Chapter 457

(not modified yet, please do not read)

Wen Cheng wanted to nod.

Indeed, one only needs to taste to know whether something is good or not.Especially people like them, who have seen a lot of good things since they were young.There is a saying that every time the quality of food is improved, the price will not double, but increase exponentially.Bai Yuze has such a good thing in his hand, as the saying goes, the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, don't you see that even a person like old man Wen is eager to visit him?

... But the problem now is that Wen Cheng just did something bad in his dream, and now he feels uncomfortable when he hears Bai Yuze's name.If his grandfather didn't tell him in advance, he would go as soon as he went.

I have to tell him!
Young Master Wen babbled on the phone and straightened the ink.

Grandpa, however, couldn't wait a long time ago, and said to himself: "Okay, stop talking to me, I already got that kid's phone, hang up, hang up, I'll go Make an appointment with him~"

Young Master Wen: "Wait."

Grandpa: "Why?"

Young Master Wen: "Forget it, I don't feel relieved to let you go by yourself, I'd better go with you."

Grandpa: "Hey, that's really weird. Why don't you worry about it? I don't need you to accompany me, it's annoying."

Young Master Wen: "That's it. I happen to be fine today, so I'll go find you right away."

Grandpa: "Don't—hey? Little bastard dares to hang up on my phone? You need to beat the bastard!"

Special Assistant Qian knocked on the door, and after being allowed to come in, he said, "President, business negotiations for a while—"

Wen Cheng frowned and interrupted him: "Just let the project team follow up. The previous conditions are almost negotiated. If you tell the other party that you can accept it, you can sign the contract. If you can't accept it, you can get out and change to a partner. They will make them stinky." Fault!"

Special Assistant Qian: "...Yes."

President Wen: "Any other schedules for today?"

Special Assistant Qian flipped through the memo: "In addition to this business negotiation, I also need to attend a reception organized by the government..."

President Wen: "Push away all the unimportant things, and let the vice president go over for me at the reception."

Special Assistant Qian: "Okay."

Wen Cheng stood up, took off the suit jacket on the hanger next to him, put it on, and was about to go outside.

Special assistant Qian asked: "Do you have any urgent matters to deal with? Do you need me to accompany you?"

"No need." Wen Cheng stretched his long legs, his voice remained where he was, but he had already disappeared without a trace.

When we arrived at the old man's residence, we first ran into Aunt Li, the nanny.Aunt Li came from the countryside earlier and worked in their house for several years. Now that she saw Young Master Wen, she finally stopped shaking and greeted him with fingers clasped: "Young Master is here? The old man is busy in the garden at the back."

Wen Cheng nodded and went straight to the back garden.

I saw his grandfather wearing a khaki straw hat, dressed like an old farmer, with mud spots on his trouser legs, holding a shovel in his left hand and a watering can in his right, working hard against a piece of wasteland.

Wen Cheng walked over, and couldn't help but complain: "Are you killing creatures here again?"

There is an allusion to the reason why he said that.

Old man Wen liked to grow some flowers and plants since he was a child. Anyway, it doesn't matter what kind of plants, as long as he planted it himself, he will look good no matter what. He takes care of him very carefully. He wished he could visit eight times a day.

But it's also strange, all the plants he served did not survive three months!Even the most durable cactus is like this. People give them the nickname Hot Hand Destroying Flowers. Look at their back garden. Every time you come here, you must have a few patches of baldness, and the frequency of replacement is particularly high.

Grandpa turned around and sprayed water at Wencheng with a small watering can: "Can you talk? Are you so angry with the elders? You bastard!"

Wen Cheng dodged and asked him, "How's the contact going?"

Grandpa immediately turned his anger into joy, put the small watering can and shovel aside, thumped his old waist, and said, "Hey, it's easy to catch! That kid is very polite. I just announced my family name, and he agreed to meet me. Said There are classes in the morning, and there is time at noon, so we can have a meal together or something."

Wen Cheng raised his wrist to look at the time, and said, "Then why don't you hurry up and change your clothes, how bad it is to be late! By the way, where is the appointment? Have you booked a table yet?"

Grandpa looked at the sun: "What's the hurry, isn't it too early?"

Seeing that the eldest grandson was about to jump, he laughed and shook his head proudly: "Where is the date? It's at his house! Take care of your grandpa, the kid said he doesn't mind bringing a baby It’s enough to eat. It just so happens that the two of you are about the same age, don’t put yourself on the president’s airs with others when you go, you know, or you will be embarrassed to come to the door next time.”

