Chapter 458

Among the five worlds ruled by the gods, there is a world called the God of All Souls. This God of All Souls is suspended in space, similar to our earth, where resources are abundant, and smart people have created spells. Both light and evil spells.As long as you have talent, you can practice spells, but because of different talents, there are very few people who really know spells. There are two schools of light and evil spells: the Holy Spirit Gate and the Evil Spirit Gate. The Holy Spirit Gate advocates light and holiness. However, the evil spirit sect is just the opposite. They regard human life as dung, collect human blood to absorb murderous aura, and use other people's souls to increase mana to practice evil spells.

With the growth of the Evil Spirit Sect, the Holy Spirit Sect gradually declined until...

"Hahahaha, little monster, watch my hero come and clean you up! Drink! Ha! Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!" This voice came from a small courtyard of a family in the All Souls God Realm. This is not ordinary. The family is the best wine maker in the local city of Brad, and the aroma of the jars in the yard is endless.Early in the morning, a young man was standing in the yard, waving a broom around, pretending to be a hero, and talking to a scarecrow.The boy was about thirteen or fourteen years old, with short fiery red hair swaying in the wind, with a trace of red hanging down.The simple red Hanfu shows extra spirit.

"Brother, don't make trouble, if you are seen by dad, he will definitely scold you!" The person who came was a girl of similar age, with a sweet smell of wine on her body, and two strands of black long hair hanging naturally on her shoulders , The sky blue clothes set off her like a fairy.Running towards the boy.The young man put down the broom in his hand, turned around and said, "Meng Dong, aren't you making wine?" Meng Dong was about to start a conversation, when suddenly, a loud curse came: "Meng Han, you have been sweeping this place for half an hour. Haven't cleaned up yet?" A girl in green with long hair tied up came out of the hall, her approach was menacing, giving people a very domineering look, completely different from Meng Dong's temperament, she put her hands on her hips, pointed said the boy. "Go brew your wine, I'm killing demons." Meng Han said angrily. "Do your daydreams, you will be nervous all day long." The girl in green said.Meng Dong hurriedly defended Meng Han and said: "Chun, you can't say that. My brother has ideals, so we should encourage him!" If you sing in harmony, I'm going to be pissed off by you." As he spoke, he went back to the room angrily. "Great, Dong, thank you for helping me out." "I can't do this in the future." Meng Dong said. "This girl must have complained to father, I'd better go out to avoid the limelight." After finishing speaking, Meng Han ran out the door.

Two figures appeared in the alley. They looked like a man and a woman. The man was wearing a gorgeous green Hanfu, with long brown and yellow hair. Strangely, he had a pair of fox ears.The woman has long silver-white hair, covering one eye, and is dressed in a white robe, which looks like a man, which is incompatible with this era. (If you haven't watched "Ice and Fire God", you can search on Qidian's Chinese website) "Mochou, will it be too conspicuous if we dress like this?" the man asked. "What are you afraid of? We have been here for a while, and we are the masters of the Holy Spirit Sect, so don't worry." Mo Chou said coldly, with a hint of arrogance in her tone. "It's unlucky for us. As soon as the heavens are pacified, someone wants to become a god. The hateful Valkyrie chooses an heir at this time, and let us help from the lower realms." Silver Fox said. "We don't know where the heir is. Let's look for it on the street, but we have to disguise ourselves." As she spoke, Mo Chou transformed into a 16-year-old boy. "I've convinced you, I've become a mother and still love women so much and disguise myself as a man." Yinhu put away his fox ears, took a paper fan and walked to the street with Mochou swaggeringly.

"What's so fun about brewing wine, it's cool to be a hero!" Meng Han walked with his head in his hands, thinking, "Tch, Meng Chun is really, he cares about me all day, obviously I'm an older brother, but now I'm a younger brother. "Thinking about it, I bumped into Silver Fox without knowing it. "Crazy, why are you bumping into people?" Yinhu scolded. "Obviously you bumped into me first, and I, Meng Han, am not crazy." Meng Han quickly retorted. "You are the villain to file a complaint first, obviously you hit it." Yinhu said loudly.The quarrel between the two attracted many people to watch, and everyone accused Yinhu of bullying children.

