu: "You are my little girl's tutor, right?"

Chen Guoliu nodded back: "Exactly."

"My little girl has caused you trouble."

Chen Guoliu shook his head with a smile, and said, "It is my honor to be able to teach such a genius as your daughter."

Lei Qingshan was a little surprised, he didn't know what Chen Guoliu meant by "genius".Although he knew that Lei Wusi's talent was good, he reached the ninth rank lower teacher at the age of 16.Among the younger generation of the family, he is considered to be the most talented, even more talented than his father.

But he knows that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. If this kind of qualification is placed in Tai Cang Yuan, it is definitely only the most common level.

But he never expected to hear someone praise his daughter as a genius from the tutor of Tai Cang Yuan, the number one university in the mainland.Surprised, Lei Qingshan asked his own doubts.

Chen Guoliu glanced at him, then at the two elders behind him, and finally stopped at the screen behind them, and said indifferently: "A little girl with a high-level gifted image is considered a genius?"

High-level talent avatar! ! ? ?
Lei Qingshan stood up in surprise or excitement, looking in disbelief at her daughter who was looking a little embarrassed with her head down at the moment.The faces of the two elders behind him were also full of shock, and one of them even had red eyes.

The maid who didn't know who was behind the screen was also so surprised that she covered her mouth and almost screamed, her whole body couldn't help but began to tremble.She hurriedly left the waiting room and went to report to her mistress.

Seeing their surprised expressions and actions, Chen Guoliu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, thinking that the purpose of coming here today seems to have been achieved.

In a certain room in the back house of Leifu Mansion, Madam Lei's complexion suddenly turned pale when she heard the maid's report, she poured the good tea in her hand all over the floor, remembering the good things she had done to that bitch on weekdays, Feel more and more panic.She hurriedly said to the maid named Xiao Ping: "Quick, pack up, I'm going to the third lady to say hello..."

"Third Madam?" Xiao Ping thought to herself when there was an extra Third Madam in this mansion, but she was not stupid after all, so she immediately realized, "You mean the mother of the Third Miss?"

Madam Lei rolled her eyes, "What else?"

Xiao Ping took a step forward and said in a low voice: "Madam, is she going to bow her head to that woman? Miss San is now valued so much by Tai Cang Yuan, her status in the family will be greatly improved in the future, won't your status be shaken by this?"

After saying this, Madam Lei gradually calmed down, looked at this confidant maid, and whispered: "What do you mean?"

"The meaning of Xiaoping is that if Madam doesn't want to be trampled on by that woman in the future, first pretend to be nice to her, and then when she relaxes her vigilance, we will create some surprises for her and give her to... ..." The servant girl didn't say that word, but Madam Lei obviously understood what she wanted to express from her vicious eyes, "When the stranger is gone, who else in this family can shake Madam's position?"

"But her daughter is from Tai Cang Yuan, what if..." Madam Lei is obviously a vicious person, but she still has some scruples.

"After all, Miss San spends more than half of the year studying in Tai Cang Yuan. Tai Cang Yuan is thousands of miles away. The news from here will spread, and when she comes back from there, we will have enough time to erase us. Evidence and traces of hands-on actions. What can she do with us if there is no evidence at that time?"

Madam Lei nodded, looking at the remaining tea and leaves in the teacup in her hand, her eyes gradually turned cold.

In order to let Lei Wusi spend more time with her mother, Chen Guoliu stayed here for one night, and intentionally or unintentionally showed the strength of Tai Cang Yuan in Lei Mansion.It almost made Mrs. Lei shake her previous thoughts, but the maid was extremely uneasy, and she stabilized Mrs. Lei's heart with a few words.

Thinking of being a poisonous woman from ancient times, there is always a ruthless maid who advises her and advises her by her side.

Xin Jue was a little distressed at the moment, he looked at the bag of dry food, then at Meng Ting's pitiful eyes, sighed helplessly, and gave her the last piece of dry food inside.

"Ha~ Thank you!" Mengting cried out in surprise.He took a bite of the soft food.

"It's really edible."

Xin Jue muttered dissatisfiedly, but Meng Ting said with a smile, "Thank you for the compliment."

Xin Jue looked at Luo Xiaoyi apologetically, but the little fox smiled and shook his head.Originally, the dry food that Xin Jue bought was enough for the two of them to go back and forth, but he didn't expect to pick up such an edible guy on the way, one meal could eat the amount of their master and servant for a day.

Luo Xiaoyi looked at her with some envy, thinking that a girl who can't eat fat is so happy.

"Don't worry, even if you get fat, I will still support you." Xin Jue said with a smile as if he knew what the little fox was thinking.

Luo Xiaoyi blushed a little, but she just smiled shyly and didn't speak.Ever since Mengting joined their team, her words became very few.But she was surprised and happy that Xin Jue could guess what she was thinking.

Xin Jue looked at the gradually rising sun in the east, and thought that before tonight, he should be able to walk out of this mountain range and really enter the range of the minefield.

Chapter 35,
Lai Fu

"Hee hee, you're shocked!"

Lei Wusi moved to Bai Songli's side, and smiled smugly.

Bai Songli nodded silently.Looking at this colorful city, he felt that he couldn't breathe because of its beauty.subconsciously asked:
"Exactly... how did you do it?"

Lei Wusi asked rather mysteriously: "Which domain is this?"

"Flower field."

Bai Songli is not a fool, so he immediately understood.But just because he understood, the surprise in his heart did not decrease but increased.

"Flowers can shine?" It was a short sentence that was a mouthful to read several times, but he said it accurately.

"Because it is a flower in the flower domain, there are naturally species that are not found in other domains." Lei Wusi looked at the city that was getting closer and closer, and suddenly became nervous.Because she is home.

