Chapter 481

It was the midwinter season, and the yard was covered by heavy snow that fell all night last night, which turned out to be a different kind of beauty.

Xue Caibai loves the snow but is extremely afraid of the cold, unwilling to go out, so he orders his servants to light a charcoal fire and lazily lean on the couch.Looking out from afar with the window half open.The branches of the plum tree beside the courtyard wall zigzag and extend out of the wall, and the plum blossoms are half-bloomed, and the sporadic bright red against the white snow is a good sight.

The maid Qinghe pushed the door open and entered, bringing in a burst of coolness, which made Xue Caibai shiver.

Qing He walked up to her, rubbed her stiff hands from the cold, and said with a smile, "Miss, don't you really want to go out and have a look? The slaves see that there is a stage outside and they are busy, but it's busy, and it's tomorrow I want to congratulate Xiang Ye on his birthday."

Xue Caibai put down the hand stove that had lost its temperature, and asked softly, "Have you inquired about it, but mother has already returned home from the temple to pray for blessings?"

When asked about this, Qing He showed embarrassment for a moment, and it took a long time before she replied, "Master Xiang sent someone to pick him up a few days ago, but... it's just that Madam didn't want to go back to the house, saying that she wanted to live in the temple forever and serve the country. Pray."

Xue Caibai has never been close to his mother since he was a child, but it is not as good as other wives in the mansion.Later she annoyed her father and lost power, so she occasionally came to the courtyard to have a look at her.

He was talking but was interrupted by a crisp knock on the door, and the clear and clear voice of a young man came in from outside the door, "Fourth sister, are you in the room? I brought you a lot of interesting things."

The person who came was the son of the second wife in the mansion, named Xue Moqing, and he often came to Xue Caibai's place to chat with her to relieve boredom, and he was a rare casual person in this Xiangfu.

With Xue Caibai's permission, Qinghe hurriedly stepped forward and put down the latch. As soon as the door opened, several servants who followed Xue Moqing put down their things and retreated out.

Xue Caibai couldn't help laughing looking at the table full of things, "Could it be that Qing'er moved the whole shop back?"

Being teased, Xue Moqing put down the teacup in his hand and scratched his head embarrassingly, "It's my father's birthday, I think fourth sister, you don't want to bother with birthday gifts, so I'll go out early today to help you Find these things and come back, you can see if there is something suitable."

Xue Caibai picked up a handle of jadeite Ruyi and put it in his hand to play with. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Xue Moqing's hesitant expression, and knew that he must have something to say to her.

Then he found a way to send Qing He who was guarding aside.

Seeing that no one else was around, Xue Moqing calmed down and told the whole story, "Fourth sister, I saw Chen Shangshu coming to the house a few days ago, and I was curious to follow him to secretly listen to his conversation with daddy. He came to discuss you with daddy. dear."

Xue Caibai was startled, but he was a little at a loss, and reluctantly replied, "Isn't this Shangshu afraid that a stubborn person like me will defile his family's lintel?"

The hand holding Yu Ruyi couldn't stop shaking.If this matter was placed on the person she married Xue Caibai in the past, she must be the one she loved, but that was only in the past.Now, when the tea is cold, she is no longer sure what her prime minister father is thinking.

Since she was a child, she was smart and quick-witted, and was born of the eldest lady, so she was the only daughter in the family, so she was very popular with the people in the family.It is probably because of this that he has developed a savage temperament, and the more he grows up, the more lawless he becomes.

The fourth prince, who was a half-grown child at the time, fell in love with him with a single glance, and he pursued him desperately to get married. This pursuit lasted for nearly ten years, and everyone knew about it.

She waited and waited until the former four princes had become emperors over ten thousand.She thought that she could always wait until the day when she would put on the phoenix coronet and Xiapei for him, but what she never expected was the news of his marriage.

"Don't, don't treat me like this, Hao, don't treat me so cruelly." Nangong Hanbing couldn't help shaking his head.

"Nangong Hanbing! That's enough for you. Hao even said that he doesn't love you and wants to break up with you. Are you still stubbornly refusing to let go of it like a piece of bullshit plaster?" Pushed Nangong Hanbing.

Nangong Hanbing might as well be pushed to the ground.If in the past, with Nangong Hanbing's skill, who could push her?It's hard to break five with your fingers.

"Hehe, hahaha, because I'm poor, because I'm a commoner. Haha, because of this. Just because your Tang Mengya can give you money, so you're going to dump me, right?"


"Shut up! Oh, Xu Nianhao, I misjudged you. I'm poor, and I'm not as rich as you. Since you know I'm poor, why did you date me?" Tell him whether it is good or bad.

"I——I can only say I'm sorry." He was really wrong, if it wasn't for Ya'er, he might have been with Bing forever. "Let me ask you one last question, do you really want to break up with me?" Why did she still miss him even now.Such a man is not worthy of me at all.

"Let's break up." Xu Nianhao said

"Okay, very good, Xu Nianhao, heh, you are doing well, you better not regret losing me."

After that, Bing sealed her smile until she fell in love with him——Bai Ningxiao (he is not the male protagonist). He went to the United States years ago. Before he left, he told Bing that he would definitely come back in a year, but she waited. After two years, he still hasn't come back. She not only sealed her smile, but also her feelings!

Nangong Hanbing was about to confess her identity to Xu Nianhao that day, when Nangong Hanbing's cell phone rang, Nangong Hanbing saw that it was Xu Nianhao calling and quickly picked it up: "Hello? Is it Hao?" Xu Nianhao: "Yes Me, you come to the coffee shop, the one we often come to." Bing: "Oh, good!" Going happily, "Hao, I'm here." Bing is wearing a red knee-length skirt, and her hot figure is perfect It's all outlined.Shoulder-length burgundy hair draped lazily down her back.Seductive peach blossom eyes, plus slender eyelashes, a small but straight nose bridge.A cherry red lips.The slender legs stepped out of the car gracefully.

I have to say that Nangong Hanbing is really a fox!
"Bing..." Hao turned his head to look at Nangong Hanbing.No matter how many times we meet each other, every time I see Bing, I am amazed, and today is no exception.However, he did not notice that Nangong Hanbing today is different from usual.For example, Bing never took a taxi before, never wore such a famous brand skirt...

"Hao, tell her." Nangong Hanbing and Xu Nianhao looked at each other, completely ignoring the beautiful woman next to them.

Pretty?Not to mention, at most it is handsome.This is Nangong Hanbing's first reaction when he sees a woman, at least he won't be prettier than himself.

The woman looked Nangong Hanbing up and down, the jealousy in her eyes was obvious.No wonder Hao is reluctant to break up, but fortunately Hao is an ambitious person.Perhaps Hao also knew that this woman was just a skin, with no identity at all.That's why he agreed to associate with him so quickly, and got rid of Nangong Hanbing.

"Rui, what's the matter?" Nangong Hanbing approached Xu Nianhao, the faint fragrance of his body surrounded Xu Nianhao's nose.He nodded slightly and smiled at the woman next to him who was looking at him with fire in his eyes.She smiled provocatively... It seems that this woman regards herself as a rival in love.

The woman was slightly taken aback when she saw the provocation in Nangong Hanbing's eyes.

"Han, let's break up." Xu Nianhao said straight to the point.He really felt a little bit reluctant, after all, he was cold-hearted, and the beautiful woman in front of him had been with him for two years.It would be a lie to say you don't love it. "You, what did you say?" Nangong Hanbing said in a trembling voice.

"Han, I..."

(End of this chapter)

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