Chapter 468

(not modified yet, please do not read)

She is a quiet girl, she is not noisy in the class, she is not outstanding at all, she just does her best and does not deliberately please others, after class, she just sits quietly watching other students fight Noisy, sometimes she would talk and laugh with her deskmate.

Gradually, as time went by, she became acquainted with the classmates in her group, and started to fight and fight. There were only four people in her group, and she was the only girl in her group. The life of the sixth grade was coming to an end. The table said to him: "We don't know if we can be in the same class on the first day of junior high school! I don't want to be separated from you! Do you want to be in the same class with me, Mo Yu?"

"I... don't know!" Mo Yu stared out the window with blank eyes!

The first grade of junior high school has started! !
Mo Yu is in Class Two, and his deskmate is in Class One, but because of his mother, he went away to school. When Mo Yu knew about it, she thought: We can't go to school together, even if we are in the same school. Impossible!

Mo Yu's personality changed again to the sixth grade, this time her deskmate was a girl named Yang Ying, she was a very lively and cheerful girl.During class, Yang Ying often talks to Mo Yu, but Mo Yu just ignores Yang Ying. After one class, it can be said that Yang Ying is about to die of anxiety, because no one is playing with her!
In the end, she decided to change Mo Yu's character into hers.Hard work pays off, after a week of communication, Mo Yu's character has changed little by little!
A certain Friday in the second grade of junior high school...

Yang Ying and Mo Yu chatted there when class was over, and there were still 2 minutes before the class started, but the history teacher walked in through the back door and saw the two of them still chatting, so she said: "Class is about to start, let's chat What's the good thing? You can talk for such a long time." After hearing this, the two of them closed their mouths and stopped talking!
About 10 minutes before the end of get out of class, the two of them were a little bored listening to what the teacher said, and they talked in a low voice below, but they were caught by the teacher just after saying a few words. The teacher threw the blackboard eraser between the two of them, and began to lecture Said: "The two of you have chatted for so long after class, haven't you finished chatting yet? I will give you a history lesson, let you chat, stand up for me, and listen to the class carefully."

The two of them stood up, bowed their heads and turned the pages of the book. When they were always lecturing, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, and then continued to listen to the boring history class!Before they knew it, they had become best friends, and they were together all the time except eating and sleeping.Because Yang Ying is a dormitory student.They talk about everything every day, and they talk about everything, which is one of the most popular anime.

It's "Ye Luoli Fairy Dream" and their daily topic is this.Some girls in the same class said: "Is Ye Luoli Fairy Dream? This is not an anime, it's very good. Can we discuss it together?" In the end they discussed it together, but the girl often disagreed with them, so the girl said Don't play with them anymore!

When the two of them saw the girl's actions, they looked at each other and said, "No matter what happens to us in the future? Let's not say that we are not good friends, okay? We must take the initiative to recognize our mistakes. Don't let our relationship become more and more tense. okay?"

They agreed, Mo Yu is very emotional, so every time their relationship gets tense, it is Mo Yu who is apologizing because of her personality that Yang Ying knows
Yang Ying is like a proud peacock who refuses to admit defeat, but she is sincere to her friends, she does not allow her friends to betray her, it can be said that she is very possessive.

Because they often chatted together in class, the head teacher separated the two of them, and they were very far apart. There were four columns in total. Yang Ying was in the first row and Mo Yu was in the fourth row.

Yang Ying's temperament is very lively. When she first arrived in that clan, she led everyone to play together, and she became very familiar with their group.And Mo Yu's personality has also become very cheerful, because she sat with Yang Ying for so long, her character was completely inspired by Yang Ying.

Mo Yu is no longer as timid and introverted as she was in the sixth grade, but has become lively and cheerful. All of this is because her best friend Yang Ying has changed her. If someone bullies her, she will not provoke her because of that person. , She swallowed it silently, but told the teacher that she can also express her own opinions when the teacher and classmates discuss.She has already changed, and now she is no longer the former Mo Yu!

