Chapter 463

(not modified yet, please do not read)

"It seems, Jiu, you failed~" "You don't need to speak sarcastic words, San!" Kishizuki said coldly, "Boss, I am willing to be punished!" "Boss, Jiu failed, but he was defeated by Uchiha." In Madara's hands, it should be taken for granted, after all, he is as famous as the first generation of Hokage Senju Hashirama!" Although San made sarcastic remarks, he also focused on the overall situation. "Three, even though this is the case, Jiu's punishment cannot be waived." The misty shadow said, "So, Jiu, go to Er to receive the punishment!" "Yes."


"What's the matter?" The indifferent voice sounded, with a pair of blue eyes shining in the darkness, "I don't want to waste time." The indifferent voice gave people a feeling of being thousands of miles away. "I, I just want to ask Master Li for a favor." The blue long-haired man looked at the blue eyes in the darkness with pure white eyes, "Also, Master Li's conditions are optional, as long as they don't hinder I, everything is not a problem." "Oh?" A sloppy female voice sounded, "I'm sorry, can you open the door?" A light shone in, and then the door was completely opened, blue eyes with a look of disappointment, the girl was red Her long hair fluttered in the wind, and she said indifferently: "Why should I help you? Besides, I am your enemy (choke the man's neck), you can't wait for me to die!" But the man laughed and said: "Sister , you...cough cough..." The girl punched the man in the abdomen, and said with a sneer, "I'm not your sister, don't forget, I'm no longer from the Guijiao clan!" The girl smiled ironically and said, "Besides, I'm the 'murderer' who almost wiped out the Guijiao clan!" "Sister, but I need your help now, not only Yao is your brother, but I am too!" the man sighed and said helplessly.

"Heh!" The girl chuckled lightly, stood up, and said, "Then, goodbye, my dear 'brother'! Hee!"


In the history of the ninja world in 741, the Keijiao clan reappeared on the stage of history. Then, in 744, the Ninth Ninja World War began. The elite ninjas who sacrificed mainly included Mizukage Yakura, one of the three ninjas, Jiraiya, Naruto Namikaze, and Kimura. Danzo, Madara Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, Sansho Hanzo organized by Akatsuki... In the end, the war ended with the victory of the Ninja Allied Forces, Sanhe Jiu of the mysterious organization was recruited by Yunyin, Siheshi joined Akatsuki, Hiruzen Sarutobi became Konoha's advisor, Minato and Kushina's son Uzumaki Naruto became the Fifth Hokage with the help of Tsunade, Tsunade's disciple Haruno Sakura resolutely joined Anbe, Sasuke inherited Madara's reincarnation eyes and became Uchi Patriarch Bo...

The end of the ninja world war does not mean the end of the mysterious organization's plan. Li finally agreed to Xi's request, and the long-lost Orochimaru reincarnated some of the dead from the dirt, and joined forces with it...

The initial chapter is relatively small, just to introduce the other world, and the second chapter is about time travel, the content is tiring, don’t spray it if you don’t like it~
The main character is Ri-sama, and the theme is Uchiha. The truth about Ri's genocide will be revealed. I wrote this mainly because... lah!Moreover, there is no male protagonist, please note:
No hero, no hero, no hero!

Seeing Xiao Lu's innocent face, Qin Liuchan sarcastically said on the spot, "I'm weak, look at you, are you blind? You can't even see me, a good-for-nothing, and I'm talented. Forget it, I don't want to quarrel with you." , you can stay with me tonight, I will take you to find your mother tomorrow, that's it, let's go first." Qin Liuchan looked unhappy

Seeing the master like this, the little white deer was speechless, and we will talk about it tomorrow.Just like that, Qin Liuchan walked in front, followed by the little white deer. Although they both looked unhappy, they looked quite harmonious.
As they walked, Qin Liuchan turned her head and glanced at Xiaolu. In fact, she also felt that what she just said was a bit too much, but she couldn't bear to apologize to it.

Thinking about it, suddenly an old man appeared in front of him, jumping somewhere, and muttering something in his mouth, Qin Liuchan walked closer and saw that the old man was still holding a pill in his hand, with a smile on his face, seeing Qin Liuchan As he approached, he immediately put away the elixir with a defensive look on his face.Asked, "Little girl, who sent you here, and what are you doing here?" Seeing the little white deer behind Qin Liuchan, she was surprised, "This white deer is not bad, why does it follow you? You don't seem to be able to cultivate !" Qin Liuchan watched the little old man's face change, and finally stared at the little white deer and knew that she couldn't practice, so he immediately looked defensive.