"Gu Yue Silver Fox!" Mo Chou said coldly.

It's over, every time he hears Mo Chou calling his full name, Yinhu knows he's over.I saw Mo Chou running quickly towards an alley with the silver fox in hand.

Everyone dispersed, "Huh! It's really unlucky today, I met a hooligan, but I seem to have heard of the name 'Guyue Silver Fox' somewhere, forget it, don't think about these things." Meng Han thought to himself.

"Hey, why are you dragging me?" Silver Fox was still angry about what happened just now. "You idiot!" Mo Chou said coldly, "That little guy just now is the person we are looking for." "What, what?!" Silver Fox said in surprise, "How do you know?" Mo Chou patted Silver Fox's head, "Brother's Tarot cards can sense." "Then what should we do next?" Silver Fox was a little puzzled. "We have to get close to him first," Mo Chou said coldly. "The seed you are talking about can't be..." Yinhu's expression changed from curiosity to shock, "As a husband, I can't let you do this!" "You are too stupid!" Mochou knocked on Silver Fox again "I'm talking about tokens, we need to get to know him well before we can ask him for it!" "Well, this is a good way." Silver Fox said. "However, this priest has to test his willpower before deciding to help him. That's what Qian He said." Mo Chou said coldly.Then, Mo Chou moved closer to Yinhu's ear and said, "Actually, we can do this..."

Mo Chou transformed into a scantily clad girl. Mo Chou had long black hair and a pink dress that perfectly showed her beautiful figure, but her appearance remained the same, she was still so indifferent.Yinhu was also tempted by her beauty, and couldn't help hugging her slender waist, but Mo Chou slapped her on the face. "What are you doing, we are a couple." Silver Fox said. "Don't make trouble for this priest at the critical moment." Mo Chou said coldly.Yinhu secretly groaned in his heart, there is no way, his wife is strict!
According to the original plan, Yinhu and Mochou have discussed it, and the fun begins.

In the evening, the students all hurried home, and Yan Ruoxi was no exception.As soon as she got home, she put down her schoolbag, lay on the bed, and didn't care about anything, and soon she entered her dreamland.

"Miss, don't run away. If you don't go back to the house, the master will question me." "Xiaoru, come here, look at the beautiful scenery here! Hey, look, there is a gazebo, let's go and sit for a while." Bar!"

After speaking, she happily ran there, her slender hair fluttering in the wind, she looked extraordinarily beautiful, but a scar on her face ruined her prosperous beauty. "Miss, let's go back quickly." Xiaoru looked anxious.

"Xiao Ru, I'm playing for a while, just for a while, let's go back, shall we?" "Miss!" Seeing that the servant girl is so difficult to persuade, Yan Ruoxi immediately looked at Xiao Ru sincerely with her big watery eyes, " Miss, don’t look at me like that, oh, forget it, you’re just playing for a while, just for a while.”

"Well, I knew Xiaoru was the best!" After speaking, he ran away.

"Hey, my master is beautiful." Xiaoru smiled triumphantly. "Wait for my lady" "Come on quickly, look at the lotus in the lotus pond is really beautiful. The green lotus leaves set off the enchanting lotus, it's really beautiful" "Yes, miss, it's as beautiful as you!" "Really?" , but my face..." "Miss, don't say that..."

Yan Ruoxi woke up startled, and murmured with a puzzled expression: "What's going on recently, why do I keep having the same dream and the scene is still the same, who is that girl, why is she wearing an ancient costume, and why is she named after me?" Same, both called Yan Ruoxi?
Hmm~ Forget it, forget it, don't think about it anymore, my head is going to explode when I think about it." "Ruoxi's eating." Ruoxi's mother shouted. "Here we come! After finishing speaking, he lifted the quilt, put on his slippers and went to the living room to eat.

After a while, Yan Ruoxi, who had a good meal, started to write homework, "Oh, these are some stupid questions, all of them are so difficult, it's really annoying, I'd better go to sleep." After saying that, she lay down on her homework Go to sleep. "Ah~"

"Miss, wait for me and I'll call someone." It turned out that Yan Ruoxi in the dream fell into the lotus pond. "Come on! Help the lady! The lady has fallen into the water, come quickly!" Xiaoru shouted anxiously, but no one came to help. Xiaoru was in a hurry. Looking at the lady struggling in the water, Xiaoru hurriedly run out
"Miss, wait for me to find someone." After speaking, he ran forward vigorously. "Xiaoru... you... hurry up!"

