The glory of the king

Chapter 421 Gunpowder Smoke

Chapter 421 Gunpowder ([-])

Pisley and Ning Xuan separated, he noticed that the girl's eyes were a little red.Peasley patted the girl's head with a smile, and said:

"Relax, no matter what the result is, you are my woman. Even if you don't know me again, I won't let you go!"

"Hmm..." Ning Xuan responded obediently, making Pisley think for a moment that it was her before amnesia.

"Go out and protect me, don't let anyone disturb me." Angela urged.

Peasley nodded, and looked at Ning Xuan full of worry, before leaving the room under Ning Xuan's gaze.

After closing the door, Peasley sat on the steps in front of the door.

Although he was worried, there was nothing he could do. He could only pray that Angela could successfully repair the damaged part of Ning Xuan's brain.

Taking advantage of this time, Peasley recalled that before
The big ship flying in the sky and the soldiers on the big ship encountered in front of the valley.Combined with the chat with Arthur at noon, he always felt that the war would really start in the near future.

At that time, the whole continent will probably be in turmoil. At that time, can he still go looking for his sister and Liu Qinghe wholeheartedly like now?
I'm afraid not.

If Chu State really attacked Huangquan State, Pisley would have to go back to Liangyuan City to take his parents to a safe place, such as the center of Huangquan State, or even send them to Tang State.

Afterwards, he may return to join the army and defend the territory.

What he said to Arthur was not a joke. Peasley had received all kinds of favors from Huang Quanguo since he was a child, so he had a good impression of Huang Quanguo.

And after all, he is a native of Huangquan country, and his parents are also in Huangquan country. In his heart, he always maintains a love for the country.

Of course, as long as this country does not persecute him, he can naturally maintain this enthusiasm, but if one day, this country does something that he does not approve of, then he cannot guarantee that he can still stand by himself. This side of the country.

Although the war has not yet started, Peasley is sensitive to the fact that invisible gunpowder has begun to spread across the borders of various countries...

At a certain moment six hours later, Peasley suddenly felt that the magic fluctuations in the room behind him were greatly reduced.Knowing that the treatment should be at the end, he immediately got up from the ground, and moved to the door nervously.

However, five minutes later, the magic fluctuations in the room had completely disappeared, and the door had never been opened.

Just when Peasley couldn't wait to put his ear to the door to hear what was going on inside, suddenly there was a creak, and the door opened.

Peasley retracted his head a little guilty, but saw Angela walking out with a sullen face.

Seeing the expression of the girl with twin ponytails, Peasley felt a thump in his heart, and a sense of uneasiness welled up in his heart.

"How... how is it?"

Peasley asked cautiously.

Angela suddenly sighed and shook her head.

Peasley's heart was filled with uneasiness immediately, and he asked in horror: "Did it fail? Or did it heal this part and hurt that part?"

Angela shook her head, still sighed lightly, and then said, "You'll know when you go in and see for yourself."

Hearing this, Peasley immediately left Angela behind and rushed into the room.

But when he got to the room, Peasley immediately slowed down again.Then he saw that the sweet-looking girl was sitting on the edge of the bed in a daze, her clothes disheveled, as if she had experienced something unspeakable.

Peasley was startled, as if he saw

What happens after a teenage girl is raped.If Peasley hadn't been able to confirm that Angela was a woman and liked Arthur, he might really have thought Angela was a pervert who also had thoughts about women.

But even so, Peasley walked briskly to Ning Xuan's side.

Not as expected, Ning Xuan raised her head, smiled sweetly at the boy, and called softly, "Master~"

For the boy's approach, the girl didn't react at all, she just stared blankly at the front, probably her mind was also blank.

"It's over, I've really become demented..." Peasley sighed helplessly in his heart.

Although he was very unwilling to see such a result, he couldn't blame Angela, after all, she spent six hours, and she worked very hard.

Be stupid if you are stupid, anyway, I have already made up my mind that no matter what Ning Xuan becomes, he will accompany her for the rest of his life.

