Chapter 469

(not modified yet, please do not read)

He looked at Mo Qingtian, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, waved to Mo Qingtian, and said, "Xiao Qingtian, come here." Mo Qingtian walked over obediently for some reason (this is the charm of a beautiful man).He rubbed Mo Qingtian's head, and said to Black and White Wuchang: "You guys go down first."

"Yes, Lord Hades..." Black and White Impermanence suddenly disappeared.However, Mo Qingtian was overwhelmed by the words of black and white impermanence, so she stretched out her hand tremblingly and pointed at him, and asked, " are the King of Hades?!"

"Yes." He said nonchalantly, and continued to rub Mo Qingtian's head.

"Then can you send me to the world of Naruto?" Mo Qingtian grabbed Yan Wang's sleeve and shook it.

"Of course it's fine." Hades said.

"Eh??" Mo Qingtian was surprised, she thought it would be very difficult for him to agree, after all, even the King of Hades can't just let someone travel through, "Why did you agree so readily?"

Mo Qingtian's question made Yan Wang laugh, and he said to himself: "That's right, Xiao Qingtian wanted to play better in the world, but she drank Mengpo soup, so of course she doesn't remember my brother and me."

Mo Qingtian was stunned: "Brother...Brother?!" Come on, now there is no need to date, and they will become relatives directly.

Yan Wang looked at Mo Qingtian's blank look, and smiled even more happily: "Yes, you are my sister."

"Brother, why don't you send me to the world of Hokage right now?!" Mo Qingtian said happily with stars shining in his eyes, almost jumping up.

Yama straightened his clothes and said, "Of course, but let me make it clear to you first that Hokage is a very dangerous world. If you accidentally die, I won't bring you back to life again." Mo Qingtian replied nonchalantly: "Yes, yes, my lord, don't worry, I will definitely cherish my little life." Mo Qingtian added silently in her heart: How could I be willing to do this before I fell to Weasel Palace? die.

"Well, I'll send you to the world of Hokage now." Yan Wang waved his hand, and suddenly a black chaotic door appeared in front of Mo Qingtian. He pointed to the door and said, "Just go through here."

"Wait." Seeing that Mo Qingtian was about to rush to the world of Naruto impatiently, Yan Wang stopped her. "What's wrong?" Mo Qingtian stopped when she heard the words, and looked at Hades vigilantly, as if she was afraid that he would suddenly regret not letting her go.Yan Wang coughed twice in embarrassment, and said, "Don't you say goodbye to your dear brother?" "Oh (?-ω-`), so it is like this, I thought you would regret it, brother.

Mo Qingtian suddenly realized, "Goodbye, brother. By the way, give me some blood inheritance boundaries or something, so that I won't die so easily." "Yan Wang smiled wickedly, and replied: "Of course I will give it to you, but the should find out by yourself. ...and be careful..." The last sound was so soft that Mo Qingtian didn't hear it.

"Brother is the best!" Mo Qingtian's voice came from behind the door, and Mo Qingtian herself has already entered the world of Hokage...

Female lead: Yuan Xiaoxiao's surname is not Yuan, but Xuanyuan (the Xuanyuan family is an ancient family,

It has been passed down for more than 1000 years, and the Xuanyuan family has an ancestral rule: any female or male wife of the same generation who has reached the age of 25, whoever conceives first and gives birth to a child, regardless of gender, will be bestowed by the ancestors: cultivating Taoism, having unlimited the mana on it, and for the next Patriarch).Because it must be the first child, Xuanyuan's big family is not as peaceful as it seems. 35 years ago, Yuan Xiaoxiao's mother was pregnant with several women in the clan.
But just a few days earlier.However, Xiaoxiao's mother and father deliberately postponed it for a few days because they were afraid that they would not be able to keep the child. In their hearts, their child was their favorite baby, and they did not give birth to the patriarch.Because they are not keen on power, they just want to live in peace and happiness in the mortal world.The other tribe Xuanyuanna who was pregnant with Xiaoxiao's mother, she and her husband didn't think so. They hoped that their child would be the next patriarch.
He has so much power that he can do whatever he wants.So they don't allow other children to be born earlier than their children, and they have been planning this, but they ignore that in this clan, children who are forced to be born early will not live to be 20 years old. Although they have mana, there is no real first-born child. Mana is strong.But this is not enough to make them give up this opportunity, because with mana, they can extend their life (by absorbing the life elements of other clansmen).

