Chapter 460

(not modified yet, please do not read)

I never remember what it was like, just remember that familiar face and those precious memories.

The breeze blows, and it is the day of school again. In a blink of an eye, we have been separated for 5 years. It has been five years. I don’t know if he is okay. back view.My name is Shi Shan. I am a senior in high school this year. I am a sunny boy. I have a buddy who has been very good since I was a child. He is Gao Fan. Our childhood was very happy, but until one day.

It was summer, one afternoon, the sun was shining warmly on my face and his face, I stood face to face with him within a distance of less than three meters from each other, he lowered his head, I will never forget that time What's the mood, just feeling bad,

Very bad, he lowered his head and said to me "San'er (Shan'er), I'm leaving, I'm leaving here" I looked at him "Where are you going, can't you stay?" He still looked down "I'm sorry San'er, my parents are working, so..."

"No, little mantou, I don't allow you to go, don't go, stay, stay, okay?" He raised his head, "Even if I leave, I will find you in the future! You have to wait for me" He smiled , like the sun at that time,
However, when I think about it now, it is so cold.Thinking of that ruthless back, my heart will be very sad. I have been waiting for you for five years, Gao Fan, where are you!
"Hey! Shishan, here" That's my good. . .Girlfriend, let's put it this way, his name is Lin Hao, and he is also a senior in high school this year. I walked towards him, "Lin Hao, are you going to be a transfer student today?" Lin Hao put his hands on my neck,

"Yes, I heard that this transfer student is not young, and he is also very handsome. In order to see the boy's face, some girls specially lined up at the door of our class." Today is the beginning of school. On the first day, there will be transfers from other schools,
When I thought of what Lin Hao described, "Oh my God, let's go to the class later, alas, this is a school that looks good." Lin Hao came over to me and said, "Don't think so, brother, you are too tall Very kawaii, look at our big beauty of Sequoia,

At first glance, it looks like an innocent little shou, but he is much more handsome than the new Gao Fan or other transfer students." I was not angry when I heard what he said before, but when I heard what he said later, I patted his head "Go, go, you are the innocent little shou, no,

You are the one who suffers, go, wait, who did you just say?" Lin Hao opened his eyes wide and said to me, "Gao Fan, what's the matter?" I moved him away as if looking at a small animal. He pointed his hand at him and said seriously, "Gao Fan, are you sure, are you sure it's Gao Fan?

Height is high or low, any ordinary Fan." Lin Hao put his hands on my shoulders again, "I don't know if it's true, I only heard that the transfer student is called Gao Fan." I quickly moved away from him and ran to the class. Later, Lin Hao said, "Hey! ! !Hupergia"

I ran to the door of the class, but I only saw rows of girls, and I didn't see that "Gao Fan". Suddenly, I was dragged to the corner by someone. "Are you looking for me, San'er?" my waist, my head on my shoulder,
Hearing those gentle words, I knew that it was him, Gao Fan. I covered my mouth when he came back, tears kept flowing down my face, "San'er, you are looking for me, right? I miss you very much." , and you, do you miss me?" I said loudly to him in my heart, yes!Of course I think, in the past five years, there hasn’t been a day when I haven’t missed you, but I didn’t say it, “No, I’ve been hating you for the past five years.” Fan "San'er, I'm sorry, I'm back now"

In the class, Shi Shan and Gao Fan sat together, Gao Fan threw a ball of paper to Shi Shan: San'er, I'm sorry, what happened back then, please forgive me, okay?Shi Shan looked at the words written on the paper, "Fool, silly Mantou, I have forgiven you a long time ago, in fact,

I miss you so much.But just as I was about to write, a voice fell in my ear, "Which one is Shi Shan?" I put down the note in my hand and walked out, "I am, uncle." Uncle "Student Shishan,
I want you to prepare your heart before I tell you this." Shishan exhaled slowly, "Uncle, let's talk." The uncle gave me the white paper in his hand and said, "Student Shishan, yes In this way, your parents disappeared on the way back from the United States a month ago,

It’s like this, not only your parents, but all the passengers on that plane, including that plane, disappeared for no reason. Our police have tried their best to search for it, but they still found nothing. The time has exceeded the time limit of the disappearance. we guess,
Your parents, and the passengers on that plane, have all been murdered, too. . "I felt as if something was missing in my heart, and it was extremely uncomfortable. "Enough, I understand, uncle, please go back." Although the police uncle said not very loudly, he was also at the door of the class.
Many students already knew it, gossip, sympathy, ridicule, "Oh my god, this kind of thing happened, isn't Shishan an orphan now?" , hello, hushan,

Do you really need money now? The rent of the house you rent outside the school is very expensive. Would you like our class to organize a fundraising event for you? ""Ha ha ha ha. . . "Enough" "Enough" That's Lin Haohe...Gao Fan, I listened to their words quietly,

I really want to cry, no, I can't cry, I can't be weak.Lin Hao walked towards me, and hit me on the shoulder as usual, "Shishan, don't listen to what they say, go, get out of class is over now, evening class is self-study, I will accompany you" I lowered my head and wanted to refuse, and another A voice said, "No, classmate Lin Hao, Shishan and I have been good friends since we were young, and I'll just accompany him." He said and took my hand, Lin Hao nodded without saying anything.

