Chapter 462

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The early spring in S city is quite cold.Xiaoran tightened her coat, her little face without rouge and makeup was very pretty.Xiaoran tied up her long and slightly curly hair, revealing her palm-sized face.Xiaoran looked at the cafe in front of her and smiled happily.

"Master, can I trouble you to move this thing over here?" Xiaoran pointed to the pile of things, which were to be used to clean the cafe. "Okay, okay!" The master who was called had a smile on his honest face, and said yes repeatedly. "Thank you" Xiaoran thanked, feeling that the master is really kind.

"Ran Ran, you're here so early!" Bai Zhiyi arrived before the sound came. "That's right, there are a lot of things to do." Xiaoran waved to Bai Zhiyi when she saw her.Bai Zhiyi ran over and hugged Xiaoran. "Hahahaha, it's alright, it's time to work!" Xiao Ran patted Bai Zhiyi on the back and shouted. "Hey, sister is here to help you, don't worry, hahaha..." Bai Zhiyi rolled up his sleeves and let out a barbell-like laugh. "Puff haha" Xiao Ran was amused by her devilish laughter. "Okay! Start working." Seeing Bai Zhiyi's energetic appearance, Xiao Ran was infected, so she also rolled up her sleeves like Bai Zhiyi.The two looked at each other in tacit understanding, "Roll up your sleeves and work hard!" "Hahaha..." The two said it in unison, and laughed together again.

The morning sun is really bright.It shone warmly on the two of them.

Xiaoran and Bai Zhiyi were busy for a long time, taking apart the courier, and seeing everything clearly...the two were so busy that they were dizzy.Liao Tian came slowly. "Hello! everybody! How are you all?" Liao Tian walked into the cafe, approached Xiaoran and Bai Zhiyi, and pulled their pigtails. "Why did you come here, little fat~" Bai Zhiyi got up and pushed Liao Tian's chest with his fingers, with a shy face.Xiao Ran laughed at the side until her stomach ached, "Little Pangpang, you are finally here, we are all dizzy from work!" Xiao Ran also stood up, wrinkled her face at Xiaopang, and joked.Liao Tian was amused by Xiaoran and Bai Zhiyi. "It seems that you can't do it without me hahaha..." "Yes, yes, you can't do it without you!" Bai Zhiyi said.Ever since, Liao Tian also joined this busy team.

Three people have been busy from morning to noon. "Ah, fat, I'm so hungry, so hungry." Xiao Ran acted coquettishly and hugged her thighs to show Liao Tian, ​​just wanting Liao Tian to cook something for them.Liao Tian glanced at Xiaoran, "Do you want me to cook something for you?" "Yeah!" Xiaoran and Bai Zhiyi nodded vigorously, their eyes shining.

Then, under the expectant eyes of Xiaoran and Bai Zhiyi, Liao Tian walked into the kitchen, closed the kitchen door, and prepared to show off his skills. "Wow, we can eat the rice cooked by Pangpang~" Thinking of Liao Tian's cooking skills, Xiao Ran drools. "Yes, yes, I'm going to drool." Bai Zhiyi also felt the same way, and wiped the corners of his mouth with his hands.

While thinking about Liao Tian's lunch, the two of them planned where to go to play later, oh no, it should be where to buy the things they need for the cafe.Xiaoran took out the paper and pen from somewhere, "Yi'er, what do you think we are missing? Although many things are complete, I still feel that there are some things missing." "Yeah, I also I think so, but I can’t remember.” Bai Zhiyi also felt that something was missing.The two pondered for a long time. "General, general, lunch is here!" Liao Tian efficiently cooked lunch while the two were chatting.As soon as Xiaoran and Bai Zhiyi heard that lunch was ready, they didn't think about anything, and hurriedly sat down, like three good students.As soon as Liao Tian put the dishes on the table, he was snatched by two people. "Hey, don't move, don't move, the two of you can only move when the dishes are on the table." Liao Tian is a person with a higher education, so he doesn't allow the dishes to be served and everyone to eat before they are all here. .Xiaoran and Bai Zhiyi smashed their mouths.I was looking forward to finishing the food quickly.After a busy afternoon, they were almost starving.Liao Tian's hands and feet were quick, and he finished serving all the dishes in a short while.The two looked at the dishes on the table, their eyes glowed, and they immediately moved their chopsticks like people who haven't eaten in a few years.As soon as Xiaoran delivered the food to the entrance, she admired it. "Wow, it's super delicious! Pangpang, your cooking skills are getting better and better!" Xiaoran gave a thumbs up.Bai Zhiyi kept echoing, "Fat, you can cook for us every day from now on, it's so delicious!" Liao Tian laughed, "Hahaha, I'll be free in the future, so I can cook for you !" "Yeah~" Xiaoran and Bai Zhiyi cheered, and they don't have to worry about food anymore.

