Chapter 470

On September 2015, 9, Lin Yi walked into this revolving coffee shop called "Never Stop" and saw a girl sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. "Hello, my name is Lin Yi, and I'm a reporter from Qingfeng Magazine, can I have a meal with you?" "Hello, my name is Xi Liang," the girl replied with a smile, slightly parting her thin lips. "Xi Liang, I accidentally read an old manuscript, which records a girl's story. Are you the person in the story?" Xi Liang smiled without saying a word, and her thoughts returned to the snowy winter of 1.

The uncle who helped take care of his mother called his father and just said the word "sister-in-law".My father only cared about telling his neighbor where he was going, and then hurried home from the newspaper office.There are no street lights in the alleys at night, and my father hit a few somersaults while running, and the glasses have long since fallen into a corner.
Relying on his memory, he rushed forward in the dark, staggered and fell many times, and when he arrived at the door of his house, he was already in a mess, with short black hair, messy, and a few scratches on his body, which he didn't seem to notice.The uncle, who couldn’t sit still at home for a long time, was walking back and forth in the small courtyard, and the aunt sitting by the wooden table had an impatient expression on her face, "There is no end."

You better think about how to explain it! The uncle replied with his eyes rounded. Seeing the uncle with a fierce face, the aunt frowned and said, "Why don't you put on a show!" "The uncle thought for a moment, then nodded at his aunt. After that, the aunt didn't say anything more, and she just smiled foolishly, staring at the anxious expression of my uncle.

The uncle stopped walking, but he kept looking at the door. In the dark alley, he finally saw his father vaguely, and the uncle shouted, "What are you doing, why are you doing so badly?" "You, what happened to your sister-in-law, tell me quickly." The uncle said with a strange expression, "Sister-in-law added a little padded jacket for you." The father was stunned for a long time, and then he wanted to speak excitedly but didn't say it.

However, the uncle returned to his cynical look and said, "Just kidding, my sister-in-law really made you a padded jacket." After hearing this, the father slapped the uncle on the head and said, "You child, you are so itchy that you need to be beaten. Come on, your sister-in-law made me a suit, and you called me back in a hurry, thinking that something happened, and scared me so much that I lost half my soul."The second uncle touched the back of his head and smiled shyly, "You don't even listen to me!

"The father wanted to go in to see his wife, and was about to leave, when the aunt rushed up, "Brother, my sister-in-law is asleep, and you are busy with work, so don't go in. The cold wind will bring in and make my sister-in-law sick, so you feel sorry for him too." Father After hesitating for a moment, "Okay, then I'll go first, and you help me take care of your sister-in-law." "Okay." The aunt frowned and turned to the uncle when she saw that her father had gone far away, "The paper can't wrap the fire, the child is born , people disappeared, how to explain? "" Look again, you won't be far away. "

"What do you mean? Who is missing?" "No, no, the big yellow dog next door gave birth to a cub, and the big yellow dog ran away." The aunt's face was not red and her heart was not beating, she just opened her mouth to tell lies.The father was dubious, and the uncle asked the father, "Why did you come back suddenly?" "I lost my glasses, I will find a backup pair at home." The aunt ran forward with a smile and said, "Let me go, I am small, so I can't disturb my sister-in-law."

"Okay, you go." The aunt quickly went back to the house, and came out after a while and said, "Sister-in-law said that the backup glasses are broken, and they have to be repaired."My father pushed my aunt away and rushed into the room. The room was so deserted that there was not even a trace of heat.His father's eyebrows were almost squeezed into a line. He closed his eyes and didn't speak for a long time. The uncle dragged by his aunt wanted to run away. At this time, the father said calmly, "Where did she go?" In his trouser pocket, he took out a crumpled letter, flattened it and handed it to his father.

Bingdu, Yunyou City.

Yunyou City in midsummer is very beautiful.As an imperial capital, it has its own unique charm.

Under the willow tree, a woman disguised as a man holds a folding fan and looks into the distance.

"Ming'er." Chen Xuan called affectionately.

Leng Ming turned around and said happily, "Xuanxuan, the speed is quite fast, I thought it would be ten days and a half months before you come back!"

"You heartless guy, do you expect me not to come back?" Chen Xuan joked.

"You have no conscience. You didn't tell me last time when you went out, which caused me to be locked up by Leng Hao in the mansion." Leng Ming said aggrievedly.

Chen Xuan pointed to the shop next to her and said, "During the time I was away, the ice has changed a lot. Let's go out to play tonight, let's take it as compensation."

"That's a good idea, but if my brother goes to tell my mother again, I'm not sure, and I will be locked up in the mansion." Leng Ming said with a little disappointment.

