Chapter 466

(Please do not read without modification)
Big D, I'm coming.
"My God! Is there a corn field next to this?!"

"What?! There is no subway here??!"

"Is this a place where people can live?!"

A certain princess sick lady stepped on her high heels with a look of disgust and got out of the car with her LV bag on her shoulders.

four hours ago
"Linlin, look at what you haven't got, we're leaving." "Oh, mom, you've said it eight hundred times, and I've checked everything. Besides, city S and city D are so close, And I'll be back on Eleventh, if you miss something, you can mail it to me." Xia Yilin said to Xia's mother who was packing her bags in the living room while applying lipstick.Our Miss Xia has been packing my luggage since half a month ago. After packing up to now, there are finally two big cardboard boxes of sundries, a 29-inch suitcase and a 20-inch suitcase for clothes. Count winter clothes.Mother Xia felt that her precious daughter was planning to move the family there together, but there was no way anyone would let such a precious daughter in the family be spoiled since she was a child, and even Miss Xia herself admitted her princess disease.

In fact, Xia Yilin didn't want to go to S City, but who would let good fortune play tricks on others.However, it is said that the new campus of D University has a four-person dormitory, and the environment of the teaching building is also good, but the place is a bit out of the way. "Everything is the best arrangement, if it comes, it will be safe..." Xia Yilin comforted himself in his heart.

"Let's go!"

However, when we got to school, the scene just happened.

Miss Xia, who was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child and has a high pursuit of life, is very dissatisfied with this remote place where she is either a corn field or a construction site. The most frustrating thing is that she will live here for four years.This was simply a death sentence for Xia Yilin.When Xia Yilin was complaining, Xia's father and Xia's mother had already started to buy bedding and carry luggage.Xia Yilin went to go through the admission procedures by herself with the documents.After a few trips upstairs and downstairs, the luggage was finally moved, and the admission procedures were completed.Dad Xia still has something to do, and the two parents are leaving.Before leaving, Mother Xia did not forget to tell her to eat more fruits, drink more water and take care of herself.Xia Yilin simply responded with a few words and the two left.

Just when Xia Yilin was free enough to start taking selfies, a little girl in sportswear with a student head entered the dormitory.The two looked at each other and smiled, "My name is Xia Yilin, and you are Xiao Xiao." "Ah yes, we also added QQ." Xiao Xiao replied with a shy smile. "Haha, I'll be roommates from now on, please take care of me." Xia Yilin blinked, stretched out his left hand and right hand, and bent over. This strange way of greeting made Xiao Xiao laugh.The two chatted in the bedroom.Just then a girl with long hair knocked on the door and entered the bedroom. "Hello, my name is Liang Bing. I built the group in our class." The girl introduced herself enthusiastically with a smile. "Oh, you are Liang Bing!" Xia Yilin thought of how active she was in the freshman group during the holidays, and exchanged words with herself that the big girl in the Northeast has an inexplicable sense of intimacy with the person in front of her. "That's right, it's me." Liang Bing blinked while Xia Yilin was not paying attention, and touched Xia Yilin's thigh, who was only wearing shorts.Xia Yilin was stunned for two seconds, and shouted at the wretched Liang Bing who was smiling, "What are you doing! My God! This is the first time we have met, classmate Liang Bing." Liang Bing smiled and said, "I didn't say no. Hahaha" said the three girls all laughed, talking all over the place.Girls always have endless topics to talk about together.

Xia Yilin flipped through QQ, and the street dance troupe recruitment group talked about rehearsing tomorrow's pop-up show in the school dance room.As a novice who has only learned hip-hop dance for three months, Xia Yilin joined the street dance troupe during the holidays, and he really hopes to learn from the big guys in the street dance troupe.And during the holidays, I heard that you can escape the military training at the welcome party during the rehearsal program. The hip-hop dance troupe will definitely have a program at the welcome party, so I just took this opportunity to get acquainted with the seniors and sisters.With her little 99 in her heart, Xia Yilin decided to visit the dance studio.So the hot-tempered Miss Xia dragged Xiao Xiao, who also wanted to learn hip-hop dance, to the dance studio.

