Chapter 482

Shangguan Yi yelled at the unknown object in front of him: "Murong Xue, get up!" Murong Xue: "Yi, you are just letting me sleep for a while!" Shangguan Yi: "You are not getting up..." Yi Yi With a wicked smile, Xue already thought of what it was.Yi started counting to "three", and before "two" Yi could count to one, Xue began to yell, "Ah! Shang! Officer! Yi! How dare you eat my breakfast!" Xue remembered the last time she stayed in bed Yi ate her own (meaning Xue) breakfast.

Shangguan Yi shouted while running: "Bing, save me!" Bing was recalling something, but was interrupted by the two of them!She is very helpless!Bing: "Quiet!" Bing said in a tone thousands of degrees below zero, and Yihexue immediately became quiet.Bing said again: "Go back to China today!" Xue: "Okay! Go back to China!" Yi said with this disgusted look: "Go out and don't say I know you!" Xue said angrily: "Shangguan Yi!" Bing: "tidy!"

(Mo: Bing! You really cherish words like gold! Bing: You didn’t write them! Mo: Hehe, I forgot!) Xue and Yi went to clean up immediately! ——Xue at the domestic airport, "Let's get on the plane!" Yi said flatly, but she was already very happy inside. "Yeah," Xue replied coldly.Lan silently followed behind the two of them without making a sound.They sit in the plane, sleep and sleep, play with mobile phones, and listen to songs.

In this way, after realizing it, I took the plane absent-mindedly and came to China after a 13-hour journey. ——China Airport "Huh! It's finally here." Xue, who had been following them all along, spoke. "Yeah" Yihe agreed.As soon as they got off the plane, they became the focus of everyone. (Mo: Three MMs who are overwhelmed by the country! How can people ignore them? Bing, Yi, Xue: Get lost. Mo: ...)
"Wow! Who are they? They are so beautiful!" Cao Chi A said.

"Yes, they are so beautiful. If one of them is my girlfriend, I will definitely die of happiness." Cao Chi B said while drooling, and the stomachs of the three MMs were churning.

"Don't be a toad and want to eat swan meat, look at you..." Ignore 1000 entries below...

The three MMs directly ignored them, walked to a brand-name car, stopped, squinted at the housekeeper next to them, and got on the car after paying attention. "Let's drive," Yi said to the housekeeper. "Yes" the housekeeper replied and drove away, while the people on the airport did not take their eyes off the direction of the car that just drove away.

The ancient Big Ben rang twelve times, proving that the darkest hour of the day had begun, and a series of illusory or solid figures came out of the darkness.

As the night fell, they no longer needed to disguise, and the sound of smirking and talking spread out. The strange thing was that there was no one on the street, and the occasional passing cars didn't seem to hear any strange sounds in the air.

"Da da da da" seems to be a woman's high-heeled shoes on the bluestone board, but there is a bloody smell. Jiu Leng is sitting on the stool in front of the window. There is no light in the room, all relying on the moonlight outside the window. Can make people see the surrounding environment clearly.

The delicate childlike face has a cold arc, and the snow-white skin has no human color or vitality. Jiu Leng raised his eyelids. It was obviously a casual movement, but Jiu Leng made an extremely noble and glamorous move, with natural contempt and proud.

The door of the shop was automatic with no wind, and the sound of rattling became clearer and clearer. A pair of red high-heeled shoes appeared in the shop. The place where the shoes walked seemed to carry the smell of rotting flesh and blood. It was the smell of corpses, which came from the dead The breath that came out smelled of rotten flesh and white bones.

Jiu Leng frowned slightly, and waved his hand in displeasure. Those red high-heeled shoes looked like soldiers who had been ordered by the general. He quickened his pace and ran all the way to the bookcase on the first floor. He jumped hard and turned into a wisp of blue smoke. Disappeared in place.

"Meow~" A black cat vigorously jumped onto the table in front of Jiu Leng, raised its head and licked Jiu Leng's hand, and after getting some kind of acquiescence, it crawled along Jiu Leng's arm to his shoulder and lay down like a cat. It's a black scarf.

And on the wall illuminated by the faint moonlight, two vague shadows of a man and a woman stood out!

"Hundred ghosts at night, really good." Jiu Leng looked out of the window, and said coldly after a while, like a doll without a trace of emotion.

"Night is not a human world after all." The black cat raised its head and looked at the strange figures outside the window.

For thousands of years, human beings and non-human beings have followed a customary system. Sunlight and daylight belong to human beings, while night and moonlight belong to all non-human beings. The two parallel worlds may only be recognized at the junction of dusk. Someone with predestined relationship has spotted a trace.

And between heaven and earth, there are always all kinds of people who have great opportunities to spy on the night world, and among these human beings, there is a desire to protect human beings, and human bodies carry non-human spiritual power, from which There are countless warlocks and celestial masters of all kinds.

"There will be guests coming tomorrow. Remember to release Qingchen from the warehouse. That's his fate." Jiu Leng reached out and waved his hand on the glass of the window. The original noisy voice disappeared instantly, and even some evil spirits walked away. The resentment left on the glass is also erased.

"Zi Miao, can't you set up a barrier?" Jiu Leng looked at it for a while and was a little annoyed by the dirty glass!
The black cat named Zimiao stood up, and a golden light flowed through the different-colored pupils. It seemed that there was something huge outside the shop suddenly descending on the roof, exuding terrifying pressure, and the illusory figure was captured The mist-wrapped creature was so overwhelmed that it wished it could be as far away from the shop as possible.

"Still sleeping?" Zimiao yawned and said, yawning with a cat's body is really cute, but it's a pity that Jiu Leng is not in the mood to appreciate cute things at all.

"Human flesh and blood, an unpleasant taste."

"It's rare for her to go out, you know, she never attacks ordinary people, she only attacks the most vicious people." Zi Miao said, lying on Jiu Leng's neck, rubbing Jiu Leng.

"If that's not the case, I will definitely throw her out." Jiu Leng carried Zimiao up to the second floor. The entire second floor is Jiu Leng and Zimiao's personal space. Everything here is frozen by the two of them. Time is here The role of Jiazhu is minimal.

Here, as long as Jiu Leng and Zi Miao think, whether it is the stars, the sea or the sun and the moon, they can appear with their thoughts, but for them, this is just a home, which belongs to each other's home.

The second floor is divided into different small spaces, which can only be entered with the consent of Jiu Leng or Zi Miao. On the surface, the second floor is just an antique bedroom. The extravagant gold and black form a wonderful beauty. On Huali's desk, the four treasures of the study have a sense of history, and in the wardrobe, which is four people wide and two high, most of them are Jiulen's clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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