Chapter 471

(not modified yet, please do not read)

"Hey, don't trust him." Concubine Yue looked at Yuan Shuang and reminded her.

Who dares to keep a poisonous snake by his side that can poison him to death at any time, Brother Long, that's what he said, today he is determined to win Yuan Shuang's life.

Yuan Shuang looked at Concubine Yue behind her. Of course she would not be so stupid to believe what Brother Long said, but she just felt a little ashamed of Concubine Yue.

"Don't look at my sister with such eyes. When she chose this path, she was not afraid of death." Concubine Yue looked at Yuanshuang and comforted her.
Yuan Shuang didn't say anything, but her eyes were red. In this life, she never thought that this woman who was always against her would be willing to fight her to the end.

"Come on!" Yuan Shuang swung his knife at Brother Long after finishing speaking. Although Brother Long was prepared, Yuan Shuang's knife was too fast and chopped off his entire arm.

"Kill, whoever killed Yuanshuang, I will let him be the deputy gang leader." Brother Long stepped back unsteadily, the pain in his hand made him want to call his mother.

The little brother behind him looked at Brother Long, and finally at Yuanshuang and Concubine Yue. In the end, desire overcame reason and rushed towards them.

Concubine Yue and Yuan Shuang had their backs against their backs. It was alright at first, but then more and more people made them feel tired. One slash, two slashes, three slashes, and finally they were unable to fight back.

Both of them were numb from the pain, they only knew how to swing the knife, and kept swinging the knife until they fell to the ground, holding each other's hands and smiling slightly.

"Chop off that Yuan Shuang's hands and legs, and avenge Brother Long." It was the red hair who spoke just now, and someone stepped forward and swung a knife to chop off Yuan Shuang's hands. Before Yuan Shuang had time to cry out, another One hand was also chopped off, and then both feet, she felt pain all over her body, and also felt cold. The last time she looked at Concubine Yue, Concubine Yue looked at herself, she was crying non-stop, she seemed to be shouting , but she couldn't hear it, only vaguely saw her crying and saying something on her mouth.

When Yuan Shuang closed her eyes, she thought, if there is an afterlife, she must not live so tiringly. Her whole life has been 30 years. No, her birthday is one day away. Father, seeing her father working so hard, she also began to study martial arts very hard. In the next life, can she live for herself once? Yuan Shuang reluctantly looked at Concubine Yue and closed her eyes.

Yuan Shuang was woken up by someone, and her eyes were red. Could it be that she has come to the underworld, so what happened to Concubine Yue?Did she come along too?Thinking about it, I turned my head and looked around, um, it was still red, what's going on?

Until the sudden appearance of the light, Yuan Shuang squinted his eyes uncomfortably. It was a person, um, a man, perhaps with the light behind him, so he couldn't see what he looked like.

As for the piece of red just now, it is probably the red cloth under his feet now.

"This king marries you because of his own will. Don't have any unreasonable thoughts about this king. I will set you free in the future." Yuan Shuang finally got used to the light, and only then could he see the man clearly.The man was dressed in a bright red ancient costume, not to mention, it looked very much like what married men in ancient times wore when they got married.Didn't expect this hell to accept the ancients?
A man's face should be particularly favored by God, with exquisite facial features, high nose bridge, beautiful phoenix eyes, thick eyebrows, um, especially his lips, like a jelly, if you can kiss him, I guess it tastes good.

"Concubine, you go first!" Yuan Shuang looked at the dark crowd in front of her, obviously she was betrayed.

Yuan Shuang, the eldest sister of the Qingyun Gang, her strength is obvious to all, but so what, after her father passed away, her power has become weaker and weaker, and she also knew that she would be swallowed up sooner or later, but she didn't expect her People around you will sell themselves.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Let's charge together!" Concubine Yue smiled, looking at the empty gun in her hand, of course she knew her situation at the moment, so she just took out the knife and tied it with her clothes.

"Concubine, you can retreat, there is still time." She also took out the knife and threw the empty gun in her hand, and tied it tightly with the knife in her clothes.Today, she has to fight if she fights, and she has to fight if she doesn't fight. She has no way out, unless she is willing to be married, she can't do it, but Concubine Yue is different, she has a way out.

"Don't be verbose, even if we die, we will die together." Concubine Yue said with determination on her face, she didn't allow Yuan Shuang to say anything more.

When did the two meet?It was about ten years ago. At that time, they were all just out of society, and they didn't know each other. If Yuan Shuang hadn't saved her later, she would have been defiled by those gangsters. From then on, the two began to fight side by side until now.

"Yo, the feelings are very deep! Yuan Boss! Didn't expect you to have today!" The dark crowd had already approached, and the boss of the Yuyan Gang who was speaking was mocking with big yellow teeth.

"Boss, look at her two, why don't you leave them to the brothers?" The red hair next to them looked at them salivatingly.

"Tell me! Which of my brothers betrayed me?" Yuan Shuang cast a vicious glance at the red-haired younger brother, who immediately lost his posture and hid in the crowd.

"Since we have been together for so long, I won't hide from you anymore, Yuan Qing, come and meet your boss!" The boss of the Yuyan Gang really admires this woman's ruthlessness, but in front of benefits, , let's put aside the moral and so on!

"It's you? I didn't treat you well enough?" Yuan Shuang looked at the young man who was a few years younger than her, and couldn't tell what it was like.

This boy has been with her since he was fifteen or sixteen years old, and he sweetly calls her elder sister. She regards him as her younger brother in her heart, and even transfers half of her property to his name.

"Sister Yuan, you are so naive. Brother Long can give me a better platform. Sister Yuan, why don't you beg Brother Long for mercy!" With a cute look, there was even a hint of contempt in his tone.

Yuan Shuang just looked at the boy in front of him quietly, as if he could still hear the boy's sweet voice calling his sister yesterday.

After a while, Yuan Shuang's knife swung at the young man. He shouldn't have just stood in front of his eyes and mocked him. Yes, she was naive, but he forgot that she was also ruthless.

"You don't mind cleaning up the door!" Brother Long in front of him couldn't react, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. If the knife was swung at him just now, he wouldn't have the confidence to dodge it.

However, Brother Long is also someone who has seen big scenes, so he calmed down and smiled.

"Boss Yuan is really powerful, but if you beg me for mercy today, I will consider letting you go. How is it?" Brother Long laughed loudly after saying this, showing his golden teeth.The younger brother behind him also laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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