Chapter 429

"Do you think I'm stupid? Of course I know that Li Bai is from the Tang Dynasty, but I haven't found him after searching all over the Tang Dynasty!" Miyamoto Musashi said dejectedly.

At this time, the waiter in the shop brought the wine, walked to the seat where Miyamoto was originally sitting and found no one, and found that this guy was sitting in someone else's seat.

The shop waiter leaned forward and asked cautiously: "Guest officer, is the wine you want put there or here?"

Miyamoto Musashi waved his hand: "Just put it here, just put it here. Didn't you see me chatting with my friends? Noisy!"

The waiter said yes again and again, and with trembling hands, he placed an altar of autumn white dew in front of Miyamoto Musashi.

Peasley looked at this familiar guy speechlessly, wanting to say something, but dared not.

Miyamoto opened the mouth of the altar, and the aroma of wine wafted like mist, spreading across the entire inn.

"Good wine!" Miyamoto Musashi was full of praise for the autumn white dew before he even drank it.

Peasley looked at him and said, "Did you drink early in the morning?"

Miyamoto Musashi poured two glasses of wine, one was placed in front of Peasley and the other in front of himself.

"Alcohol is a good thing. Drinking more can help you practice faster."

Miyamoto looked at the boy with a half-smile.

Peasley sighed helplessly: "I really don't know what kind of monsters you people are. You look so young, how did you become the strongest king?"

"Young?" Miyamoto Musashi smiled, "Didn't you realize that the stronger you are, the less time will consume you? Didn't you realize that your concept of time is becoming more and more vague now?

Time... or years, in fact, it is a kind of power.It is a kind of power from God that can absorb human life.

It's just that he will fatten up human beings first, and then slowly slaughter them, so that the power of God will be endless.

However, for us practitioners, this force will become stronger and stronger, but our bodies are also getting stronger and resisting this force.

But no matter how we fight, this force will always be higher than ours.Even our king will die one day.

So, don't ask me how old I am now, in fact, I can't remember long ago. "

After saying this, Miyamoto Musashi raised his glass and drank it down.

However, after listening to Miyamoto's words, Peasley gained a lot.

It seems that no matter how strong a cultivator is, he cannot be stronger than the so-called "God".

It's just that I don't know if this "God" really exists... Maybe, the so-called God is the legendary King of Glory, maybe...

"Tell me, where did this Qinglian Sword Immortal go? I thought I could find him where he realized the Sword of the Great River, but there is not such a strong aura in this city..." Miyamoto Musashi raised his right hand With his chin propped up, he tasted the wine while thinking about it.

Peasley's heart moved, and he asked, "Is Li Bai the same as you? Also the strongest king?"

"Who knows?" Miyamoto Musashi said casually, "It would be best if he is the king, but if not, I will claim my strength to compete with him. I think it is the kung fu of swords and swords, not the cultivation of strength. .”

Peasley then thought of something, and asked nervously: "You just said that you couldn't feel Li Bai's aura. Could it be that you, the strongest king, can sense each other?"

Miyamoto Musashi thought for a while, and said: "Not necessarily, if the other party doesn't deliberately hide his breath, then he can sense it within a radius of a hundred miles, but if the other party deliberately conceals it, then even within a radius of a hundred meters, he may not be able to feel it." arrive."

Peasley nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: "

Have you ever heard of Supreme Treasure? "

"Supreme treasure... oh! It seems to be a grumpy monkey?" Miyamoto Musashi scratched his head and said.

"Yes! That's the monkey! Do you have any news about him? Like... where did you see him, or... do you know where he is now?"

Seeing that Miyamoto knew the monkey, Pisley became excited and asked several questions in succession.

Compared with Liu Qinghe, Peasley is of course more worried about his sister's safety.After all, at least Liu Qinghe wasn't taken away. Although she couldn't be seen, she should be fine.

But my younger sister is different. She is very likely to be in danger at this moment, and even...maybe even...

In any case, saving my sister is the top priority.

It's just that he doesn't have any news now.

After all, the whereabouts of the strongest king are difficult to be captured.

The boy's original plan was to go to the capital of Huangquan country first, and then to the capital of Tang country, and inquire about Supreme Treasure along the way.

Of course, his main destination is to go back to Shang Country to find his teacher, and ask him if there is any way to find the location of Supreme Treasure.

Miyamoto Musashi glanced at the young man, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, did you kill your father and enemy for the Supreme Treasure? Are you so anxious to find him?"

"It's not enough to kill my father, but he kidnapped my seriously injured sister. I have to find him and take my sister back!"

Peasley clenched his fists and said very seriously.

Miyamoto Musashi sneered: "Just you? A little platinum fighter? Even if you can find someone, can you beat him?"

"I..." The aggressive Pisley was at a loss for words, but after thinking about it, what the other party said seemed to make sense. With his current strength, even if he found the other party, he might be just a talking ant in the eyes of others.

People may be interested in teasing him, but they will never take him seriously.

After all, it is difficult for those invincible and powerful people to notice the humble existence like ants.

Peasley calmed down, thought for a while, and said, "Although I don't have the strength, some people I know are quite powerful. I can ask them for help."

"Extremely powerful existence? Is there a king?" Miyamoto Musashi suddenly had a fighting spirit in the dark!

"Uh...Of course there is, but you may not be his opponent." Peasley said casually.

However, the man from Japan was obviously not convinced, he slammed the table and made a loud noise, startling the people around him.

Some unhappy people looked at them, but after seeing the majestic Miyamoto Musashi, they had to swallow their anger and dare not say more.

"What's that man's name, let me see if I have challenged him!"

Seeing Miyamoto Musashi's vicious look about to eat him, Peasley dared not answer truthfully.

After the short fight with Supreme Treasure last time, Peasley understood that although he has mastered the power of the king, it only lasts for 1 minute. After 1 minute, he will be a rookie at the mercy of the king.

(End of this chapter)

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