Chapter 461

(not modified yet, please do not read)

But reality is reality after all, Xiao Feiyan noticed that she didn't seem to have golden fingers, and put her arms around her chest, wait, what did I find, and touched her neck again, oh my god, she must be a transvestite, no Scared me, looked at the whole body from top to bottom, "Hey!

"Xiao Feiyan discovered that she had a ring on her index finger, which looked ordinary, but always had a sense of vicissitudes and simplicity.

Could this be the legendary 'Gold Finger'?Wahahahaha, could it be that she, Xiao Feiyan, is about to reach the pinnacle of her life?It's beautiful when you think about it, but how to open this golden finger?Reading novels seems to be able to enter with a single thought.

But who can tell her why she can't get in?Is it to recognize the Lord with a drop of blood?Xiao Feiyan looked at the sharp pebbles on the ground and closed her eyes, then she seemed to be firm... Afterwards, she opened her eyes and picked up the sharp pebbles on the ground, and swiped her finger cruelly.Oh my god, it hurts ヾ(≧O≦)〃Aw~, no one knows that pain is what she fears the most! !

Blood appeared on her finger, Xiao Feiyan hurriedly followed the steps in the novel and dripped the last drop of blood on the ring where her blood-stained finger was facing the ring, you take one second, two seconds, three seconds... ten seconds... 5 minutes, 10 minutes... half an hour, at this time Xiao Feiyan really wanted to swear, "I'm sorry, sir, you are teasing me!" Rapture, last loss, final anger.

It clearly showed that Xiao Feiyan was in a very bad mood right now, she decided to vent it, "咕~咕~咕~" What kind of voice is this?Xiao Feiyan looked around, but didn't see anything suspicious. "咕~咕~咕~Three black lines fell on her forehead|||?_? It seems to be her... The dining bell rang, and Xiao Feiyan I just remembered that I was trapped for a day, was whipped again, and then ran out again at noon, exhausted all my strength, and now I feel hungry when I relax. "Forget it, let's find something to eat first. "Xiao Feiyan sighed helplessly.

Leaving under the big tree, Xiao Feiyan walked aimlessly forward and came to a small stream. Xiao Feiyan stared at the water surface with bright eyes, looked at it for a while and shook her head, walked to the side of the stream, and wanted to stare at the water. Looking at the surface of the water, "Hey! There are no fish in such a clear stream." Forget it, I can only catch hares and pheasants.

Sparse voices came from the nearby bushes, Xiao Feiyan pushed the obstacle, saw an... an 'egg' was uncertain because the 'egg'... was moving, Xiao Feiyan secretly looked at it After a while, he suddenly uttered a swear word, "Damn it! The egg has become a fine egg." He walked over slowly, picked up the 'egg' on the ground, and looked at it for a while, but there was a palm-sized snow-white snow-white that seemed to disappear from time to time. present texture,

'Egg' seemed to be motionless, shook the 'egg' in his hand, rolled his eyes, and said loudly: "I'm just hungry, so I want to think about how to make it delicious? Steamed, boiled, or How about stir-frying? It’s so hard to choose, what should I do? Forget it and just bake it!” As he was speaking, he began to pick up the branches next to the bushes.

The fire was slowly rising, Xiao Feiyan picked up the 'egg' and was about to throw it into the fire, but you started to move again, this time it was different from last time, this time it was shaking violently.

In the cold and damp darkness, a child was lying on the ground with bloody welts on his body. His body was motionless and stiff. To be precise, it should be a corpse.

Suddenly, the child lying on the ground seemed to move his hands, slowly opened his eyes and stared blankly at the scene in front of him, a moment of blankness flashed in his eyes, shouldn't she be dead?Is this hell?No, will it still hurt after death?

