Chapter 420
Yuan Ningmei smiled, looking at Angela with a smug look in her eyes, as if she was saying, you little girl, how dare you fight with my old lady?
Afterwards, Yuan Ningmei invited the entire Knights into the City Lord's Mansion, and at the same time sent a group of good-looking maids and men to receive the Holy Knights.

These maids are all beautiful and enchanting, while the servants are handsome, tall and straight, each waiter is courteously walking towards the members of the opposite sex of the knight order, speaking nice words, and inviting them to the prepared room to rest.

However, Yuan Ningmei obviously underestimated the discipline of the Holy Knights. All the members of the Knights and Mages exuded an aura of strangers, which made the waiters put their faces on their cold buttocks. is embarrassing.

Arthur looked back at everyone in the Paladins, waved his hand casually and said, "Everyone has worked hard during this period, and everyone is allowed to relax tonight."

With the permission of the regiment leader, the knights went to rest in each room under the leadership of the attendants.

"Master King Arthur, the little girl has prepared a banquet, and I invite you to attend." Yuan Ningmei smiled respectfully.

"You don't need to be seated. I just want to chat with people I know in a clean place and have a hot meal. It doesn't take a lot of trouble." Arthur said to Yuan Ningmei while taking off his sword.

Yuan Ningmei nodded: "In this case, I will ask my servants to prepare the food and bring it to the conference hall. Let's just chat and drink there."

Arthur nodded: "That's very good."

Then, taking advantage of the time before dinner, Yuan Ningmei brought Arthur and the others to the meeting hall of the City Lord's Mansion. During the period, Yuan Ningmei saw that Pisley and Ning Xuan were still following, and couldn't help asking about their identities.

After learning that the two were invited guests on the way, Yuan Ningmei's attitude towards the two became more cordial.But Peasley could see that the other party's eagerness was mainly for Arthur to see.

But being able to enjoy the other party's kindness, Peasley doesn't care whether the other party is fake or fake, as long as he enjoys it.

Yuan Ningmei personally poured a cup of Longjing for everyone, and then sat at Arthur's lower seat.

King Arthur was conferred by His Majesty the Lord himself, and his status was even higher than that of Simon Buhuo.

If it is said that the entire city of Huluo Province is respectful to Ximen Buhuo, then half of the people in Huangquan Kingdom are respectful to King Arthur.

King Arthur's prestige is undoubtedly much greater than that of Simon Buhuo.

When Peasley left the Underworld, he hadn't heard much about King Arthur's reputation, after all, at that time
He left on the Master's 【Sage Ruler】.

After returning to his own country from the Tang Dynasty, he heard a lot of glorious deeds about King Arthur on the way home, which made him really want to see the demeanor of this legendary figure.

It's just that he never imagined that that King Arthur was actually Huangfu Yuguo who personally identified Mulla for him back then.

"Master King Arthur, this time the lord sent you back to the southern border, and you also brought the Paladins with you. I don't know what it is?" Yuan Ningmei chatted with Arthur, and suddenly mentioned this matter.

Arthur glanced at the other party, pondered for a moment, and smiled:

"Recently, the Chu State in the south seems to be showing some signs of imminent movement, and a large-scale military exercise is going on in the north of their country.

I don't know what the other party's intentions are, but just in case, His Majesty sent me to lead the Paladins to the south to assist Ximen Buhuo in guarding the southern border. "

"The southern border? Isn't Liangyuan City the first to bear the brunt?" Hearing Arthur's words, Pisley immediately became nervous.

But Arthur shook his head with a smile, and comforted him: "Don't worry too much, Liangyuan City is not the closest city to the south, there are also two big cities in the southeast and southwest of Liangyuan City, and in the north of Liangyuan City , there is also a big city of fallen leaves.

The geographical location of Liangyuan City is like a tongue in a big mouth, very flexible!If the other party dares to attack Liangyuan City first, it will undoubtedly be a sheep in the mouth of a tiger. "

After hearing this, Peasley felt a little more at ease.

