Chapter 427

The platinum high-level weapon covered by platinum wood pulls, cutting this special wall in front of him is as easy as cutting tofu.

Peasley didn't cut too big an entrance, just a hole that could allow one person to enter.

Soon, Peasley cut an entrance half a meter wide and 1.5 meters high.

The young man gently placed the cut piece of wall on the ground, and then let Ning Xuan and Xiaoji stay where they were, while he went straight into the cut hole.

The entrance of the cave is not dark. There are some wall lamps hanging on the dry stone wall. There are no candles on the wall lamps, but there are jade stones that can emit strong light!
However, Peasley only glanced at these wall lamps, thinking that they were being used casually as lighting tools, so they probably weren't of high value.

So Peasley went straight to the depths of the corridor.

The corridor extends obliquely downward.Peasley's feet are supported by wooden pulleys, and his forward speed is quite fast!After about 50 meters, it is the end of the corridor.

A basement with a size of [-] square meters suddenly appeared in front of Peasley.

The lights in the basement seemed a little dim, and the air was quite dull.

But Peasley could see that the place was full of crimson boxes.

He opened the box casually, and was immediately attracted by the various jade articles in the box!

Although Peasley didn't know jade very well, he could feel that the jade articles carefully preserved in these boxes should be quite valuable treasures.

But Peasley's purpose at this moment is not to search for these treasures, he needs to find out that fat boss, and then get rid of him.

Judging from the other party's skills, the fat boss should also be a Glory Warrior, but it should only be a fighter of the Black Iron level, and in Peasley's view, there is no threat at all.

He searched for the figure of the fat boss within a range of [-] meters, but he couldn't find it.

The young man was surprised, could there be other exits from this underground secret room?

"Cut, just run away. Then you can only search for some loot. It is estimated that half of the things here were obtained by that guy through illegal means. It's no big deal if you take them away."

While thinking, Peasley threw boxes of jade into the system backpack.

There are a total of 26 boxes here, each box contains treasures such as jade, there are also several boxes containing some antiques, and one box contains several pieces of silver and gold-level equipment, which should belong to the man in black.

It's just that the opponent probably didn't expect to encounter hard stubble, so these pieces of equipment were not brought with him.

Of course, even if you carry it on your body, the result will not change.

Although Peasley didn't have much interest in this, he wouldn't waste it either.

He moved quickly, considering that if the fat boss really escaped from here, he might go to find reinforcements, or even call in people from the government.

So after Peasley cleaned up all the boxes, he left the secret room in a hurry.

About 10 minutes later, at the corner of the secret room, there was a sudden creaking sound, and a large black box suddenly appeared in the originally empty corner, which was just big enough to hold an adult.

I saw the box open, and a pair of terrified eyes looked out from the gap.

After confirming that there was no one in the secret room, the man climbed out of the box tremblingly, his face was dusty and dazed.

This person is naturally the fat boss of this jade shop.

Through this box with the invisibility function, he finally escaped a catastrophe.

Looking at the empty secret room, the fat boss was already heartbroken to the extreme.Thinking that his son was also dead, he was already numb from the pain, and he was stunned for a long time, at a loss.

This time, it is simply

He went bankrupt, lost his son and lost his army.

Years of savings were once looted.Isn't it a waste of life for so many years?

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that life was really meaningless.He has enjoyed all the blessings he should have enjoyed in this life, and he has also enjoyed the blessings he should not have enjoyed.There is really nothing left to miss.

When a person's state of mind changes and he no longer fears death.Then the person will gradually calm down.

Of course, this calmness is not the calmness of ordinary times, but the tranquility before the storm.

If there is still strong resentment in this person's heart, then this tranquility will soon turn into hatred.

At this moment, the fat boss looked like this, and the fear in his heart was gradually replaced by anger.At this moment, he only wanted to avenge himself, and the treasures he had lost.

As for my own's already dispensable!

"Cao Dianke, Mr. Cao, I often give him jade as gifts, and now I still have this excellent Tian Huangshi, if I dedicate this to him, he will definitely avenge me!!"

The fat boss was talking to himself, and the expression on his face gradually became ferocious and gloomy.


Walking out of the jade shop, Pisley and Ning Xuan quickly left the jade shop.

Because the black-robed man closed the door before, no one noticed the fierce fight.

Moreover, the man in the black robe was burned to ashes by the black flames. Most people would not have imagined that the black ashes on the ground would be left by a human corpse.

After such a commotion, Peasley was not in the mood to sell Tian Huangshi anymore.

The piece that was taken away by the fat boss before also made him a little speechless.I don't know how the fat boss escaped.

But just run away, anyway, without his son, it will be very difficult for him to harm others.

Peasley can be regarded as eliminating one harm for the people, and there is no negative emotion at all.

Ning Xuan didn't have any interest in shopping, so she and Pisley found a moderate inn to stay.

After that, the two of them did not leave the inn for a day.

After all, he still killed someone, and he was still in the capital, and a witness escaped.

So Peasley spent the day practicing in his room or watching the situation on the street.

Although there were a few waves of soldiers rushing past the inn, it didn't look like they were searching for them.

After all, the Glory Continent is not like the Earth in Peasley's previous life. Surveillance is everywhere, and identity information is locked, and the work efficiency of the police is relatively high. Generally, such a big event as killing people is almost impossible. A fish that slipped through the net.

But in the Glory Continent, even if there are witnesses, it is very difficult to catch the prisoner, and if the prisoner is a nobleman or a figure in a big family, he will usually use money to solve everything in private.

So, although life on Earth is boring, relatively, it is much more peaceful and fair than Glory Continent.

There is nothing wrong with saying that everything has two sides.

(End of this chapter)

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