Chapter 487

Peasley said with a smile: "Then do you want your son to accompany you through two tricks?"

A flash of excitement flashed in Li Ting's eyes, and he stood up eagerly, but was glared at by Tao Tiantian, and quickly sat back resentfully.

"It's rare for my son to come back. Do you have to use a sword?" Tao Tiantian said while lowering his head and biting the thread with his teeth.

Peasley looked at the sachet in his mother's hand and said with a smile, "Did Sister Tao embroider this for your son?"

Tao Tiantian rolled his eyes at the young man: "It wasn't for you, it was embroidered by your sister and my future daughter-in-law."

After finishing speaking, Tao Tiantian waved to Ning Xuan.

Ning Xuan's pretty face flushed, and she secretly glanced at the boy.

Pisley said with a wry smile: "Isn't your prospective daughter-in-law Xiaohe?"

Tao Tiantian looked at his son, and his expression became serious: "Although Xiaohe's mother likes it very much, after all, she has been away for many years and has no news. Compared with her, isn't the person in front of you more worthy of cherishing?"

Ning Xuan looked at Tao Tiantian, then at Pisley, then lowered her head and said, "Xuan'er is just the son's concubine, and is not qualified to be your daughter-in-law."

Tao Tiantian took the girl's little hand and said softly:

"What kind of concubine is not a concubine? In my eyes, you are a rare and good girl. Also, don't pamper him, scold him from time to time, and take a little temper with him, otherwise he will not be able to float to the sky." go!"

After hearing this, Pisley and Li Ting looked at each other, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

Tao Tiantian embroidered three sachets in total, one for Ning Xuan and two for Pisley.

The beautiful little woman showed worry again and said: "If your sister can be here, even if the war continues, our family will be reunited."

Peasley was silent for a moment, before he opened his mouth and said: "Actually, when I come back this time, I want to ask you if you are willing to go to the Tang Kingdom with me. This way, Dad's wish can be fulfilled, and you can avoid the troubles of Huang Quanguo." The war can also allow me to find news about my sister..."

As soon as Peasley said this, Li Ting's eyes brightened, but he still suppressed his excitement and looked at his wife.

But Tao Tiantian showed a hesitant look on his face, and said, "It's just that the border war is starting now, I'm afraid the Lord Ximen may not allow you to leave."

Peasley also nodded when he heard the words: "That old fox will probably find an excuse for me to stay and help him... But no matter what, it's not safe to stay at the border.

The state of Chu doesn't know what the hell they're planning. We're in a very passive situation now. We don't know when the border will be breached. When the time comes, the army will overwhelm the border. If we want to retreat to the north, it may be too late.

If Ximen Buhuo really wants me to stay, then I will stay, let Xuan'er accompany you to go north, first to the capital to be determined, and when I find time to meet you, we will go to Tang country. "

Hearing the unquestionable tone in his son's tone, Tao Tiantian knew that they had to leave here no matter what.The reason why she hesitated was because she was still concerned about the small courtyard of their house.

Although that place is not so gorgeous and open, but after all, it is a place where I have lived for decades, and it is still very emotional, and there is special meaning everywhere.

Pisley saw Tao Tiantian's thoughts, and said with a smile: "If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. If the war is over, it won't be too late to come back. If the war breaks in, even if you stay at home, you won't be able to live there." Be at ease.

I haven’t left my hometown for so many years, so this period of time is regarded as a trip, isn’t it good to see the outside world and relax? "

Tao Tiantian pondered for a moment, finally nodded heavily, and then showed a joyful smile.

Li Ting, who was at the side, couldn't help getting up after seeing his wife nodding, hugged his wife, and slapped her on the face.

Tao Tiantian's pretty face was flushed, and she punched Li Ting again and again, and said coquettishly, "The children are here, don't kiss and touch!"

Peasley and Ning Xuan looked at each other with a smile, and turned their backs knowingly.

After chatting with my parents for a long time, a sudden knock on the door interrupted their laughter.

Ning Xuan opened the door, and a man with the appearance of a knight walked in, cupped his hands at Peasley and said, "Sir, King Arthur invites you to go to Liangyuan City to discuss matters, the army of Chu State is attacking again!"

Everyone present was startled, and Peasley also got up from his chair and looked at the flustered crowd.He looked at Ning Xuan, took out five Azure Dragon Coins from the system, handed them over and said:

"Don't panic, Xuan'er is going to buy carriages and daily necessities, father and mother, you pack your bags and prepare to go. If anyone dares to stop you, you should say that Li Spee made you leave.

I will go and make it clear to City Lord Ximen, you can go north without worry, and be careful when I am away! "

Everyone nodded, Ning Xuan took a step forward, and said softly: "My lord, you must also be careful, keep the green hills, and you won't be afraid that there will be no firewood..."

Peasley smiled knowingly: "Don't worry, I'm still reluctant to say goodbye to you forever, so naturally I won't risk my life."

After saying this, Peasley and the knight left in a hurry.

At this moment, on the great river, the sound of horns resounded, and countless giant ships in the south of the great river began to slowly move towards the north, like a huge plank rushing towards the north, with great momentum!
On the north bank of the river, Ximen Buhuo stood shoulder to shoulder with Arthur at an altitude of tens of meters, looking at the darkness in the south.

Ximen Buhuo remained expressionless, and said calmly: "This time is different from the last time. The last time was a small test, but this time it is a big one!"

Arthur nodded: "Nearly half of the troops have been dispatched this time, so it can be regarded as an official war."

Ximen Buhuo's expression became more and more serious: "Why was the attack delayed for more than a month, and what did the other party do in this more than a month?"

Arthur shook his head: "Across a big river, the information we can get is really limited. But..."

Uncle Huang Fa suddenly showed a smile: "I, Huang Quanguo, am not a sheep at the mercy of others. Our troops are not much weaker than the opponent's, and as the defensive side, we naturally have an advantage. I don't believe they can break through ours." Line of defense!"

Simon Buhuo was affected by Arthur's emotions, and smiled calmly: "How is your Paladin's ability to fight at sea?"

Arthur nodded confidently: "My knights are all elites among the elites, who are good at fighting in various terrains, and facing soldiers composed of ordinary people, one can fight a hundred, which can be regarded as an army of ten thousand people. !"

When Ximen heard the words, his confidence became more and more high, like a treasured sword that had been hidden for many years, ready to be unsheathed at any time!
(End of this chapter)

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