Just pushed open the door, "Wow! Junior!" "Teddy, please control yourself and don't scare the junior." "Student, don't listen to their nonsense. In fact, I am a very cold senior."" I don’t need to tell you girls, you can feel it yourself.”. This special way of greeting girls from the dance troupe
Shocked Xia Yilin and Xiao Xiao directly at the door of the dance room.The two looked at each other, thinking whether to turn around and run now.
After slowly blending into their happy atmosphere, the two Xiaomengxin sat and watched these cheerful sisters practice their dance.Xia Yilin wondered if he had joined a fake hip-hop troupe. Why didn't everyone practice dancing seriously? It's been an hour since they arrived, and it's almost nine o'clock, and the sisters are still dancing. "Sister, when are you rehearsing..." Xia Yilin asked. "Well, we'll start rehearsing soon when the regiment leader arrives. He just got off the train and is heading here. Don't worry, he'll be here soon. You can wait for him." "Oh, how about we wait for him... "Xia Yilin looked at Xiao Xiao, asking for her opinion.Xiao Xiao said, "Let's wait until nine o'clock. If he doesn't come, we can go back to the dormitory. It's too late."

nine o'clock
Xia Yilin and Xiao Xiao decided to leave after greeting the seniors.It was dark in the teaching building, and the two walked down holding hands and turning on the flash of their mobile phones.Xia Yilin said, "Do you think we will meet the team leader when we go down?" Xiao Xiao smiled, "This is very embarrassing haha." At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor, The two held hands tightly,
I saw a boy wearing a black jacket, black sweatpants, carrying a backpack, and carrying a suitcase in one hand striding upwards.The boy has a parted hairstyle, wears gold-rimmed glasses, is about 176 tall, neither fat nor thin, and can still see a delicate face under dim light. "Couldn't this be the leader..." Xia Yilin said to himself. "Hey, let's go now..." The boy smiled at them

.Xia Yilin froze for a moment, and said, "Ah yes, it's too late, so I want to go back to the dormitory first." "Okay, okay, wait for me in a minute and I'll be there." "Haha, I'll see you flashmob tomorrow."The short conversation was blown into the wind, Xia Yilin ended his first meeting with Shen Hang like this.She didn't see Shen Hang's appearance clearly, but only vaguely remembered that he didn't seem to be tall, wore glasses, and had a nice voice.

At that time, Xia Yilin didn't know that this boy who gave her a vague first impression would live with her in the future, and many unexpected stories even happened.

Just like that, Ye Luo followed the boy back to his hometown to celebrate the New Year.But from the very beginning, there were problems one after another. First, the boy was late and couldn't catch the high-speed train. Ye Luo had no choice but to get on the high-speed train by himself first, and agreed to meet at the train station in the afternoon.

After arriving at the train station alone, he waited until six o'clock in the afternoon. The sense of loss in his heart gradually expanded, and he walked into the station silently. When the train was about to enter the station, he finally saw a figure rushing towards the station in the distance. Excited, but happy, because she finally saw the boy she liked.The boy got on the train out of breath, holding a big bag in his hand and happily said that he bought it for his parents at home.
Ye Luo nodded obediently, and the boy didn't apologize for being late and letting Ye Luo, who was going out for the first time, walk alone for a day.There were many unhappy things, and it lasted until the new year came back to Ye Luo's own home. Just as Ye Luo was considering whether to separate from the boys, just like the bloody plot in the TV series, Ye Luo found out that she was pregnant.

Ye Luo thought, maybe this is God's will!He told the boy about his pregnancy, and the boy was very happy to take Ye Luo to find Ye Luo's parents to propose marriage. Ye Luo will never forget her mother's shocked and regretful eyes when she looked at her. In the end, her parents reluctantly agreed. Luo and the boy also hurriedly went to apply for a marriage certificate. Ye Luo just turned 20 that year.After getting married, Ye Luo followed the boy to live in the next city, because the boy's job was there.

On the first day after getting married, Ye Luo called home, and it was her father who answered the phone. The always serious father seemed even more silent about Ye Luo's marriage this time, and Ye Luo felt more guilty, feeling that she had let down her parents The love I had for myself since I was a child, when I thought about it, tears were about to overflow my eyes, I cleared my throat and pretended to be relaxed and asked, "Dad, did you sleep well last night?"