When Xuanyuan Xiaoxiao's mother began to give birth, Xuanyuan Na also planned to give birth, but Xiaoxiao gave birth one minute after Xuanyuan Na gave birth. When Xiaoxiao was born, two shots were shot from the Xuanyuan family ancestral hall. The aura fell into Xuanyuanna's child's eyebrows,
One fell between Xiaoxiao's eyebrows, but Xiaoxiao had an extra jade pendant shining white all over.Xiaoxiao's mother knew that she couldn't say anything about it, so she hung the jade pendant around Xiaoxiao's neck with a red thread, and the jade pendant shrank to the size of a black bean.In this way, Xuanyuan's child (named Xuanyuan Ruanruan in the clan, Ruan Liyuan means number one) became the next quasi-patriarch, who would succeed when he became an adult.And Xiaoxiao's mother and Xiaoxiao's father named their child Xiaoxiao, which means hope and hope that their child will be healthy and happy.

Nineteen years have passed in the blink of an eye, Xiaoxiao and Ruan Ruan have grown into big girls, but Xiaoxiao has grown into a naive and lovely girl, and Ruan Ruan has grown up to ten years old, and began to learn mana and learn to manage things in the clan .And Ruan Ruan's parents wanted to take advantage of Ruan Ruan being the next patriarch's various conveniences, various rights, or living like a royal family, but they have been waiting for Ruan Ruan to learn mana and extend her own life, so that they can enjoy more convenience.

However, Ruan Ruan learned the magic power to prolong life when she was ten years old. She knew that he was not the real next patriarch, so she began to quietly absorb the life energy of the people in the clan, but she did not dare to be blatant, because the patriarch She is still the patriarch, and she still has mana. When she becomes the patriarch, she can do whatever she wants.At the beginning, she absorbed those old people who had no descendants and widows. Anyway, their sudden death would not attract the attention of the patriarch and the elders.

However, she is also constantly looking for the true future patriarch. Among the ten girls who were born with the same birth, apart from her being the quasi-patriarch, the other nine are also quasi-elders. Elders can also learn mana, but that is limited. Learning the mana in their area of ​​control, Xiaoxiao, as an elder, was assigned to be the wood elder in charge of all plants, so she is the best at growing flowers and crops.

And just one month before Xiaoxiao’s birthday, because the new patriarch is about to take office, and the old patriarch handed over all his things to the new patriarch, when the patriarch’s seal was handed over to the new patriarch, the mana of the old patriarch also decreased. handed over to the shrine.In this way, Ruan Ruan is even more unscrupulous in absorbing the life element. Now she has begun to absorb young people without positions. Xiaoxiao's mother and father know that Xiaoxiao is the real patriarch, and know that Ruan Ruan is absorbing the life element of the people.
But the daughter is an elder now, and Ruan Ruan hasn't made up her mind on them yet, but it will be soon, because absorbing the life element of the old man can increase it by at most one month, ordinary young people only have six months, but if absorbing the parents of the elders It can be increased by one year, and if it absorbs the life yuan of the parents of the real patriarch, it will be ten years, then the real patriarch has also been found, and it can be solved secretly.

, save long nights and dreams.Therefore, Xiaoxiao's mother and father used their own life elements to create two helpers for Xiaoxiao with a lifespan of 15 years, which can be said to be the final guarantee, and put them in the mortal world in the name of husband and wife, in order to give Xiaoxiao a boost , because they knew that Xiaoxiao couldn't stay here anymore, people in the clan were dying every day, and Xiaoxiao was not an ordinary person after all,
So I found a way out for Xiaoxiao early.So on the night when Ruan Ruan came to the door, Xiaoxiao's parents used their meager strength to send Xiaoxiao and her two assistants to the mortal world.

This is also when Xiaoxiao met a man she humbled and loved for five years in the mortal world~Xiao Zhanghao (Xiao Zhanghao) He is the president of the largest wealthy family in the empire. The world's largest group, regardless of his young age, the presidents of all countries respect him. After all, he has mastered the world's economic lifeline.

Because Xiao Zhanghao will not only create miracles in the next year, he is also a big brother in the Tao, and with his joining, the gangsters will be less of a day-to-day grab for territory, cheating on gangsters and so on. After all, no matter how capable a person is, it is impossible for Xiao Zhang Hao's ability is strong, so in the underworld, no one listens to him).Xiao Zhanghao has four buddies and a childhood sweetheart, but Xiao Zhanghao has always regarded his childhood sweetheart Bai Xin as his younger sister and friend. ,
But how the parties thought it was unknown.One of his best friends, Shen Pin, manages the transportation of the Xiao Group, but he likes Bai Xin, and he also knows that a friend's wife can't be bullied, so he likes to keep it in his heart; his second best friend, Wu Sheng, manages the catering of the Xiao Group; his third best friend, Bai Rong , Bai Xin's twin brother, it hurts to treat Bai Xin like an eyeball, but he thinks that his sister can accept anyone who marries his best friend,
He manages the tourism aspect of the Xiao Group; the best buddy four, Hao Fu, haha, every time the buddies make fun of him, "Hao Fu", he manages the real estate aspect of the Xiao Group.

