The glory of the king

Chapter 416 Glutinous Rice Dumplings

Chapter 416 Glutinous Rice Dumplings
Peasley didn't want Ning Xuan to suffer any more because of losing her virginity, and she didn't want Ning Xuan to always think that she lost her virginity by force.

So he opened his mouth and said seriously: "You should know the name Hu Ximei, right?"

Sure enough, after hearing this name, Ning Xuan immediately calmed down, and her originally bright eyes became duller.

"Did Hu Ximei tell you to attack me..." Saying this, two lines of tears fell silently from Ning Xuan's eyes, but her voice was extremely calm and unwavering, "I'm already so obedient, why is she still attacking me?" It's..."

Seeing the scene of the girl weeping silently, Pisley felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

He gently hugged Ning Xuan into his arms.

Ning Xuan might have resigned herself to her fate, or she hadn't recovered from the sluggish state, so she didn't resist the boy's actions at all.

The boy didn't want the other party to continue to misunderstand, so he said softly in her ear:
"Fool... that was more than a year ago. You are 15 years old now, and you have been with me for a year. I have brought you to meet my parents, and my parents are very satisfied with you. These... don't even remember?"

Ning Xuan didn't speak, but her eyes were less dull and more confused.

Peasley continued: "During the year we knew each other, we first broke each other's virginity; then we secretly escaped from the Shang Kingdom together, and then went to the Tang Kingdom together; after that, I entered the ruins, and you were waiting in the inn Me; after that, we left the country of Tang and returned to my home...

In the past year or so, you have spent many wonderful years with me.Although I didn't say anything, I already regarded you as my wife...

If your feelings for me are true, then there should be someone who regards me as important, right? "

Peasley was slowly talking about the past experiences they shared with each other, while gently sniffing the girl's hair.

After hearing what Peasley said, the girl's eyes were moistened unconsciously.

"Why... I don't know what you said... But... But after listening to it, I feel very warm and comfortable... I obviously don't know you..." The girl said, tears streaming down again down.

Hearing this, Peasley's eyes widened slightly.The other party said this, which means that although she doesn't remember the things that happened to her, but deep in her mind, after hearing his words, she will still have some special feelings and special feelings.

The boy stretched out his hand to caress the girl's soft blue hair, and said more and more gently:
"The reason why you forgot everything about this year is because just last night, your brain was invaded by the demon seed. Although the demon seed has been successfully removed now, the memory system of your brain must have been affected. A certain amount of damage will cause you to forget a lot of things...

I know, you may still not believe what I said, and I don't force you to believe it, I just hope you understand that I will not do anything to hurt you, and I am someone worthy of your trust, you know? "

Ning Xuan buried her face under the boy's shoulder and said nothing.

After a long time, the girl slowly raised her head, looked at the boy with a pair of red eyes, and said softly, "I'm hungry..."

Hearing this, Peasley immediately lifted his spirits, forced a smile and said, "What do you want to eat? I have it in my backpack. Do you want it from Dae Jang Geum? Wei Long also has it..."

The girl blinked her eyes, and the corners of her mouth seemed to be rising, but maybe because she didn't reach the point of laughter, she didn't smile after all.

"I want to eat glutinous rice dumplings..."

Peasley's face hardened.

Glutinous rice dumpling is one of the foods Peasley hates the most.Because he almost choked to death when he ate glutinous rice balls when he was in kindergarten in his previous life.

If someone hadn't dug out the glutinous rice stuck in his throat in time, he might really have to use this alternative way of death to leave the world.

That incident was the only thing he remembered about kindergarten.

So Peasley never ate glutinous rice balls. He once told Ning Xuan about it, and Ning Xuan told him that she didn't like it either.

So there was never something like glutinous rice balls in their meals.

However, today, Ning Xuan didn't say anything about her other favorite foods, but she only mentioned this one...

"Do you like glutinous rice dumplings?"

Ning Xuan raised her head to look at the boy, and nodded silently.

"How much do you like it?"

Ning Xuan's eyes flashed a little blank, but she still said seriously: "I really like it! I like eating glutinous rice dumplings the most!!"

Peasley was silent.

Some people, he (she) has many favorite things, including food, music, drinks, etc... However, one day, he (she) suddenly gave up these things that he once thought were essential in life for someone ...

And Ning Xuan, obviously for him, gave up her favorite food.

Perhaps for Ning Xuan, her liking for teenagers has probably surpassed that of glutinous rice dumplings.

So for him, she is willing to give up her favorite food, and even show that she doesn't like glutinous rice balls in front of the person she likes, so that the person she likes will like herself more...

In fact, not only love, but many emotions are like this, which is so unpredictable.In order to protect the person you love and hope that the other person will live a better and happier life, you will make yourself sacrifice more.

Although it is unpredictable, it is true love.

But if one day, someone is no longer willing to sacrifice himself for the happiness of the other person, and even starts thinking about how to sacrifice the other person to make himself live better, it means that he no longer likes the other person.

If one day, a person who once liked you very much is no longer willing to pay, sacrifice and accommodate for you, you should be vigilant, the other person may no longer like you.

This may be the other party's problem, or it may be your own problem, but no matter whose problem it is, this relationship can basically be declared over.

Now Peasley can finally be sure that Ning Xuan really likes him.A person who can be truly trusted.

If the other party can restore the memory this time, even if it is a secret like [Boundless System], it can be told to the other party.

Peasley held Ning Xuan's face in his hands, and the girl's eyes opened wide, looking at the boy with some fear.

But the boy didn't do anything, just smiled and said, "There are no glutinous rice dumplings in the backpack, let's go to the next town to buy them."

Ning Xuan, whose face was being held by Pisley, was silent for a moment, then nodded obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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