The father on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, "Since sending you off to get married last night, your mother and I couldn't sleep all night. Your mother is cooking porridge now, do you want to give her the phone?" "No, no, that one I'll call you again at night." Ye Luo hung up the phone in a hurry, because she was afraid that if she was a second late, she would really be unable to control herself and cry, and her father would be even more worried when she heard it.

Because when she decided to marry a boy, her father only said to her, "I can't see you if you marry far away, and I don't even know if you are being bullied." Thinking of this sentence again, Ye Luo was alone. Covered in the quilt quietly shed tears.

In the days after marriage, there are love and sweetness, but there are also quarrels and cold wars. Especially after the birth of the child, they quarrel even if they don't understand. Every time they quarrel, Ye Luo's heart becomes colder, and every time they quarrel, Ye Luo regrets it more. , I even thought it was ridiculous to be so determined at the beginning that he must not marry, it was so stupid.Gradually thinking too much, Ye Luo also suffered from mild postpartum depression.

I wanted to end my life several times, but every time I was called back by the cry of the child.In this way, the fourth year of marriage was spent in repeated reconciliation and quarrels. Time and time again, I felt how ridiculous my decision was at the beginning, and told myself again and again that he would change, and he would gradually become mature and stable.He deceived himself again and again that he would be fine in the future, and worked hard to maintain this unstable marriage.
Ye Luo was already scarred and exhausted physically and mentally.On a quiet night, he shut himself up in the room alone and took a bottle of sleeping pills in his hand to end his life.Unexpectedly, God still has pity on her!It actually brought her back to the day when she made her life choice seven years ago...

On the 28th floor of the People's Hospital, in the silent corridor, the faint smell of disinfectant filled the air. On the floor, there was only a faint sound of breathing, and the lights in the operating room were off.

Several people who had been waiting outside the operating room for a long time walked forward, and the surgeon stopped them, "Mrs. Lin..." The doctor paused, looked up at the people in front of him, and said, "Mrs. Lin, Miss Lin, she The bone marrow transplant needed for this disease is best for a close relative, although you later found a bone marrow that matches her, but that has already missed the best treatment period, and we are powerless to do anything.”

That charming and sentimental face was a bit ugly at once, but it was quickly adjusted.She ignored the doctor's sarcasm just now, and a sad expression immediately appeared on that face, making one involuntarily want to comfort her and wipe away her tears... Hehe, what a beautiful face.

"Doctor, is it really not possible? Please, save my daughter. She is still so young and has so many good times that she has not enjoyed. Please save her..."

"I'm sorry Mrs. Lin, we really tried our best." The doctor looked at the noble lady in front of him indifferently, curled his lips ironically, and turned to leave.The sound of the footsteps gradually became lighter and farther away... The woman looked at the doctor's receding figure with resentment

The woman walked into the operating room, looked at the little figure on the bed, looked at her thin face that had been tortured by the disease, and her heart as hard as iron seemed to throb with pain. Tears finally flowed down...

The tall and handsome man hugged her, pulled her into his arms, and comforted her indifferently, "Qiqi, don't do this. We were prepared for this when we did this. Everything is over, don't cry, okay?" .”

The indifferent and handsome young man looked angrily at the tall man—his father, and stretched out his hand to hug his mother, but the flash of sternness in Lin Feng's eyes successfully made him freeze.Lin Feng raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, and continued to comfort the beautiful woman in his arms.Lin Yuan looked at it numbly, and clenched his fist involuntarily...


Seeing her graceful and luxurious mother crying into tears, and her usually serious and steady elder brother forbearance, Lin Zhihan was speechless for a while... There is no need to do this, just rush forward if you like her, tell her that you like her too, and then you can Have a fun threesome.Anyway, I'm going to heaven soon, and I don't have to worry about what I want...

"Wuwu, Hanhan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Hehe, Zhihan was in a daze for a while, how long had it been since she cared about herself this much, she was about to die and only now she began to show her true feelings, they still pretended like this...

Zhihan didn't know why she saw her parents and brother crying for her, obviously she was dead.Suddenly, a beam of purple light shone towards Zhihan, and Zhihan lost consciousness.

"Ya'er, is the child naughty or obedient?"

In a daze, Zhihan heard a gentle and steady male voice.Well, what's going on, why am I not dead yet?Are they going to torture me again?Hey, I'm really drunk, why am I still alive... Zhihan thought to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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