Chapter 467

(not modified yet, please do not read)

In the oppressive environment, she finally finished her breakfast and went back to her room. Xiaoyue couldn't wait to take off her clothes. Finally, she felt much more comfortable. "Hey, who is that, what should I call you?" Xiaoyue said to the older girl. "Miss, you don't remember Xia Xia anymore, I am your personal maid, I have been serving you for five years" Xia Xia replied in surprise "Oh, ah" Xiaoyue didn't know how to answer for a while
"No wonder Doctor Li said that after you have a fever, you may forget some things, but you shouldn't forget me at night." Xia Xia seemed to be aggrieved and about to cry. "Aren't I kidding you? Why don't I remember you." Xiaoyue said to Xia Xia, and Xia Xia became happy now.

"Xia Xia, you and I can't forget, but there are some things that I really can't remember. Tell me about it." Xiaoyue tentatively said, "Miss, it seems that you are really confused." Xia Xia finished recalled.

On the fifth day of August last month, you were just 20 years old,

I just drove from our Chengwang Mansion to Lan Wangfu, but, I don’t know why?The prince doesn't seem to like you very much, and he always humiliates you in different ways. What's more, last time, An Fujin made you fall into the pond accidentally, causing you to have a high fever. You didn't wake up until you had a fever for three days Well, the lord didn't punish An Fujin, nor did he come to see you. An Fujin became bold again. Fortunately, Da Fujin was there, so An Fujin restrained himself a bit.

Xiaoyue finally got to know something about her new identity, Cheng Ziyue, 20 years old, princess of Chengwangfu.

Xiaoyue, who was so angry at the inexplicable man early in the morning, strode back. When she was almost at the door, two maids were waiting anxiously. ,
Where have you been? If the breakfast is very late and the prince can't see you, our heads will be lost. "It's okay, I'm just strolling around," Xiaoyue replied. "Miss, what strange clothes are you wearing, haven't you seen them before?" ""Sportswear" Xiaoyue replied with a smile, "It's really strange" a young girl whispered

Walking into the room, the maids helped Xiaoyue to wash and dress up. Xiaoyue was really not used to being served like this. She was itchy and kept laughing. The maids also looked at Xiaoyue strangely.After about an hour, the maid said she was dressed up,

Xiaoyue just remembered to look at her current appearance. In the mirror, she is still young and beautiful, but her attire and hairstyle have changed a bit. She looks like an actor on TV, which is really good-looking.It's just that the clothes are too long-winded and tight, and Xiaoyue is a little out of breath.

Xiaoyue followed the maid for a while, and came to a place that looked like a restaurant. Just after sitting down for a while, a woman dressed like a butterfly came, looked at Xiaoyue arrogantly, and said loudly, "Why did you only work for a few days?" Concubine, just so unruly, she didn't greet me when she saw me coming." The maid whispered and said please greet An Fujin, otherwise, she will come up with bad ideas again.Xiaoyue got up and said "good morning". An Fujin glared at her, and was about to speak when she heard the butler shout "My lord, Fujin is here".

Xiaoyue raised her head, "Isn't this the unreasonable man I met in the morning? He's the prince." Thinking to herself, Fujin next to her looked more dignified and generous.

"What? Miss Ziyue, you seem to be in good health today" the prince asked sarcastically
"Back to the lord, Miss, feel lighter today." The girl next to me replied respectfully, "Okay, let's have breakfast." The handsome lord said, and glanced at Xiaoyue by the way, and Xiaoyue thought to herself, "My name is Ziyue. The prince's concubine".

Xiaoyue didn't know how long she had slept. She felt that she was awakened by the sun. She subconsciously looked at her watch, and the pointer pointed to five o'clock. partner.

Go for a run, this is Xiaoyue's good habit, open the closet, wow, the clothes are all there, it's really funny, put on sportswear, and go out.

Not far from the yard, there is a moon gate. Xiaoyue goes out along the moon gate and walks a section of stone road. There is a nice garden, so let's do morning exercises here.

After running for a while, it seemed that there was a sound in the pavilion not far away. Xiaoyue walked back, and a man in his twenties who looked well dressed was playing the flute in the pavilion, and the sun shone on his sharp-edged face On, very handsome.

"When did you learn to spy on men?" Xiaoyue was immersed in admiration, and was taken aback by the sudden question. When she came back to her senses, she realized that it was this handsome man who was asking herself.