"" Yan Ruoxi shouted desperately, but there was no one, just when she was desperate, suddenly a man came over, he was dressed in blue, his long hair set off his Brave and heroic,

"Quick, save me!" The man bravely jumped into the lotus pond without saying a word, put his slender arms around her waist, jumped up and reached the shore, and a sound of clear water came from here. "You, are you okay?" Yan Ruoxi looked at the man, with the corners of her mouth raised, "Oh, I'm okay, thank you for saving my life."

"Ah, why did I have this dream again, really?" Yan Ruoxi woke up from the dream.He got up and walked to the bathroom, but suddenly his foot slipped and he fell to the ground.When she woke up, she found herself lying on an ancient wooden bed, wearing ancient clothes. The layout of this room is so beautiful, the bed was made of long silk,
It feels good to the touch, and there are a few vases placed there, "Oh, is this a filming scene? Wake up!" "You, who are you, who is your lady?" Yan Ruoxi was startled.

"Miss is me, I'm Xiaoru, don't you know me?" "Xiaoru?" I, could it be possible that I'm wearing, time-traveling?" "Miss, what are you talking about, Xiao Ru can't understand, what filming, what is filming?"

"Tell me who I am" "You are Yan Ruoxi, Miss Yan's family" "You are telling me more specific" "Oh, Miss, what's wrong with you? You don't even know who you are, Could it be that he is sick and confused? Shouldn't he?..." "Stop talking nonsense, talk quickly!"

"Okay [wow, why is Miss treating me like this] Miss, you are the eldest daughter of General Yan's mansion. Your father is a general who has been fighting all the time. He is the emperor's right-hand man and has always been loved by the emperor, so the emperor is very happy. Pay attention to our General's Mansion"

"(⊙o⊙) Oh, then what happened to my face, how could there be a scar, and what happened before I woke up? How do I feel that I am powerless now? Who is in this family, who and I have a good relationship, who has a bad relationship with me, is my mother dead?"

"Oh miss, how can I answer so many questions all at once?"... "It's okay, you should clear it up again and again, and then tell me when you're done." Up to now, your scar is still there, and the imperial doctor can't cure it. I am angry when I talk about it. If it weren't for your scar, you wouldn't have the reputation of 'the most ugly in Beijing', so much so that you are still If you are not married, those princes would not dare to come to propose marriage when they heard that you are an ugly girl. Up to now, none of the princes has witnessed your true face, and I am even more angry when I talk about this!
"He said and drank a sip of water." Said, come on, how to get angry? "Miss, wait for me to take it easy" "It's okay, take your time" and handed Xiaoru a cup of tea, Xiaoru took it and drank it, and said, "That's it, aren't you the lady from Dichu?"

"(⊙_⊙) Well, yes, what's swollen?" "What do you mean?" Xiaoru looked at Yan Ruoxi with a puzzled face, "Oh~ what does it mean?" Yan Ruoxi's heart was broken at this time, and she was like an ancient It’s really hard to chat with people.” “Okay, then I’ll continue.”

"Yeah (⊙_⊙), continue, I'm listening." "Miss, please listen carefully: just because your mother is not favored, that concubine named Lin Hong is very favored by herself, and often bullies you and yours." Mother, she doesn't care if you are born or not, just relying on her high status, even her daughter will bully others, bully you, and rob you of everything, just don't let you live comfortably, miss, and compete with you for everything , don't you have a scar on your face?"

"Yeah, what's the matter, I didn't fall it, maybe she did it?"

"Yes! Miss, you are so smart, she made it up"

"She's fine, why are you messing with me?"

"That's because she thinks you are prettier than her, and she let you take away her brilliance because she is not cute, so she pushed you to make you ugly, so that she can become the most beautiful person, Miss, are you angry!"

"I'm going, and this operation?"

"What's her name? I'll meet her someday when I get better."

"Well, her name is Yan Yunjuan"

(End of this chapter)

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