Yuan Ningmei looked at Pisley with a smile and said, "Little brother, since you are so worried about Liangyuan City, why join the army and contribute your own strength to national defense?"

Arthur also echoed: "Yeah, I called you here because I thought you, Brother Spie, can tame a fierce horse, and maybe you can quickly adapt to military life.

Although life in the army is a bit bitter, it is easy to accumulate military merits!Almost all the first generation of nobles were conferred marquis titles because of their illustrious military exploits on the battlefield.

If you can continue to make meritorious service and get promoted, then your descendants will be much happier in the future. "

Pease thought about it, and said with a smile: "Actually, I think it's a good way to exercise for my offspring to fight like me for ten or twenty years.

If you don't cut jade, you can't make it, otherwise even if I let them inherit my family business, I'm afraid it will be easy to be ruined by them. "

Arthur found it very interesting to hear such a strange answer from the boy, and said with a smile:

"What the little brother said is very reasonable. Thinking about it this way, if I have children in the future, I have to let them sharpen themselves in society. Otherwise, even if I give them gold and silver, they will just sit and eat."

When Arthur said this, Angela, who was sitting next to him, suddenly blushed, with a happy smile on her face, wondering what she was imagining.

Peasley also laughed twice, and then said seriously:

"Defending the country is the duty of the people of every country. It's just that I still have some urgent matters to do. The country has not yet compulsorily recruited soldiers, so I want to finish my own affairs before that.

But what I can guarantee is that if one day, the enemy invades my Huangquan country, I will join the army without hesitation, and do my best to defend my Huangquan territory! "

"Well said!" Arthur looked at the young man and praised, "Although this is just a sentence, I believe that your expression and the manner you spoke just now definitely don't look like you are joking or lying.

I believe that you are a patriot, and I believe that you are willing to dedicate your strength to this land where you were born and raised! "

Peasley shyly said, "King Arthur laughed."

King Arthur sighed softly: "In the process of heading south from the capital, I am also constantly looking for candidates who can join my Holy Knight Order.

But what makes me a little disappointed is that the young people nowadays, especially the young Glory Warriors, are very vain and selfish!
For them, to live is to practice, to cultivate is to become stronger, to become stronger is to earn money, to compete for men or women, and it is rare to see someone say that cultivation is to defend the country, to protect their beloved people.

It seems that cultivation is just a means to compete for a spouse, just for your own happiness and happiness, but you don't care about your parents, your relatives, or even the feelings of a country...

I always feel that the thinking of Huang Quanguo's younger generation needs a certain degree of innovation! "

"Hmph! If anyone dares to offend Sir Arthur, I'll burn them to ashes!" Angela raised the bear doll in her hand and said with righteous indignation.

But as soon as she finished speaking, a big hand covered her head, followed by Arthur's gentle and magnetic voice: "If you can solve things with your brain, don't use violence, understand ?"

Angela's pretty face was flushed, feeling the warmth from Arthur's palm, her heart jumped like a deer, flustered and sweet.

Ning Xuan, who was sitting across from her, blinked and stared at her, with a hint of curiosity flashing in her eyes.

Peasley also secretly sighed in his heart, no matter how irritable a person is, he will show an extremely gentle side in front of the person he likes.

If you meet such a person, you must cherish it, because with such a person, Ning Xuan is an enemy of the world, and she must protect the tenderness left for you.

After a meal in the City Lord's Mansion, Peasley asked King Arthur to let Angela treat Ning Xuan.

With King Arthur's order, Angela dared not disobey Arthur's wishes even if she didn't want to.

Judging by how obsessed and obedient this girl with two ponytails is to Arthur, she might be able to kill herself even if she is asked to kill herself.

"Tell me the specifics first."

In a room, only Angela, Pisley, and Ning Xuan existed.Angela asked indifferently.