"Is it because you broke your brother's business, that's why you target you everywhere?" Chen Xuan asked with a smile.

Leng Ming mischievously smiled at Chenxuan, and said, "Why do you know everything, Leng Hao likes Miss Shuang's family, I ruined it."

"Unexpectedly, my little boy is as bad as ever." Chenxuan smiled, "This time, I'll take you to my chassis."

"Let's say it first, I won't go to your palace, it's all calligraphy and painting, nothing interesting at all." Leng Ming said.

"Of course I won't go to the palace. Tonight at two o'clock in the unitary hour, we will see you soon." Chenxuan left after saying this.

"Where are you going? I hope you don't go to a place full of calligraphy and painting this time to see these things. This time, Hua Xuan really came back quickly. It seems that he is the only one who can understand His Highness. Leng Ming muttered to himself, and returned to the Prince Regent's Mansion.

When the lights are on, the sky is getting dark, and the night view of Yunyou City is still pretty good, especially on this special day today, the street market is very lively, the candies in the shops are several times higher than usual, and there are all kinds of silk threads, People come and go, the traffic is heavy, and the explanations seem a bit crowded.Young men and women are holding hands and picking out beautiful accessories on the street.

Many people are going in the same direction.Water moon bridge.Shuiyue Bridge is in Jingyue Liuli, which is almost as big as a palace. There are literary battles, martial battles, treasures of the world, and some books that have been lost for many years. All with books, pen and paper.Weapons, as a bet, Lai Jingyue Liuli naturally provides snacks and good wine, but the price is also extremely high, only the nobles can afford it, but the bet is that anyone with talent, learning and martial arts can bet, and No. 1 of the month, you can choose a treasure from Mirror Moon Glaze, but you have to pay the corresponding reward. This kind of treasure is hard to find, so naturally some people are willing to pay a high price for it.And Jingyue Liuli is known as a treasure land of geomantic omen. It is very effective for women to worship the moon, and there are many men who come to worship Kuixing. Year after year, more people come. It is said that the owner of Jingyue Liuli, He is an aristocrat, a wealthy party, but no one has ever known who this person is.

Chen Xuan waited under the willow tree.Ming'er, I only wish that I could have fun with you every day.

"Ah, I finally got rid of my brother." Leng Ming gasped.She changed into men's clothing and brought a handful of accessories, looking heroic.

"Offend anyone, and don't offend him, he is very good at torturing people." Chen Xuan looked at Leng Ming and smiled wickedly.

Leng Ming said unwillingly: "Hmph, you're only two years older than me. You think I'm easy to provoke. If you catch me, I will make you die alone."

"I finally escaped, don't let Leng Hao catch up, let's go!" Suddenly, Chen Xuan was stunned, "Maybe your brother will go to this place too."

"What, does he know where we are going?" Leng Ming asked.

"Do you know what day it is today?" Chen Xuan asked.

"The seventh day of July, Qiqiao Festival." Leng Ming thought for a while and replied, "Does this have anything to do with us?"

Chen Xuan took Leng Ming's hand. "After a while, you will know."

The two ran wildly all the way, and came to a crowded place.

"What are you doing here in such a crowded place?" Leng Ming asked.

"Look here, do you still like it?" Chen Xuan said.

Leng Ming looked at the name, and read it out slowly: "Jingyue Liuli, I have heard that the place of fighting culture and fighting martial arts has rare treasures in the world. I don't know who made them. From the outside, they are so gorgeous. .”

"Thank you for the compliment, I made this place, I don't know if Ming'er likes it or not." Chen Xuan asked.

Leng Ming looked at Chen Xuan in surprise. "As expected of Chen Xuan, known as the Five Great Princes, to create such a beautiful place."

"If you like it, I'll take it as an early gift for your 17th birthday." Chen Xuan said happily.

"I really like this gift, but if I accept it, don't regret it. This place is mine. I believe this must be the most expensive gift I have ever received." Leng Ming smiled and said with joy ,hapiness.

"Ming'er is still as willful and cute as before. If you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it." Chenxuan looked at Leng Ming and said.

Leng Ming smiled and said: "What is the relationship between me and you? That is closer than a brother. I don't need you. See, I have no reason not to accept the gift you gave me."

Is it just closer than brothers, is there only this kind of friendship between us, Ming'er, don't you have other feelings for me?
"Xinxuan, Chenxuan." Leng Ming pinched Chenxuan's face mischievously, "What are you thinking about so seriously?" Leng Ming asked.

"It's nothing." Chen Xuan said, "Let's go in through the small door, it's too crowded here."