After leaving the school, Gao Fan held my hand tightly, "Gao Fan, where are you taking me?" In the house, "San'er, what do you want to eat?

I will make it for you. When I was in a bad mood, you always gave me delicious food to make me happy." I sat on the sofa and looked at him. Now he has really grown up. He was a child , short stature, very comely face, naturally blond hair

, now, is actually taller than me, those familiar eyes, golden hair, why, why did God make such a joke on me, after I just found that precious thing, why did I have another A precious treasure was ruthlessly taken away. .why.

In the scorching summer, He Rui, who had to go out to school under the scorching sun because of the start-of-term report, felt as if it was killing her. She hurriedly took a taxi after 1 minute from home, thinking about getting from her home to school The uphill and steps along the way made me lose my mood for walking in an instant. I picked up my junior high school classmate and girlfriend's "pig feet" who were admitted to the same school as me halfway and arrived at the school gate in a short while.

Looking at the words "City No. [-] Middle School" on the school gate, He Rui suddenly felt an urge to be old, and she passed high school without much feeling. I don't want to go in, pig's feet like to be lively, so I went to report first, then I bought a cup of milk tea and squatted under the shadow of the tree, adhering to the principle of calmness and natural coolness, I didn't move.

I don't know how long it took, but I felt that the sun was not so hot, and He Rui, who looked at the teaching building, was stunned.Uh, no, the teacher won't be off work, will he? !
I quickly stood up and just took a step, almost fell to the ground. I squatted for too long and the blood supply to the brain was insufficient. After a short rest, I walked quickly to the door of the class I was assigned to. The teacher really left, but a boy was left behind. help to sign in,

And collect student information, go forward to finish these, and then walk out of the school slowly.Thinking that no one cooks at home anyway, so I won’t go back, I’ll finish dinner, and when it’s hot, I want to eat something cold.
So on the way home, I passed by the snack street and ate a big bowl of jelly, which was very spicy!Walking down the street with a bottle of ice water, I received a call from my mother, asking if it was all done and if I arrived home, followed by a sentence of "Damn, four tubes!
Once you're done, go home and don't play outside for too long, hang up. "He Rui held his forehead, listening to the meaning of a bloody battle to the end, and then began to walk home slowly. The hotness in his mouth did not subside until he got home for a long time. He thought that he would start military training the day after tomorrow, so he quickly logged in to the game. As soon as you change, there will be a message prompt, a friend invitation, and a start!

Let me ask you, who can fall into the sewer well when you walk down the street?Who else could throw himself to death?Let me tell you: Mu Liuyun.Mu Liuyun's grief and indignation: I'm also an agent, how can I die so aggrieved
Conversion lens:

In an old-fashioned room, a room full of people gathered, but the expressions of these people were not so beautiful.A beautiful woman knelt by the bed, she was over 30 years old, but she looked like a woman in her 20s,
But such a beautiful woman cried to the little girl lying on the bed, "Yun'er, wake up quickly, didn't the doctor say you were just in a coma? Why are you still awake, woo woo, don't scare your mother! Isn't she the best? Why are you still awake?"

"Don't cry, ma'am. The doctor said that Yun'er just fell into the water and suffered from the wind and cold. She should rest for a while. If you keep crying, Yun'er will feel very uncomfortable when she wakes up and sees you like this. You should go back and rest first. Look at Yun'er here. Ziyu, go,
Help your mother back. ""Yes, Dad" said a boy about fifteen or sixteen years old. "Hey..." The girl on the bed made a sound as thin as a mosquito. Although the sound was thin, it attracted the attention of the whole family. Mu Liuyun leisurely When I woke up, I was taken aback when I saw these people.

"Yun'er, you're awake!" It was the elder brother who said this.The sound of "Yun'er" was like a switch, Mu Liuyun's brain froze, and Dashan's memories flooded in like a flood.But this daze was different for the family members who cared about her. Could it be the sequelae of falling into the water?
It's better to call a doctor to feel the pulse, and when people in the mansion are in a hurry to find a doctor, Mu Liuyun has already sorted out those memories and is taking his seat.Well, this beautiful woman crying with pear blossoms and rain is my own mother, Jiang Wanyun.