Also excited was Mingliu who arrived at the bow of the boat at some unknown time.She held Chen Guoliu's hand tightly, as if she could suppress the joy and sadness in her heart.However, when a tear suddenly flowed from her lacrimal gland, it heralded the arrival of a flood of tears.

The Buddha ferry boat finally landed at the special stop at the flower market.

The morning light is faint in the east, and the waning moon in the west is about to fall.

Bai Songli finally came to this city without walls, and finally saw those glowing flowers.

Those flowers are not very big, but clusters and bunches, but when you look closely at each branch, they are so delicate and beautiful.Every petal is covered with transparent morning dew, reflecting the morning light like colorful pearls.

The flower market has no walls, or in other words, its walls are the thousands of flowers.Fragile but beautiful.

Feng Yinren also got off the Buddha Ferry boat after everyone, and the sharp aura emanating from his body made it impossible for everyone to approach easily.He didn't appreciate those flowers because he felt they were weak and humble.Walking past a clump of flowers, a clump of flowers was cut by an invisible blade and fell powerlessly to the ground.And he didn't notice it himself.

If he didn't pay attention, it doesn't mean that other people didn't pay attention.Chen Guoliu turned his head to look at Feng Yinren, and said coldly: "If you spoil another flower, I will destroy you!"

Feng Yinren was startled, he never put anyone in his eyes, but this uncle, he was in awe.Concentrate your own breath quickly, and try not to get close to the flowers when walking.But he is still so sharp, like a sword that cannot wrap the blade.

Chen Guoliu sighed helplessly, he wanted to sharpen this kid's spirit, but it seemed too early.

"Before carrying out the task, first go to Xiaosi's house to visit." Chen Guoliu looked at the people behind him and asked for their opinions.No one objected, Chen Guoliu finally set his eyes on Mingliu.

Ming Liu smiled softly at her with red eyes, expressing that she also had no objection.Although she has relatives here, they are not close to them. Being able to return to this area, she already feels that she has returned home. The only thing she longs for is to pay respects to her parents' graves .But Lei Wusi's family is in the flower market, and her parents are still in a city south of the flower field.Even if Chen Guoliu accommodates her, she can't look far away and have the face of losing dust.

Seeing that the opinions were unified, Chen Guoliu nodded, looked at Lei Wusi, smiled and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Lei Wusi is naturally very excited at the moment, she can't help but think of the incident when she jumped in the queue and was caught by Chen Guoliu on the first day of school.

But at that time, I was really too impatient to become stronger in Tai Cangyuan and then return to the family, so that the family members could no longer bully her and her mother because of her strength.

Her father is the patriarch of the family, and her mother is just a concubine of the patriarch.Although it is said that a wife is not as good as a concubine, and a concubine is not as good as stealing.However, this sentence is comparable to the beauty of youth.When the most beautiful time of a woman has passed, the status of the main wife will be more and more reflected.And the concubine who has lost her glory naturally does not have the capital to challenge the wife, so she can only become the target of being bullied.

In fact, Lei Wusi's mother is a humble but kind-hearted woman, but she was born beautiful when she was young, and Lei Wusi's father fell in love with her, so she married her back home.However, those plots of fighting for pets in the palace later appeared on her as no surprise, but she had no heart in the palace, so naturally she was defeated in the end, and now she can only live in the palace of tears.


Chen Guoliu looked at the two big characters on the plaque in the extremely huge house in front of him, and after hearing Lei Wusi's simple statement, his eyes were a little cold.

"But it's not my father's fault." Sensing the coldness emanating from Chen Guoliu's body, Lei Wusi was afraid that his teacher would kill his father in a fit of anger, "Father still took good care of my mother, but when he didn't know When we were together, someone secretly bullied our mother and daughter."

"Who is it?" Chen Guoliu asked lightly.

Lei Wusi shook his head, bowed his head and said nothing.

Chen Guoliu sighed, stretched out his hand and rubbed Lei Wusi's head.He said, "Take us in."

Lei Wusi nodded.He led Chen Guoliu and others to the gate of Lai Mansion.There were two guards at the door, one of them was taken aback when he saw Lei Wusi, and then shouted in surprise:
"Miss Three!"

"Ali!" Lei Wusi was also a little surprised, she didn't expect that the person standing guard today was actually an acquaintance of hers.When their mother and daughter were being bullied, this young man would always silently help them, for which he also suffered a lot of bullying.

Lei Wusi looked at Ali's thinner face, frowned and said, "I haven't seen you for a few months, you look even thinner."

Ali showed a sunny smile, shook his head and said: "It's nothing, it's just that Miss San has seen a lot of things when you go out, and your horizons have broadened. We boys like this will naturally look thinner in your eyes."

Even if he didn't say it clearly, Lei Wusi could guess what happened.She looked at Ali and said gratefully, "Thank you for taking care of me for so long."

Ali smiled bitterly, and did not refuse her thanks.Only then did he notice that there were a few extremely extraordinary people standing behind Miss San, and hurriedly asked, "Who are these?"

"It's my teacher and classmates." Lei Wusi said with a smile.

"The adults of Taicangyuan!?" Ali's face turned pale from surprise, and he hurried forward to pay homage, but another guard who was not very familiar with Lei Wusi heard those three words, and then saw Ali's He immediately understood the movement, and his face was also pale, and he was about to kneel down when he stood still.

They couldn't kneel down, and an invisible but gentle force dragged their bodies up.Chen Guoliu stepped forward, cupped his hands to the two guards and said, "Tai Cang Yuan doesn't have such deceitful etiquette, you two please respect yourself."

Although Chen Guoliu said so, Ali and the other guard did not relax because of this.Ali hurriedly let the man go in to report, while he himself led everyone into the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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