Isn't it dead?It shouldn't be, with such an explosion degree and scope, it's no wonder that it doesn't die?His eyes gradually regained clarity, he raised his head and looked around, he couldn't see clearly because of the darkness, and moved with difficulty, at this moment the bones in his whole body seemed to be in pain as if they were about to fall apart,

Xiao Feiyan frowned and forced herself to stand up, took a few deep breaths, suddenly felt dizzy in her head, and memories that did not belong to her swept in crazily, and the memories in her mind flashed before her eyes one after another, The unsteady body swayed,
She fell down again, sat on the ground, took a few deep breaths, and sorted out the memories in her head. She seemed to have "transmigrated". The original owner was also called Xiao Feiyan, who was also an orphan. Seeing how pretty she was, the younger brother wanted to snatch her back and become the favorite of the original owner, who would rather die than follow her,
So that dandy wanted to teach her a lesson, called several servants, brought the original owner to the small black room, and whipped her to death alive.The original owner didn't notice that her blood had splashed onto the ring in her hand. The ring was not conspicuous and looked like a simple and simple wooden ring. When the blood splashed onto the ring, the ring gave off a faint blue light.

And her name is Xiao Feiyan, an agent and mercenary in the 25th century. On the surface, she is the chief agent of Country Z, but in the dark, she is a mercenary. She is a myth in the mercenary world, codenamed "Demon". Ji" has been trained since she was a child, she is used to being calm,
Analyzing calmly, the surroundings were so dark that he couldn't see his fingers, and walked forward along the smooth wall, when he suddenly touched a button that was suspected to be a mechanism!Xiao Feiyan pressed it without hesitation, because she knew Jedi Survival, and it was obvious that the person who locked her here wanted her to die unconsciously.

There was a glimmer of light in the dark room, Xiao Feiyan ran out with all her strength, the strong light took Xiao Feiyan a while to recover, she looked up at the hot sun, next to it was a lush forest, Xiao Feiyan Enduring the severe pain in his body, he ran desperately into the woods, and ran under a big tree.Xiao Feiyan finally couldn't bear the severe pain in her body, and fell down.

When Xiao Feiyan opened her eyes again, the first thing she saw was the big tree that was as straight as a pine, Xiao Feiyan stood up with difficulty and staggered to the root of the tree to sit down.

This time she remembered again, the original owner seemed to be a "male", otherwise how could those dandy children take her back and treat her as a "male pet"? At this moment, Xiao Feiyan was full of confusion, "Male, no way?" In the previous life, I was like a fish and a wild goose, the moon was closed and the flowers were ashamed, the front was bulging and the back was up... The countless boastings are omitted here, and she quickly unbuttoned her clothes, closed her eyes, and slowly put her hands in her crotch.

Sighed: "I'm scared to death." It turns out that the heroine is a woman disguised as a man, and Xiao Feiyan has three black lines on her forehead-_-|||, such a clichéd plot. In her previous life, she also read novels when she was bored , probably means... the heroine travels through time, has golden fingers, and various martial arts cheats, and three thousand beautiful men in the harem finally reach the pinnacle of life

We have known each other for five years now.The years passed quietly and erased our faces, but the relationship remained unchanged. The six little cuties, together for a long time, will never be separated.

Remember that midsummer?We once struggled together in that narrow classroom, swaying crystal clear sweat.We used to play and fight in the small gazebo, playing our own style.

The six cuties hold hands and share the prosperity of the prosperous age.Remember that rainy day?We, without umbrellas, walked together in the rain, and had a lot of fun. In retrospect, why were we so stupid at that time,
People always say that when you see one of them, you know there are five more. Haha, we are inseparable.Remember when we cheated on our friends together?How funny and loving that scene was.But again in that midsummer,
We are separated, and we cannot be in the same class as before, and we can gather and chat anytime and anywhere.Even if the six little cuties are not in the same place, they still exist in our hearts, and the friendship will continue to be maintained and will only increase.I love the time I spend with you,

Reminiscing about the past is the fun of it.

Today, my king gave me a big surprise, hee hee, I have been here for seven days, and I have gradually learned how to face loneliness. In fact, I am not alone, but I did not find anyone silently waiting behind,

Looking forward to my sweet look back. King, I was young and ignorant, too stubborn, never considered your feel.I'm sorry, even if this sentence doesn't make any real sense, when I just want to tell you, when I look back,
It's often when you give up, maybe Liang Jingru didn't give me enough courage to confess everything to you, including why you never caught up when I slowed down, and when I wanted to turn around, you were with someone else After playing and playing, do you know that a girl's heart is actually like broken pieces of porcelain? Even if it can be glued back, the scars will still flow.