That handsome and elegant man is his father, Mu Huajian, who loves his daughter-in-law and his daughter-in-law. Uncle Mu Huazhan, second aunt Zuo Qingxu,
First cousin Mu Liuqi, second cousin Mu Ziting, fifth cousin Mu Liuyuan.Tsk tsk, the genes of this Mu family are really good, and they are not bad looking. They can be gods and goddesses in modern times.But I just woke up, although I understand all these situations,
But in order to avoid accidents, it is better to use the best trick first - amnesia. "Who... are you? Where is this place? What happened? Who am I?" The noisy room suddenly became quiet because of Mu Liuyun's words, and everyone opened their eyes wide.

Looking at her incredulously.To be honest, Mu Liuyun really couldn't bear to deceive them in the face of this family with sincere feelings, but if he didn't deceive them, what if he revealed his secrets?Arrest yourself as a witch?So, sorry!

At this embarrassing moment, the doctor came, "Hurry up, Doctor Xu, please help my Liuyun to find out what's wrong with her, she doesn't remember us no matter what?" Doctor Xu took out two fingers and placed them on the On Mu Liuyun's bright wrist,

Touching two goatee beards, he said, "It's not a problem. It's just that when I fell into the water, I hit my head and formed a bruise. The brain was temporarily blocked. After the old man prescribed two doses of medicine, I caught it and let the lady take it for a few days. The congestion in the brain needs time to resolve." "Thank you, Dr. Xu, Lao Huang, send Dr. Xu"

After sending Dr. Xu away, the eyes of everyone in the room focused on Mu Liuyun!Even though she was an agent in her last life, she couldn't help trembling her little heart in the face of this.

"Yun'er, tell mother if you are hungry? If there is anything you want to eat, just tell the small kitchen and let them make it for you." "Ma'am, Doctor Xu just said that Yun'er has a little memory loss now, don't be scared Her, let's introduce Liu Yun" "Well, wait a minute, I don't seem to have lost all my memory, you are my father, this is my mother, that is my brother, that is my second uncle, second aunt, eldest cousin, second cousin, my cousin , Am I right?" Mu Liuyun looked at his father with a look of hope.

Although a little surprised, but Liuyun did not lose all his memory, Mu Laopai was still very happy.Surprised that my precious daughter lost her memory and still remembered these people.Happily, my precious daughter has amnesia, but still remembers these people! (It's a bit of a mouthful) But after all, is that my baby girl? She must have followed me, haha!

Seeing a trace of fatigue on the baby girl's eyebrows, he told these people to look at Liuyun after dinner, no matter what, they couldn't tire their baby girl.

There was only a first-class maid, Mo Ju, left in the room (yes, you read that right, it was this Ju, she was born in a family, so she followed her master's family name as Mu, because she loves to eat oranges, so she was called Mu Ju).Muju and Muli are Mu Liuyun's two first-class maids, and Muli goes to the small kitchen to see if the porridge is ready for Liuyun. (Mu Li's name is the same as above)
Mu Liuyun found a reason and asked Muju to help Muli see if the porridge was ready and send her away.After Mu Ju went out, Mu Liuyun hurriedly went to the mirror to see her own appearance. Although she was a secret agent in her previous life, which woman is not curious about her own face and appearance?What if it's an ugly monster, so the calmness just now was just pretending!
After seeing the image in the dream mirror, even Mu Liuyun couldn't help but be surprised. This face was exactly the same as his last life. If we had to say something different, it could only be that this face was a little childish. That's right, I'm only 13 years old.
In modern times, menstruation has just started, and there is still room for development!But this face seems to be more delicate than the modern one!Every facial feature is as ingenious as heaven's most beloved creation.

Hands are like catkins, skin is like creamy fat, collar is like grub, teeth are like gourd rhinoceros, gnat's head is moth eyebrows, smile is charming, and eyes are beautiful.She is so young and looks so evil, one can imagine that if she grows up, she must be a peerless beauty who looks at the city of people and the country of people!
Just as Mu Liuyun was sighing in the mirror, the two little maids, Muju and Muli, came back.Seeing his young lady looking into the mirror with her chin resting, she couldn't help but chuckle.Jokingly said, "Miss loves beauty even more after she wakes up."

If I were a maid from another family, I wouldn't dare to talk like that to my own lady, but the original owner has a very gentle temper!She's also very kind, like the one who couldn't bear to trample to death seeing a little ant. In modern times, she is a quasi-sacred mother. Fortunately, it is such a family, and there are no little bitches. Otherwise, such a personality is enough Died several times.

(End of this chapter)

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