Chapter 428

Taking advantage of this time, Peasley took out the iron piece he bought on the stone bridge.Sure enough, Peasley didn't feel wrong.

After nearly an hour of baking in Mulla, this piece of iron once again showed an illusory map.

Peasley compared this map with the map in the previous piece of iron, and found that the two maps were related, but even if the two maps were compared with the entire map of Glory Continent
In this regard, it is still difficult to see where this is.

And on the newly obtained map, there are no red dots.That is to say, the first picture obtained by Peaslee may be the most important part.The other pair is used to supplement the first picture.

After a long time of comparison.Peaslee still couldn't find a similar location on the geographical distribution map of the continent.Obviously, the map hidden in the iron sheet is either not the geographical map of the Glory Continent, or it is what this map draws, and it should only be a small area.

If this is the case, you have to look for it in a more detailed geographical atlas. In that case, the workload will be too great.

So after much deliberation, Peasley decided to ignore this matter and see if there was a chance to collect other iron pieces in the future.After all, the more you collect, the larger the map will be, and it will be relatively easier to compare it on the geographic atlas.

After that, Pisley and Ning Xuan practiced or went to sleep respectively.

The next day, Peasley got up very early.

In order to do system tasks, he

Had to sleep with Ning Xuan separately.

Ning Xuan sleeps on the bed, while he sleeps on the floor.

But when Ning Xuan woke up, he found that Ning Xuan was pouted, and seemed a little unhappy.

Since the last time they were interrupted in the middle of doing a shameful thing in that uninhabited village, they haven't done it these days.

Peasley guessed that the other party might be a little unhappy because of this.

So he stepped forward to comfort him: "Be patient, I'll let you have a good time tonight, okay?"

Hearing this, Ning Xuan's pretty face immediately turned into a red apple, and she looked at the young man in embarrassment and said, "I... I didn't think about that~"

After washing up, Ning Xuan and Pisley went downstairs to have breakfast together.

But just when they were halfway through eating, there was suddenly the sound of armor colliding outside the door.

Peasley thought in his heart that it was not good, maybe he was here to catch them.

But Peasley didn't panic, and still calmly drank the porridge and ate the side dishes.

Ning Xuan was a little nervous at first, but when she saw how calm her man was, she calmed down.

But what they didn't expect was that no large group of soldiers came in, and only one person came in.

A man with a strong figure and a strong face.

And the man didn't wear any armor, just ordinary plain clothes.But what is amazing is that when he walked, there was a sound of armor colliding.

"It's such a strong aura... It should have been cultivated after a long time in the battlefield. However, I haven't heard of any wars happening now. Such an aura, after all, has been honed?"

Peasley took a fancy to that man and was extremely surprised.The strength of this man is quite strong.

In addition, Peasley noticed that there were two Japanese samurai long swords hanging on the left and right waists of this person, which were similar to Qingxue bamboo swords, with one blue and one yellow.

Seeing these two knives, Pisley was extremely surprised!

This person...could it be... Miyamoto Musashi from pesticides! ?

Miyamoto Musashi, whose Japanese name is "みやもとむさし", was born in 1584 and died on June 1645, 6.

He was a swordsman, strategist, and artist from the end of the Sengoku period to the early Edo period in Japan.He became famous in one fell swoop because of the decisive battle with Sasaki Kojiro.

In his later years, he served as an official in the Hosokawa family.There are swordsmanship books "Mirror of the Way of War", books on the theory of war "Five Wheels Book", "Preface to the Way of Taisao in Five Directions", and "35 Guts of the Art of War".There are many legends about him in modern Japan.

And this person gave Peasley the impression that he was quite a mighty and handsome image.

And at this moment, the man in front of him, although not very handsome, was powerful enough to make people look at him, and they couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the other's aura.

I saw the man sitting in front of an empty table, and a mistress had already stepped forward, with a smile on his face, but he asked in a trembling voice: "Guest, guest officer, what do you want to eat and drink?"

"It's best to drink some wine for me!" Miyamoto Musashi spoke in unauthentic Chinese.

After hearing this accent and looking at the other person's appearance and attire, Peasley became more and more sure that this person was Miyamoto Musashi.

"How did he come to Huangquan Country? Did he wander here? Or is he the invincible... lost again?"

When Peasley was sizing up the other party unscrupulously, Miyamoto Musashi suddenly turned his head and gave him a look.

Then, under Peasley's horrified gaze, Miyamoto Musashi suddenly stood up and walked straight towards him.

The moment he met the other person's eyes, Peasley felt that he saw a mountain.

A majestic and majestic volcano! !
But at this moment, the volcano was pressing towards him.

"The strongest king!!??"

Pisley was surprised, and the fragments of the heavenly book in his body emitted strong fluctuations faintly.

It never occurred to him that this person who seemed to have a fate with Dugu History suddenly stared at him at this moment.

But just when Peasley was trembling all over and was about to use [Red Moon], the mountain stopped suddenly.

Peasley suddenly came back to his senses, only to feel that the pressure in his body dropped suddenly, and his pale face became a little rosy.

He raised his head again and looked at Miyamoto Musashi.

But he saw this guy suddenly grinned wide, revealing his white teeth.

"Fuck! Are you so obscene?" Pisley cursed in his heart!
However, Miyamoto Musashi smiled and said with a somewhat cautious expression: "That... little brother, do you know about Qinglian Sword Immortal Li Taibai?"

"Li mean Li Bai? I know this person, what's wrong?" Peasley looked at this
The guy who suddenly had a hippie smile on his face maintained a deep vigilance in his heart.

Miyamoto Musashi continued to smile honestly, and at the same time sat down on the empty chair beside them, and said:

"I want to fight with him. I am known as the sword hero in our country. I want to know who is stronger, the sword hero or the sword fairy!"

After hearing what the other party said, Peasley secretly heaved a sigh of relief, it seems that the other party should be just a martial idiot who likes to be competitive.

However, it is definitely not that simple to be able to cultivate a Wu Chi who is the strongest king.

So Peasley didn't dare to be negligent, but replied seriously: "Li Bai is from Tang country, why don't you go to Tang country to find him?"

Miyamoto Musashi gave the boy an angry look.

(End of this chapter)

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