Although she has changed herself, she still has a timid, cowardly, and introverted side in her heart.She was afraid what would happen to Yang Ying when she lost this friend?Did he become cowardly, timid, introverted, less bold like the sixth grade, and completely lost the lively and cheerfulness he is now? The first time she and Yang Ying got into an awkward situation, she apologized because she didn't want to lose Yang Ying as a friend!
The teacher often said to them, we are now in the seventh grade, and we will be in the eighth grade next year!Years go by faster, so from now on, you have to study hard, and you can't just think about playing, playing, playing!Now you should focus on learning, in the future.

The teacher told us about life on the podium, and our students whispered about the teacher's speech below. Some students said: "Does the teacher say this to let us study hard? Parents also say the same, hey! Our students Is life really that hard?"

Classmate a compounded: "Yes! Are we students learning machines?" Classmate b thumped his face: "Don't you know? Now it is said on the Internet that we are the students who are the best at solving problems, alas!"

Mo Yu said: "The teacher said it nicely. Now is a good time for us to study. When we arrived at the company after studying, the boss said: It is a good time for us to work hard. We finally finished our studies, but there is still work waiting for us! Only The time in childhood is the best!" "Yes! I really want to go back to my childhood!" "Yes! My childhood time" "I also miss the carefree days" "Now that there is What’s the use? Our time has passed.” Some students lamented, some students missed and some students accepted the reality!

The teacher on Moyu's podium, Balala, Balala, was talking there, but what she thought in his mind was: I really want to go back to my childhood, the carefree days and happy life, without a single A lot of homework, no criticism from the teacher, no troubles, how great!But all this is possible, because there is no medicine for regret in the world!

Life in junior high school is boring, boring, and boring. In short, there is no beauty, happiness, or carefree childhood.

In the eyes of middle school students, the school is a prison, the teacher is a devil, the examination room is hell, and the score is a suicide note.

Wen Yun Zuer was originally born in a literary family.Grandma used to be a university professor or a music teacher, and grandpa was a veteran opera singer.Mom and Dad are national performing artists.So she absorbed a lot of knowledge about music culture from her grandma.He is not interested in grandpa's opera.When she was young, because the children of her uncle and uncle's family were boys, she played too close when she was a child, and her personality was like a boy.

So when she was a child, she didn't like musical instruments or anything like that.But one time when she was watching TV at home, she saw a boy playing the piano. His long fingers jumped up and down the keys quickly and freely. I didn't feel that way when I watched the teacher play.At that time, she was 9 years old, and it was too late to start at 9 years old, but because she inherited the music elements of her grandma,

Let her know very quickly, just a click away.When I was 13 years old, I won No.2 in the competition in the city, and I became famous.But because the senior high school entrance examination was due at the age of 14, I had no contact with it for a year, and became a lot unfamiliar, and continued to practice after the high school entrance examination.So she won No.16 in a certain competition at the age of 2 this year, so the No.1 in this competition is him. ~ "Kang Ho Seo"

They had performed on the same stage before but neither of them had seen each other.Because when he was performing, she was the next one, and when it was her, he was backstage again, so we didn't see each other.When it was time to announce the champion, when the host said that No.2 was Wen Yunzuer, Wen Yunzuer was almost at the door. When No.1 was announced, she paused for a moment as if she heard the name vaguely.Wen Yun Zuer did not come to the stage to accept the award,

Because after the game, grandma was sick and hospitalized, but she didn't know why she wanted to know who was the first one, so she paused.Now that she knew it was him, she didn't change her first impression of him.I just blindly think that he is hateful, hateful, and has no merits in him (except for playing the piano).But she was slapped in the face by herself in the end, and then she thought in her heart how could there be such a perfect person!
Cough, of course, this is a later story.While thinking about it, her stomach groaned a few times, full of embarrassment.Zhuangzi was also very embarrassed when he saw this scene, so he said to her: "Come on, little brother, I bought you breakfast, I was so embarrassed just now." After he finished speaking, he scratched his head on the ground, and when she saw it, she smiled and accepted his kindness .Ma looked at the time for half an hour, then walked to the cake shop near the school,

She chose a strawberry cake and walked to the table and sat down, while he chose two cream cakes and sat opposite her, she saw two and said I finally know why you are so strong hahaha.He lowered his head shyly to scratch Wen Yunzuer again, seeing his expression, he felt it was funny.While laughing, looking somewhere, suddenly met someone's eyes.