Ever since Yuan Xiaoxiao came out of the family, she has been separated from her help, and I don't know where the transmission has gone.

Xiao Zhanghao still remembers that day when he came back from the company, he didn't know what happened that day, looking at the deep sea and blue sky, he suddenly felt that he should go out for a walk.While walking, I met Yuan Xiaoxiao, who was lonely and helpless. At that time, Xiaoxiao's white dress was dirty and her face was dirty, but for some reason Xiao Zhanghao saw Xiaoxiao's eyes and suddenly understood something Call it Wannian.I can't say how beautiful Xiaoxiao was at that time,
But those clear eyes made Xiao Zhanghao fall in love with her. Xiao Zhanghao is not an impulsive person, he is very rational, otherwise how could he build such a powerful group, but he just asked Xiaoxiao out of instinct One sentence: follow me, okay?At that time, they established a lifelong bond.

When everyone was attracted by that car, they were all very excited, but who knew that the person who got out of the car was someone they didn't know, even if that person was very handsome, anyone who made them happy in vain would die!
In their eyes, it seemed like a careless turn of events would cause them to lose the opportunity to get in touch with celebrities, so, in the episode just now, it was possible that Susu had already entered, but the news came back soon Yes, Susu is still on the road right now

At this time, Gong Linhan was still looking at the phone, but his expression was very bad, because Su Qingyan sent him a message: Linhan, I'm stuck on the road, I may not be able to go today, you Can you apologize to the fans for me, I'm still on the road outside the airport

Don't go.

Gong Linhan quickly sent a message to her, but he stood up, and his followers followed him to the school gate. Gong Linhan came to the radio room, showed the typed message to the broadcaster, and told him to immediately broadcast
The announcer nodded again and again. When the broadcast ended, everyone at the school gate was disappointed, but immediately began to complain about Susu, but who told them to catch up with the traffic jam!

After Gong Linhan came out of the broadcasting room, he never went back to class, but planned to go home by car. It was already afternoon after school.

But after thinking about it again, the car actually drove near the airport, Gong Linhan sent a message to Su Qingyan, and Su Qingyan got out of the car
The long but not messy hair hangs on the shoulders and gently falls like a waterfall in the wind.The face hidden by the hair is more delicate and white.The long and curled eyelashes of the perfect devil figure add a touch of tenderness to the big eyes full of agility.Her beauty is so pure and clean.Her face is oval-shaped.Coupled with a pair of clear eyes, people are mesmerized and fascinated after seeing it, as if they have been hypnotized.The eyes are arched like painted eyebrows
Gong Linhan stretched out his hand towards her, Su Qingyan took his arm, and came to Gong Linhan's side, Su Qingyan and Gong Linhan got into the car together, the car was divided into two parts by the partition

Gong Linhan's follower was driving in front, and had no idea what was going on behind him

Gong Linhan let Su Qingyan sit sideways on his lap, his fingers pinched Su Qingyan's chin, and an aggressive and punitive kiss fell on Su Qingyan's soft lips (the author :\/(ㄒoㄒ)\/~~ Forgive the author for being ignorant of this aspect)

"Hmm..." Su Qingyan's hand kept patting Gong Linhan's shoulders, but Gong Linhan didn't intend to let go of her, knowing that Su Qingyan was about to lose her breath, Gong Linhan was willing to let go
"Su Su, it seems that you are very reluctant." Gong Linhan looked at Su Qingyan with threatening eyes, which made Su Qingyan feel inexplicably afraid, and her eyes dodged. Gong Linhan looked at her, "Su Su, do you know that if you hide something from me, your eyes will not dare to look at me directly?"

When he said this, Su Qingyan's originally white and tender face instantly turned red, and she simply buried her face in Gong Linhan's shoulder, Gong Linhan knew that she was shy

Gong Linhan hugged her slender waist and leaned on the cushion of the car, looking at her with extremely doting eyes, in his heart, he had already identified her, and she could only be his for the rest of his life

(End of this chapter)

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