Wen Chenghan was about to come down: "Wait a minute, you said you wanted to take me there? What did you say?"

Grandpa blinked, walked away with his hands behind his back: "Whatever I say, I won't tell you.

Early Monday morning, in Dormitory 302, Sun Ming, who was closest to the door, was holding a piece of toast in his mouth, when he suddenly heard footsteps, and then the doorknob was turned, and he couldn't help cursing vaguely: "Damn it! Help grandson, are you bothering, you have already said that Bai Yuze hasn't come back to live in these two days, and you come here every now and then to ask!"

"Who did the high math homework that will be handed in soon? The world is in a hurry!" Meng Liang grabbed the ground with his head, and when he heard Sun Ming scolding there, he added, "Forget it, Brother Ming, licking a dog will not end well. They don't care. The door is locked anyway, so just pretend you didn't hear it."

Regarding what happened in the past two days, regardless of others, these roommates of Bai Yuze's roommates had completely changed their views, and they felt treated like stars in the school.

At first, Sun Ming and the three of them enjoyed it quite a bit.

After all, the girls who came to make friends were all straight-faced girls. They asked them about Bai Yuze's private affairs, and then asked them for a friendship. Don't worry about anything else, just call Bai Yuze!
The frightening thing is that these girls are not limited to their school. When I asked the nearby famous colleges, none of them were left behind. I don't know how they got here.

They also paid attention to the whole process of Bai Yuze's trending search, and they also watched "Food Live Room", and the more they watched, the more magical it seemed. Is this really that boring idiot who has no sense of existence at all?
Fuck, if you tidy up and change your clothes, you will be able to change your life like this, become popular among thousands of girls, and reach the pinnacle of life with your face!That's really worthy of their emulation~
Isn't it often said on the Internet?Makeup is comparable to plastic surgery, the distance between you and a beautiful woman is only a set of cosmetics!

This should apply to boys as well, right?
They don't know if other boys have tried it, anyway, 302 and the group were so stimulated that they actually went to their girlfriends to borrow cosmetics, and closed the door to mess around in the dormitory.

I don't wear glasses anymore, and my bangs are combed to the back of my head with pomade!
After tossing for a long time, three monsters came out.


In short, soon, these three people were afraid of the enthusiasm of the brainless fans, so they simply hid in the dormitory and lived in seclusion, planning to avoid this wave of limelight first.

Boys' dormitory, girls stop!You must be helpless now, right?
The result is that it doesn't matter if the girls can't come in, some lick the dog for them!Their dormitory is like the former residence of a celebrity. Someone would come to the door every once in a while, and they would take pictures of Bai Yuze's desk and bed. They didn't know what to photograph, except that they were cleaner and tidy than ordinary boys, and showed a little bit of charm. place?
Sun Ming and the others are almost bored to death, and now they lock the door every day, and no one will open the door if they knock!

So at this moment, when he heard someone coming again, Sun Ming directly cursed violently.

Why does this man still have a key?

After a while, the door of the dormitory was pushed open from the outside, and the three people inside looked over subconsciously, and then choked instantly, kicking their legs!Everyone is like a gourd whose mouth has been sawed off. It feels very stiff, and you don't know where to put your hands and feet.The person who appeared in front of him was too strange, and too... blinding.

Bai Yuze wore a white shirt inside, and a beige-brown jacket casually on the outside. The color schemes were very gentle and lazy, quite small and fresh.

But in contrast, his lips are particularly red for some reason, his eyes are also particularly watery, his skin is fair and moist, and his complexion is extremely delicate-combined together, it is so beautiful that it is almost erotic. !
It's like a goblin who has just cultivated a human form.

Ignoring the three dumb-headed geese, Bai Yuze walked to his desk, only took one look, and then frowned: "Who has touched my things?"

The most obvious thing is that two small potted plants on his table and a bear ornament are missing.

Meng Liang, who was closest to him, stuttered and said, "It's not us! Well, there are always people coming in these two days, saying they are your fans...we can't stop them."

After he finished speaking, he motioned to Sun Ming, and Sun Ming opened his mouth, but finally didn't say anything, just nodded his head, yes, yes, that's it!

Bai Yuze was a little angry: "If you steal something, you steal it. What kind of fan, I'm not a celebrity!"

The other three thought to themselves, well, they are indeed not celebrities, but celebrities are not as crazy as your brainless fans.

It's very strange, before seeing Bai Yuze, Sun Ming and the others were quite complaining about the two days of flying around, thinking that it was a bad luck for eight lifetimes to share a dormitory with Bai Yuze, which made them afraid to go out .