Ye Linyi, Feng Xun's name is known to everyone in the Western Continent.She is known as the leader of the new generation, with outstanding talents, and she is the little princess of the Ye family.All in all, Ye Linyi is the kind of talented girl who has both strength and beauty.And because the population of the Ye family is relatively small (the Ye family members have gone after their wives), Ye Linyi has become a national treasure.

At this time, Ye Linyi stood up from the bluestone, and the bell on her ankle made a crisp sound. "Ah Hua!" the girl yelled softly into the air.After a while, the space in front of Ye Linyi twisted, and a white object popped out with blue light, and landed on the girl's shoulder accurately and familiarly. "I told you not to call me Ah Hua, how can a big man call me such a mother." This is a rare six-winged lion eagle, the purest bloodline among lion eagles.But this lion eagle is mutated. Otherwise, how could it be only as big as a ball? You must know that the lion eagle's body can fill up a courtyard.The girl chuckled, but didn't answer his words. "Let's go, let's say goodbye to grandpa and grandpa."

Yuzu tapped lightly, leaving only a ripple on the water surface, and went straight to the direction of the fighting sound. "Miss Ye is here! Miss Ye is here!" The two old handsome guys who were playing happily in the air stopped immediately when they heard the shout. "Good granddaughter, come give grandpa (grandpa) a hug." "Grandpa, grandpa, I have something to do with you." Ye Xunhan dispersed the crowd and said, "Let's talk in the study!" Gong Yan (Xiaoyi's grandfather) secretly The red peach eyes were narrowed into a slit, and she put her arms around her granddaughter's shoulders, leading the way.Ye Xunhan flicked his sleeves and followed closely behind.

Fengxun Continent, Ye Family.It was autumn at this time, and the tree without spiritual power was more ordinary than any other tree on the earth.Withered and yellow leaves covered most of the courtyard.That's right, the Ye family is a wonderful family in Fengxun Continent.Why not use spiritual power?This is what we all want to ask.Article 15 of the Ye family's ancestral precepts: The spiritual power of each Ye family member will be sealed by the elders after the age of nine, and can only be unsealed at the age of [-] unless there are special circumstances.

A burst of energy hit the courtyard above, breaking the tranquility of the autumn day. "Old man Gong, dare to fight with me. If I don't beat you to the ground today, I won't be named Ye!" The person who spoke was Ye Xunhan, the former head of the Ye family with fluttering white hair and a divine seal on his forehead. "Hmph, old man Ye, I don't know who made my wife run away in anger." "Let's not talk nonsense, watch the trick!" Although such a scene will be staged every now and then, there are quite a few audiences.The younger generation of the Ye family squatted within a safe range, pointing at the two old handsome men who were fighting in the air.Watching the fight between masters is a good time to learn knowledge.

Linyi Courtyard, the simple and elegant layout reflects the character of the owner, who is afraid of trouble.There are no unnecessary decorations in the spacious house, and the combination of white, blue and black faintly reveals the indifference of the owner.On the big bluestone on the artificial pond in the backyard, there is a girl lying.The silver hair was spread out, the sun was shining golden light on it, the blue and white dress had a bit of aura, and the slender left wrist had the same red seal as Patriarch Ye.A lovely blush appeared on Fen Diao Yupei's face.As if awakened by the sound of fighting, Ye Linyi's eyelashes trembled, and finally opened his eyes.What kind of eyes are those?The sea-like blue, with the haze of just waking up, that deep blue seems to suck you in and out, so beautiful that it cannot be described in words.

Mo Qingtian followed behind Black and White Wuchang. Along the way, ghosts kept looking at her, their eyes full of curiosity, fear and awe.

After going round and round for seventeen or eighteen turns, I finally arrived at the Palace of the King of Hades.The corner of Mo Qingtian's mouth twitched as she looked at the three big characters inlaid with gold, and complained in her heart: It's so vulgar!Then followed Black and White Impermanence into the main hall.

As soon as we entered, we saw a man standing with his back to us. He heard footsteps. He turned around slowly and saw the man's appearance. Mo Qingtian was stunned. His smooth and fair face revealed a sharp-edged and indifferent look; The dark and deep eyes are full of charming color; the thick eyebrows, the high nose, and the beautiful lip shape all exude nobility and elegance. This, this is not a human being, this is simply a fairy tale. Prince Charming!

(End of this chapter)

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