Chapter 417

【Speedy Flying Carpet】Drawing an arc in mid-air, the farmer who harvested the crops stood in the field and pointed at them with a look of astonishment.

However, before the other party could see what it was, [Speedy Flying Carpet] had already disappeared from their field of vision.

The atmosphere on the flying carpet was a little awkward at the moment.

Ning Xuan sat on her knees on the flying carpet, looking around curiously, only occasionally meeting Pisley's eyes, she immediately lowered her head in panic.

Peasley and the other party chatted about various topics, but Ning Xuan's response was only "hmm" or silence.

Peasley was helpless, so he didn't say anything more, but silently watched the surrounding scenery with the other party.

Although they passed through some villages on the way, they did not stop.Because processed glutinous rice dumplings are generally only sold in towns or counties.

Peasley would never have imagined that such a thing would happen on the first night away from home.

This made him feel that things are impermanent.Maybe disaster and bad luck will come at any time, and cherish while doing, and cherish while living.

In this way, if you die suddenly one day, you can have less regrets.

Unknowingly, another two hours passed, and Peasley saw a huge square city in the distance.

Peony City.

It is the city closest to the north in Huluo Province.After leaving this city, it is Kanglong Province.

Peasley drove the flying carpet and landed 300 meters outside the south of Peony City.

The reason why they don't fly in directly is because the walls of such big cities will have a defense system for flying people. If they force their way into the city without the consent of the Glory Warriors on the wall, the defense system will be activated to attack the intruders.

The defense system level of each city is different, but for a medium-sized city like Peony City, it is estimated that only silver or gold level enemies can be defended.

Such a defense system obviously couldn't stop Peasley, but Peasley would not be so stupid as to make an enemy of a city, so in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he still chose to walk into the city through the city gate.

Getting off the flying carpet, Pease ideally wanted to hold Ning Xuan's hand, but she avoided it with a blushing face.

Peasley didn't force it, but he could feel that Ning Xuan didn't seem to be as repulsive to him as she was in the beginning.

This is a good thing, maybe it can make Ning Xuan fall in love with her again.

In fact, some girls are really easy to chase, as long as you make her happy, make her feel warm, and make her feel that your presence can make her world more exciting, she will naturally like you.

Of course, the most important thing is that you are not ugly.

Those who are not very good-looking can only use their inner temperament, charisma, and even money to attract those beautiful ladies.

Ning Xuan is actually such a girl who is relatively easy to chase.And Peasley also meets the suitor's conditions, not only makes Ning Xuan feel warm and happy, but also he is not ugly, and he is also very rich.

What's more, Ning Xuan already knew in her heart that she had lost her virginity to the young man in front of her. Although she might be a little unwilling, in her subconscious mind, she already regarded him as an important existence.

After entering Peony City, you will smell a gloomy fragrance of flowers head-on.The fragrance is not strong, but no matter where you go, you can always carry the scent of flowers on the tip of your nose.

Peasley was no stranger to the scent.Because this is one of China's national flowers, the fragrance of peony.

The reason why it is said to be one of the national flowers is because China's national flower has not really been determined yet.

The national flower refers to the flower that a country uses as its national symbol.

The national flower is generally of special significance to a country's culture, and may be a particularly famous local flower.

At present, more than 100 countries in the world have established their own national flowers, but China is the only big country that has not yet established a national flower.

Because there is no national flower, at the APEC meeting in 2001, there was a joke in the news reports that "the peony, the national flower of China, was used as the background"; and at the 1999 Kunming World Horticultural Exposition, the vacancy of the national flower became a century-long regret for the ancient country. .

It has been 20 years since the selection of the national flower, but there has been no result. Some people applaud it, some people oppose it, and some people question it.

Recently, the Chinese Forestry Society once again set out to organize the selection of the national flower, and it has been submitted to the National People's Congress for deliberation.This time, the competition is full of waves.

Why has the national flower not been finalized for so many years?

In fact, the selection of national flowers must meet four conditions: first, the distribution must be extensive; second, the appearance must be beautiful; third, it must have profound cultural connotations; and fourth, it must have certain economic value.

However, some scholars have questioned these conditions: the requirement of "wide distribution" is inappropriate. It seems reasonable but it is too subjective, because what everyone likes may not be the most widely distributed species. For example, the distribution of giant pandas is not widely distributed. But it is a national treasure that everyone loves.

For the same reason, "beautiful appearance" should not be used as a rigid rule, because there is no uniform standard for "beautiful".

Considering China's vast territory, complex population structure, and differences in the traditions of various ethnic groups, such a requirement seems to be of little significance.

Regardless of the "National Tree" or even the "World Tree", they are just trees and will not have much connotation. "Qingsong Aoxue shows the strength of character" and the like are just literary language, which is not enough to support.

What's more, the connotation of traditional culture is broad and profound. For example, Confucianism, which talks about "the golden mean," is a kind of culture, and legal science, which is against the golden mean, is also a kind of culture. How can it be represented by a few flowers, birds, fish and insects?

In history, in 1903, the Qing Dynasty pardoned the peony as the national flower; the 1915 edition of "Ci Hai" stated: "Our country has always regarded the peony as the national flower." In 1929, the former national government designated the plum blossom as the national flower.

In the selection of my country's national flower in the past, peony and plum blossom each received many voices.

Some experts put forward the suggestion of using plum blossom as the national flower in 1982, and later put forward the idea of ​​"one country, two flowers" (peony and plum blossom), which aroused great repercussions at home and abroad.

Many experts believe that it is more appropriate to have two flowers in one country. The plum blossom can represent the Yangtze River Basin, and the peony can represent the flowers in the Yellow River Basin. One arbor and one shrub, one symbolizes spiritual civilization and reflects the hard work and indomitable character of the Chinese people. The other symbolizes material civilization and embodies The country is safe, prosperous and peaceful.

Selecting the national flower is a very serious matter. It is better to be cautious than to make a hasty decision, otherwise it will cause eternal regret.

In comparison, those countries with small territory, short history, single culture, and uncomplicated ethnic structure can easily select their own national flowers, such as the acacia in Australia and the tulip in the Netherlands.

(End of this chapter)

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