Before Xiaoyue could reply, this domineering man quickly walked up to her, grabbed her chin and asked, "Why, Miss Ziyue, you seem to be in much better health today?" How could Xiaoyue have received such treatment? , she was so angry that she shook off the man's hand and said loudly, "Hey, do you understand how you pity me and treat me so hard?" Obviously the man was also shocked by Xiaoyue's loud shouting

"You've grown up, haven't you? If you dare to talk to me like that, you're impatient," the man said angrily. "What about the prince and lord, I'm so unhappy with you so early in the morning, I'm tired of seeing you." After finishing speaking, he walked towards the direction where he lived without looking back, leaving a man with a puzzled face watching her go away... …

She looked at herself in the mirror, with smooth lines,

The sloping shoulder design, the beige pearls scattered on the chest at will, make the person in the mirror more delicate, the fringed waist decoration shows her perfect figure, and the layers of gauze as thin as cicada's wings are superimposed together , adorned with dots of tulip flowers, the crystal stamens reflect a little bit of warm light in the sun, with a one-meter trailing tail and a few white feathers, it looks like a fairy from a distance.This was designed by him himself. She was a little distracted when she saw it, but when she came back to her senses, she realized that the time was approaching and she was not in a hurry. She went out slowly and walked towards happiness.

When the wedding march was played in the church, she walked in with her brother, her face was full of happiness and sweetness, but she still hesitated in her heart.The man in the distance looked at her tenderly, and she approached step by step. She stepped on the flowers scattered by the flower girl, just as dismissive as the flowers given to her by the person now. Now she can only belong to the front of her eyes. people.

She walked onto the stage, and her brother handed her over to the person in front of her. The pastor began to say the same thing, asking him if he would like it. He looked at her without hesitation and said, "I am willing." Opened his mouth, unexpectedly a man broke in suddenly, the man on the stage waved his hand secretly, signaling the security guard not to come up first, the old-fashioned lines of the man in the audience revealed anger and excitement:
"No, I don't agree, Mi'er, you can't marry him, if you don't love him, you won't be happy..." Before she finished speaking, a burst of laughter like silver bells came out, and her face was full of embarrassment. Disdainful but a bit teasing, "If you don't marry him, are you waiting to attend your wedding and exchange roles?" how many times
It's impossible for us, you have to remember that it was your lack of appreciation that made me who I am now! "She was angry, and the man on the stage looked at her with distress and said: "Mi'er..." The man under him still said to himself: "I will break the engagement with her, trust me, okay?" ""I believe you?What have I lost for you, and what have you given me?Why should I still trust you! "

A tear ran down her face, and the man on the stage wiped away the tears with a tissue with a worried expression on his face, while the man in the audience was already at a loss, stammering a useless explanation, "I didn't expect My father made a marriage contract for me, and what I didn't expect was that Uncle Xi would have a car accident..." He gradually lost his voice as he became more and more confident. She turned her face and said to the man on the stage:

"Mingxiu, I don't want to see him, let him go." He beckoned two security guards to come up to take her away, but he held her hand tightly, and she withdrew it vigorously, and gave it back to him A resounding slap, "I'll say it again, I, Xixi don't want to see Xia Ziqin again, I don't want to in this life, did you hear me, in this life - don't - want to!"

She turned around and spoke softly, "Let's continue." After Xia Zijin heard this, he was like a deflated balloon, his eyes were empty thinking about something, and his mouth was muttering vaguely , was taken off like cabbage by two security uncles. (Good security guard of the century, throw the cabbage away, don't let him crawl back and come back)
The people who came to the wedding witnessed a couple of newcomers in a daze, (the voice of the witness: I heard it on purpose, ask again, what happened to you? ⊙?⊙? Curious baby is online)

After the wedding, Xixi changed into the clothes she didn't even look at three years ago in the room, and put on the makeup that disgusted her the most three years ago.After finishing it, I looked at myself in the mirror with thick golden wavy long hair casually draped over my shoulders, every strand of it was so hot that it was amazing!Thick eyelashes, charming eyes, and sexy and plump lips reveal all kinds of styles all the time.
A dark purple Joe&Jules ultra-short shawl jacket further accentuated her first-class figure, and she matched it with a jet-black chanel velvet knee-length skirt and a pair of black PINKY&ROSE high-tops Leather boots are really charming!Yan Mingxiu pushed the door and saw her dressed up like this, he was frightened. Ten years ago, she was so muddy but not dirty but not demonic.
She is completely different from her now, he can't believe that she has changed so much, she has a full view of his forehead, and said softly:

"I am no longer the Tumi flower ten years ago. Now I can be a blue enchantress, a black mandala, or even a Bana flower. You have to get used to it," she smiled evilly and walked out. In the room, he heard the sound of high heels gradually disappearing at the door, and the sound of the sports car engine gradually disappearing. Only then did he realize that this series of events had hit her so hard.