Pisley sat down beside Ning Xuan, lovingly stroking the girl's soft blue hair, then slowly embraced her in his arms, and whispered in her ear:

"Little fool, you have become a real fool now, but it doesn't matter, I will protect you for the rest of my life. I will try my best to become the strongest king and study the human brain. One day, I will make you return to normal of.

But it doesn't matter even if you can't change back, you will always be my dearest Xuan'er, my woman in Pisley, and my future wife, there is no doubt about it! "

After Peasley finished speaking, he suddenly felt that the woman in his arms seemed to be trembling.

The boy was startled, and quickly supported the other person's shoulders, only to be surprised to find that the girl had already burst into tears without knowing when.

Peasley was flustered for a while, not knowing what he had done to make the other party cry, he quickly asked, "Yes... did I hurt you?"

To Peasley's surprise, the girl understood what he said right away, and shook her head vigorously.

Can a dementia patient respond to others' words so quickly?

But Peasley didn't think so much at the moment, he was more concerned about why Ning Xuan was crying.

He reached out and wiped away the glistening tears that slid down his cheeks for her.Ning Xuan raised her head to look at Pisley, and suddenly said, "My lord~"

Peasley was stunned for a moment, then surprised, then surprised, ecstatic, and finally laughed loudly. Ning Xuan embraced him tightly, but Ning Xuan didn't notice that the boy's eyes were red and moist...

Outside the room, Angela listened to the loving voice in the room, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and then she sighed inexplicably, leaving the happy time to the two people in the room.


At Arthur's kind invitation, Peasley rested in the Santo's Mansion for another night, and left the next day.

In order to express his gratitude to Angela, Peasley told Angela that as long as she was always by Arthur's side, one day she would become Princess Arthur.

This sounds nice, but it doesn't really serve any practical purpose.But Angela was happy for a long time because of the word "Princess Arthur", and her impression of Peasley changed a lot.

As soon as the next day dawned, Peasley took Ning Xuan to leave and continued heading north.

【Flying Carpet】

On the night, Ning Xuan nestled in Pisley's arms, with the word "happiness" written all over her face.

Peasley also had a relaxed and happy smile on his face, wanting to leave the system tasks behind.

"Young Master~" Ning Xuan said, her voice was like glutinous rice dumpling, sweet and sticky.

"What's wrong?" Peasley lowered his head and responded gently.

Ning Xuan's pretty face flushed slightly, she buried her head in the boy's arms, and asked shyly:

"Yesterday, son... what you said in Xuan'er's ear... are you serious?"

Peasley suddenly smiled, reached out and gently stroked Ning Xuan's hair, and said softly:
"Of course it's true. I've already regarded you as my woman, my unmarried wife. What I said yesterday was from the bottom of my heart. Can there be any falsehood?"

Hearing this, Ning Xuan's heart felt as sweet as honey, and as soon as her body softened, she completely fell into Pisley's arms, unwilling to get up in the blissful intoxication.

But Peasley said, "The previous memory has recovered, do you still remember what happened after amnesia?"

The girl recovered from her bliss, her body froze slightly, and then she let out a low "hmm".

"Should you remember the glutinous rice dumpling?" Peasley smiled half a smile.

After hearing this, Ning Xuan sat up from Pisley's arms after a long silence, raised her head to look at the boy, then lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry..."

Peasley smiled and stretched out his hands to pinch the girl's cheeks, and then pulled the girl's cheeks into a big cake.

The girl didn't dare to resist, but just looked at Pisley in fear.

Seeing the girl's pitiful appearance, Peasley sighed softly, let go of his hand, and said:
"You don't need to say sorry to me. Although you are my woman, I am very touched that you sacrificed your favorite food for me. But you should understand me, am I such a selfish person.

You are willing to give up what you like for me, why can't I like what I hate for you?
Love is mutual, if you just give and I enjoy, then this love will have a bad meaning, do you understand? "

Ning Xuan nodded silently.