Chen Xuan and Leng Ming walked to another place, there was a small door there, Chen Xuan opened the small door, and walked in with Leng Ming.

Behind the small gate seems to be another world, with pavilions and pavilions, which are very unique. The small courtyard behind the small gate is planted with various trees, rows of houses, neatly built, and many rare medicinal materials.Going further inside is Shuiyue Bridge.

Square lanterns are hung on both sides of the Shuiyue Bridge, with small candles lit inside, and tassels are hung under the lanterns. When the wind blows gently, the tassels also dance along with it. The bridge is very long and can be built. Not high.

Many men and women stand on the bridge, and women worship the moon, hoping to have a good marriage and happiness in the future.The man hoped to get a good name in the exam, and the bridge was full of people, which was very lively.

Leng Ming got closer, and suddenly saw a familiar figure——Leng Hao.

Leng Hao and Shuang Qingyue are making a wish Xue Qiao Shuang got up early in the morning to dress up, today is the only big event in her life, of course she has to prepare well.

Wearing a long red dress, with arched eyebrows, a small nose turned up slightly, her face is as white as jade, and she wears a pendant around her neck. She looks not elegant but also royal.

The third prince of the imperial capital, Nan Gongyao, was riding a horse, wearing red clothes, and a large team behind them came to pick up Xue Qiaoshuang with sedan chairs.

When Xue Qiaoshuang walked out of the gate, everyone looked at her. She was wearing a long red dress that dragged the floor for three feet, her blue hair was wrapped around her head, and her white hands were almost transparent. Without losing grace.

She looks good, she looks like a country and a city, but she doesn't know how her temper is, Nan Gongyao thought to herself.

Xue Qiaoshuang got into the sedan chair, and she will arrive in the imperial capital in about three days from now on. The next thing she has to do is to sort out her mood and wait until the imperial capital to inquire about the news and find out her life experience.

Xue Qiaoshuang sat in the sedan chair for a whole day, and her buttocks hurt from sitting. She didn't relax and fell asleep in the sedan chair until the evening when she stopped to rest and was about to set up camp.

Nan Gongyao and the soldiers set up their tents and prepared to eat. Xue Qiaoshuang was still sound asleep in the sedan chair. Nan Lichen stepped into the sedan chair and lifted the curtain. Just as he was about to ask her to eat, he found that she was already asleep.

Nan Lichen walked into the sedan chair and hugged Xue Qiaoshuang!
The soldiers were watching while eating, "Didn't it mean that the third prince is not a womanizer and never approaches girls?" One soldier said, which caused many people to dispute. "That's right, I also heard that some people gave women to the third prince, and the third prince drove them out of the mansion to prevent them from appearing in front of him."

"Really, I heard that he killed all the women he sent..."

"It's too inhuman"

"Is he thinking about it now, and just hugged him in?"


The soldiers outside the camp were all discussing this matter in whispers.

In the camp, Nangong Yao put Xue Qiaoshuang on the bed, slipped his foot accidentally, and fell on Xue Qiaoshuang's body. If he hadn't supported her with his hands, he would have kissed her! ! !

Nangong Yao looked at Xue Qiaoshuang like this, his face was as white as jade, his eyebrows were curved, no makeup was applied, and his sexy lips made him want to be kissed.

Nangong Yao got up immediately, why did this damn woman fascinate him so much, no, how could he be obsessed with beauty.

Nangongyao came back to the tent after eating. He looked at Xue Qiaoshuang and couldn't help but want to go and get closer.

It was getting dark, Nangongyao spread a quilt on the floor, and he lay down on the floor to sleep, because he gave up his bed to Xue Qiaoshuang, he couldn't be squeezed into the same bed with her. who on the ground.

Nangong Yao turned over and over, unable to sleep back and forth, he looked at Xue Qiaoshuang again, the moonlight shone on her face, she was as beautiful as a fairy, if she said her face was the second, no one would dare to say the first.

Although Nangong Yao often sees his handsome face, his aesthetic level is much higher than others, he has hardly seen any beauties in the imperial capital, and they are all pretty girls.

Now that I see her, I realize that I am a frog in a well.

Damn it, why did he go to see this woman again, how did he come here, why did he keep wanting to stare at this woman, no, I can’t watch anymore, Nangong Yao turned around, thinking that he couldn’t watch anymore, look again Just gouge out your own eyes.

The moonlight was hazy, Xue Qiaoshuang felt hungry, she got up slightly, she stretched, and when she got out of bed, she found a man, she was frightened

"Hold your hand, and grow old with you." Leng Hao looked at Shuang Qingyue affectionately.

"He's really here." Leng Ming said, smiling at the couple.

(End of this chapter)

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