Speaking of which, Liao Tian was very excited when he heard that Xiaoran was going to open a cafe.Regardless, he quit his job as a celebrity chef in a five-star hotel, booked a plane ticket to S City, and flew back.Xiao Ran was very moved by Liao Tian's actions, and felt that this friend, Xiao Ran, was not in trouble.Liao Tian has a great interest in cooking and is very talented.She once ignored the opposition of her family and went out to study alone.I have also kept in touch with Xiaoran and the others, and it has not been broken.

After lunch, Xiaoran and the others went to the agreed place to buy what the cafe needed.

"Ran Ran, what do you think of this?" Liao Tian grabbed Xiao Ran and pointed at the bookshelf.

After seeing the bookshelf clearly, Xiaoran's eyes really brightened.The bookshelf is log-colored, without too many patterns, but what attracts Xiaoran is a small carving on it.

It is a sunflower.You can't see it if you don't pay attention.But it was discovered by Xiaoran.Xiaoran likes sunflowers, and sunflowers have been chasing sunshine tirelessly all her life, which is what she envies and wants to have.

Xiaoran likes freedom, but also wants a stable home.However, he couldn't give it to her.

Xiaoran broke away from the memory and smiled, the corners of her mouth raised with a bit of bitterness, but she restrained her emotions. "Yes, I really like it, let's go and buy it!" Xiaoran said with great enthusiasm.

As Xiaoran's good friend, how could Bai Zhiyi, who is so familiar with her, miss her fleeting bitterness?Bai Zhiyi and Liao Tian kept silent and sighed slightly.followed.

After buying the bookshelf, I went to visit some other places.Three people changed from buying furniture to buying other items.But also gained a lot.

In this way, I went shopping again at night, so I stopped by for dinner.The three chattered for a while before going back to their respective homes.

After Xiaoran took a taxi back home, she immediately slumped on the sofa.After resting for a while, Xiaoran went into the shower room to take a bath.

About clubs, I believe that everyone who has gone to college is familiar with it, and so are we, so the four of us each chose the club we wanted to go to.Xiaoyu chose the Etiquette Club, Nana chose the Japanese Club, and Xiao Miao chose the Wailian Club. As for me, I didn't think too much about it. I just wanted to practice my brush calligraphy well, so I joined the Calligraphy Club.But it was such a pure choice, but unexpectedly harvested...

I still clearly remember the day of Naxin, when the sky was bright and the air was clear, the sun was pure, and the fallen leaves in early autumn floated down with the breeze. In such a beautiful season, I also met the most beautiful him.There are not many predecessors in the Naxin card of the Book Association. I took a form from a senior sister, and I basically wanted to fill in my personal information. I sat there and was filling in my personal information seriously. I looked up suddenly , saw his clean but mature face.Unconsciously, he became nervous, speeded up to fill out the form, and then quickly left this place of right and wrong.

Back in the dormitory, a few of us told about our joining the club, and there was nothing particularly interesting.Lying on the bed at night, with nothing to do, opening a book casually, but his thoughts are not on this book, he falls wantonly, like the fallen leaves this morning, falling at the moment when we first met... It turns out that dreaming is also a dream. such a beautiful thing...

The activities of the Book Association are every Friday night, and the general content is that the president will teach everyone to practice calligraphy. This Friday, the weather is not good, and it has been raining for a week.However, this didn't stop my enthusiasm for going somewhere... In the first calligraphy class, I didn't really listen to much, and my attention was all on Tang Yin.