Said: "The junior was not sent by anyone, but I disturbed the senior unintentionally, please forgive me, if the senior does not like to disturb, the junior will leave!" After finishing speaking, Qin Liuchan turned around and left "Wait a minute, little girl, I see It turns out that your talent is excellent, but it was covered by some medicines. Now you are lucky to meet me as an immortal doctor. I don’t know if you are willing.” The old man’s arrogant words came from behind, Qin Liuchan turned her head, “Are you sure, You can help me." Qin Liuchan was skeptical, but the little old man was really angry, "You actually doubt my ability, well, I will prove it to you now, and I will prepare medicine for you right now, you follow me first, call That little white deer followed suit!"

The little old man took Qin Liuchan and the others up the mountain, until they came to a cave.Walking into the cave, I found that this cave is really not for ordinary people to live in, it is not an ordinary mess!The little old man said to Qin Liuchan, "I'll get you the medicinal materials first." After the medicinal materials were taken, the little old man said to Qin Liuchan again, "I will start making alchemy for you now, it may take a long time, you and the little white deer will protect me." Regardless of whether Qin Liuchan agreed or not, the little old man took out the medicine stove and started alchemy.

In fact, Qin Liuchan suspected that the little old man was teasing her. She and the little white deer had no fighting power at all. When they were really in danger, they couldn't protect themselves, so how could they protect themselves?

After waiting all night, the little old man finally practiced the pill, and the little old man excitedly gave the pill to Qin Liuchan, "Try it quickly, after practicing, I guarantee you can practice after eating it."

Qin Liuchan ate after hearing what the little old man said, and began to meditate, while the little old man stood beside him excitedly protecting the Dharma.

When she first ate it, Qin Liuchan didn't feel anything, but then slowly it hurt, Qin Liuchan realized that she wanted to quit but found that she couldn't, ah, little old man, I'm not done with you!Qin Liuchan thought in her heart.The little old man didn't know that he had provoked Qin Liuchan unknowingly

After a day, Qin Liuchan finally withdrew from the meditation, and she found that a layer of black matter appeared on her body...

The scorching sun shone on Qin Liuchan's body.Qin Liuchan opened her eyes, feeling amazed, I just fell asleep at home, how did I escape to this wilderness, and what happened to these injuries on my body, could it be sleepwalking and being chased by wolves?Thinking of this, suddenly, there was a pain in my head, and I passed out again.Qin Liuchan had a dream,

I dreamed that on a continent where you can practice freely, there is a country called Fenglang Country. In the General’s Mansion of Zhenguo, there is a prostitute daughter with the same name as her. As the successor, it was not easy to take the position, so he killed his daughter-in-law, and left her corpse in the wilderness. She also said that the daughter-in-law eloped with a man because she fell in love with him.Dreaming here, Qin Liuchan woke up,

He just felt baffled, what was he doing in such a dream.Qin Liuchan was about to get up and go to the shade of the tree, it was too hot here.As soon as he got up, he fell down, and Qin Liuchan fell with stares in his eyes, what's going on, his whole body has no strength, Qin Liuchan looked at his hand, and inadvertently glanced at his clothes, Qin Liuchan was shocked, what happened to this soft and boneless hand? What happened, and this antique clothes, ah ah ah! ! !
Is this time travel?Have I become the tragic heroine in my dream!After being shocked, Qin Liuchan got up slowly and walked under a tree, as if it could shade the sun.Qin Liuchan decided to sleep first and see if she would wear it back on.

In her sleep, Qin Liuchan felt something warm touch her body, making her a little itchy, Qin Liuchan opened her eyes in a daze, and found that it was almost dusk and it was still in this ancient times where birds don't shit, maybe she can't go back Alright.Looking at her side again, she found a white deer lying next to her, licking her hand again, Qin Liuchan touched its head, thinking that there is no white deer, maybe it is a special product of ancient times, it seems that ancient times also It's not that bad, at least people say that there are many beauties in ancient times.

After thinking about it, Qin Liuchan decided to get up and find a cave to rest for the night. Anyway, it was so late, and she couldn't go out. It was not easy to escape when she met some jackals, tigers and leopards.As she walked, Qin Liuchan realized that the white deer was still following behind her. Qin Liuchan turned her head, bent down, touched the white deer's cute head, and said, "Isn't the little guy looking for your mother? It's so late. I'm leaving!" Xiaolu shook his head.