Peasley will not hide anything at this time, but will tell them about the fact that they were attacked by the demon seed

, and the incident of Ning Xuan being invaded into the brain by the demonic ontology gave a detailed account.

Not only Angela was listening, but Ning Xuan was also listening seriously.

After listening to it, Angela's indifferent face was finally full of surprise: "The main body of the demon actually a silver thread? By the way, the main body of the demon seed has invaded the brain, and you can still give it to her?" take out?"

"It's not important. What's important is that in the process of taking it out, her brain was inevitably damaged, making her forget the memories of this year. She has forgotten all about my memories." Pease Li sighed softly, cleverly prevaricating the matter of Xiao Qi, the colorful snail.

There is a great magician Merlin living in Angela's body, how could that kind of old monster not see through Peasley's thoughts.But since the young man didn't want to talk, she didn't ask any more questions, but fell into deep thought.

Seeing that Angela had stopped talking, Peasley immediately became anxious.

Although it feels good to make Ning Xuan fall in love with him again now, but Pisley hopes that Ning Xuan's brain can be repaired and he can remember the good memories of being with him.

"Miss Angela, can't you do anything?"

Angela pondered for a long time before she opened her mouth and said: "The brain is the most important tissue in the human body, even more important than the heart. At the same time, the brain is also the most complicated organ in the human body.

If the brain is actually a parasite, then all of us are parasitic skins.

And the core of the whole body is the brain. Once there is a problem with this core thing, the parasitic skin will inevitably have problems.

Studying the brain is actually like studying the most profound magic. If you are not careful, you will fall into it and make your thoughts messed up.

So even with my many years of experience in studying magic, I can't guarantee that her brain can be repaired unscathed, and may even cause new damage during the repair process...

If you are not afraid of this situation, I can try it now. "

After hearing Angela's words, Peasley was shocked after another.

The first surprise was that the other party actually said that people may be creatures parasitic by the brain.Although it is only a hypothesis, it is not impossible to think about it carefully.

Perhaps at the beginning of human beings, they did not have such an organ as the brain. Then one day, human beings were invaded by a creature called "brain", which occupied the current position of the human brain, and was parasitized by the brain Humans can still reproduce, and in the process of reproduction, they also pass on the genes of their brains...

Of course, this is just an exaggerated assumption, and Peasley just thinks this kind of assumption is very novel.

Think about it carefully, even if the brain is really a parasite, the parasite is now closely connected with the human body, and both are indispensable. Anyway, it will not do anything harmful to the body, so what is there to worry about? ?

What surprised Peasley a second time was that Angela was not sure that she could heal Ning Xuan's brain without secondary injury.

It may heal, or it may cause more damage...

This made Peasley very tangled.

The first time she was injured, Ning Xuan had already forgotten herself. If she was injured again the second time... what terrible things would happen?
Peasley didn't dare to imagine that although there might be good results, there could also be bad results, which he couldn't accept.

Just when Pisley was struggling, Ning Xuan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

She looked at Angela firmly, and said solemnly: "Please help me repair my brain! I want to get back what I lost!"

"Xuan'er..." Pisley felt pain in his heart when he saw the girl's seemingly strong but fragile face.

Ning Xuan turned her eyes to Peasley, and suddenly grinned sweetly:

"Although I really don't remember you, I believe everything you told me before and just now. If possible, I hope I can retrieve the lost memory and become the original me who loved you. After all... I like you , may make me feel happier..."

Pisley's heart was sour and sweet, but he couldn't help but poured Ning Xuan into his arms again.

Ning Xuan didn't struggle at all this time, and leaned on her chest in front of her with peace of mind, listening to the strong and flustered heartbeat of the other party.

Angela watched this scene from the side, although her lips were pouty, but there was a hint of envy in her heart.

If one day, I and Lord Arthur can do the same, that would be great...

"Okay, okay, don't mess with me here, now that I've decided, I'm going to start."

(End of this chapter)

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