Peasley held the other party's shoulders, and said seriously:

"Little fool, I hope to know everything about you, including your likes and dislikes. I haven't kept anything from you, so why do you hide so much from me? Whether it's your strengths or weaknesses, it will be me I like your point, do you understand?"

Ning Xuan raised her head and looked at the boy for a long time.Her gaze was as soft as water, and in the end, water really flowed down from her eye sockets.

"I will work hard, my lord~" she smiled, with tears in her smile.

Peasley nodded, and then looked seriously around the [Flying Carpet of Speed], and then used wooden pulls to form a thick illusory wall, airtight.

Then he looked at Ning Xuan and said, "Now, I want to tell you my biggest secret...Actually, I am..."

Feeling the atmosphere gradually becoming serious, Ning Xuan also became a little nervous, staring at Peasley's eyes wide open.

"I have a showdown. In fact, I used to be a King of Glory. I reincarnated into this state since I was reincarnated as a casual cultivator, in order to seek a higher realm!" Pisley boasted brazenly.

Ning Xuan blinked her eyes, her face was a little dazed, she wanted to laugh, but she didn't dare to laugh, although she was holding back, Pisley still

There was a smile on her face.

The boy pinched the other party's chin angrily, and went directly to her lips and took a bite.

The girl's face suddenly turned cherry red, and she blinked shyly with a smile in her eyes.

"Ahem, well, let's stop joking and be serious." Peasley looked at the other party, and this time he didn't brag, but said seriously, "This secret, there should be no second person in this world who knows it. Even my parents, they didn't understand.

So I hope you can protect this secret for me after you know it. This is really a very important secret, so you must keep it secret! "

Ning Xuan was silent for a moment, then suddenly shook her head: "My lord, although Xuan'er can promise you to keep it secret, Xuan'er cannot guarantee that this secret will not be leaked from Xuan'er.

After all, Xuan'er has heard that there are many people on the mainland who can extract the memory of the human brain. What's more, my brain was invaded by the demon species not long ago. It was stolen.

If this happens again..."

"No, it won't. I will never let this kind of thing happen again. From now on, I will try my best to stay by your side and not let anyone hurt you!"

Peasley's gaze was extremely firm, this was not a promise, it was a death order he gave himself, and he would never let such a thing happen again.

"So I hope I can share this secret with you. Take a step back and say that it doesn't matter if this secret is really leaked out. It's useless for others to know anyway."

Ning Xuan was silent for another moment, before she said cautiously:
"In case... if this secret is really leaked from Xuan'er, please don't blame Xuan'er too much! But... Xuan'er will definitely keep his mouth shut and will never reveal this matter to anyone. of!"

Seeing the girl's serious expression, Peasley couldn't help being amused, he said:
"There's no need to be so serious, and there's no need to take this matter as a burden. Just remember it. If you miss something, as long as you don't tell the whole thing, people won't understand."

Afterwards, Peasley finally told Ning Xuan the secret about [Boundless System] that he had hidden for 15 years.

Daji never told him that this secret cannot be told to others, and if it is told to others, it will have a huge impact on the system, so Peasley naturally would not say it.

But since Daji didn't say anything, he knew in his heart that it's okay to tell others about this kind of thing, it's just that the less he knows, the better.

It took nearly half an hour for Peasley to let Ning Xuan understand what the [Boundless System] is all about.

After listening to the young man's explanation, Ning Xuan revealed a look of enlightenment: "No wonder the young master often does some inexplicable things. It turns out that it is because of some system tasks."

Peasley nodded: "Complete these tasks within the specified time, you will get a certain reward, which will promote my improvement, and if you fail to complete it after the time limit, you will be punished.

It's not that I'm bragging, I have never been punished once since I got this system from birth to now! "

Ning Xuan pursed her lips and said with a smile: "My son has been working hard since his mother's womb, no wonder he is so much better than his peers."

(End of this chapter)

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