Chapter 480

The second uncle was upset when he heard this, and immediately said to Lu Qi, "Lu Qi, what nonsense are you talking about? Do you want to kill your mother for the rest of your life?"

An Hui, who was standing aside, also smiled and said, "My dear Qier, didn't you say that you always wanted a father?"

Lu Qi lay on the bed and said expressionlessly, "Yes, I have always wanted a father, but what I have always wanted is my biological father.

As for Mr. Yang, he is not even worthy to carry shoes for my mother, so why should he marry my mother? "Xia Lan helped Lu Qi up and leaned against the head of the bed,
The second uncle continued to say angrily, "Do you think I did this just to match him and your mother? I did this for the sake of the Lu family. Don't you know what's good and what's wrong."

Lu Qi smiled coldly, "Second Uncle, I am no longer a child, I know best whether you are sincere or not to us.

Since this meal must be eaten, then please ask the second uncle to also call the grandpa to go together. "

When the second uncle heard this, he stomped his feet angrily, "Lu Qi, don't be shameless with you." Then he turned his head angrily and walked out of the door.

Xia Lan touched Lu Qi's forehead, "Qi'er, how can you talk to your second uncle like that?" His face was full of kindness, he was already in his 30s, but there was still no trace of age on his face.

"He's too much, I can't be angry." An Hui came over, took Lu Qi's hand, and said softly, "Okay, Qi'er, if you don't want another father, we don't want me, we don't want to. And auntie can understand you."

Lu Qi shook off An Hui's hand, and said to him coldly, "An Hui, you are just the daughter of my grandfather's secretary, you better recognize your identity.

From now on, don't call her "Auntie", just call her Madam just like Uncle An. "

An Hui covered her mouth with her hand, her voice became choked up, "Qi'er, how could you say that about me?"

"I'm not worried that you will be said to be close to my mother and have no tutor?" Lu Qi saw that she didn't glance at An Hui, and An Hui also saw that Lu Qi didn't want to see her, so she told Xia Lan and wiped her face. Tears ran out.

After watching An Hui go out, Xia Lan said to Lu Qi, "Qi'er, isn't An Hui your best friend? How could you treat him like this?"

"No, it won't be anymore." Lu Qi recalled those tragic memories of her previous life.

How could I continue to be friends with this woman with a heart like a snake and a scorpion? It was him who sent me to the gate of hell with his own hands. I will live this life again. Blood payment.

After Anhui ran out, she didn't go home, and stopped halfway to vent her anger on the drink machine.

"Lu Qi, what is your last thing, how dare you blatantly humiliate me, I swear, one day, I will let you die without a place to bury you." An Hui is a very competitive person.

"Qi'er, you have been sleeping for a whole day, you must be hungry, this is what your mother made for you, it is your favorite food." Xia Lan sat on the chair beside the bed, because their room was a VIP ward , so everything is available.

"Thank you mom, I thought I would never drink again." Lu Qi was very sad, I don't know why he came back here, she remembered that she was already dead, and died with those two beasts, why would she come back now to here?

He looked at the porridge made by Xia Lan, and remembered that after his mother died in his previous life, he never tasted it again.

The prime minister's daughter had admired the fourth prince for many years, but the latter ignored him completely and turned around and married the daughter of General Shi, the arch-enemy of the prime minister's house.

Her past ten years had become a joke before this marriage.Thinking about it, she made it all by herself, so she can't blame others, but she was sad in her heart, her father, who always loved her, also blamed her daughter's shameless family, which made the prime minister's mansion lose face.She was fined to be confined in the mansion for three months.

Later, a serious illness almost killed her half, and it also smoothed her sharp edges and corners.

After recovering from illness, Xue Caibai moved to the current courtyard.He also gradually became estranged from the people in the mansion, but he was clean, but he never thought that there would be such a thing today.

Snow began to fall outside the window again, falling into the house from the unclosed window.

Xue Caibai remembered that when she first met Yan Yan, it was also such a snowy season. More than ten years had passed, but she remembered it clearly, as if it was yesterday.

That day, she climbed to the rockery to chase the cat that her mother brought back to the mansion.When she realized that she had reached a high place, Xue Caibai, who was only seven or eight years old at that time, was so frightened that she wanted to cry out on the rockery.

In the middle of winter, thick cotton coats are no longer enough to resist the cold, and the rockery is located in a remote place and few people come here.She was shivering from the cold wind above.

In the end, Yan Yan from his youth appeared. He looked up at her and said with a smile, "Come on, just jump down and I'll follow you."

She remembered that sentence for more than ten years.

Soon after that, Empress Ruan died of illness.Yan Yan went to the imperial mausoleum to observe filial piety for three years, but when she came back, she seemed to be a different person. She had never seen such a pure and bright smile when she first met.That was her first lover, she thought she might love him for the rest of her life, she never thought that the world is impermanent but life is short.

Seeing her like this, Xue Moqing knew in her heart that she must have remembered that incident again.Although it has been a year, it is still taboo in the mansion, no one dares to speak out in private.In this courtyard, Xue Caibai's food and clothing are not bad, but it is rare for him to play around with his brothers and sisters like before, and his temperament has become much more peaceful, which is different from the domineering and willful in the past.

He often heard his father say that Fourth Sister's temperament would be disadvantaged, but now that she has learned to be a little better, the price has been paid a bit higher.

The young man outside the door asked Qinghe to come in and pass the news, saying that the second wife was in a hurry to see the young master and asked the young master to go over quickly.

Xue Moqing then got up to say goodbye to Xue Caibai, Xue Caibai took the cloak that Qinghe handed over that was originally hanging on the screen and put it on for him, and carefully tied the ribbon around his neck, and then asked, "You also spend a lot of time on weekdays. Go to the second lady's house to see, no matter how dissatisfied with her, she is your biological mother after all, it's always better to get closer."

"It's useless for me to keep these things. You go first, and I'll send someone to your courtyard later. As for tomorrow's birthday gift, you can just pick one and give it to me. I won't go out to share with you tomorrow. You all joined in the fun, if someone else asks, they will say that I have contracted a cold and am bedridden to recuperate."

She paused, "Don't bring up the matter of Chen Shangshu in front of Dad, just pretend that you haven't heard of it, I have my own measure."

Seeing Xue Moqing walking away, Qinghe came forward, "Miss, go into the back room, it's cold outside."

Xue Caibai stood still, but chuckled, "Who would have known that the lawless Xue Caibai would have such a day, and I really made this day worse." The ending was drowned in the howling wind.

(End of this chapter)

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