But now facing Bai Yuze, the resentment disappeared instantly, and he was still fighting against him in his heart, yes, it was all the fault of the brainless fans!Bai Yuze was obviously the victim!Everything has been stolen, it's so pitiful.

Then they saw Bai Yuze started packing his things.

Sun Ming asked embarrassingly, "You won't come back to live in the future?"

Bai Yuze: "Yes."

...I hate those idiot fans who do evil even more.

The three of them were watching, but they couldn't help much. When the first ray of sunlight in the morning passed through the glass window and hit Wencheng's face, his eyelashes moved, and his right arm swiped twice by his side. Keep your eyes open!Then pop up and look left and right.

After a while, he raised his hands and rubbed his face vigorously.

The dream last night was too realistic, so even though he was sure it was a dream at first, he gradually lost the boundaries later on.It seemed that one moment he was still hugged by soft jade and warm fragrance, but the next moment he was alone lying on the big empty bed, with no scent, no sound...nothing.

He lifted the quilt, and with a blank face, he planned to go to the bathroom to take a shower, and washed the soiled pajama pants and bed sheets by the way.

Only then did Wencheng realize that something was wrong, why wasn't his pajamas wet at all?I went to touch the sheets again, and searched almost inch by inch, and there was also no trace of mess.

He came to the bathroom in a daze and stood in front of the mirror in the sink.

The man in the mirror was radiant and looked in great shape.

In fact, Wencheng himself could feel it. Not only did he not have the slightest sequelae of excessive indulgence, but he was full of energy and clear-sighted. He used to sit at his desk for a long time, and his cervical spine would feel a little sore. He read documents for a long time. Also, my eyesight has decreased slightly.As a result, when he woke up, all the symptoms disappeared, and he was full of vitality from the inside out, just like a mortal who had just eaten the fairy fruit.

... If it was normal, Young Master Wen would definitely be very happy if there was such a good thing.

But at this juncture, he really wasn't in the mood to think about it.

If one had to describe Young Master Wen's state this day, perhaps the word "sleepwalking" was the most appropriate word.

Today happens to be Monday, the working dog is going to move bricks, and the student party is going to class——

In a chat group inside Chengyu, there are many people fishing in it early in the morning. It’s just after the weekend, and everyone’s thoughts haven’t recovered yet. In addition, they are all young people, so it’s extraordinarily gossiping. feeling.

[By the way, has any of you seen the president?How could he be late too? ! 】

【Ai?I just said something was missing today, so it turned out that we haven't seen the heroic appearance of our young and old. 2333~]【Could it be a business trip? 】

【No!And don't forget that there is a regular meeting every Monday morning, you can see that this is almost over. 】

【Hehehe, I guess I was squeezed dry by the little goblin and couldn't get up...】

[Stop teasing, it's just our eldest son, what kind of goblin can fascinate him!I remember that before there was a building who anonymously said that he was frigid! 】

[Speaking of goblins, has any of you watched the gourmet live broadcast room?Fuck, my nose bleeds all over the place! 】

【AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhI watched I watched!The whole groundhog screamed!Speaking of which, Young Master Bai is also our colleague, right?Now I'm thinking about whether I can meet a real person at the annual meeting. 】

[Comrades, I have a bold idea...]

[Speak!It is forbidden to discuss real cp in the group!If you can't fight with eight poles, it's easy to trick the two male gods! 】


[Report - the president has entered the company's gate!Ahhhh, he has reached a new level of handsomeness! 】

[Holy shit, I saw it too!Did he take some supplement pills?And his aura doesn't seem so scary today, he almost bumped into a pillar just now, feeling preoccupied? 】

【Am I dazzled?Why do you feel in a trance that the president suddenly blushed for no reason? 】

[...Fuck, I'm in the meeting room right now, facing the young master, and Zhang Bald is speaking on the stage. Guess what, the president stared at him for a long time without blinking, with that kind of tenderness still hanging from the corner of his mouth laugh!Ahhh I'm dead! 】

[Zhang, Zhang is bald? ? ?I was terrified! 】

[Go away, for sure! 】

[Then here comes the question, who did he think of when he was distracted, to be able to smile so tenderly and pamper him? 】


It wasn't just the internal group of Chengyu's employees that caused a stir early in the morning.

Bai Yuze woke up very early. When he opened his eyes, he stretched his waist on the bed first. That gesture was like a big black cat stealing his favorite dried fish, and then meowing comfortably. same.

After stretching, he rolled lingeringly on the bed for a while, making suspicious humming and chirping sounds while rolling.

(End of this chapter)

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