She was afraid that it would be too ostentatious and inconvenient to drive a sports car, so she parked the car at the company and took a taxi to the bar.

Here, she is called "queen" because of her good looks and money. Someone asked her: "Queen, you are already married, why do you still come to nightclubs?" "What is marriage, sister thinks?" Isn’t it just a matter of minutes to come out? Come on, today, my sister is happy that everyone is not drunk and won’t come home!” She said disdainfully and slightly mockingly, “Then since the queen said so, let’s get high together!” Everyone echoed with.The manic music started, and she was lost and indulged here...

In fact, she was very hurt in her heart, and she wanted to use wine to relieve her sorrow, thinking about whether it would be better if she drank it cup by cup, would it not hurt, she couldn't cry.Gradually, her head was a little dazed, and she wanted to go out, but was grabbed by a man at the door and said: "Oh~~ I haven't had enough fun yet, let's continue, continue." She drank a few more glasses, and her consciousness was a little blurred Sober, trying to get out staggeringly, the man went up to hold her just now,

Said wretchedly: "Queen, you've drunk so much, you're already drunk, otherwise I'll send you back." "No, I can go by myself, let me go!" Staggering, he said angrily: "Call you queen, you really think of yourself as a queen, don't toast and eat fine wine." She wanted to hit her, but she took a wine bottle and came towards him first all of a sudden,

The man fell down in an instant, and she also clutched her stomach and fell down slowly. She thought to herself that she must have a stomach problem. She struggled and took out her mobile phone to call Yan Mingxiu, but she fainted before he could answer the phone up.

When she woke up, she was already lying on the hospital bed, looking at Yan Mingxiu who was lying on the side of the bed, his thick eyelashes were like a fan, he had the fair skin and sharp-edged outline that every girl wanted , his dark brown hair set off his delicate nose and pink lips. Even from the profile, she could tell what a monstrous face it was. She was fascinated by it, and remembered the past ten years ago...

People say that it takes 500 times of looking back to exchange for one turn. In fact, this kind of argument is untenable. As for me who believes in Christianity, I don’t believe those arguments. It’s too messy. I prefer to lie on the bed. On Saturday and Sunday, I was able to have a good night's sleep. Today is September [-], [-]. Why I remember it in such detail is because something extraordinary happened today.

In the huge room, the one sleeping under the cartoon quilt is you. Today is just Saturday, and you were exhausted from work yesterday. You are still asleep. When a call comes, the phone rings strangely: "You are sick, you have medicine, how much you take, how much I have", just like that, the phone rang no less than [-] times, and finally, you couldn't take it anymore, it was too noisy
!You opened your eyes in a daze, and you couldn't help muttering: "[-]? Whose phone number, it must be a wrong number." You never answer a stranger's number, especially a phone number without a note.You press the hang up button, thinking to yourself: when the annoying mobile phone can finally be put to rest, and I can finally sleep well, "You are sick! You have medicine! How much do you take?". .

.What's the situation, who is this person, you are so persistent, you still answer the phone patiently: "Hello?" The other end of the phone: "Hello, hello, is this Ms. Xin?" Are you surprised, he knows me? "Yes, I am, you are?" The man on the other end of the phone said: "Hello, I am the CEO of Fantasy Company, my name is Li Han, can you come to our company?" "To your company? Why?
give me a reason. "Your tone is obviously a little impatient, and the tone of the person on the other side of the phone is still polite: "That's right, we have seen the novel you released, and it is very well written. We would like to ask you out to talk about copyright matters , do you see if you have time? "You thought about it and said: "Okay, you send the address to my mobile phone, and I will be there in [-] minutes. "You finally hung up this inexplicable call.

(End of this chapter)

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