The glory of the king

Chapter 486 Itchy Hands

Chapter 486 Itchy Hands
A general led the way, but Peasley was still absent-minded in his seat.

Ximen Buhuo saw the young man's impatience, smiled and said to the others: "Let's stop here for today's meeting, but all units still need to strengthen their precautions, whether it is sea, land, air, or even underground."

The generals led the way.

This time when the war in the south broke out, although Ximen Buhuo retired from his old age and returned to his hometown, he was reactivated by the lord to lead the war in the south.

After all, with Ximen Buhuo's prestige, the army's obedience is still very high.Moreover, Ximen Buhuo had also fought on the battlefield earlier, and he had very rich battlefield experience.

At this time, the country was in a difficult situation, and Ximen Buhuo did not refuse, and he was appointed General Yunan to lead the entire army!

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet your parents. Your absent-minded look is annoying." Ximen Buhuo stood up and said with a smile.

Peasley shook his head: "If your granddaughter is in danger, I believe you will not be much calmer than me."

Ximen smiled indifferently without confusion, and seemed to empathize with him. He led Pisley straight out of the city and headed towards Fanhai City in the east.

Sitting on Peasley's [Speedy Flying Carpet], Ximen Buhuan's eyes shone with astonishment.

"Your flying carpet is a good thing. It's perfect for traveling. And this energy fluctuation... Hey, it's actually a diamond-level baby!"

Peasley glanced at Ximen Buzhu, and said lightly: "I only have such a piece of diamond equipment, don't try to draw attention to it."

Ximen was not confused and smiled: "Don't dare, you are a person with the power of a king. Do I dare to have any thoughts about the king's things?"

Peasley didn't pay attention to the other party, but Ning Xuan secretly smiled, and then the three of them rushed towards Fanhai City at a faster speed.

Fanhai City is located in the east of Liangyuan City, and is also close to Dajiang.It's just that the river here has a fault as high as more than ten meters, which directly forms a large waterfall. The water flow is extremely turbulent, like rolling waves, so it is called Overturning the Sea.

Even a huge ship cannot drive nearby, and if it is not careful, it will be washed away by the rapids, fall into the waterfall, and the ship will be destroyed.

So there are not too many troops deployed here.

Peasley and Ximen Buhuo flew directly to the west gate of Fanhai City before stopping. The guards at the gate saw Ximen Buhuo and didn't let them in directly. Instead, they respectfully invited them into the city after verifying their identities. .

When Peasley saw a middle-aged man holding a book and a beautiful woman sitting on a chair doing embroidery in a quiet courtyard of the city lord's mansion, his heart that had been hanging on him fell heavily.

The middle-aged man and the beautiful woman were also stunned when they saw the black-haired boy.Then the man smiled, while the woman's eyes were red, and she almost threw herself into her son's arms without holding back!
However, after seeing the city lord Ximen following behind Pisley, they restrained their emotions and saluted Ximen respectfully without confusion.

Ximen Buhuo waved his hands: "You two don't need to be too polite. Your son has deep filial piety, crying and begging the Lord to bring him to meet his parents. Haha, the Lord will not bother you, so I will leave first."

After saying this, Ximen Buhuo hurriedly left under Pisley's icy gaze.

Tao Tiantian stood beside her husband, silently looking at her son.

Peasley turned around, looked at his mother's teary face, scratched the back of his head with a wry smile, and said, "It's only been a few months since I saw you this time, so there's no need to cry, right?"

When Tao Tiantian heard the words, he suddenly felt afraid, his mouth trembled, and tears flowed down silently.

Pisley was startled, stepped forward quickly, held his mother's hand, wiped her tears, and said with a smile:
"I'm joking with you! Don't cry, I heard the news about your son, but he ran back desperately."

Li Ting on the side nodded and said: "You guys came back really fast, a month faster than what your mother and I expected!"

When Tao Tiantian heard the words, he immediately noticed that his son and daughter-in-law were all in the dust, as if they had traveled for a long time, and their faces were a little hungry.

She squeezed her son's face, looked at Ning Xuan again, suppressed crying, and said while sobbing:
"Your father and I are fine. On the first day of the war, other people did not evacuate. Your father and I were taken here by the Lord Ximen. We have been eating and drinking. You should know that we will be fine. Why are you so anxious..."

Although Tao Tiantian said so, he was very happy and moved in his heart.

Peasley smiled and said, "I couldn't eat or sleep until I saw you were safe. Only when I see you now can I eat well and sleep soundly..."

Having said this, Peasley's stomach suddenly growled.And it seemed that there was a chain reaction, and Ning Xuan's stomach also made a slight noise, which made the girl blush immediately.

Tao Tiantian chuckled, then immediately walked into the kitchen to cook for his son and his prospective daughter-in-law himself.

After the family happily finished their meal, Peasley went to sleep.And because Ning Xuan slept in Pisley's arms during the day, she washed the dishes with Tao Tiantian and talked about what she had seen and heard in the past few months.

After learning that his son had scolded his prospective daughter-in-law in order to hurry, Tao Tiantian scolded Pisley, but his heart was as sweet as honey.

Her son has been sensible since he was a child, and now that he has grown up, even though he hasn't seen him for ten years, he still cares about her and Li Ting, which really makes her feel happy.

This time, Peasley didn't have a good rest all day because of the rush.So for this sleep, he slept for two full days and two nights, and he was able to sweep away the tiredness of several months.

When he opened his eyes, he found that there was something soft and elastic on the back of his head. He stood up and looked, only to find that he was pillowed on Ning Xuan's lap.

Seeing the young man woke up, Ning Xuan said with a smile, "Master, he slept so deeply that he hasn't turned over for two days and two nights."

Peasley rubbed his hair with a smile, then stretched again, got dressed under Ning Xuan's service, and after eating, he and Ning Xuan walked to the courtyard together.

The City Lord's Mansion of Fanhai City has housed many important people. Tao Tiantian and Li Ting would not have lived here if it wasn't for their son.

This courtyard can be regarded as a pretty good place in the city lord's mansion. It is unique, elegant and quiet, and Tao Tiantian and the others are very satisfied with it.

At this moment Li Ting was sitting at the stone table wiping the [Tang Lin Sword], while Tao Tiantian was still embroidering something.

Seeing his son coming out of the room, Li Ting smiled and brightened the sharp sword in his hand, and said, "Since I got this sword, I haven't used it once. It really makes my father's hands itch."

(End of this chapter)

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