Suddenly he bit Qin Liuchan's hand that was touching its head, and then both of them lit up at the same time, a law of heaven and earth descended, Qin Liuchan and Bai Lu thought at the same time: Equal contract formed!
Qin Liuchan's face darkened suddenly, she looked at the little deer, pointed at the deer's head, and cursed: "Are you all so casual, can you speak before the contract, ah, can you speak softly when you still have time to speak, really?" Yes, you don’t hurt.” An aggrieved voice came to mind, “No, master, we beasts would not be so casual, if it weren’t for your talent and beauty, I wouldn’t make a contract with you.

Also, Master, it really doesn’t hurt to bite you.” Qin Liuchan became annoyed after hearing some words, “Oh, it’s my honor, you think I’m a rarity, tell you, hurry up and break this contract with me , I don't want such a weak contracted beast. "Master, the contract cannot be undone unless one of us dies."Besides, I'm not weak, it's obviously you who are weak." Bai Lu said to Qin Liuchan sincerely
Since the 21st century, science and technology have developed rapidly, and the mysteries of the universe have gradually become known.Until the 23rd century, human beings have completely mastered everything, and thus, the earth has entered a new era, interstellar.

In the 24th century, everyone can practice.Among them, the one who attracted the most attention was the pharmacist Chu Baiyan. If "he" was just a pharmacist, it would be nothing.However, "he" is still a soul cultivator, and "his" talent has reached the highest level SSS level. With such a talent, even a pig can become a talent through cultivation, let alone a human being!

In the market, there are many rumors about Chu Baiyan.Some people say that Chu Baiyan is very handsome, and as long as you take a look at him, you will be fascinated by "him", so that you can't look at other men anymore; some people say that Chu Baiyan is very rebellious, Relying on talent and pride, often relying on "him"'s own strength, he bullies those with low strength, looking like the second child and my boss; some people even say that everything that Chu Baiyan has is created by "his" family background Yes, if "he" was just an ordinary person, he would never have achieved such a great achievement.Of course, there are mixed opinions about the rumors about Chu Baiyan, and there are opinions from all sides, but there is one thing that no one can deny, that is, "his" talent is very enchanting, unmatched by anyone.

Regardless of the different opinions from the outside world, let's take a look at our true master Chu Baiyan, "he", what kind of state is he in at the moment?

On the edge of the cliff, there is a man in white clothes. "He" has a pair of peach blossom eyes overlooking slightly, and an indistinguishable "handsome" face that fascinates all beings. Let people admire one sentence, what a "Moshang is like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world".It's just that "he" is in a very bad state at the moment, his white clothes are stained with blood, his face is as pale as paper, with one hand covering his bleeding chest, his whole body is crumbling.This person is none other than Chu Baiyan.

Looking at the handsome man and woman in front of her, Chu Baiyan felt amused, "he" was thinking, if "he" hadn't been careless this time, how could it be possible to get herself so far with just these little guys? The realm of Sri Lanka.However, "he" Chu Baiyan, when will he suffer? If "he" dies, there must be several sluts buried with him, right? "His" life is not so easy to take.

I only heard the man say: "Chu Baiyan, I advise you to be truthful and hand over the 'patriarch's seal', otherwise, don't blame me for not remembering the old relationship." "Yes, Chu Baiyan, hurry up and listen to Lin Ge , hand over the 'patriarch's seal', we can save you from the pain of flesh and blood, and spare you from death." As soon as the man finished speaking, the woman followed suit, and she looked at Chu Baiyan with a trace of admiration in her eyes .

After hearing these words, Chu Baiyan smiled instead of anger, "Tsk tsk, it is not impossible to ask me to hand over the 'patriarch's seal', after all, no matter how important the 'patriarch's seal' is, it is not as important as the little beauty. How could you not listen! Come on, little beauty, come closer, I have something to say to you alone."

When the woman Liu Feifei heard this, her expression became happy. After all, she has admired Chu Baiyan for a long time!It's just that "he" has been ignoring her all the time, unexpectedly, this time "he" would actually pay attention to her, so she hurriedly approached Chu Baiyan, only to hear Chu Baiyan say with a little bewilderment, "Actually, you You don't have to kill me, after all, I won't live long, as long as you kill Lin He, I will give you the 'Patriarch Seal', and the credit will be all yours! Besides, instead of giving the 'Patriarch Seal' to Lin He Hey, why don't you give it to you, little beauty! What do you think, little beauty?"

(End of this chapter)

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