He roughly told us that the main task of this semester is Yan Zhenqing's facial features, which is the key to getting started with calligraphy.However, our task in the first session is not to write, but to master the posture of holding the pen and learn to maintain the harmony between body and hand.The method of holding the pen is the "five-finger pen-holding method". All five fingers of the right hand are used to hold the pen steadily by "pressing, pressing, hooking, pressing, and pushing" so that the fingers perform their duties.In addition to mastering the technique of holding the pen, in order to let us learn to maintain the harmony between the body and the fingers, our first calligraphy class begins with the continuous horizontal and vertical lines.What was thought to be very simple at first seems to be very difficult here. It turned out that it is so difficult to draw straight horizontal and vertical lines with a brush. My arms trembled, but there was still no effect.Suddenly, a hand behind me quickly took the brush from my hand, and quickly and powerfully drew straight but artistic horizontal and vertical lines on my raw paper.I looked at him in embarrassment, and he said softly, pick up the pen, and I will show you...

In fact, the so-called demonstration is to hold my hand tightly with his hand, and then draw horizontal and vertical lines on the paper.At that moment, I seemed to be happy, because my soul had already left my body, and of course I didn't know what was going on in my mind.Before we knew it, it was already 9:[-], and the door of the dormitory was closed at around [-]:[-]. We started to pack our things and prepare to go back to the dormitory.Finally, he told us about the time for our practice next time, the brushes, inks, copybooks, etc. we need to prepare.In this way, the first calligraphy class ended in the shelling of my soul.

Back in the dormitory, the three of them hadn’t slept yet. Seeing my unusually quiet appearance, they all felt that the child must have been stimulated by something, so under their persecution, I told them what happened.But it was just making a fuss, and fell asleep like this. Of course, this dream is sweet, so sweet that people can't stop.

In 2001, another boy was born. His name was He Mingji. After two years, the family had another baby, a girl.

She had a relatively large cyan birthmark on her left leg when she was born, and their parents are not educated people, they have been worrying about the girl's name, and thought about it a lot, including He Jin and others, and finally he (she) thought He (she) Yao sounds nice, so the girl was finally named He Yao, and the name He Jin was given to He Yao's niece.

A few years later, He Mingji went to the first kindergarten when he was five years old, that is, in 2005, and He Yao went to kindergarten when she was three years old, and her brother waited for two years after graduating from kindergarten , Waiting for his sister to go to elementary school together after graduating from kindergarten.

Because his (her) parents were not educated people, they were very poor at that time, and at that time they could not have two children in different years and different dates, and they would be fined if they found out, so the ID card said they were born in the same year, the same month, and the same day. And they are twins, so they have to go to elementary school together, but he (she) brothers and sisters don't know it.

He (she) was very naughty when they were very young in kindergarten. His (her) parents took grandma from his hometown to other places, because he lived in the same place in other places since he was a child, including birth, and rarely returned to his hometown. Relatives live nearby, and his (her) cousin and aunt are very kind to his (her) family, and both brothers and sisters also like him (her) very much. He Mingji often confronts his grandma, often He spit at his grandma, and He Yao had a cyan birthmark on her left leg, maybe that was what annoyed her the most, she didn’t know where it came from, it was still cyan, she thought it was his father who hit her, often Tell her grandma that my father beat me, his (her) parents often beat people, whenever they make a mistake, they will beat them, and if they don't understand the situation, they won't give them any face.

He Mingji went to three kindergartens in total, among which he and his younger sister attended the same kindergarten, called Little Swan Kindergarten. He Yao will never forget this kindergarten, because in her memory, it was the first kindergarten she attended. A kindergarten, and here she is very memorable, because there is a teacher.

He Yao's elder brother applied for painting in this school, while He Yao chose dancing. She remembered that the dance teacher here was very biased and hated her.

This is also the last time the four of them met and played together for the last time. His (her) siblings have returned to their hometown and are studying in their hometown, while his (her) parents are still working here. Sometimes they see each other and greet each other , but it became so strange that Mo Yitian never saw him again in that year.

In He Mingji's memory, he remembered that there was a female teacher in a kindergarten who liked him very much and often sent him home, and his mother often mentioned it from time to time, so He Mingji wanted to find this teacher especially. He only remembered the address. It is in Wujia.


During the summer vacation after graduation, the Kindergarten of Shacheng No. [-] Primary School was also slowly changing and expanding, from a kindergarten to a primary school, and renamed it as Shacheng No. [-] Primary School.

He (she) went to primary school here from now on, and their destiny begins from here, what kind of beginning will he (she) have.

(End of this chapter)

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