You left, I turned my head, quietly looking at your back, slowly becoming a point.The matter could have been kept, but I didn’t know how to speak up, and I didn’t know how to keep it. I wanted to speak up again and again, but in the end I just thought, because I felt inferior, I didn’t want to think about it anymore, so I’m sorry, king, thank you for your company.

You who used to improvise live
You who were banned from swearing by me

You who write and recite poems together

You who play around in and out of class

you who eat with me
You who comfort me when I am sad
You who promised to let me be the back table
All of a sudden, the back table was gone, and there was nothing else. I was bored during class breaks, and no one made me laugh anymore. The front table for a few seconds made me feel very happy, and the back table of the next class made me feel happy. Feeling satisfied, a kind of fun to go back to the past, even if you make small moves behind my back, I will not be angry.

Is it because the distance is far away, is it because the relationship has faded, and you are no longer telling jokes and playing with me.

back table
hello!Back desk, thank you for bringing me a lot of fun before. After the final exam of the first year of high school, we agreed to let me be your back desk.

When I stepped into the second year of high school, I learned that the seats would be re-assigned, and I was a little happy in my heart, indicating that there was still a chance, but when the day came, everything was in vain, and I was depressed, so I downloaded QQ again and came back when I received you send me a message,
Saying that you will be my back desk, I feel a lot better. Indeed, you appeared behind me the next day, so happy. Even though there is only one class, I feel satisfied^ω^hahahaha, am I stupid? It's worth being happy for half a day, and since then,

I especially like to stand in the corridor and watch the scenery, which is another great pleasure of mine. Nowadays, no one makes small moves behind my back, and no one teases me when I am bored. I am listening to your shouting.I hope the teacher can transfer the position again so that I can fulfill my promise.I don't know if it's because the distance is far away, and the relationship will fade away. I don't like this feeling, waiting for you! !
During this period of time, I have changed a lot. I can no longer smile unscrupulously when I meet them, and I can no longer complain to them.Fallen leaves carry the thoughts of dozens of people, but eventually turn into spring mud.I don't know how much this behavior has brought to the people around me. Maybe it's because I didn't examine myself three times a day, and I have already stepped into the sophomore year of high school and grown up.

There is always a fantasy in the opening ceremony-looking at the high scenery on the high rostrum.If that day really comes, am I nervous or excited?Tangled and tangled, I really hope that when I wake up, my dream will come true
.Dreams come true.The story of this dream is very long. It began in the scorching summer of junior high school, and finally it is far away. For it, I can only do my best, but is my effort really enough?
Where am I when others are buried in their studies?Where am I when others forget to sleep and eat?So, who will fabricate this ethereal dream?Who can give me a good sustenance.Give me some encouragement, not white-eyed.

Give me the time of a song, let me prove myself, not deprive me of a minute and a second.I know that I have many deficiencies, such as lack of profound knowledge and expertise, and I can't always learn to think twice before doing things, but I want to change myself, change my boring life,
I don't want to leave regrets.Under this solemn flag-raising ceremony, everyone was silent.The students had just experienced an unforgettable summer vacation. The moment the national flag was hoisted, their hearts were full of expectations for the future.

Fulgam mentioned in his "Creed": "When you go out and walk in the world, pay attention to the passing vehicles, hold hands, and stick together." This is a truth, walking in this noisy world , I also like to go together,

It's not that I went alone, especially the wandering in front of the crossroads, which I will never forget.Fortunately, I met you and brought back my lost lamb.Perhaps it is because I am not cheerful and confident enough, and I am afraid of encountering cold talk from others. When I am alone in a closed space,

I feel that I have to rely on, and I dare not have deep friendship with others, just like a snail, when it touches the outside world, it shrinks back into its shell.I long for a confidant in my heart, but Maxima often has it, but Bole doesn't often have it!

Sometimes I like to be alone, but sometimes I like the noisy world.Is it some eccentricity? In fact, I really don’t know why.I have already entered the second year of high school, and I still have the rest of my mind. At the same time, I want to tell myself: "Hot milk and dessert are the best. When you have tasted the ups and downs of life, stop and take a break. Move on. "

Yu Xin, Yu Xin, Yu my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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